Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 691 Nvidia was sold, but Nanshan Semiconductor did not lose

Chapter 691 Nvidia was sold, but Nanshan Semiconductor did not lose

[Nanshan Semiconductor and Honor Mobile Defendants]

[Honor mobile phones are prohibited from being sold in the US market]

[Qualcomm seeks compensation for US$15 billion from Honor mobile phones]

[Nanshan Semiconductor infringes Qualcomm patents]


As soon as many Chinese people go to work, turn on their computers or smartphones and take a casual look at the news, they will find that these things have quickly become hot searches.

Different people naturally have different reactions to this news.

As the exclusive OEM manufacturer of Honor mobile phones, BYD is also very concerned about this matter.

"Mr. Cao, there are so many things happening in the United States at once, I think there must be a conspiracy."

Wang Fu personally called Cao Yang to discuss the matter.

On the one hand, it must be an expression of concern for Nanshan Group.

On the other hand, I also want to further understand the actual impact of this matter on Nanshan Group.

After all, BYD is currently preparing for the OEM of Honor mobile phones, which will sell 1000 million mobile phones per month.

"Whenever Chinese companies make technological progress, those foreign giants will make various moves."

"When we purchased the TBM from Germany, one of them cost several hundred million yuan."

"When a company in China breaks through the shield machine technology, the price in Germany will immediately drop."

"In the past, when we couldn't produce large-scale five-axis CNC machine tools ourselves, we spent 100 million to find someone to buy one, but no one would sell it."

"Now you can buy it for tens of millions, and people even come to you to sell it door-to-door."

"The same is true for the CNC system of machine tools, and there are many other cases like this."

"Even some products that were prohibited from sale disappeared after our company mastered the relevant technology."

"Chips have always been China's bottleneck, and the current import amount has actually exceeded crude oil imports."

"Now Nanshan Semiconductor is not only rapidly catching up with international mainstream chip technology, but it can also produce its own equipment."

"This must have touched the core interests of those chip giants."

"So it's normal for people to use all kinds of intrigues."

Cao Yang's indifferent attitude made Wang Fu feel a little relieved.

At least this matter should still be controllable and will not cause Nanshan Group to panic.

"It's true. I was born in technology."

"Before BYD produced lithium batteries, any lithium battery used in a mobile phone cost several hundred yuan."

"And once we were able to produce, the price immediately dropped significantly."

"Chips are a more sensitive field than lithium batteries. Qualcomm companies can make such high profits every year because of their technological advantages."

"If this advantage is broken by Nanshan Group, they will not have a good life in the future."

"However, the methods they used this time were still very vicious."

"There are many influential people behind those giants. They may really be able to make it impossible for Honor phones to be sold in the United States."

Wang Fu is obviously most concerned about the situation of Honor mobile phones.

After all, BYD now has the closest relationship with Honor mobile phones.

"This is indeed a problem. It is very likely that Honor mobile phones will be difficult to sell in the United States in the future."

"However, the current sales volume in the United States accounts for less than 5% of our overall sales volume, which is basically negligible."

At this moment, Cao Yang was a little lucky that Xingchen Motors' sales in the United States were entrusted to Ford Motor Company.

If Nanshan Group does it on its own, it is likely that a lot of things will happen by then.

That loss may be huge.

"That's true. The main sales of Honor mobile phones are now in China."

"However, the approach of the United States will more or less affect the expansion of Honor mobile phone's overseas business."

"I think it still needs to be taken seriously."

"In the future, as long as Nanshan Semiconductor can produce the chips used by BYD Group, we will let Nanshan Semiconductor produce them."

"BYD Nanshan Semiconductor, which the two parties cooperate with, can also further develop and grow."

Having said so much, Wang Fu must also express his support.

Otherwise, what is the sincerity?

BYD's foundry currently has more than 50,000 employees.

Many people here exist because of the OEM production of Honor mobile phones.

Now that Nokia has collapsed, if the Honor mobile phone also collapses, BYD's OEM business will definitely be severely damaged.

This is a result Wang Fu cannot accept.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your support."

"Nanshan Group's support for the semiconductor business will not stop due to various restrictions in the United States."

"On the contrary, we will invest more manpower and material resources to develop semiconductor technology."

"Now we are just catching up with the international advanced level. In the next step, we will slowly lead the international level."

"At that time, even if they want to choke us, they will have no choice."

“They will even come to us for cooperation.”

Cao Yang is relatively clear about the practices of American capitalists.

When you can't do it, I will definitely think of ways to take advantage of you.

When you do it, your attitude will immediately change.

And once your skills become more powerful, you will start to think of ways to bring you to the poker table, and everyone will discuss the cards together.

"In the past few years, Nanshan Equipment has continued to invest a lot of money in chip production equipment and other various equipment. Now it seems that it is indeed very necessary."

"Mr. Cao, some of the equipment in our battery production line was imported from Japan and the United States. Later, I will arrange for someone to communicate with Nanshan Equipment to see if we can find some cooperation opportunities."

Although the competitive relationship between BYD Battery and Nanshan Battery is quite obvious, the relationship between BYD and Nanshan Group is more about cooperation than competition.

The battery processing equipment of Nanshan Equipment is more advanced and cheaper. In this case, Wang Fu is still willing to purchase it from Nanshan Group.

"There will definitely be opportunities for cooperation."

"All products of Nanshan Equipment are open to domestic manufacturers, even the equipment currently in mass production of Nanshan Batteries is no exception."

Cao Yang wants to make Nanshan Equipment bigger and stronger.

In this case, we must not be too self-conscious, otherwise other companies will have a lot of worries in their hearts.

After all, no one wants to be completely stuck by Nanshan equipment one day.

This kind of thing is not impossible to happen.

After ending the call with Wang Fu, Cao Yang's phone calls didn't stop for a quarter of an hour.

Many domestic partners have called us to express concern about this issue.

Even at the press conference of the Lifan Yuan, the spokesperson expressed China's support for Nanshan Group on this matter.

We hope that the United States can provide a fair and just operating environment for all companies.

However, in the face of absolute interests, the actions of those in the United States will never stop.

Soon, the case that Nanshan Semiconductor had to sell Nvidia's shares was ruled.

"Mr. Cao, there are already investment institutions on Wall Street contacting us."

"They are willing to buy all the shares at the price Nanshan Semiconductor paid for Nvidia before."

"I know this condition is definitely unreasonable, but some people may have more underground methods. Selling the shares before they have no use for lower-level methods may be a more appropriate choice."

As the CEO of Nvidia, Huang Jiansheng naturally wanted to call Cao Yang to communicate at this time.

In recent years, his position at Nvidia has not been greatly challenged.

In addition to arranging some personnel to enter core technical positions, and then these people are now switching jobs to Nanshan Semiconductor one after another, he does not feel that the company has suffered any losses.

Even because of the acquisition of Nanshan Semiconductor, Nvidia easily weathered the financial crisis.

Today's stock price has increased several times compared with the original price.

Of course, this also means that the investment institutions on Wall Street easily stole billions of dollars in benefits from Nanshan Semiconductor just by relying on these methods.

After all, if NVIDIA is sold at normal prices, the price can definitely reach three to five billion US dollars.

"Mr. Huang, are you interested in joining Nanshan Semiconductor?"

Although he knew that the possibility was very low, Cao Yang was still ready to give it a try.

If NVIDIA's technical talents can be emptied, then even if NVIDIA's shares are given to Wall Street for free, so what?

However, it is obvious that the feasibility of this plan is very low.

If it is internal strife between American companies, then this kind of operation may still happen.

Now that Wall Street and Chinese companies are fighting, the situation is different.

"Mr. Cao, I'm very sorry. My family is here and we are used to life here."

Huang Jiansheng politely declined Cao Yang's invitation.

However, he immediately said: "The technical staff that Nanshan Semiconductor arranged to join NVIDIA can now leave immediately as long as they are willing."

"The company can provide them with liquidated damages in accordance with normal dismissal packages."

Huang Jiansheng's doing this can be regarded as returning a favor to Nanshan Semiconductor.

But compared with the potential loss, this favor is worthless.

Of course, Cao Yang also knew that this matter had nothing to do with Huang Jiansheng.

In essence, it is determined by the hegemony and strength of the United States.

"Mr. Huang, I will arrange for someone to communicate with you, and then we will further discuss the relevant details with potential investors."

"I hope we can still have some technical cooperation in the future."

Some struggles are meaningless. Cao Yang knows that no party in the United States will allow Nanshan Semiconductor to continue to hold Nvidia.

So sell what needs to be sold.

However, in the past few years, many of Nvidia's technologies have been mastered by Nanshan Semiconductor.

Although it is sold now, it is not a loss for Nanshan Semiconductor.

It’s just that I don’t earn that much.

After ending the call with Huang Jiansheng, Cao Yangli immediately called Zhang Jing over. "Mr. Zhang, Nanshan Semiconductor will immediately set up a department to be responsible for the development of GPU-related parts originally studied by Nvidia."

"We don't have to be polite to use the patents that Nvidia previously authorized to Nanshan Semiconductor, we can just use them."

Cao Yang naturally knows how bright Nvidia's future is.

Nanshan Semiconductor will definitely not miss this market.

After acquiring Nvidia, Cao Yang naturally did not do anything.

All NVIDIA patents have been licensed to Nanshan Semiconductor for use at a more appropriate price.

Some contracts signed by both parties even provide relatively high default conditions.

Therefore, if NVIDIA cancels the authorization later, the liquidated damages will be a sky-high figure.

The most important thing is that some bugs were deliberately left in the contract. Even if Nvidia really loses money and breaks the contract, Nanshan Semiconductor still has some clauses that can be used to deal with it.

It can be said that this can be regarded as the backup plan left by Cao Yang in advance.

After all, he also knew that if Nvidia really became one of the top chip companies in the United States, it would be absolutely impossible for Huaxia Company to control it.

"Mr. Cao, don't you think the business ethics in America are very unethical?"

"We obviously didn't do anything wrong, but it ended up like this."

Zhang Jing also knew why Cao Yang arranged for him to do those actions.

Obviously, the situation in the United States has reached a point where Nanshan Group cannot change it.

Otherwise Cao Yang wouldn't have arranged it this way.

Zhang Jing is very clear about the changes in Nvidia's market value. Now that it is forced to sell at a low price, the loss will definitely be huge.

Although Cao Yang has used many methods to prevent similar things from happening in advance, it is difficult to completely avoid losses no matter how preventive they are.

"Americans only talk to you about business ethics when they want to."

"If the rules are good for them, they follow them. If the rules are not good for them, they don't follow them."

"As for whether we have done anything wrong? In their opinion, of course we have."

"We broke their monopoly on high-end chip technology, and broke the monopoly of ASML and other manufacturers on chip production equipment."

"It affects their bottom line, hence today's result."

Although Cao Yang was also very unhappy, he was thinking about how to take revenge.

But there is obviously no point in losing your temper at this time.

The higher the position, the more important the ability to control emotions sometimes becomes.

"This is definitely a very bad start. Even the Lifanyuan has spoken out, but it's of no use."

"I think we still need to communicate this matter with the relevant departments and remind them that similar things, or even more egregious things, may happen in the future."

"We hope that relevant departments can introduce more policies to support the development of the domestic semiconductor industry."

"We are already the second largest economy in the world. Under such circumstances, if chips are still imported in large quantities, it will definitely be very detrimental to industrial development."

Zhang Jing felt that this matter must not be left alone.

That's really a shame for myself and the company.

He is now an academician of both academies and his influence is not small.

He has already realized the relevant influence in industrial software before, and naturally hopes to further exert this influence in the future.

"This is naturally possible. I believe other domestic manufacturers will feel sad when they see this situation."

"By then our chips should have the opportunity to be further promoted to many customers."

"At the same time, Nanshan Equipment's chip processing equipment should be able to be adopted by more customers."

"In a way, that's not necessarily a bad thing."

"If the United States does not force us, perhaps the development speed of the domestic semiconductor industry will not be accelerated."

"Now that there is such a fuss, many aspiring manufacturers will probably start to become wary."

Cao Yang's words were not simply to comfort himself.

It is now 2011, and many international situations have not officially worsened.

While there is still time, everyone should develop some things that are bottlenecks, and perhaps the final harvest will be greater.

So although Nanshan Semiconductor was forced to sell Nvidia, it cannot be simply understood as a huge failure.

As if to confirm Cao Yang's statement, when the news spread that Nanshan Semiconductor was forced to sell Nvidia, Warwick was the first to react.

Xu Jun once again came to Nanshan Group in person to talk with Cao Yang and Zhang Jing.

"Mr. Cao, from now on all Huawei HiSilicon chips will be manufactured by Nanshan Semiconductor."

"Then we also hope that both parties can expand cooperation in wafer factories, chip processing, packaging and testing factories."

Xu Jun and Cao Yang chatted for a while and then got into the topic.

As the communications company with the strongest technical strength in China, Warwick has also been developing very fast overseas in recent years, which has severely beaten its competitors.

Moreover, Warwick has not only accumulated a lot of related patented technologies in 3G and 4G, but has also invested a large number of personnel in technology research and development in 5G.

At that time, the conflict with international giants will definitely become more and more serious, and it will continue to stimulate the nerves of many people.

Therefore, we also held discussions within Warwick and felt that this matter needed attention.

The problems that Nanshan Group is encountering now are likely to be the problems that Warwick will encounter tomorrow.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, for your support. Warwick's market share in the communications field is constantly increasing. I think sooner or later, the United States will find it intolerable to your development."

"So various means such as cutting off supply and banning market entry are likely to be used."

"Even some more extreme things can happen."

For Warwick's support, Cao Yang naturally reciprocated the favor and prepared to remind Warwick in advance to make some preparations.

However, if the chip problem is solved, then Warwick will be stuck in a lot less places.

It is possible that many problems will have less impact than during the same period in history.

"It's true. Those large companies in the West have enjoyed the dividends of technological advantages for so many years, but now they can't stand it even if they are slightly affected, and they just flip the table."

"This incident has had a huge impact on us. When dealing with these people in the future, we need to be fully vigilant about various things."

Within Warwick, changes in various internal processes and technologies have always been made based on benchmarking against international giants.

In his view, the spirit of contract is very important.

But now he has discovered that the purpose of the contract is to destroy it.

Especially for the strong, the contract has no binding force at all.

This is simply a restraint on the weak.

"Be prepared for a rainy day. I think Warwick also needs to rehearse internally how it will respond if it is subject to similar sanctions or is not allowed to use some software or chip patents."

"These things may seem far away, but maybe they will happen in the future."

Cao Yang continued to emphasize this point.

This actually made Xu Jun pay more attention to it.

Arrange for someone to discuss it and then come up with countermeasures.

It seems that this matter really needs to be put on the agenda.


The Internet in China is very lively these days, and the fact that Nanshan Semiconductor was forced to sell Nvidia at a low price was also exposed online.

At the same time, Honor Mobile’s official lawsuit against Apple mobile phone has also become a hot search topic.

As for the fact that Apple used various means to jam Honor phones in the United States, there are various reports online whether true or false.

The marketing account that Zeng Tingting arranged to maintain before was fully utilized this time.

Apple's reputation in China has suddenly deteriorated.

Originally, the iPhone 4S was not as good as the HONOR 3, but now something like this has happened again, and the sales of Apple mobile phones have plummeted immediately.

After all, it’s no longer time for Apple phones to kill everyone in the world.

Honor mobile phones have taken the lead, which has seriously affected Apple's development.

"Mr. Wang, Nanshan Group has the title of 'Nanshan Pizza Hut'. We are likely to lose this appearance infringement case."

Lin Rong expressed her concerns very worriedly.

As the sales director of Apple China, she is responsible for the sales of Apple mobile phones.

If the entire smartphone market is booming, but the sales of Apple mobile phones in China plummet, then her position under the butt will also be unstable.

Even if the company doesn't fire her, it will affect her bonus.

You must know that many European and American companies attach great importance to performance results, unlike Japanese companies and Chinese state-owned companies that like to eat from a big pot.

"We did not copy the appearance of Honor mobile phones, at most we borrowed some design elements."

"So even if the case fails, the sentence will not be very serious."

"We can delay the trial of this case for a longer time by making appeals step by step."

"At least until our iPhone 5 is launched, there will be no product ban."

"On the contrary, the negative comments about us on the Internet will more directly affect mobile phone sales."

Wang Ziming is obviously not very worried about the failure of the lawsuit. This was already discussed internally when the Apple mobile phone was launched. He only needs to respond step by step according to the originally discussed response method.

But now that sales have plummeted, he is even more worried about how to restore the situation.

"We have never advertised before, because that way the relationship with various media would not be good."

"I think we can apply for a special batch of publicity expenses from the headquarters to deal with the current situation?"

Many times, many things need to be solved by spending money.

This Internet public opinion offensive can obviously be alleviated if Apple Mobile has prepared enough funds.

Lin Rong was also clear about this.

That's why she came to Wang Ziming to apply for funding.

"The situation this time is a little different. The headquarters should be able to agree to this budget."

"You first contact some advertising companies and let them take action first."

Wang Ziming thought for a while and quickly agreed to Lin Rong's proposal.

The sharp decline in Apple mobile phone sales has reached a point that he cannot ignore.

(End of this chapter)

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