Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 692: Top support, China’s attitude is clearly visible

Chapter 692: Top support, China’s attitude is clear at a glance

When the boss fights with the second child, sometimes the third child will be killed directly.

But when the second child and the third child fight, the boss will stand by and laugh happily.

In the smartphone industry, looking at the world, Samsung is the leader, Apple is the second, and Honor mobile phones are only the third.

Of course, if it is placed in the Chinese market, then Honor mobile phones will be first, Samsung second, and Apple third.

So no matter what, Samsung is very happy when Honor mobile phones compete with Apple.

"Mr. Li, judging from the current situation, there is a high probability that Honor mobile phones will no longer be sold in the United States."

"At that time, we will basically compete with Apple mobile phones in the U.S. market."

"In the Chinese market, public opinion is very unfavorable to Apple phones, and it may eventually lead to us competing with Honor phones for the number one position in the industry."

"Although the three of us are making continuous efforts in other markets, our Samsung has the greatest advantage."

"If we continue to develop at this pace, we will not only be ranked number one in the world this year, but we will also be able to move up a level next year on this basis."

Chai Hang is in a very good mood now.

The situation was much better than he imagined.

He is very happy that he switched from Nokia to Samsung China.

My career is about to usher in the second spring of my life.

"Samsung has a very complete mobile phone industry chain, and many domestic manufacturers even turn to Samsung to buy some parts."

"If we were to attack Samsung, there might not be as many companies responding as when we attacked Nokia."

"It is indeed a difficult opponent."

"But I think there are some special methods that can be used to reduce consumers' willingness to buy Samsung mobile phones?"

Zhang Jing definitely doesn’t want Samsung, the world’s dominant player in the mobile phone industry, to suppress Honor phones in China.

This is definitely not a good thing for Nanshan Semiconductor.

So he also began to diverge his thinking and think of ways to deal with Samsung.

"What special method?"

Cao Yang looked at Zhang Jing expectantly.

Originally, he wanted to rely on time to wait for Samsung to make mistakes, and then suddenly attack and directly defeat Samsung China.

But if there is a faster way, there is no need to wait.

"Don't the Goryeo people often like to claim that some traditional Chinese things are their own?"

"It even applies for some international certifications, which makes people feel very disgusting."

"In addition, many Korean people have a very poor evaluation of China. We can make a good effort in this regard."

"As long as the public opinion of Korea is bad on the Internet, it will definitely have a direct impact on the sales of Samsung mobile phones."

"After all, consumers have no choice but to buy Samsung products."

When Zhang Jing said this, Cao Yang nodded, thinking it made sense.

After all, he had seen too many of the disgusting practices of the Korean people.

There is no harm in finding ways now to let more people see clearly the faces of these people in advance.

"Your idea is a good one. We can also let everyone know how Korea restricts the sales of our products."

"At that time, we won't dig out the disgusting practices of Samsung."

"This group of people cannot seize markets all over the world by themselves, but they are protecting their own market from outside companies."

Nanshan Group has always been confident in its public opinion war.

Not to mention that this time it is just about showing the facts, even if it is processed appropriately, there are ways to make it difficult for people to find faults.

Anyway, by following Chery Automobile to encircle and suppress Korean car companies, we have completely offended the Korean side. From now on, everyone can just continue to work hard.



"Mr. Yang, it is estimated that Honor mobile phones will no longer be sold in the United States soon."

"In order to retaliate against Apple mobile phones, Nanshan Group has also done a lot of things in China. In the end, Apple's sales in China will definitely decline significantly."

"This is a great thing for us."

Zhang Rongji is in a very good mood now.

As the head of Lenovo's mobile phone business, he has no favorable impression of Samsung, Apple and Honor, because these are all giants that have pressure on Lenovo's mobile phones.

Facing the competition from these three manufacturers, Lenovo mobile phones can be said to have no advantage.

Especially in overseas markets, there are no advantages at all.

But now Apple and Honor are fighting each other to the death, which can greatly reduce the pressure on Lenovo mobile phones.

At least that's how Zhang Rongji sees it.

"In this way, the US market will mainly depend on the performance of Apple and Samsung in the future. If we can acquire Motorola's business, we may have unexpected performance in the US."

Yang Erqing has been in contact with Google during this period and wants to acquire the shares of Motorola Mobility held by the other party.

However, Google itself has just bought it back and has not suffered much losses. Naturally, it is unwilling to sell Motorola Mobility at a low price.

However, during this period of time, Google has slowly realized that it made a wrong decision.

If Motorola Mobility is to be sold, it will definitely lose money.

It’s nothing more than how much you lose in the end.

So now in discussions with Lenovo, the attitude has been corrected a lot.

A buyer who is stupid and has a lot of money finally appears. You must cherish the opportunity.

"I also think so. In the future, the American market can be divided into three parts: Apple, Samsung and us, Lenovo."

"In addition, it is not a problem to take this opportunity to further enter the European market."

"In the future, we hope that our mobile phone business will be as big as our computer business, which is of extraordinary significance."

As the person in charge of the mobile phone business, Zhang Rongji naturally hopes to make this business bigger and stronger.

In this way, his right to speak will be greater.

Otherwise, he would never have the chance to become Yang Erqing's successor within the company.

"You make arrangements. I will go to Google in person next week to talk to them about the acquisition of Motorola Mobility."

"The current mobile phone market is completely different from last year. If Google makes its own mobile phones, it will not only make other OEMs using Android phones worried, but it will also be somewhat inconsistent with their main business."

"We can increase the acquisition price appropriately, but there will definitely be a big gap from when Google bought it back."

Although Lenovo always looks like a rich man, the acquisition price of more than 10 billion US dollars is obviously too high for them.

So it must be slashed hard several times, even if it can't just cut to a fraction, it must be cut to the knees.


Nanshan Group is the largest private enterprise in China and an enterprise that has mastered many core technologies.

In the past few years, Nanshan Group has registered the largest number of patents among all enterprises in China.

Therefore, in response to the actions of the Nanshan Group, not only the Lifan Yuan stood up and spoke out, but also various ministries and commissions took some actions.

Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City even held several internal meetings, and finally gave a special support plan based on the situation of Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Cao, Yangcheng Bank has been considering listing plans since 2009, but due to various problems, it has never been successful."

"As the largest industrial enterprise in China, Nanshan Group has a very large annual turnover. If it has its own associated bank, the development of many businesses will be much more convenient."

"Especially when funds are tight, more loan support can be given."

"We discussed several times internally and felt that we could transfer 51% of Yangcheng Bank's shares to Nanshan Group."

"For relevant prices, we will also provide certain discounts based on market assessment prices."

"I wonder if you are interested in making Nanshan Group the major shareholder of Yangcheng Bank?"

Liu Tianwu gave Cao Yang a big gift package with just one phone call.

Although many people in China do not know that Yangcheng Bank is a city commercial bank based in Lingnan Province, it is already a great thing in China that a company can own a bank.

The license-related business alone cannot be handled by ordinary companies.

Now Yangcheng City has taken the initiative to sell the Yangcheng Bank, which it controls, to the Nanshan Group. This is definitely the highest level of support for the Nanshan Group.

Obviously, Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province have seen various public opinions on the Internet and what happened to Nanshan Group in the United States.

Even higher-level aspects of the characters communicated and communicated.

When it comes to an influential enterprise like Nanshan Group, everyone can realize its importance.

Especially now is the critical moment for Nanshan Group to make breakthroughs in the semiconductor industry, and it should be even more so.

"Become a major shareholder of Yangcheng Bank?"

Cao Yang was still surprised when he suddenly heard the news.

How could you not be willing to accept this condition?

Owning a bank in China is not as simple as in some countries. The threshold for a domestic bank license is very high.

After all, this thing is related to the interests of the majority of savers.

"Yes, becoming a major shareholder of Yangcheng Bank will bring the price lower than the market appraisal price."

"Don't worry, all aspects of Yangcheng Bank's operations are normal and there are no problems."

"We in Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City both hope that Nanshan Group will have more confidence to face various international challenges."

"We will find ways to help solve any unfair treatment you encounter overseas."

"If there is no solution for the time being, we will use other methods to reduce the impact on you as much as possible."

Liu Tianwu's words are obviously not trying to make a big deal.

Now giving away the shares of Yangcheng Bank is a real benefit.

This is the bank that pays wages to employees in the Yangcheng City system. With the support of Nanshan Group, the future development is really worth looking forward to.

After all, the annual liquidity of Nanshan Group alone is a very huge amount.

If the affiliated companies driven by Nanshan Group can also cooperate with Yangcheng Bank, the situation will be even more different. Maybe now that 51% of the shares have been given away, Yangcheng City will only hold a small part of the shares.

But in the end, the value of this small part of the shares is likely to be higher than the original value of the whole.

It's a win-win with top support.

"Thank you for your leadership support. Our Nanshan Group welcomes Yangcheng Bank to join us at any time. I believe that in the future, after the strong alliance between Yangcheng Bank and Nanshan Group, we will become an influential bank in China."

At this time, Cao Yang naturally would not have any hesitation.

Any more politeness would be a disgrace to the bank's license.

Soon, the relevant procedures were quickly launched with the support of leaders from both sides.

Then Nanshan Group officially posted a Weibo on its official Weibo: [Welcome Yangcheng Bank to join the Nanshan Group family! 】

As soon as this Weibo post came out, it immediately became a hot search topic.

After all, it is very rare to suddenly have another bank under its umbrella.

"Mr. Zhu, Lingnan Province and Yangcheng City have provided sufficient support to Nanshan Group. Even Yangcheng Bank is willing to transfer it to Nanshan Group."

"In a sense, this is a top-level support for Nanshan Group."

Spring City Automobile Group has a lot of cooperation with Nanshan Group, so Tao Wen has always been very concerned about the movements of Nanshan Group.

After seeing this Weibo, she immediately came to Zhu Zhengfeng's office to report the matter.

"For an average enterprise to obtain large amounts of credit from several banks, it is already a relatively large amount of support."

“This is the first time I’ve heard of this kind of direct transfer of local banks to enterprises.”

"The establishment process of the few private banks in the past was very tortuous."

"It turned out to be completely different when it came to Nanshan Group."

"It seems that what those people in the United States have done has angered the country."

As the general manager of Spring City Automobile Group, Zhu Zhengfeng also has an administrative level and has a more thorough understanding of the meaning behind these things.

Until now, Spring City Automobile Group does not have a bank under its umbrella.

Even almost all domestic companies do not have their own banks.

Now that Nanshan Group has taken control of a local bank so suddenly and so quickly, the meaning behind it is still very different.

"The actions of the United States are indeed a bit excessive. They want to use all means to suppress the Nanshan Group."

"I don't know if Nanshan Group can withstand the blow this time."

Naturally, Tao Wen didn't want Nanshan Group to suffer bad luck. After all, there was quite a lot of cooperation between the two parties.

The damage to the interests of Nanshan Group is not in the interests of Spring City Automobile Group.

"If Nanshan Semiconductor's related production equipment is really 100% domestically produced, then I think the impact on Nanshan Group will be relatively limited."

"I'm afraid that there are still core components or materials that need to be imported, and then the United States will cause obstacles in these places."

"If you are not careful, Nanshan Semiconductor may be stopped directly."

"And once Nanshan Semiconductor stops production, the impact will be huge."

"Both companies such as Honor Mobile Phones and Nanshan Auto Parts will be directly affected."

"But once Nanshan Semiconductor survives this hurdle, the United States will probably not dare to easily choke our necks on chips in the future."

"If it cannot get stuck, the more similar methods are used, it will force the country to break through more bottleneck technologies as soon as possible, and the related production capacity will also be rapidly improved."

"Eventually the chip may become a common industrial product."

Zhu Zhengfeng's view is relatively objective.

After all, the information he has is relatively limited.

He doesn't know exactly what it will look like in the end.

Spring City Automobile Group can feel the meaning behind Nanshan Group's Weibo, and others are no exception.

"Mr. Wang, our Huaxia branch is probably in big trouble this time."

Lin Rong came to Wang Ziming with a very ugly expression.

"What? Is there any new news in the case?"

"Don't worry so much. Even if we are really convicted of infringement, it will not be implemented immediately. We still have time to resist."

During this period, Nanshan Group’s case against Apple’s mobile phone for infringement of appearance patents was also quite popular in China.

So Wang Ziming's first reaction was that there was progress in the case.

"It's not about the case, it's about Nanshan Group's sudden acquisition of a bank, which was officially announced on Weibo just now."

When Lin Rong said this, Wang Ziming was a little confused.

He went to school in the United States when he was in high school, and studied in the United States until he graduated with a Ph.D.

After graduation, I worked in the United States for several years. It can be said that my overall thinking is closer to that of Americans.

For some things in China, he often cannot directly grasp the meaning behind them.

"Many companies in the United States have financial businesses, and banks are not that great."

"Apple could always buy a lot of banks if it wanted to."

This idea can be regarded as Wang Ziming's true inner thought.

However, Lin Rong naturally didn't see it that way.

"Mr. Wang, the banks in Huaxia are basically state-owned, and a small number of commercial banks were born under special circumstances."

"Now Nanshan Group has completed the acquisition of Yangcheng Bank in such a short period of time, which means that Yangcheng City and Lingnan Province, and even relevant ministries and commissions, fully support Nanshan Group."

"The implications behind this support are very complex and certainly not a good thing for us."

When Lin Rong said this, Wang Ziming slowly understood what she meant.

It seems that China is very dissatisfied with the Nanshan Group's experience in the United States this time.

"If the headquarters really promotes the ban on the sale of Honor mobile phones in the United States, will we, Apple, also be banned in China?"

Wang Ziming didn't worry about this problem before.

But as soon as Lin Rong reminded him, his mind changed.

The situation seems to be more complicated than I imagined.

"This possibility is entirely possible."

Lin Rong sighed, "Now our only reliance is that Apple's products are basically processed by Foxconn in China. If we are restricted from selling in China, it will directly affect Foxconn's business and affect the fiscal revenue and GDP of some places."

"If you can make good use of this opportunity, you may not necessarily be banned."

"However, if the situation continues to deteriorate, it will be difficult to say."

"I suggest that the headquarters should not do things too badly, otherwise we will have no way to survive in China."

Lin Rong was not optimistic about the situation he would face in the future.

Nanshan Group's influence in China is very huge.

They may not have many ways to exert their influence in the American market, but it is completely different in China.

As long as Nanshan Group is willing, they have the strength to kick Apple phones out of China.

After all, if you can do the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, I can do the tenth day of the Lunar New Year.

Anyway, everyone uses their own methods.

"I will report this situation to the headquarters separately tomorrow. It must be carefully considered."

Wang Ziming still listened to the advice.

What Lin Rong said made sense, and he naturally hoped to change the minds of the people at the headquarters.

If he wants to go further in the future, he will definitely need to get used to reporting to the headquarters frequently.

Otherwise there is no point in just working hard.


"Ayang, I asked around. If the United States has tougher measures, the higher ups won't just sit idly by."

"As China becomes the world's second largest economy, many people in the United States have begun to change their minds."

"The situation on both sides should slowly start to change this year."

Fang Sisi was naturally very concerned about the situation of Nanshan Group in the United States during this period.

After all, it is the world's largest economy, and the consumer market is actually very impressive.

After losing this market, although Nanshan Group will not be severely damaged, it will be in an inherently weak position compared with competitors at the same level.

If you want to surpass your opponents, you need to make greater efforts elsewhere.

"Although we cannot directly sell mobile phones in the United States, we can take this opportunity to quickly expand Nanshan Semiconductor's customers and let more companies use our chips."

"At the same time, the construction of the Shanghai Super Chip Factory in Shanghai must be accelerated to meet the Chinese market's demand for 28nm chips as soon as possible."

"As long as we can become the chip manufacturer with the largest market share in China, it will be enough for Nanshan Group to live comfortably."

The United States, Europe, Japan, and Korea all have their own chip companies.

It is very difficult for Nanshan Semiconductor to expand its business in these places.

China's chip market is a market worth hundreds of billions of dollars, which is enough to support Nanshan Semiconductor.

Wouldn't it be a pity not to take advantage of such a good advantageous position?

Cao Yang will definitely not miss this opportunity.

"That's true. What happened this time can also allow more people to see the face of the United States clearly, and allow more people to give up their illusions and face reality."

"And with this effort, our company's popularity has reached another level."

"Whether it's good or bad, I can't simply draw a conclusion."

After listening to Cao Yang's words, Fang Sisi felt that it made sense.

The situation faced by Nanshan Semiconductor and Samsung is different. In fact, it does not need to worry about not having customers.

In fact, the harder the U.S. side works, the more customers it will get.

(End of this chapter)

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