Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 693: Shivering, twin-tailed scorpions cruise in formation

Chapter 693: Shivering, twin-tailed scorpions cruise in formation

Cao Yang is a grateful person who reciprocates kindness.

Not to mention that after Yangcheng Bank became a subsidiary of Nanshan Group, it was equivalent to giving high-quality assets to Nanshan Group. With this tentacle into the financial industry, Nanshan Group could do a lot.

In order to deserve this support, Cao Yang quickly told Pan Jun good news.

"Representative Pan, Nanshan Robot's three-engine drone has been officially developed and can be accepted by relevant departments. It has begun to work in related fields."

The original Scorpion drone was a dual-engine product, which already brought enough surprises to everyone.

Especially after being coated with stealth materials, it becomes much more difficult for radar to detect it.

Since the speed is not very fast, the impact of the aerodynamic layout on the stealth effect is also minimized.

Therefore, it is really difficult for ordinary radar to detect the Scorpion drone.

This year, relevant departments have regarded the Scorpion drone as a new product with key equipment.

As a manufacturer, Nanshan Robot is not satisfied with its past achievements.

Instead, we began to continue researching three- and four-shot products.

"Has the three-shot twin-tailed Scorpion drone been successfully developed?"

"How's the performance?"

Pan Jun's eyes lit up and he looked at Cao Ang expectantly.

He is very clear about the strategic significance of this drone.

Before the emergence of large bombers, this UAV can meet the mission of long-range deterrence to a certain extent.

Of course, the premise is that there must be the same breakthrough in missile technology.

"This three-engine twin-tail Scorpion UAV has a range of 8000 kilometers, a flight time of 40 hours, and a maximum load of 1.2 tons."

"It adopts a streamlined design similar to the An-124 transport aircraft, which effectively reduces flight resistance."

"Three small engines not only meet the power needs, but also reduce the space and weight as much as possible."

"It has a total of 10 underwing hardpoints and 2 belly hardpoints, so it can carry 12 precision-guided bombs or missiles."

"If we can find the most suitable missile to carry it, this will be a very terrifying firepower configuration."

"The Twin-tailed Scorpion unmanned bomber organically combines efficient logistics and transportation with strong combat effectiveness, becoming a multi-functional, all-weather military platform."

"In addition, a large amount of space has been reserved within the fuselage to install radar and reconnaissance equipment."

Since Cao Yang wants to take it out as an important gift, the performance of this product will definitely not be bad.

It has a bomb load of 1.2 tons and can carry air-to-ground missiles, anti-ship missiles, precision-guided bombs, anti-radiation missiles, etc. Its flight height is relatively high and will not be threatened by portable air defense missiles, so it is very effective in destroying the enemy. After the air defense system is established, a carpet search can be carried out in a combat area and large-scale bombing can be launched.

This is definitely a weapon for a country.

"I will report the news immediately and invite experts to come over for inspection and acceptance."

"In addition, I have some news to share with you, Mr. Cao."

Pan Wei has always been in contact with the Scorpion UAV equipment agency.

He knew more or less some secrets.

"The first batch of Scorpion drones have now completed various preliminary verifications and personnel training, and have officially begun to be equipped with relevant units."

Cao Yang breathed a sigh of relief when Pan Wei said this.

This thing I made seems to be showing its power in advance.

Then your efforts will be rewarded.

And the next night after Pan Wei told Cao Yang the news, the China Military Channel suddenly released a video.

Video of three Scorpion drones cruising over the East China Sea.

The news even specifically mentioned that this video was shot today, and the location was above a sensitive island.

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately caused a huge shock in some places.

"Print, according to the information we have received, China's unmanned bombers have stealth capabilities. In the video they released, our radar does not have any relevant records."

"Is it possible that General Atomics will further upgrade the Predator drone into a stealth drone?"

As a representative of the Pentagon, John is responsible for communicating with various arms companies.

So the information he can obtain is actually very much.

However, when you know more things, sometimes you also have more worries.

On the contrary, when you don’t understand anything, you don’t have so many worries.

"It is extremely difficult for drones to become stealthy. At present, we believe that stealth drones using wing-body fusion technology are a major direction for the development of high-end drones."

"The shape contributes the most to stealth. The shape of the fuselage and wings is the key to this type of drone. We must consider not only how to avoid radar detection, but also the aerodynamic characteristics."

"In terms of manufacturing, technical requirements such as the gaps between skin interfaces are also very high, which are currently recognized problems in the world."

"We don't have the means to fully produce it yet."

"As for the Chinese twin-tailed Scorpion drone you mentioned, I think it is actually impossible to achieve the stealth effect. The aerodynamic layout does not support it."

"Unless they make a huge disruptive breakthrough in stealth materials, it will be possible to further reduce the probability of being detected by radar and achieve stealth effects."

As the technical vice president of General Atomics, Printer is quite familiar with the situation of drones.

In his opinion, unless an aircraft with the shape of a B2 bomber can be designed into a small drone, it will be very difficult to achieve a true stealth effect.

Now China's twin-tailed Scorpion drone has such a non-stealth shape that it actually achieves a stealth effect. There must be some other reasons for this.

"So, do you think China has made some different breakthroughs in stealth materials?"

The news seemed to John to be worse.

After all, stealth materials can be used not only on drones, but also on large aircraft such as fighter jets and bombers.

If China's stealth materials really make a big breakthrough, it will definitely be bad news for the United States.

After all, American aircraft in the past relied on stealth performance to achieve very impressive results on many occasions.

"I have no evidence, but if their Scorpion drone really circled the East China Sea and our radar didn't detect anything, then at least it means that their stealth technology has been widely promoted and used. level.”

Print's words were like pouring cold water on John.

What does China mean by releasing a video of a Scorpion drone formation cruising at this time?

The place of cruising is still over sensitive islands in sensitive waters.

According to the consistent practice of the Chinese people, the equipment they announce to the outside world is often not the most advanced equipment.

This means that China has products that are more advanced than the Scorpion UAV.

Is it a new generation stealth fighter? Is it still a new generation of stealth bomber?

No matter which one it is, it is huge bad news for the United States.

Of course, Cao Yang didn't care about their troubles.

At this moment, he was convening several core personnel at Nanshan Robot to discuss plans to further enhance the combat effectiveness of the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone.

"Mr. Cao, to improve the combat effectiveness of drones, I think the most direct way is to research missiles and photoelectric targeting systems."

"Nanshan Equipment's technical reserves in optoelectronics are world-leading. As long as relevant personnel are allowed to develop an optoelectronic targeting system suitable for drones, the bomb delivery accuracy of drones can be greatly improved."

"And it is not necessary to hang missiles. Just hang some grenades and use them in conjunction with the small drones in the parent drone. The effect will be great."

"After all, when a small drone is suddenly dropped into a special area, it can play a very big role."

Pan Jinxing also attended the meeting today, so he took the initiative to take over the task of the photoelectric aiming system.

This is an area that Nanshan Equipment is good at, and he is not worried about not being able to develop it.

In the end, it is just a matter of whether the developed things are so easy to use, so that it is not impossible to determine whether there are problems.

"Actually, I think that if stealth missiles can be developed, the combat effectiveness of the Scorpion drone can be raised to a higher level."

"In 1990, the United States began to field the AGM-129 air-launched stealth cruise missile, which was only put into service two years later than the F-117 was made public."

"The stealth aerodynamic layout of this type of missile is science fiction, and the turbofan engine nozzle uses advanced black technologies such as active cooling devices, exhaust mixers, infrared suppressors, and binary nozzles for the first time."

"The AGM-129 is huge, with a missile length of 6.35 meters. It can only be used as a strategic bomber, with a range of more than 3000 kilometers. It is an ultra-long-range heavy missile, so the price is also quite impressive, with the unit price as high as US$673.4 million."

"Of course, because they were too expensive and heavy, the United States later developed some upgraded missiles, but they are definitely not suitable for use on drones."

"If we can develop a series of small stealth missiles suitable for various drones, the significance will definitely be huge."

For missiles, the engine is the most critical component.

Since Nanshan Engine began to enter the production of drone engines, Cheng Tao has also relearned about engines for various purposes.

Within Nanshan Engine, we are also divided into several groups to develop products for different application scenarios.

"Aren't we currently developing a four-engine twin-tailed Scorpion drone?"

"This kind of drone can carry at least two stealth missiles as the upper limit of missile size and weight."

"Then those small civilian drones developed by DJI can also carry one target as the lower limit of weight. We have developed at least five types of stealth missiles."

"When the time comes, let our two-tailed scorpion become the ace on the battlefield."

Cao Yang directly began to assign tasks.

The contents of the warhead can be left to sensitive units, while Nanshan Group only produces other parts.

When the time comes to load different ammunition into the missile, it will be a matter for the relevant departments.

"Mr. Cao, our previous goal was that Nanshan Group would not be involved in military production. All we would produce were civilian products."

"If we get all the missiles out, no matter how we explain it in the future, no one will believe that we don't produce military products."

"Isn't this price a bit high?"

Zeng Tingting mentioned a very important point on the side.

This is obviously very important to Nanshan Group.

"These research results of ours are mainly for fire-fighting purposes, allowing our drones to carry different types of fire-extinguishing bombs to target areas."

"So what we produce is naturally civilian products, what does it have to do with the military industry?"

Cao Yang spread his hands. He absolutely refused to admit that what he produced was a military product.

Just like the Twin-tailed Scorpion unmanned bomber, it is officially positioned within the Nanshan Group as a large unmanned aerial vehicle for logistics and transportation.

The other roles are not given by Nanshan Group and have nothing to do with Nanshan Group.


"Fire bomb?"

Zeng Tingting found that her brain was a bit insufficient.

He could actually explain it in the direction of the fire bomb.

But there seems to be nothing wrong?

The products produced by Nanshan Group are not loaded with explosives, but have space reserved for users to fill them on demand.

You can fill it with explosives, fire extinguishing agents, or anything else.

The instructions can even specifically explain that high explosives are not allowed to be added, and each step that is prohibited is clearly marked.

At that time, there is absolutely no need to worry about not having customers.

Even Cao Yang felt that it would be difficult to export these products.

After all, objectively speaking, these things already represent the top level of China.

"Mr. Cao's logic really sounds like there is no problem."

"It doesn't matter what other people think of us!"

When Mi Ying said this, no one present refuted it.

After determining this general direction, it is natural to discuss how to develop this business specifically.

But don't start making a fuss without starting any work. That is definitely not the situation Cao Yang wants to see.

"Then we will arrange personnel to study the fire-extinguishing bombs, and then we will see how to further improve the accuracy of bomb delivery."

"At the same time, we can also cooperate with Nanshan Auto Parts to further upgrade the high-end aerial cameras."

"At that time, our twin-tailed Scorpion drone can not only serve as a stealth bomber, but also a stealth reconnaissance aircraft."

"We will eventually be able to have all the military equipment that the United States has in the future."

"But our production costs are less than half of the other party's."

"Based on this result alone, I think it is worthy of the first prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award."

Cheng Tao can't wait to see this project officially launched.

At that time, the technicians of Nanshan Engine can make full use of their abilities in this field.

Otherwise, simply relying on traditional engines would not require so many R&D personnel.

While the Nanshan Group was holding a conference, Huaxia announced an unprecedented policy.

(End of this chapter)

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