Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 703: Unprecedented policy, Nanshan Group was the first to respond

Chapter 703: Unprecedented policy, Nanshan Group was the first to respond

"Mr. Cao, Wang Ziming, general manager of Apple's China branch, called and said he wanted to communicate with you about something."

As Cao Yang's secretary, Mi Ying is naturally very aware of the relationship between her company and Apple.

To say they are life-and-death enemies may be a bit exaggerated, but to say they are incompatible with each other is not a big problem.

Now the person in charge of the other party actually took the initiative to call Cao Yang. There is obviously a story behind this.

Cao Yang was also a little confused about what kind of medicine the other party was selling.

However, the initiative in this matter is in his hands, so there is no need to not even answer the phone.

Soon, Cao Yang and Wang Ziming were chatting on the phone for a few minutes, neither of them talking about business.

As senior managers, their basic professional qualities are obviously in place, and they will not start scolding them as soon as they answer the phone just because they are competitors.

If you want to stab someone, just stab him in the back.

There is no need to argue on the phone.

After talking nonsense for a long time, Wang Ziming couldn't help it anymore and said: "Mr. Cao, originally our KUKA President wanted to communicate with you in person, but considering the time difference between the two places, he planned to communicate with you the next time he comes to China. I’ll find another chance to talk to you.”

Wang Ziming first briefly explained why it was not Kuca who called Cao Yang, but himself.

In terms of enterprise size, Nanshan Group is definitely larger than Apple.

It stands to reason that Wang Ziming's level is not equal to Cao Yang's.

If he wanted to communicate, normally he would communicate with Xia Qingqing at most.

But this time he found Cao Yang directly.

Obviously, he also knew that Cao Yang was the final decision maker.

Especially this time the topic he wants to talk about is quite special.

"Apple is also a relatively great company in the technology industry, and I am looking forward to communicating with President KUKA."

Cao Yang would definitely not take the initiative to ask before he knew what kind of medicine was sold in Wang Ziming's gourd.

Instead, they simply followed Wang Ziming's words and chatted there.

"Mr. Cao, Samsung mobile phones are developing very fast now. Whether in China or around the world, their smartphone sales are constantly increasing."

"This has brought great pressure and challenges to both of us."

"But you must also know that Samsung, like Nokia, was mainly good at making traditional feature phones in the past, and it entered the smartphone market relatively late."

"Their smartphones are all copied from our two products, both in appearance and function settings."

"We are already in a lawsuit with them, and I think this is also an opportunity for Honor phones."

"Samsung must have infringed on some patents of Honor mobile phones. You can consider suing Samsung in the Chinese market."

Wang Ziming knew that if he didn't get into the topic, Cao Yang wouldn't take the initiative to say anything.

So he didn't hesitate anymore and directly stated his purpose.

Although the words were not so straightforward, the meaning was already clear.

That is Apple and Honor Mobile joining forces to engage in Samsung.

After Samsung is eliminated, they will have the final say in the smartphone market.

Cao Yang was really moved by Wang Ziming's proposal.

Although he also knew that Wang Ziming was not so kind, and he must be worried that "the snipe and the clam will compete with each other to make a profit."

But this matter is indeed worth doing for Honor mobile phones.

Otherwise, if we develop according to the normal track of history and completely squeeze Samsung out of China, we will have to wait several years.

Cao Yang obviously couldn't wait that long.

"We really haven't done much research on this before."

"Apple's mobile phone should have collected a lot of related materials about Samsung's infringement of our patents, right?"

Since it was Apple who proposed it, Cao Yang naturally wanted to take this opportunity to see what ammunition Apple had prepared.

As for saying that there is no research on my side, that is definitely an excuse.

As one of the main competitors of Honor mobile phones, how could they not study Samsung products?

"I am indeed prepared. I can share some relevant content with Honor phones when the time comes."

After hearing Cao Yang's words, he seemed to agree to work together to develop Samsung. Wang Ziming immediately stated that he could share relevant information with Honor.

Anyway, this information is not top-secret. As long as you are willing to put in the effort to understand it, you can definitely handle it with your Honor phone.

Besides, he didn’t believe that Honor Mobile was really unprepared for anything.

Maybe the information I gave you is already available on your Honor phone.

Once the conversation reaches this point, the rest of the matter will naturally become easier to handle.

Although the two parties have not reached many cooperation projects, they have reached an agreement on jointly dealing with Samsung.

After hanging up Wang Ziming's call, Xia Qingqing, who had not yet left, immediately couldn't help but ask: "Apple actually took the initiative to bury the hatchet and want to cooperate with us?"

Obviously, in Xia Qingqing's eyes, Apple's people have always been very arrogant.

They were taught a lesson by Honor Mobile in the Chinese market, and Honor Mobile even made rumors that it would sue them in the United States, Japan, Europe and other places.

Under such circumstances, she still found it a bit strange that people from Apple actually contacted her to ask for cooperation.

"Apple and Samsung are probably going to have a big battle this time."

"Samsung originally felt that it was Apple's most important supplier. Even if it copied some of Apple's appearance, the other party would not do anything."

"However, with the rapid development of Samsung's smartphone business, it is obvious that Apple can no longer tolerate Samsung."

"In the next few years, I estimate that everyone will see one of the most protracted and costly lawsuits in the business district in the 21st century."

When Cao Yang said this, Xia Qingqing was shocked.

After the 21st century, what is the most protracted and costly lawsuit in the business district?

This evaluation is very scary.

Behind all such big lawsuits, there will be a series of things happening.

However, if this is really the case, then Apple's behavior today makes sense.

But Xia Qingqing thought it was a bit too exaggerated.

"Mr. Cao, isn't Apple afraid that if their lawsuit with Samsung goes too far, supply chain problems will eventually arise?"

Regarding Xia Qingqing's worries, Cao Yang's understanding was indeed different from that of ordinary people.

"Under normal circumstances, there is definitely something to worry about."

"But you have to know the specific situation of Samsung. Although it is a Korean company, it is essentially a company that is deeply influenced by Wall Street."

“Even the shareholders behind them may have some overlap.”

"Samsung and Apple can litigate however they want. This is normal business competition."

"But if Samsung threatens Apple by cutting off supply, someone will immediately teach him how to behave."

After hearing what Cao Yang said, Xia Qingqing understood instantly.

After all, her background determines that she views issues from a relatively high perspective.

If Honor mobile phones are involved in a long-lasting and big lawsuit with Samsung, then as long as Samsung has any means to threaten Honor, it will definitely use them, including cutting off supply.

But when it comes to Apple, the situation is indeed different.

Whether Samsung or TSMC, they are essentially chip companies that developed with the nod of the United States.

If they in turn threaten the core interests of American companies, they will eventually be dealt with.

Presumably Samsung and Apple executives understand this, so even if there is a lawsuit, there has actually been a long period of communication before it.

But eventually the talks fell apart.

That’s why the lawsuit is now starting.

"Then it seems that if we also take action against Samsung next time, it will indeed be a good thing for us."

"We may not necessarily be able to gain a decisive advantage in those overseas markets, but here in China, we must find a way to take away Samsung."

"When the time comes, we will just have to compete with other independent brands."

Following Cao Yang's instructions, Xia Qingqing also immediately started arranging Honor mobile phones.

Even in the spirit of "courtesy first, then attack", Honor Mobile's official Weibo posted a piece of content, revealing Samsung's infringement of Honor patents and requiring Samsung to proactively stop the sale of related products.

After this official Weibo appeared, it immediately caused a great impact in the mobile phone industry.

Samsung China even held an urgent discussion meeting to discuss response plans.

"Chai Hang, do you think the Honor phone is trying to scare us, or is it serious?"

As the general manager of Samsung China, Li Zailin is very nervous now.

Honor mobile phones have just defeated Apple’s iPhone4 and iPhone4S.

Although Apple was a little unconvinced and said it would continue to appeal, everyone knew that the final result was not much better.

Under this situation, Honor Mobile once again used patent infringement methods to deal with Samsung. It's no wonder that Li Zailin wasn't nervous.

After all, Samsung’s mobile phone business still accounts for a very high proportion in China.

It can even be said that China is the market that Samsung attaches most importance to at this stage.

If there is a big problem in this market, then he will not be able to hold on to his position under the butt.

"It's a little hard to say now, but since they mentioned this on their official Weibo, I think they won't let go."

"Apple mobile phones can no longer pose any threat to Honor mobile phones in China, at least in the next year."

"Then the biggest rival of Honor Mobile will be us."

"Normally, they must have some means to use it."

Chai Hang is really not sure about the pulse of Honor mobile phone now, and he doesn't dare to draw conclusions easily.

If this judgment is wrong and Li Zailin lets him take the blame, it will be troublesome.

"The Chinese market has developed very fast in the past few years, and the headquarters is absolutely reluctant to give up."

"We have to find a way to communicate with Honor Mobile. It's best not to make it too big, otherwise it will be detrimental to us."

Although Li Zailin knows that Samsung has always been very good at litigating, even if it infringes on other people's patents, it can still drag out the lawsuit for a long time through various counter-litigation methods.

Then he waited until he was about to lose the lawsuit before settling out of court.

But by that time their products were already selling very well.

"For Honor mobile phones, I heard that the foundry has prepared a very large production capacity, and it will reach 1000 million units per month next year."

"In this case, they must really hope to suppress their main competitors." "I guess this time, the attackers are evil."

Chai Hang felt that it was necessary to lower his expectations for Li Zailin, otherwise his life would be difficult in the future.

"I will report to the headquarters and ask them to implement the chip factory project as soon as possible."

"When the time comes, taking into account these major investment environments, it is expected to have a certain impact on this matter."

Li Zailin is also considered to be well versed in China. He knows that many things are not simply a matter of litigation, but there are many things that can be used.

Although it is impossible for China to completely side with Samsung just because Samsung has invested.

After all, Nanshan Group is the largest private enterprise in China, and China is definitely more supportive of Nanshan Group.

"We should also have some memory and other parts supplied to Nanshan Group. At that time, we can also consider bringing these things to talk to Nanshan Group?"

Since Li Zailin had already mentioned other influencing factors, Chai Hang also mentioned what he could think of.

However, Li Zailin did not dare to agree easily to his proposal.

"Nanshan Group is very sensitive to the issue of suppliers cutting off supplies and has a very tough attitude."

"Look at the fact that the other party has continued to carry out 100% localization projects in recent years. It should be because they are afraid that the supply of parts supplied from overseas will be cut off."

"So if we really use those parts to threaten the other party, on the one hand, these parts are not particularly core parts, and similar substitutes may be found on the market."

"On the other hand, with the strength of Nanshan Semiconductor, they are theoretically capable of producing these memory and other parts."

"Forcing them to enter this field will be a bad thing for the company."

Li Zailin is not that short-sighted.

After all, some methods are not effective for everyone.

"If this is the case, then we actually don't have many things that can threaten each other."

"Maybe we have to go back to the past and see if the legal team can find some cases where Honor phones infringe on my patents."

"Only if we can find something that can sufficiently deter the other party, can it be possible for Honor phones not to make things so big."

When Chai Hang said this, Li Zailin couldn't help but nodded.

It is definitely not possible to blindly show weakness, but taking the initiative to attack may not be appropriate on China's side.

Then we can only threaten each other. Everyone puts their knives on the table, but no one takes action.

This is the best way.


"Mr. Cao, are we preparing to encircle and suppress Samsung?"

When Samsung internally sees the content on the official Weibo account of Honor mobile phones, they will think about the next steps. Naturally, other mobile phone manufacturers will also have some reactions.

As a smartphone brand with strong momentum now, Warwick is definitely ready to make a move.

Although the domestic market share of Honor mobile phones is similar to that of Samsung, due to its relatively high-end positioning, it does not have much overlap with current Huawei products.

It can be said that Samsung is Warwick's most direct competitor in China, and it is also the manufacturer Warwick wants to deal with the most.

Now seeing the leader's glory phone popping up, Xu Jun from Warwick immediately contacted Cao Yang impatiently.

"I think so, but it's not that easy to deal with Samsung."

"The number of patents they have in the mobile phone field is no less than ours."

Although Cao Yang did not hear the information discussed within Samsung, he did not have any predictions about some of the responses Samsung might take.

After all, Samsung has used similar methods to deal with many major manufacturers in the past.

In the end, Samsung wins most of the time, or even if it loses, it is actually equivalent to winning.

Because they have already gained the market, this is more important than anything else.

"I think so too, but in addition to litigating with Samsung on patent cases, we can also work together to find ways to deal with them in other aspects."

"For example, there are always some voices on the Internet who feel that some of the practices of Korea are excessive."

"We can guide it so that everyone will have a certain dislike for Goryeo's brand."

Xu Jun really wanted to take action against Samsung, but he didn't want to rush forward alone.

After all, China has quite a few independent brand mobile phone manufacturers. Warwick rushed to them by itself, to a certain extent, it made wedding clothes for other manufacturers.

Other manufacturers purchase many parts from Samsung. They are more worried about encircling Samsung and do not dare to take action easily.

After all, not every manufacturer has the confidence to make Honor phones.

"This matter can be dealt with, but simply adopting this countermeasure is probably not enough."

"The most critical thing is actually that our own products must be strong enough and competitive enough."

"If for every hot-selling product of Samsung, Warwick or other independent brand manufacturers have similar products, and the price or performance are more competitive, it is estimated that Samsung's life will be really uncomfortable."

When Cao Yang said this, Xu Jun couldn't help but nodded.

Samsung is indeed not that easy to deal with. Their vitality is very tenacious.

"We are also working hard to fully benchmark Samsung, launch more models, and even prepare to compete with Samsung in the computer field in the future."

"In the future, our products will not use Samsung parts as much as possible."

The news that Honor mobile phones are going to be used as computers is no longer a secret.

Taking advantage of this communication opportunity, Xu Jun also revealed to Cao Yang that Warwick was building a computer.

Lest Cao Yang think that Warwick is trying to attack Honor computers, that would be bad.

"Samsung's mobile phones are now sold all over the world, and there will definitely be quality problems in some places."

"We can focus on this aspect. Once Samsung adopts a dual-standard approach to treat Chinese consumers, I think we can do something targeted at that time."

"Before this, we can only take it step by step."

Although Nanshan Group is already very powerful, large foreign companies like Samsung cannot be driven away from the Chinese market with just one sentence.

That's not realistic.

So this is destined to be a war that lasts for a long time.

Of course, it would be hard to say if Samsung seeks its own death.

And just when everyone is paying attention to whether Honor mobile phones are going to completely encircle Samsung, the Chinese ministries and commissions suddenly announced a new policy.

Starting from January 2012, 1, restrictions on private enterprises entering the aerospace field will be fully liberalized.

In accordance with this policy, ministries and commissions encourage private enterprises to develop military-civilian integration projects, and they can challenge them as long as there are no areas prohibited by relevant regulations.

Although such a change has nothing to do with most companies.

After all, there are certainly not many companies that are interested in the aerospace industry.

Most companies have never thought of engaging in this field.

But for Nanshan Group, the situation is very different.

We have already recruited design talents in various fields such as rockets and aircraft on a large scale before, and the relevant business units have already started business in advance.

What is needed now is a formal move to establish a relevant company to develop business in this area.

Now that the spring breeze of policy has blown over, Nanshan Group naturally took action immediately.

[Venus Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. was officially established]

Three days after the policy was released, Nanshan Group officially announced the registration of a new subsidiary company.

Nanshan Robot's UAV Division has also been officially assigned to the newly established Venus.

Even some of the Star Team's aerodynamics-related R&D personnel were transferred to this company.

As for the aerospace-related talents that have been recruiting before, they have naturally been assigned to the new company.

The three major business units of UAV Business Department, Aviation Business Department and Aerospace Business Department were established within Venus.

Obviously, Nanshan Group is preparing for a big fight.

As the leader in domestic aerospace, Aerospace Science and Technology naturally noticed Nanshan Group's move immediately.

"Old Zhao, do you think Nanshan Group's entry into aerospace this time is simply responding to policy calls, or is it really preparing to do something big?"

As the general manager of Aerospace Technology, Qian Junfeng's current mood is rather complicated.

On the one hand, he also knows that only by entering this market with private enterprises will it bring more vitality to the industry.

But he is also worried that if Daystar does something spectacular, or even better than aerospace technology in some fields, then he will be disgraced.

If other companies set up companies related to the aerospace business, he is not very worried.

After all, no company can compare with aerospace technology.

But if this company is Nanshan Group, the situation is different.

You know, 99% of the carbon fibers currently purchased by Aerospace Technology are purchased from Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

Some other special materials are also purchased from Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Chemical.

They are very clear about the strength of Nanshan Group.

In the future, he would have to compete directly with his suppliers, and he actually felt a little guilty for no reason.

Just like if you ask some OEMs to compete with Bosch and Denso, I guess they are not that confident.

"Mr. Cao is a very ambitious person. Their Scorpion drone is very good and now it is completely famous."

"There are even many related reports in foreign media, and many people are very interested in this drone."

"Coupled with the various big moves made by Nanshan Group before, I think Mr. Cao really wants to be like Musko and make a big splash in the aerospace field."

"I heard that they are already developing reusable rockets."

As a rocket expert, Zhao Xingyu must have old classmates, friends, and disciples all over the industry.

He knew some of the people recruited by the Nanshan Group.

So he also knows some information.

And the more we know about this information, the more we know that Nanshan Group is serious this time.

Otherwise, if so much money is burned and it ends up being just a game, it would be unjustifiable.

After hearing what Zhao Xingyu said, Qian Junfeng became even more confused.

However, it was useless to dwell on it anymore. He could only urge to speed up the advancement of some projects within the company.

In recent years, we have made some big moves to let everyone know that we still have to rely on them to engage in aerospace.

(End of this chapter)

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