Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 704: Shocking, became famous in just one moment

Chapter 704: Shocking, instantly famous

The establishment of Venus Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. has a certain influence in the industry, but for most ordinary people, they are not very concerned about this matter.

Even most people in the automotive industry don't pay much attention to this matter.

That is to say, Geely had some cooperation on the Starlink project before, so Li Sucai made a special call to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, I think it is very difficult to make a profit in the aerospace business."

"The best thing is to find more institutions to invest instead of simply burning your own money."

"Nanshan Group is not short of money now and can support this part of the research and development expenses, but in the future, launching rockets and the like will burn money very quickly."

According to the previous communication between Li Su and Cao Yang, Geely will participate in the Starlink project.

Starlink is only part of the aerospace division of Venus Aerospace, so even if Geely invests 5 million in one-time investment, it only occupies 5 points of Venus shares.

To keep this share from falling, we need to continue to invest money in it.

Otherwise, I may not even be able to save 2 points in the end.

"The field of aerospace is too special, and domestic venture capital institutions should rarely be involved in this area of ​​business."

"I guess those people still don't know how to value each company."

"But the first thing we need is to get everyone interested and aware of Daystar. We have to find ways to increase Daystar's popularity."

Cao Yang naturally understood Li Su's thoughts.

Although aerospace can definitely make money once it is completed, the risk is relatively high and the process is relatively long. It is indeed possible to consider introducing investment from some institutions and burning other people's money.

Many people want to invest in Nanshan Group, but Cao Yang has few openings.

And even if it is open, it is not open to all institutions.

Now use Daystar Aerospace as a pilot project to compete with all institutions.

At that time, some people will not be able to say that Nanshan Group always likes to eat alone.

Of course, the aerospace business is quite special. If some special organizations are involved, they can also help solve some problems.

The benefits of this are undoubted.

“To increase awareness, the best way is to advertise, but I don’t think it’s very suitable for Daystar.”

"Why don't we just go out in person and promote Daystar on Weibo?"

Li Su knew that Geely's contribution to Venus was relatively limited.

Although they have an advantage in running policies, Nanshan Group is not bad at all.

This advantage cannot be used.

Needless to say, when it comes to money, Geely earns less than a fraction of Nanshan Group’s money every year.

So he was also thinking about whether he could do something to help Daystar and express his attitude.

"Actually, I have an idea to increase Daystar's popularity."

"But we need to communicate with DJI at that time to see if they can meet our requirements."

When it comes to publicity, Cao Yang is absolutely professional.

Daystar's three major businesses, in addition to the drone business, the other two things that have not yet been mass-produced are promoted.

But drones are different.

When the time comes, show off the Scorpion drone and the DJI drone together, which will definitely attract attention.

Even the way to show off has been thought out.

"Mr. Cao, do you already have a plan?"

"Do you need any help from me?"

Li Su was really curious about what plan Cao Yang would come up with.

However, it was rare for Cao Yang to get through.

As for help, Geely doesn’t need any help for the time being.

Of course, the words cannot be said so directly.

After ending the call with Li Su, Cao Yang immediately called Wang Tao from DJI.

Tell him your thoughts.

Wang Tao naturally agreed with Cao Yang's proposal.

Although this event is nominally led by Venus and cooperated by DJI, DJI will definitely become famous by then.

Even though DJI has already achieved some results, its reputation in the industry is still not high enough.

Its situation is somewhat similar to that of Daystar to a certain extent.

Now being able to take advantage of it and become famous together is very meaningful for the next development of DJI.

We can even take this opportunity to promote DJI’s new drones, which is definitely a good thing.


"Leader, Daystar Aerospace has applied to hold a special performance over the Pearl River next to the TV station on the evening of December 12."

"Because that airspace is quite special, we need to help coordinate."

Luo Yi has always attached great importance to matters related to Nanshan Group.

So after receiving the relevant information, I immediately found time to report to Liu Tianwu.

Some airspace in Yangcheng is not under local jurisdiction, and even buildings in some places have height restrictions to facilitate the takeoff and landing of aircraft.

The Nanshan Group was naturally aware of this situation, so they asked Yangcheng City to help.

Anyway, whether it is Lingnan Province or Yangcheng City, they often say that if you have any problems, you can raise them boldly and they will help solve them.

Then Nanshan Group will not be polite.

"Special performance?"

Liu Tianwu put down the documents in his hands and curiously took the information handed over by Luo Yi.

He was naturally aware of the establishment of the new company Daystar Aerospace.

But according to his understanding, apart from the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone that has been developed, there should be no mass-produced products currently.

The sale of Scorpion drones still needs to be approved by relevant departments.

Therefore, there are actually not many businesses that Daystar can lead by itself.

Now that he was suddenly going to perform a special performance, he was really curious.

However, he quickly finished reading the performance plan from Daystar.

“I think this activity can be carried out by the publicity field, which is very beneficial to enhancing Yangcheng’s sense of science and technology and its popularity.”

Although it was just a corporate-level performance, Liu Tianwu had a good vision and felt its influence immediately.

There has never been a similar performance in China.

Now that Daystar has taken the lead, it is expected that many places will follow suit in the future.

As the initiators, Daystar and Yangcheng City will definitely get a lot of attention and traffic from this matter.

This is actually very beneficial for the promotion of Yangcheng.

Especially since this event was chosen next to a landmark building in Yangcheng, the meaning is even more different.

"Well, I also think this activity is very different."

"If it is successful, it can even be used as a regular New Year's Eve event in Yangcheng every year, and it can be regarded as a business card of Yangcheng."

After Luo Yi concluded this, Liu Tianwu became even more interested.

"You should follow up on this matter personally and help coordinate all the procedures as soon as possible."

"The on-site security work must also be coordinated by then to prevent any accidents."

With Liu Tianwu's instruction, the relevant procedures for approval were naturally very smooth.

Within Daystar, preparations for the performance plan and control procedures are also in full swing.

It was not until the last week that Nanshan Group joined forces with Yangcheng City's official Weibo and DJI's official Weibo to announce that it would hold a special New Year's Eve performance by Daystar at 12 pm on December 31.

It has raised many people's expectations.


Li Yuxuan is an employee of Yangcheng Zhongwang. As soon as she got off work today, she kept calling her classmate Chen Zitong.

The other party initially chose to continue her studies in Baoyan, but she chose to join Yangcheng Zhongwang.

However, the connection between the two people has always been very close.

"Zi Tong, come here quickly. If you can't find the best viewing position, you will regret it."

Although Li Yuxuan is not an employee of Daystar Aerospace, she has heard some news about tonight's performance.

So I actively dragged my best friends to watch it together.

She definitely didn't want to miss such a memorable performance.

"It's not like we haven't seen the fireworks displays in previous years, but they are just like that."

Chen Zitong didn't quite understand why his best friend was so active this time.

In her opinion, the current fireworks show is also very bad, not as good as the show in her hometown.

Because fireworks are strictly prohibited here in Yangcheng, even if it is an official event like this, it will not be too exaggerated.

"Let me tell you, this year's event is hosted by Daystar Aerospace of our group, and there will be a very special performance."

"It should still give people a shocking feeling."

"I also heard a little bit of internal news. I won't know the specific situation until later."

When Li Yuxuan said this, Chen Zitong became more interested.

Although Nanshan Group has already mentioned this matter on its official WeChat account, as a graduate student in school, Chen Zitong did not pay special attention to this information.

But now that Li Yuxuan said this, she had a little more expectation.

But when she came to the edge of the Pearl River, she found that there were already a lot of people there.

After finally finding a pretty good location with Li Yuxuan, they didn't dare to just wander around.

Because after leaving, it would probably be very difficult to squeeze back into this position.

As night falls, there are more and more people nearby.

Although the river breeze blows, it is a bit cold.

But everyone was in a good mood.

After all, you don’t have to go to work tomorrow.

As soon as 8 o'clock arrives, the performance officially begins.

Part of the fireworks show prepared by Yangcheng City got off to a good start.

But overall it's quite satisfactory.

"There is nothing creative about this performance."

Chen Zitong was a little disappointed when he took his HONOR 2 to shoot the night scene. He felt that he had not even eaten dinner and was just waiting here. What he saw was such a performance.

"Don't be anxious. This performance was not prepared by Daystar. Theirs will be the finale later."

Li Yuxuan was not anxious at all.

After all, whether the current performance is exciting or not, it has nothing to do with their group.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Daystar's performance to officially begin. Along with the buzzing sounds, many people searched around curiously to see where the sounds were coming from.

Soon, a dragon suddenly appeared in the sky.

The performance team composed of 12 Scorpion drones and 666 DJI drones lit up their LED lighting groups at the same time.

This giant dragon lit up very suddenly.

So when the dragon pattern appeared, there was an immediate "wow" sound on the scene.

Moreover, this dragon still has a somewhat three-dimensional effect, with its beard fluttering, so cool!

"Yuxuan, is this the surprise you mentioned?"

"It's really different."

Chen Zitong stared at the sky intently. It was her first time to watch such a large-scale drone performance, and it was very shocking.

"I just know that Daystar will organize a drone show, but the specific content of the show is not clear."

Li Yuxuan was also very excited.

As a technician at Yangcheng Zhongwang, she has now been able to slowly realize the technical meaning behind this kind of performance.

It can be said that behind such a performance, a professional technical team is needed to support it.


“Welcome to Yangcheng!”

"The dragon has changed again."

"How was this performance achieved?"

Chen Zitong looked at the changing scene with great curiosity.

"It should be through programming and remote control that they can show various lighting effects in the night sky."

"These drones usually carry LED lights or other lighting devices, and different effects can be achieved by controlling their switches."

"However, for this kind of performance, the more drones are controlled at one time, the more difficult it is."

"So far, I haven't seen drone control on this scale."

Li Yuxuan was also filled with pride at this time.

Daystar is a company of his own group, so Chen Zitong probably can't understand that kind of proud feeling.

"Venixing Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. welcomes you to join us!"

Soon, the drones in the sky changed again and started advertising directly.

This advertising effect is definitely more effective than any other publicity.

Drone performances are closely related to aerospace technology.

Most of the people watching the performance had never heard of a company like Daystar.

Now naturally I can’t help but ask the people next to me what kind of company Daystar is.

People with smartphones took out their phones and directly started searching for information about Daystar.

Soon, the pattern in the sky changed again, and the information about "DJI Drone" also appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Cao Yang arranged for people to hold such an event, so naturally he didn't have enough food to support him.

Only when Daystar and DJI drones are well publicized can the purpose of this event be achieved.


Every place has more or less New Year's Eve activities.

2012 is the Year of the Dragon. The drone performances led by Daystar Aerospace mainly feature dragons as the protagonist, giving everyone a different visual impact through the ever-changing dragon graphics.

Accompanied by the fireworks show below, it will definitely give everyone a very different visual impact.

Soon, Yangcheng’s New Year’s Eve drone light show became a hot search on Weibo.

Many related videos quickly appeared on various video websites on the Internet.

Even Yangcheng TV station broadcast the light show live.

With the popularity of this light show, the names of the two companies Daystar Aerospace and DJI Drone have officially entered the field of vision of many people.

However, laymen see the excitement, while insiders see the door.

When this scene spread overseas, some professionals saw something different.

"John, I think you should grant us a special fund related to the drone control system, otherwise China's advantages in drones will become more and more obvious in the future."

After seeing the drone show led by Daystar, General Atomics Vice President Print immediately knew how to take advantage of the news.

It happened that John, a special representative, came to discuss things with him. He immediately showed the video to the other person to watch, and then made his request.

"Print, I don't quite understand why you said that."

“Isn’t our drone control system the best in the world?”

John was not pretending to be stupid, but he was really not sure why Printer asked him to apply for funding after watching a video for him.

Even though the United States has ample funding, it doesn’t mean you can have as much money as you want.

"A total of more than 600 drones participated in China's drone show. The whole process was very orderly, and there were many difficult control patterns."

"People seem to think the patterns are beautiful."

"Indeed, the pattern is beautiful, but there is something different behind the pattern."

"To control hundreds of drones and achieve these actions smoothly requires a very excellent control system."

"And the technical requirements for the people who operate these control systems behind the scenes are also very high."

"You can imagine that one day, hundreds or even thousands of drones carrying weapons will appear on the battlefield at once."

"These drones are all under unified command and each attack their own targets. How should we intercept such a scene?"

When Print said this, John slowly felt the power of it.

Thinking about that kind of scene, it seems a bit mind-numbing.

“Our drone technology is not bad at all, can’t we do this?”

Although John already had a guess in his mind, he was still a little surprised when Print said with certainty that "it can't be done."

When did China’s technology actually become better than America’s?

This is not normal.

As if feeling John's mood, Print added and explained: "If there are only a few drones, there is actually no particular difficulty in controlling them. At worst, we just need to find two more people."

“But if there are more, there are more things to consider.”

"On the one hand, these drones must not interfere with each other or hit each other, otherwise it will be a big accident."

"On the other hand, different drones must be able to take different walking routes according to our needs."

"They even need to be able to identify some targets themselves and then make appropriate choices."

"This requires a relatively complex control system to complete."

What Printer said can be said to be nine percent true and one percent false.

Think about the fact that many cities in later generations have staged large-scale drone light shows, which shows that large-scale drone control is actually not that difficult if it is just a performance.

Of course, we have just entered 2012, and many drone-related technologies are not yet that powerful.

This is also true.

However, Print's main goal is to get funding.

Don’t think that all R&D in the United States is done by companies themselves. In fact, many funds are applied for through special channels.

"What does Venus Aerospace and DJI Drone have to do with Nanshan Group?"

John also watched a video just now, and naturally noticed these two names.

Besides, Print's explanatory materials also specifically mention these two companies.

"Venus is an industry under Nanshan Group. The previous Scorpion drone is now a project under Venus."

"DJI UAV is a drone company in China, and it is said that there are also investments from Nanshan Group."

"John, the future use scenarios of drones on the battlefield may be broader than we imagine."

"I suggest you report it carefully to the superiors and arrange more funds to support the development of drones."

"Otherwise, it would be a pity if the Chinese overtake us in a corner."

When Print said this, John couldn't help but nodded.

What they fear most is to be surpassed by the Chinese.

Even so much money is spent every year, most of which are used to prevent China.


With the New Year's Eve performance, Daystar and DJI drones have become completely famous.

Anyone who is related to aerospace will remember the names Venus and DJI after watching this video.

Even on the day of the performance, the calls announced by DJI and Daystar were flooded with calls.

The girl on duty originally thought she could comfortably get three times the overtime pay.

The result was that I was deafened even when I answered the phone.

"Mr. Cao, you did a great job with this event."

“I feel like the company’s drone business is going to explode this year.”

"Last night alone there were more than 50 phone calls inquiring about purchasing drones, and even our external mailboxes were bursting at the seams."

Wang Tao called Cao Yang very excitedly.

Although DJI's business has made great progress since last year, it can even be said to be growing by leaps and bounds.

But the popularity is definitely not as high as it is now, and the popularity is even worse.

No matter how good the product is, a company needs publicity.

DJI is certainly no exception.

Last year, DJI actually spent a lot of money on publicity, and the results were somewhat effective.

But compared with this time's publicity, the effect is far behind.

"Through last night's performance, everyone in the industry has realized how advanced the performance of DJI's drones is. Coupled with our very competitive prices, naturally there is no need to worry about sales."

“However, I think the company’s current products still have room for further improvement.”

"We can even launch more styles of products in the future to give consumers more choices."

"Our drones can not only be used for performances, but can also complete many other tasks."

"When everyone knows these advantages, sales will definitely explode in a new round."

Cao Yang is naturally very optimistic about DJI’s prospects.

This is a unicorn-level company, with a future valuation of over 100 billion.

A small investment now can be exchanged for high returns later.

The most critical thing is that DJI’s breakthrough in drone technology will definitely promote China’s progress in the military industry.

Civilian drones can achieve this level, but military drones can be even worse?

Of course, whether it is DJI drones or Nanshan Group.

We are all civilian enterprises, and the products we produce are civilian products.

This will never change, it is the bottom line.

No matter what others think, Cao Yang and Wang Tao will definitely stick to this point of view.

 It’s the last day of January. Since I’ve updated more than 1 words this month, I’ll give you a few monthly passes~



(End of this chapter)

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