Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 707: A new record, the birth of a trillion-dollar private enterprise

Chapter 707: A new record, the birth of a trillion-dollar private enterprise

The ass decides the head.

Sitting in different positions, your thoughts will inevitably be different.

Zhu Zhengfeng had just communicated with several large car companies to promote the purchase of official vehicles to limit their own brands, and the news spread to various joint venture car companies.

After all, one of the shareholders of these joint venture car companies is Spring City Automobile Group, Modu Automobile Group and other parties involved.

If we want to engage in some specific business, it is naturally impossible for bosses like Zhu Zhengfeng to do it all.

And as long as the people below are arranged to do the work and discussed at the meeting, some senior leaders of the group will naturally know about it.

Some of these senior executives are also CEOs of joint venture car companies.

For example, for Chen Wenzhan, the vice president of Spring City Toyota, although he is from Spring City Automobile Group, his performance depends entirely on the performance of Spring City Toyota.

If Spring City Toyota's sales decline, then even if Spring City Group's overall sales performance is very good, its assessment will be bad.

In this way, he definitely does not want the development of Spring City Toyota to be affected.

For Spring City Toyota, some of their RAV4, Prado and Land Cruiser vehicles are purchased as official vehicles.

If all official vehicles in the future can only purchase models of their own brands, it will undoubtedly be bad news for Spring City Toyota.

But even if he knew the news, it would definitely not be appropriate for him to stand up and express his opposition in person.

That would go in the opposite direction of the group.

But just because he couldn't object, it didn't mean that others couldn't.

He could "accidentally" reveal the news to Toyota people, so that the news would reach Toyota.

By then Toyota will definitely find ways to prevent such a plan from being introduced.

The situation of various car companies such as Spring City Volkswagen, Modu Volkswagen, Modu GM, and Xifeng Honda is similar to that of Spring City Automobile Group.

So before Zhu Zhengfeng could fully take action, Volkswagen's head of China Fondel went to the headquarters of Spring City Automobile Group to meet with him in person.

"Zhu, this year marks the 21st anniversary of the founding of Spring City Volkswagen. When Spring City Automobile Group chose Volkswagen from among many partners, it can be said to be everyone's fate, or it can be said that Volkswagen has shown great sincerity."

"In the beginning, models such as Audi and Jetta were mainly supplied to relevant official systems and existed as official vehicles."

"So in the field of official vehicles, our share of Spring City Volkswagen is one of the best."

"Whether it is an Audi brand or a Volkswagen brand model, its performance in recent years has been remarkable and everyone is very satisfied."

"I think they can continue to make more contributions to the broader public service system."

After a few pleasantries, Vondel went straight to the topic.

The official car policy that Zhu Zhengfeng is promoting should have the greatest impact on the Audi and Volkswagen brands.

Naturally, Vondel could not allow such a policy to be introduced.

Even if he knows that his efforts may not be fruitful, he will not give up easily.

"Vondel, everyone naturally sees Spring City Volkswagen's contribution to China's automobile industry."

"But the reform of official vehicles is not my decision."

"With the development and growth of China's automobile industry, it is inevitable that official vehicles will gradually use more and more products from independent brand automobile companies."

"I believe that in Germany, all official cars are models of German brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and Volkswagen, right?"

Since Zhu Zhengfeng has begun to contact all parties to promote the introduction of policies, he will definitely not stop at this time.

For characters like them, once something starts, they must find a way to continue it.

Otherwise, you will lose not only your interests, but also your own prestige.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

"China's national conditions are different from those of Germany, so naturally we cannot compare them with Germany's situation."

"When Volkswagen came to China, there was no saying that official cars could only use China's own brands."

"No one is even willing to let relevant units use self-branded models."

"It is Volkswagen that is driving the development of China's automobile industry step by step. I think this contribution cannot be ignored."

Vondel expressed his truest thoughts very directly.

The more private the communication is on a small scale, the more straightforward everyone tends to speak.

A roundabout speaking style is often more common in public situations.

"No one will ignore Volkswagen's contribution to the development of China's automobile industry. Volkswagen has also gained huge benefits from the development boom of China's automobile industry in recent years."

"When Volkswagen entered the Chinese market, it was in a difficult situation globally."

"To a certain extent, it is the Chinese market that has saved the public, and we are all helping each other."

When Volkswagen was introduced, many people did not know the pressure Volkswagen faced globally.

But after so many years, many things have naturally been analyzed and analyzed. Zhu Zhengfeng naturally knew the difficulties faced by Volkswagen back then.

So when faced with Fondel's doubts, he didn't feel particularly guilty.

Volkswagen is here to make money, not to alleviate poverty.

Volkswagen has made a lot of money from China in recent years.

Even the money earned by selling a car worth 100 million in China is more than the money made by selling a car worth 200 million in Germany.

This is even after Spring City Automobile Group took away 60% of Spring City Volkswagen’s apparent profits.

One can imagine how high the profit margins of Volkswagen's models in China are.

"I think the official car market can definitely be brought to the table and compete fairly."

"Whether it is the Audi brand, the Volkswagen brand, or the Hongqi brand or other brands, whoever can better meet the requirements of the relevant departments will get the final order."

"There is no need to impose restrictions purely on policy."

Fondel naturally knew that what Zhu Zhengfeng said was true and it made sense.

So instead of struggling there, I changed my direction.

However, this is destined to be fruitless.

Anyway, Zhu Zhengfeng now does not admit that he was the first to bring up this matter, but passed the blame to other OEMs.

Vondel had no way to confirm this, and in the end the meeting had to end on bad terms.

And Fondel's visit stimulated Zhu Zhengfeng to a certain extent.

Several major automobile groups took action together and soon promoted major reforms in the official vehicle market by relevant departments.

The consultation draft of the "Relevant Provisions on the Bidding and Bidding Management of the Official Vehicle Market" from relevant departments will soon be officially released.

One of the most core clauses is that in the future, official vehicles will in principle need to use independent brand car companies.

If there are exceptions, there must be higher-level approval.

As soon as this policy was introduced, the contradiction between China's own brands and international automobile giants was put on the table in advance.

With the rise of independent brands, China's auto market has begun to undergo different changes.

Under this circumstance, Nanshan Group's annual general meeting was officially held.

As China's largest private enterprise, Nanshan Group's performance in 2011 was very impressive.

Whether it is the data that has been released to the public or some of the content that everyone has speculated, it is very worth looking forward to.

This time, Nanshan Group also directly booked a large area in a nearby hot spring hotel and pulled all the group's executives there.

"Ronald, is today the summary meeting of Nanshan Group?"

Liu Tianwu came to the office early in the morning and confirmed the situation of Nanshan Group with Luo Yi.

It is estimated that half of Yangcheng's current GDP is related to Nanshan Group.

Either the affiliated companies of Nanshan Group contributed, or they were contributed by other companies in its industrial chain.

To put it mildly, if Nanshan Group sneezes, the GDP of Yangcheng City will fluctuate.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Liu Tianwu not to care about Nanshan Group.

"Yes, the scale of today's conference is quite large."

"In previous years, only vice presidents and above from each branch attended the summary meeting, but this year ministerial-level figures from some major branches also attended the meeting."

"It is estimated that the overall number of people attending the meeting was over 500."

"In order to hold this conference, Nanshan Group directly booked a hotel under Baishui Village."

Luo Yi could tell many things about Nanshan Group directly without thinking too much.

How could he not care about something that the boss cares about so much?

As long as he still wants to make progress, Luo Yi will definitely follow the development of various major events of Nanshan Group in a very timely manner.

"Their turnover this year should have exceeded 10000 trillion, right?"

Since not all of Nanshan Group's current industries are in Yangcheng, Liu Tianwu only knows a rough idea and does not know the overall situation.

But last year it reached more than 10000 billion. This year, the growth of Honor mobile phones alone will enable Nanshan Group to exceed trillion in revenue.

That's why Liu Tianwu asked that question.

"Formal data should be announced at today's conference. Judging from the information currently collected and compiled by various parties, the goal of 10000 trillion has definitely been achieved."

"This is also the first private enterprise in China with a turnover of one trillion yuan, and also the first industrial enterprise with a turnover of one trillion yuan."

"It is not easy for Nanshan Group to reach this point. It is not simple."

Luo Yi admires the development of Nanshan Group very much.

In recent years, Nanshan Group has developed like a cheat in all walks of life.

That speed was already a bit beyond his expectation.

Ten years ago, Luo Yi would not have dared to dream that Nanshan Group could reach the height it is today.

It is even an exaggeration to say that the existence of Nanshan Group has raised China's industrial level to a higher level.

Various high-end bearings, special steel, carbon fiber, as well as machine tool control systems and various equipment... If an average company can lead the industry with one or two projects, it is already very remarkable.

And Nanshan Group has a lot of projects like this at its fingertips.

This gap cannot be caught up by other companies through hard work.

"You should keep in touch with Nanshan Group and find out what their overall situation was like last year."

"Then we should also take a look at what big development plans they have for this year. By then, some of our plans in Yangcheng City can also be combined with Nanshan Group's plans to make some adjustments."

Liu Tianwu actually wanted to go directly to the summary meeting of Nanshan Group.

But with his current status, it is not so appropriate to do these things.

Especially since his old leader has already told him to stay stable in the past two years.

In the future, further burdens will be placed on him.


Nanshan Group's annual summary meeting actually has a relatively fixed process.

Although the situation will be different this year, at the beginning, it was the Minister of Finance Dong Shengnan who took the stage to introduce the situation of the entire group last year.

This is also a content that those attending the conference are particularly concerned about, and it is also information that many people outside are eager to know.

Although Nanshan Group's financial reports are not released to the public, things like earnings are now not directly explained to the public.

Even in internal meetings, financial reports will not be discussed in front of people from other business units.

Basically, only the finance and responsible persons of each business unit know the situation of their own company.

Then the finance department at the headquarters knows some of the overall situation.

"Good morning everyone, I guess if I just tell you the group's turnover last year, you won't be in the mood to listen to what I say next."

“So I’d like to briefly explain the situation of the main business units first, and then report the overall content to everyone.”

Dong Shengnan, who has always been serious about his words, made a rare joke after taking the stage today.

As the head of the financial department of Nanshan Group, although she does not hold the title of vice president of the group, her status within Nanshan Group is not low at all.

"As the group's fundamentals, the automobile and parts-related industries continued to grow in 2011 and made a huge contribution to the company."

"Xingchen Motors' sales at home and abroad exceeded 60 vehicles for the first time. Jaguar Land Rover's global sales also maintained growth, exceeding 50 vehicles for the first time. Future Auto also sold more than 3 pure electric vehicles."

"These vehicle sales businesses alone have contributed more than 5000 billion in revenue to the group, and this is under the independent accounting of Jaguar Land Rover."

"Starting next year, after Nanshan Group is split into several groups, Jaguar Land Rover's reports will also be merged into Nanshan Automobile Group. By then, the turnover of the complete vehicle business alone will exceed 8000 billion yuan, which will pave the way for the group to hit higher goals. Make a contribution.”

"While the entire Chinese automobile market maintains sales at a similar level to last year, our vehicle business and parts business can still achieve growth. This is not easy."

"Among them, engines and gearboxes have maintained steady development, and Nanshan auto parts, Nanshan batteries and other businesses have grown faster than the entire automobile market."

"The entire parts-related sector has contributed more than 2000 billion yuan in revenue to the group."

Dong Shengnan discussed with Cao Yang this year. Considering that this year's data is too impactful, he planned to wait until several groups are officially operational before releasing relevant data, so that it will not be so impactful.

So in today's summary meeting, some data Dong Shengnan didn't go into detail.

This can be regarded as leaving some room for each subsequent group to play.

"The performance of Nanshan Special Steel, Nanshan Carbon Fiber and Nanshan Chemical is as stable as ever, contributing to a total turnover of more than 800 billion..."

As one number after another came out of Dong Shengnan's mouth, the executives present were all in a state of excitement.

Today’s exaggerated data actually come from Nanshan Group.

Even if any business unit becomes independent, it will be very capable.

“In the end, it’s the Honor phone that everyone cares about.”

When Dong Shengnan said this, he even looked at Xia Qingqing.

Obviously, the performance of Honor mobile phones is absolutely outstanding.

Even in the future, the only thing that can threaten the turnover of the entire vehicle industry is Honor mobile phones.

"Throughout 2011, a lot of big things happened in the mobile phone industry."

"The Nokia phone that most of us owned at one time or another was sold to Microsoft and it failed miserably."

"The traditional giants Motorola and Sony Ericsson were also defeated and have no sense of existence anymore."

"But our Honor mobile phones have made rapid progress. Thanks to the efforts of HONOR3, HONOR2, HONOR 3G, HONOR PAD, and MINI PAD, the overall product sales have reached 7822 million units."

"In just a few years, Honor Mobile has grown from scratch, with sales exceeding 3500 billion, becoming the largest mobile phone company in China."

When Dong Shengnan said this, Xia Qingqing in the audience straightened up a lot.

This result is definitely very impressive.

The most important thing is that in 2012, this result can be greatly improved.

This is difficult for other business units to achieve.

Most cities in China have an annual GDP of less than 3500 billion.

Now, the Honor mobile phone has developed into a company with sales of 3500 billion in just a few years.

If its driving role in the industrial chain is taken into account, its contribution to GDP is more than 3500 billion.

"Last year, Mr. Cao set a revenue target of 10000 trillion yuan for everyone. Judging from the current results, we not only achieved it, but also did it very well."

After Dong Shengnan said this, Cao Yang took the lead in applauding.

With this applause, the entire venue immediately burst into thunderous applause.

All the participants were very excited.

After all, these achievements are the result of the joint efforts of everyone present.

"Achieving this trillion-dollar goal cannot be achieved without the joint efforts of everyone."

Amidst the applause, Dong Shengnan finished his speech, and Cao Yang naturally wanted to go up and say a few words.

"Last year we achieved our first trillion target. It took us twelve years to go from 0 to 1 trillion."

"From one trillion to two trillion, I hope it can be completed in two years."

"And from two trillion to three trillion, I hope it can be completed within one year."

The next few years will definitely be a period of rapid development for Nanshan Group.

Whether it is the automobile and parts business or the mobile phone business, it is still worth looking forward to in the next few years.

Of course, once it reaches a scale of 3 trillion, it will be very challenging to continue rapid development.

At that time, if a big tree attracts the wind, it is estimated that the United States will also begin to continuously increase its efforts to suppress the Nanshan Group.

To some extent, the development of Nanshan Group will definitely be affected.

Even negative growth in a given year is possible.

Of course, if black technology develops fast enough in the next few years, the situation will be completely different.

"To reach a turnover of 2014 trillion yuan in 3, is this goal too challenging?"

Zeng Tingting in the audience couldn't help but complain to Mi Ying.

Cao Yang was talking above, and only Zeng Tingting and a few others dared to whisper a little.

The others listened attentively.

When Cao Yang's figure of 3 trillion was thrown out, many people could no longer hear what else Cao Yang said later.

I only know that it will reach 2013 trillion in 2 and 2014 trillion in 3.

Since when has the turnover of domestic companies been measured in trillions?

After this news spreads, it will definitely scare a bunch of people, right?

If it is really achieved, it will definitely be in the top 10 of the world's top companies.

Even breaking into the top 5 is possible.

For a Chinese private enterprise to be able to achieve this level of success, the various meanings behind it are really too rich.

The various benefits brought to China are also endless.

"The figure of 3 trillion seems exaggerated, but it is not impossible at all."

"As long as the sales of Xingchen Automobile exceed 80, future car sales exceed 30, and Jaguar Land Rover exceeds 60, then the turnover of the vehicle business will exceed 1 trillion. Coupled with the corresponding parts business, this number will be even greater. ”

"In addition, Honor Mobile bought more than 70 million mobile phones and PADs this year, but as the leader of the global mobile phone industry, Samsung has sold more than 300 million mobile phones."

"In the future, if the global sales of Honor mobile phones can reach 3 million units, let alone 2 million units, it will be another revenue of nearly 1 trillion."

"In addition, other industries such as Nanshan Semiconductor, Nanshan Special Steel, Nanshan Carbon Fiber, and Nanshan Chemical are also developing and growing. It is entirely possible for the final turnover to reach 3 trillion."

When Mi Ying said this, Zeng Tingting calculated it with her fingers and found that it made sense.

The numbers that seem far away don’t seem so exaggerated after a little quantification.

The Nanshan Group has a great cause and everything is possible.

"I suddenly hope that time can go by faster, as if I can see the scene after 2014."

Zeng Tingting imagined a scene in her mind when Nanshan Group's turnover exceeded 3 trillion. That would definitely be spectacular.

Except for a few special giants such as oil, petrochemicals and power grids, even the largest bank in the universe cannot easily reach this number.

When Nanshan Group arrives, it will definitely be a very sensational event.

"Mr. Cao had already arranged the split of the group during the summary meeting in January 11. By 1, everyone will probably be used to counting sales according to each new group."

"At that time, the 3 trillion yuan was divided, and the impact on everyone was probably not that great."

Mi Ying naturally knew what Zeng Tingting was thinking, so she added her own opinions to the side.

(End of this chapter)

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