Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 708 The five major groups were officially established, a new beginning

Chapter 708 The five major groups were officially established, a new beginning


Zeng Tingting and Mi Ying's whisper was interrupted by a new round of applause.

Cao Yang has just announced this year's year-end bonus plan, allowing all employees of the company to enjoy the dividends of the group's development.

Even a business unit that is not developing well can easily get a six-figure year-end bonus.

As for the various management teams present, they would naturally receive year-end bonuses ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

This is definitely more inspiring than anything else.

"Facing 2012, our tasks are still very heavy."

"After a year of planning last year, the various groups we have re-divided will be officially established."

Nanshan Automobile Group, Nanshan Industrial Group, Honor Technology Group, Nanshan Energy Group and Nanshan Media Group, these five groups were arranged a year ago.

During the registration, Cao Yang, the shareholder behind these groups, also arranged for the registration of various investment companies to hold holdings.

Because Daystar Airlines is a subsidiary of the group, the current general manager is Cao Yang.

Compared with other groups, Nanshan Energy is engaged in more basic materials research.

After a few years, people will no longer habitually associate them with Nanshan Group.

This is definitely not a situation Cao Yang wants to see.

However, despite the establishment of the group, in fact the operations of each subsidiary are relatively independent.

Of course, everyone knows that Cao Yang will definitely not be able to serve as the head of a certain subsidiary all the time. When the conditions are mature in the future, he will definitely be handed over to someone else.

Relatively speaking, other Nanshan Energy and Nanshan Media will not be particularly large in scale in the future, so there will be no further changes.

"In addition to continuing to serve as the general manager and chairman of the Nanshan Automobile Group of the newly established five major groups, I will only serve as the chairman of the other four major groups and will no longer be responsible for specific daily operations."

It is equivalent to Cao Yang being Pan Jinxing's subordinate here.

However, most people think that Cao Yang will continue to serve as the general manager of each group, and the deputy general manager will be responsible for some daily matters.

Cao Yang first introduced the situation of Venus, which has been relatively popular during this period. Venus Technology Group, which includes Nanshan Equipment, Nanshan UAV, Venus Aerospace and other companies, will be the core sensitive technology controlled within Nanshan Group in the future. At most, it is the one most closely related to the military industry.

Generally speaking, from the perspective of individual shareholders, Cao Yang directly holds no more than 10% of the shares in any group.

Nanshan Chemical is also the focus of future development. It is very likely that the next academician of Nanshan Group will be Lai Yuanhong of Nanshan Chemical.

As soon as Cao Yang said these words, the attention of everyone present immediately focused on Cao Yang.

Of course, it had been a trial run for one year, and everyone had some guesses as to who was most likely to be the actual person in charge.

"Nanshan Energy Group will have Academician Zeng Jianying as its general manager and Academician Xie Lingyun as its deputy general manager."

It is now officially registered and established.

After all, the Honor Technology Group, which will be the largest in the future, and the Nanshan Industrial Group, which is the most technologically sensitive, have already changed their names.

By then, Nanshan Energy Group will have the largest number of academicians among the original Nanshan Group.

Although the upper limit of turnover may not be particularly high, the upper limit of technology is always being exceeded.

There will be no changes in the management teams of the companies under the five major groups.

Otherwise, the business of each subsidiary is very different, and if the above-mentioned boss is an outsider and gives orders to an expert, there may be trouble.

After all, within the Honor Technology Group, the most dazzling ones now are Nanshan Semiconductor and Honor Mobile, and Zhang Jing and Xia Qingqing are the heads of these two companies respectively.

This also gives some other personnel expectations and opportunities for promotion.

However, the senior management teams of the five major groups have never been officially announced.

However, it is difficult to hide the position of Cao Yang, the richest man in China.

Each group will not interfere too much with the operations of its subsidiaries.

Of course, in order to further distract everyone's attention, Nanshan Industrial Group, which owns Nanshan Equipment, Nanshan Robot, Nanshan Precision Instruments and other companies, changed its name to Venus Technology Group.

This data is relatively less eye-catching.

As an academician of the Academy of Engineering, Pan Jinxing asked him to serve as the general manager. Naturally, no one would have any objections.

This is also the general direction that Cao Yang told everyone during the trial run last year.

"The general manager of Daystar Technology Group will be academician Pan Jinxing, and the deputy general manager will be Li Shigui."

There are some overseas islands, some in port cities, and some domestically. Of course, some are held directly in Cao Yang's personal name.

"The general manager of Honor Technology Group will be academician Zhang Jing, and Xia Qingqing will be the deputy general manager."

Whether it is carbon fiber or special steel, they are materials that are worthy of a lifetime of research by many people, or even materials that cannot be studied in a lifetime.

There is nothing strange about Cao Yang's appointment, everyone takes it for granted.

But judging from what Cao Yang said just now, the situation is obviously not like this.

However, a more interesting thing happened.

However, considering the ages of Zhang Jing and Xia Qingqing, and the fact that Zhang Jing is still an academician, and Cao Yang wants people who understand technology to control the development direction of the entire group, Xia Qingqing ultimately assists Zhang Jing.

"After more than ten years of development, Nanshan Group can be said to be a gathering of talents with numerous talents."

Therefore, even if the scale and influence of Nanshan Energy are not comparable to other groups, no one dares to underestimate it.

"Nanshan Media will have Fang Sisi as the general manager and Zhang Songwen as the deputy general manager."

No one was surprised by Cao Yang's appointment.

Fang Sisi is the real wife, and she is in charge of the media group among the five major groups, so she is the most suitable.

It just so happens that Weibo is also developing and growing in her hands, and she will be able to better coordinate things such as Autohome and Nanshan Film and Television in the future.

Only Yu Yu was a little disappointed. Originally, she was thinking about the possibility of becoming the deputy general manager of Nanshan Media.

"As for Nanshan Automobile Group, Rao Yongxiang will be the vice president in charge of R&D and production, and Zeng Tingting will be the vice president in charge of sales and purchasing."

Nanshan Automobile Group is the most basic among the five major groups, and it is also the group that is relatively least involved in sensitive content.

Of course, everything is relative.

For example, Nanshan Engine, a subsidiary of Nanshan Automobile Group, now also produces engines for drones.

Of course, Cao Yang will also plan to spin off this part of the engine business into the corresponding group in the future.

Let the engine R&D team allocate personnel according to actual needs.

"Although Nanshan Group has been split into five major groups, there are still many business contacts and coordination needs between the various groups."

"In the future, several separate committees will be established to coordinate matters between various groups."

"These committees include the Personnel and Compensation Committee, the Technology and Quality Systems Committee, the Joint Purchasing and Sales Committee..."

According to Cao Yang's arrangement, these committees were, to a certain extent, the responsibilities of the main departments of the original Nanshan Group headquarters.

For example, Liu Youmei will be the vice chairman of the personnel and compensation committee, and Dong Shengnan is the vice chairman of the finance-related committee.

Cao Yang will be the chairman of most committees, ensuring that important matters among the five major groups can be flexibly controlled in his own hands.

Even if the shares change in the future, there will be no surprises.

These announced things were basically already implemented during the preview last year, so everyone didn't think it was very strange.

However, after the conference was over and the five major groups were officially established, and after the news spread that the sales of the five major groups exceeded one trillion last year, it still attracted the attention of countless people.


"It's amazing. It actually exceeded one trillion. My HONOR3 seems to have made some contribution."

"How many more trillion-dollar companies can we have?"

"It's divided into five, and it still feels so awesome, awesome!"

"Daystar Technology Group, I have some inexplicable expectations for it."

"How do I feel that Nanshan Automobile Group will become a trillion-level enterprise in the future after it becomes independent."

"I look forward to the day when Honor Technology Group will also exceed one trillion yuan."

"If one day all five groups become the world's top 500 companies, they will be so awesome!"


After the Nanshan Group's general meeting, some information was announced to the public, and some information spread.

Soon, Nanshan Group’s turnover in 2011 exceeded one trillion and the establishment of five major groups were on Weibo hot searches.

Netizens from all walks of life expressed their opinions there.

This has caused many competitors to feel tremendous pressure.

"Ai Moha, the development momentum of Xingchen Motors, Jaguar Land Rover and Future Automobile in China is too strong."

"We have to increase our efforts to promote new models this year so as not to be left behind by them."

"Although China's auto market as a whole did not change much last year, the sales growth rate of luxury cars was higher than that of the entire market."

"This trend should become more and more obvious in the future, which is a good thing for us at BMW."

"The prerequisite is that we can seize this opportunity."

Phillips has been paying close attention to the activities of Nanshan Group in recent years.

After Nanshan Group became a hot search this time, Phillips naturally immediately communicated with Aimoha about BMW's next arrangements.

As BMW's main competitor and largest partner in China, how BMW China handles its relationship with Nanshan Automobile Group is definitely a problem that Phillips and Aimoha must face.

They once chose the road of competition, but found that this road was not easy to follow.

Nowadays, more and more people are taking the cooperation route, but if you want to do it well, how to grasp the degree of cooperation is also not that simple.

"Our 1 Series has brought down the price, and this year is a good time for momentum."

"At the same time, our X3 and X5 have also begun mass production."

"Based on the current situation, there will definitely be no problem in surpassing Jaguar Land Rover in sales in 2012, and the gap with Xingchen Motors should continue to narrow." Aimoha is quite confident about this year's market prospects.

The main reason is that BMW has chosen to lower the threshold in the past few years and launch some low-priced entry-level models so that more consumers can afford BMW cars.

This effect is still very obvious.

After all, BMW's brand strength is there, and as long as the price is right, many people still want to buy it.

"While we are working hard, Xingchen Automobile is not resting either."

"The momentum of their big G series is also quite strong. In addition, other models have been performing steadily, and their development speed will not necessarily be slower than ours."

Phillips now dares not look down upon Nanshan Automobile.

"It seems that Xingchen Motors has no intention of launching an entry-level model. I feel that their sales growth will be relatively limited in the future."

"After all, they have already unleashed their potential to a relatively high level, and G9 will continue to bring additional increments."

"Even if other models increase, I don't think their share in China will be significantly increased in the end."

Aimoha has also been studying the development strategy of Xingchen Automobile in recent years.

In his opinion, the other party's route is different from that of the BMW.

It can be said that Xingchen Automobile has taken a slightly different path from everyone else in the luxury car market.

Which one is the most suitable, no one knows now.

Anyway, in order to increase its sales, BMW is constantly launching various cheap models.

The results so far are also very good.

"Everything will change differently when it comes to Nanshan Group. Now Nanshan Group is divided into five groups. Who knows what Nanshan Automobile Group will look like in the future."

"There is no harm in paying more attention to their movements."

When Phillips said this, Amoha naturally found it difficult to refute.

In fact, there are many car companies that are also paying close attention to the news of Nanshan Automobile Group like Phillips.

Spring City Automobile Group, which has always regarded itself as China's number one automobile group in the past, now feels very complicated.

Before today, if the turnover of Nanshan Group was high, it could also be said that it was due to the various industries under Nanshan Group.

Now they have spun off the automobile segment specifically to establish Nanshan Automobile Group, and its turnover is also ahead of many domestic automobile companies.

This made Zhu Zhengfeng very embarrassed.

"Mr. Zhu, I think Nanshan Automobile Group is special. No other domestic automobile company can compare with them."

"No one will particularly worry about the gap with Nanshan Automobile Group."

Tao Wen had just reported to Zhu Zhengfeng various things in the media that he had compiled about Nanshan Group's turnover and split last year.

She could feel that when she said that Nanshan Automobile Group's turnover far exceeded that of Spring City Automobile Group, his face turned ugly.

So she immediately helped find the steps to get down.

There is no way, Nanshan Automobile Group is too powerful.

Although the relevant specific turnover is not directly announced online, everyone can feel its power from the sales volume.

Not to mention that Jaguar Land Rover's global sales last year were also very good.

"That's what I say, but the numbers are there. When domestic automobile groups are ranked in the future, there will be no way to avoid the existence of Nanshan Automobile Group."

"They haven't included the sales of Nanshan Hongqi yet, otherwise the numbers would be even more exaggerated."

Zhu Zhengfeng is really envious of others now.

Why was it established so late but its current results are so impressive?

There are few automobile companies in China that have not interacted with it.

The key is that as long as the entire vehicle is great, auto parts are even more powerful.

"In the future, the domestic automobile industry is expected to gradually emerge with one superpower and many strong players."

"Nanshan Automobile Group now integrates Xingchen Auto, Future Auto, Jaguar Land Rover, Nanshan Engine, Nanshan Transmission, Nanshan Auto Parts, etc. into one group."

"The sales situation announced in the future will definitely be the situation of all affiliated companies."

"According to this scale, it is estimated that there is really no opponent in the country."

"Especially, the prospects of future cars are very optimistic about everyone. Even though we only sold more than 30,000 cars last year, the attention received is not low at all."

"I heard that Nanshan Automobile Group has also invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the development of three-electric parts for new energy vehicles."

"Perhaps their newly launched electric vehicles this year and next will bring bigger surprises to everyone."

Since Zhu Zhengfeng wanted to discuss it, Tao Wen might as well express his opinion.

Lest the boss feel that his perspective on the problem is too low.

"The development trend of new energy vehicles is already showing signs. This year we at Nanshan Hongqi also need to start considering launching some plug-in hybrid or pure electric vehicles."

"Otherwise, we might not be able to keep up with the rhythm by then."

Zhu Zhengfeng's current layout of Spring City Automobile Group is actually a little bit random here and there, without an overall plan.

Of course, this may also have something to do with the technical background of Spring City Automobile Group.

If you don’t have any special skills, it will be difficult to plan and develop in the long term.

It’s quite embarrassing if you can’t achieve it after doing it.

"This shouldn't be a big problem. Nanshan Automobile Group also attaches great importance to new energy vehicles. They can provide Sanden parts to other companies such as Yangcheng Aian, and naturally they can also provide them to Nanshan Hongqi."

"However, companies such as Teitu Motors and Xifeng Motors have established their own new energy companies. Can we also consider setting up a separate electric vehicle company?"

Tao Wen feels that Spring City Automobile Group is a bit behind in the development of new energy vehicles.

But this matter cannot be said too directly in front of Zhu Zhengfeng.

Otherwise, you might be in trouble.

"In addition to Nanshan Hongqi, our independent brands also include the Pentium brand."

"If you want to develop new energy vehicles, just do it under the Pentium brand."

"If you build a brand new brand, it will be too difficult to enhance the brand power."

Spring City Automobile Group worked hard to enhance the influence of the Hongqi brand, but the effect was not particularly significant.

Zhu Zhengfeng didn't want to start from scratch and then improve a company's brand.

That's so tiring.

Since the boss has said so, Tao Wen will naturally not say anything categorically.


"Ayang, Huaxia TV found me and wants to ask you for an exclusive interview."

The Nanshan Group has made such a big noise. In addition to colleagues from all walks of life, the media is naturally also paying close attention to it.

After all, no matter which TV station it is, such a good promotional material is not wanted to miss it.

It's just that although Cao Yang has been very low-key in his work in recent years, he has been very low-key in life.

Unless interviews from various media outlets are helpful for promoting the product, he usually refuses them outright.

If you have that time, you might as well engage in research and development and break through some technical difficulties.

"The company is now split into five groups. If China TV is interested, let them conduct an exclusive interview with Academician Pan of Daystar Technology Group."

"As a new move after the split, I am ready to let Daystar Technology Group take the lead."

"When the time comes, we will operate it as a star company, attract more attention, and make it bigger and stronger."

Whether it is Nanshan Equipment or Venus Aerospace, they are now in Venus Technology Group.

This group represents the future to a certain extent and represents the core competitiveness of the Nanshan Group.

After all, only when the equipment is powerful can the industry be powerful.

As aerospace becomes stronger, entrepreneurs will have a stronger sense of security.

Especially for a figure of Cao Yang's level, if there is not a strong enough country to support him, his global development will be very disadvantageous.

This is why Cao Yang has become more interested in military-related technologies in the past year.

Pure civilian technology naturally needs to be developed.

But advanced aerospace technology cannot be left behind.

If more black technologies are developed, when the five major groups develop internationally, they may encounter fewer obstacles.

In other words, it will go through a process of changing from less to more, and then from more to less.

Once your technical level becomes the best in the world, if others continue to restrict your exports, they will dig a hole for themselves.

Just like China, it will never simply ban the import of high-tech products such as the world's most advanced chips or the most advanced machine tools.

In turn, the situation in other countries is similar.

Only if I can do it, others can do it, but when others do it better than me, in order to protect my own industry, I will take various restrictive actions.

This was the case when the United States imposed sanctions on Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

"You want to push out Daystar Technology Group?"

Fang Sisi was a little surprised by Cao Yang's answer.

After all, judging from the current scale, Nanshan Automobile Group and Honor Technology Group are the largest and attract the most attention.

"Yes, Daystar Aerospace Technology has already launched the first drone show and the second unmanned helicopter promotion around New Year's Day. Now it's time to release the third one to let everyone know that we We are also serious about aerospace."

Cao Yang plans to focus his main energy on military-related industries in the next year to prepare for some situations that may arise in the future.

This situation is certainly not understandable to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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