Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 709 The third bullet, Ke Zhang received the rocket attack

Chapter 709 The third bomb, the recyclable rocket is coming

Fang Sisi was very curious about how Cao Yang planned to play with the "third bomb" of Daystar Technology Group.

Regarding this, Cao Yang naturally had no need to hide it and had a good chat with her.

In order to implement the "third bomb" faster, Cao Yang personally flew to the imperial capital and continued to dig into other people's corners with a hoe.

After all, the talents engaged in rocket design are basically within the system.

Or overseas.

Overseas, they have been poaching people since last year. Currently, the number of overseas experts related to aerospace under Venus Technology Group has exceeded 300, and this number is still increasing.

But the company must also cultivate China's own team.

At present, Cao Yang feels that there is still a lack of a Dinghai Shenzhen level figure.

"Mr. Cao, I am very touched by your sincerity that you can fly here from Yangcheng in person."

But you are only great in the automobile industry, only in the mobile phone industry, only in carbon fiber and special steel, only in CNC machine tools, only in...

Of course, he was talking about the current situation of private enterprises in the aerospace field in China, not the situation abroad.

For a large enterprise like Aerospace Science and Technology, all project research and development have project approval requirements and will only be launched when driven by relevant background needs.

Naturally, Cao Yang came prepared this time.

"According to our current plan, the first prototype will be produced within this year, and then the launch attempt will be carried out at an appropriate time."

But in the end I found that this path didn't seem to work, so I gave up.

Watching people serve is the most basic arrangement when poaching people.

Your Nanshan Group is very powerful. Even if it is split into five groups, it will still be as powerful.

However, even so, when he came out to see Cao Yang today, his attitude was not very good.

In his opinion, aerospace companies still have to rely on companies like theirs.

Private enterprises outside rely more on gimmicks for marketing and have no truly viable products.

"Yes, it's a reusable rocket."

Cao Yang knew that in order to attract people like Zhao Xingyu who were free from vulgar tastes and had pursuits in life, he had to use some different methods.

Zhao Siyu frowned and resisted looking at the drawings on the table.

He directly took out an A0 drawing and spread it on the table.

If what is finally developed not only fails to reduce the launch cost, but makes the cost higher, then this thing will naturally have no future.

According to Polar Bear's judgment, the cost of each maintenance and repair of a recyclable rocket is higher than the cost of a one-time launch rocket.

"Although the possibility of a successful launch for the first time is not that high, we are confident that it will carry the satellite and officially complete the launch mission within next year."

So far, there has been no successful case of recyclable rocket launch and utilization in the United States or even around the world.

Thinking of this, Zhao Siyu stopped.

This kind of talent has a lot of things to pay attention to when going abroad, and even the passport is not in their hands.

"In the past two years, we will first study the launch of large-scale recyclable rockets with a thrust of 2000 tons, and the next step is to study large-scale recyclable rockets with a thrust of more than 5000 tons."

The Space Exploration Technology Company in the United States has claimed to develop recyclable rockets since its establishment in 2002. As an industry insider, it is natural that Zhao Xingyu has not heard of this thing.

"But I really have no plans to change jobs. I am very happy working in the first hospital."

By the time they really wanted to develop recyclable rockets, Daystar had already launched rockets into the sky.

"General Engineer Zhao, this is an appearance design drawing of the recyclable rocket that our Venus Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. is developing."

Although the two parties did not sign a confidentiality agreement, it was just one of countless drawings, and Cao Yang was not worried about the risk of leaking secrets after showing it to Zhao Xingyu.

It is impossible to allocate manpower and material resources to start research on recyclable rockets just because Zhao Xingyu met Cao Yang.

"This time, my classmates tried their best to say hello and recommend me, so I feel the need to come out and meet you."

As the chief engineer of the first institute of aerospace science and technology, Zhao Siyu is definitely an expert in the field of rocket design.

This is not the focus of the work of the First Hospital and cannot be implemented in a short period of time.

The original purpose of developing recyclable rockets was simply to reduce the cost of a single launch.

His first reaction was not that Daystar was awesome, but that Daystar was unreliable.

"Recoverable rocket?"

Even recyclable rockets were not first proposed by Space Exploration Technology Company, but the Polar Bears proposed a similar plan decades ago.

"To this end, we have transferred many engineering and technical personnel from Nanshan Engine to design the engine of this recyclable rocket."

So Zhao Siyu suddenly heard Cao Yang say that he would test launch a recyclable rocket within this year, and would use recyclable rockets to launch satellites next year.

"And it's a high-thrust reusable rocket."

After all, the "third bomb" promotion is coming, and some renderings are ready to be released to the public. What's missing is this appearance picture?

It seems that Nanshan Group has a lot of great things?

But there is definitely no rocket in this, right?

If Zhao Siyu hadn't known that Cao Yang could not be a representative of a foreign power, he would have reported this matter to the group.

When Cao Yang said this, Zhao Xingyu's eyes turned cold.

Is this deceiving fools?

2000 tons of thrust?

5000 tons of thrust?

Does Cao Yang understand Rockets?

I have been building rockets all my life, but the rockets with the highest thrust in China so far have not reached 2000 tons, not even half of 2000 tons.

As a result, Cao Yang said as soon as he came up that Venus was going to build a 2000-ton high-thrust rocket, which would also be recyclable!

how can that be!

"General Engineer Zhao, I know you think this idea is completely unreliable. In fact, our company has already begun research on recyclable rockets since the establishment of the Star Racing Team."

"Last year, we recruited a large number of domestic and foreign technical personnel on a large scale to carry out relevant technical research."

"This year and next we will also not set a cap on recruitment of R&D personnel and no cap on research funding investment to study recyclable rockets."

"The current drawing is feasible after preliminary internal verification."

"The reason why we can achieve such a large thrust is because our high-thrust rocket has multiple high-thrust engines installed at once."

Cao Yang was naturally able to read Zhao Siyu's inner thoughts from his expression.

But he wasn't angry either.

After all, the more professionals you are, the more you know how difficult it is to design and manufacture high-thrust rockets.

How is it possible that a private enterprise like Venus has easily solved something that has been impossible to solve in China for so many years?

Normal people would not believe it.

Even if you take a different design idea.

However, Cao Yang's words at least made Zhao Siyu give up the idea of ​​leaving directly, and instead turned his eyes to the drawings on the table.

Although it was just a relatively simple appearance picture, Zhao Siyu could tell at a glance that the rocket in front of him used 9 engines.

This number of engines is definitely not small.

The most critical thing is that the layout of the engine is rather strange.

As a rocket expert, he knew that there was a new type of rocket within the group that was going to use 10 engines.

There are two engines in the core stage, and eight engines are installed on the four outer boosters.

This layout is quite different from the rocket in front of me.

"Your so-called high-thrust rocket seems to be somewhat similar to the Falcon 9 launched by Space Exploration Technology Corporation last year."

After looking at the drawings for a while, Zhao Xingyu felt that they seemed a little familiar.

Soon, he thought of the Falcon 9 launched by the United States last year.

Space exploration missions in the United States were previously mainly the responsibility of NASA. Later, due to overwhelming funding, other commercial space exploration companies such as Space Exploration Technology slowly emerged.

As one of the leaders, the first hospital where Zhao Siyu was working on the Falcon 9 launched last year also specially organized many personnel to collect relevant information and conduct a thorough study.

Now that he saw similar drawings again, Zhao Siyu finally came to his senses.

"Yes, this shape is indeed similar to Falcon 9."

"But our rocket is a recyclable rocket, and the Falcon 9 launched by SpaceX last year did not have a recyclable function."

"According to the current information, the other party may not be able to produce a recyclable Falcon 9 in the next three years."

"Furthermore, the shell of our recyclable rocket is completely different from that of the Falcon 9. If you can see its rendering later, you will also find that it is very different from what you imagined."

Cao Yang kept it secret and did not directly tell the difference.

However, this aroused Zhao Siyu's curiosity.

He asked back almost without any hesitation, "What's the difference?"

After he finished asking this question, Cao Yang took out another document from his bag and said, "General Manager Zhao, this is a confidentiality agreement. I have to sign it before I can tell you more."

If Zhao Siyu had come up with a confidentiality agreement to sign from the beginning, Cao Yang would have probably left immediately.

If people come to see me today, they don't come because of their bad feelings.

But if you cause trouble yourself, it makes sense for the other party to just leave.

But now after communicating for a while, his interest has been aroused, and Zhao Siyu will definitely be reluctant to leave immediately.

Nanshan Group still has a great influence in the domestic technology industry.

Even many of the production equipment for rocket processing in the First Institute are produced by Nanshan Equipment.

Some of the raw materials are also supplied by subsidiaries of Nanshan Group.

In this case, the technical solution proposed by Cao Yang has some reference significance in Zhao Siyu's eyes.

At least it's worth watching.

After briefly glancing at the contents of the confidentiality agreement, Zhao Siyu signed his name directly.

"Can we talk now?"

Seeing Zhao Siyu developing step by step in the direction he expected, Cao Yang had a smile on his face.

"Of course it's okay."

"This is one of the renderings. Let's first take a look at its differences."

Cao Yang did some operations on the computer, and then opened a rendering to be released for Zhao Siyu to see. With just one glance, Zhao Siyu couldn't help but frown.

"Why is this rocket black?"

In Zhao Siyu's habitual thinking, rockets are all white.

The rockets that most people see on various TV news are also white.

That's because white is the best color for insulating against external temperatures, as it doesn't absorb heat on its own.

After all, the rocket is filled with various liquid fuels that are very sensitive to temperature.

Even solid fuels are also sensitive to temperature.

So white is definitely more suitable than black.

"Because the shell of our recyclable rocket is specially made of high-strength carbon fiber material."

"Carbon fiber is black, we are just showing our true colors."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhao Siyu understood it instantly.

After all, many products under Aerospace Technology use some carbon fiber materials.

However, he soon had another question, "If carbon fiber is used as the shell, the cost will be very high, right?"

“Isn’t the purpose of recyclable rockets just to reduce launch costs?”

"It doesn't make sense if the production cost is high."

Zhao Siyu naturally understands the benefits of carbon fiber, but the shortcomings are also obvious.

Traditional rockets generally use special aluminum alloys as their outer shells.

In order to reduce costs, Falcon 9 innovatively used stainless steel as the outer shell, which has made many people angry.

Now Daystar has gone in the opposite direction and actually uses carbon fiber as the outer shell. Zhao Siyu is a little confused.

"Before the emergence of our Nanshan carbon fiber, it was very difficult to use high-end carbon fiber in China. It was not only expensive, but even if you wanted to buy it, you couldn't buy it."

"But you should also know the current situation. Our Nanshan Carbon Fiber not only produces T800 carbon fiber on a large scale, materials that could not be bought with money before."

"At the same time, T1100 carbon fiber has been developed and has entered mass production."

"For us, the price of carbon fiber is not unacceptable."

Cao Yang just told Zhao Siyu directly that we are professional in carbon fiber and our costs are the lowest in the world.

Although it cannot be lower than stainless steel, it is completely worth using considering other effects such as weight reduction.

"If it is really possible to use low-cost carbon fiber materials as the shell, that would be the best."

"Besides this shell, is there anything else different about you?"

Zhao Siyu did not continue to worry about the issue of carbon fiber. After all, the design of a high-thrust rocket is very complicated, and the outer shell is only an insignificant item among them.

"Of course."

"As just mentioned, our rocket is a recyclable rocket. Compared with the Falcon 9 launched by Space Exploration Technology Company last year, it has added control and navigation systems to ensure accurate landing without damage."

"Then our fuel reserves have also been increased to ensure that there is enough power to complete the recovery of the rocket."

"The configuration of other aspects is also different. The details will depend on the design drawings."

Cao Yang stopped talking halfway through, which made Zhao Siyu very depressed.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Siyu asked: "Mr. Cao, are you really prepared to spend all your manpower and material resources to build a high-thrust recyclable rocket?"

What a different sense of accomplishment it is to personally lead the design of a rocket. Zhao Siyu has the right to say it better than anyone else.

Especially the world's first recyclable rocket, which will be passed down through the ages.

So Zhao Siyu was a little moved.

For him, high wages and high benefits no longer have much appeal.

Mere job titles are also unattractive.

But the sense of accomplishment is different.

In addition to his love for the Rockets, his pursuit of a sense of accomplishment is also a very important reason for his ability to persevere in his current position.

Now Cao Yang has a product full of a sense of achievement placed in front of him.

As long as he nods, he can personally participate in the research and production of this product.

It will even be possible to further develop rockets with greater thrust in the future based on this rocket.

Just imagining the scene of the rocket launch, Zhao Siyu was a little excited.

"I wonder if Mr. Zhao has heard about Nanshan Semiconductor?"

Cao Yang did not answer Zhao Siyu's question directly, but asked instead.

Sometimes simply patting your chest and making a promise won't make others believe in you more.

Instead, it would be better to come up with some convincing evidence.

"That's natural. We have seen the results of Nanshan Semiconductor."

"Our group is even considering purchasing some chips from Nanshan Semiconductor in the future."

As an industrialist, how could Zhao Siyu not know the importance of chips?

"We at Nanshan Semiconductor have burned tens of billions of yuan in the past few years, and currently we don't have even a penny of profit."

“It is expected that tens of billions of yuan will continue to be burned in the future.”

"Our group attaches the same importance to Daystar Technology Group as it attaches to the semiconductor industry."

"If we can't handle 100 billion, then we can do 200 billion. If we can't handle 200 billion, we can do 300 billion. In the end, I believe it can be done."

Cao Yang's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Zhao Siyu's chest.

To engage in aerospace, you must have enough funds and then enough talents.

Even in aerospace technology, sometimes the development of many projects is greatly affected due to insufficient funds.

Now that Cao Yang is willing to spend huge sums of money to develop high-thrust recyclable rockets, Zhao Siyu feels that he can no longer bear it.

"My current position is relatively sensitive, and I don't have the final say on my resignation."

"Okay, I'll go back and discuss it with the leader before I get back to you."

After struggling for a long time, Zhao Siyu finally said this.

Cao Yang was already very satisfied with this.

This basically means that Zhao Siyu himself already wants to come to Daystar.

That's enough.

If there are still obstacles in the remaining matters, Cao Yang can go to the ministries and commissions to communicate and coordinate.

Although Zhao Siyu's position is quite special, there is actually no shortage of Zhao Siyu in aerospace technology.

With Zhao Siyu gone, there are still Li Siyu and Wang Siyu who can be promoted, which will not have much impact on the development of the overall project.

But for Daystar, there are many benefits to having a senior expert like Zhao Siyu who belongs to China.

Since the ministries and commissions have issued policies to encourage private enterprises to enter the aerospace industry, it is natural that they should show some support.

With Nanshan Group's influence in the country, Cao Yang was still confident that he could handle such a matter as poaching someone.

"No problem. If anything happens, you can contact me directly at any time."

"I believe Mr. Qian is far-sighted and will be able to figure it out in the end."

When the conversation has reached this point, there is naturally no need to continue the conversation.

Cao Yang got up personally to see Zhao Siyu out of the conference room, and then started calling Academician Zeng Jianying of Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

Although poaching people is very important, it does not require Cao Yang, the big boss, to sell favors.

Many of Nanshan Carbon Fiber's customers are in the aerospace field, and he is an academician, so he can definitely find the right people to communicate with the aerospace technology side.


"Old Zhao, have you really thought about it?"

When Zhao Siyu came to Qian Junfeng's office and expressed the news that he was resigning, the other party was not surprised at all.

It was obvious that he had been "greeted".

However, Qian Junfeng's performance made Zhao Siyu feel a little disappointed.

It turns out that being in the first hospital is not that important?

Now that he is about to resign, the boss doesn’t seem to have any special intention to retain him?

It seems that I was too sentimental before!

Choosing to go to Daystar this time is a very correct choice!

Thinking of this, Zhao Siyu took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Qian, I have already thought about it."

"Going to Daystar can be considered as indirectly supporting the development of China's aerospace industry."

"Although they are private enterprises, they are still very different from ordinary enterprises."

"And now the policy also supports private enterprises to enter the aerospace industry from different angles."

Zhao Siyu was still a little worried that Qian Junfeng would not agree, so he explained briefly.

"Okay, since you have made up your mind, I won't stop you."

"Our group is definitely unable to compare with some of the conditions given by Daystar."

"However, I need to trouble you to work harder on the related handover work."

Zhao Siyu also prepared a lot of explanations, but as soon as Qian Junfeng said these words, he didn't need to say any more explanations.

You'd better leave obediently and make room for others to be promoted.

Maybe Qian always wants to leave on his own?

That way it would be easier for him to arrange for the promotion of his direct lineage.

When one position moves, a series of positions below will follow suit.

At this time, the power of the general manager can be fully demonstrated.

With complicated emotions, Zhao Siyu left Qian Junfeng's office and began the resignation process.

As for Daystar Technology Group, Cao Yang also officially started the "third bomb" of publicity.

(End of this chapter)

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