Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 716 Returning with a full load, an invincible conspiracy

Chapter 716 Returning with a full load, an invincible conspiracy

As the largest air show in Asia, the Lion City Air Show has naturally great influence.

Even if Chinese companies do not perform particularly well, there will still be many media reporting on them.

But this time the situation is a little different.

Daystar and Aerospace Technology signed a multi-billion dollar deal with a major player, breaking many records in the new century in China.

This achievement is certainly worthy of special mention.

To be honest, for ordinary aircraft, China really does not have much competitiveness in the international market.

There is a gap between helicopters, fighter jets, transport aircraft, and passenger aircraft, and the gap is even greater.

Therefore, all kinds of military trade basically have nothing to do with China.

But in the drone market, China suddenly feels like it is catching up from behind.

In particular, the outstanding performance of the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone has refreshed many people's perceptions.

After all, compared to reporting on missiles in aerospace technology, there is definitely more to say about drones.

This kind of good thing must be very welcome.

Cao Yang is also in a good mood now.

But it's a good start.

"Ayang, they really bought 300 Scorpion drones at one time. Do they also need to buy a production line?"

Many platforms even opened columns to report on it.

The profit from this order is more than one billion US dollars, which is enough for them to burn through money this year.

Needless to say, on the Internet, there are several major portals, and no one has let this matter go.

Naturally, various domestic media outlets will write about such an impressive thing.

Even in the past two years, big dog owners have participated in some local crackdowns from time to time.

"Yes, you are really not short of money for a big dog. Our Scorpion drone is very cost-effective."

The key is that you don’t have to hang missiles that cost $100 million each. You can also hang high-precision bombs that cost tens of thousands of dollars each.

After all, with the fully loaded missiles, the price is just over a dollar.

This report made Daystar completely famous.

In the past, the cost and price to complete such long-distance target bombing were relatively high.

Let everyone know that if you want to buy a drone, you need to buy a few more, otherwise you won’t get the best results.

Now that drones are available, as long as they are operated in an air-conditioned room in China, they can directly set off to bomb targets thousands of kilometers away.

Even if Daystar sells for 200 million yuan domestically and US$200 million internationally, the price is still very competitive.

The key is that this is a good start. The orders that will gradually increase in the future may be more than 300 aircraft.

Even if various R&D expenses are amortized, we may not be able to say that we have made money yet.

The most important thing is that the price is really not expensive.

This time, there are quite a few close-up shots of the Scorpion drone.

There are a lot of benefits paid out every year while lying at home, so there is no need to take risks.

"At that time, we will depart directly from their territory and fly over the target. There will still be enough time to find the target."

"It is estimated that this business will be the beginning of our twin-tailed Scorpion drones taking over the world."

After all, Daystar is going to sell everyone the drone "swarm" tactic next.

"You can even start directly from the farthest point of their borders and reach the target place."

Whether it is used as a large bomber or a communication relay platform, the role of the Scorpion UAV is unmatched by other similar UAVs.

As long as the quantity is large enough, it will have unexpected effects.

Although he now owns two big-making companies, Xingchen Automobile and Honor Mobile, relatively speaking, Venus Technology Group actually doesn't make much money.

After word spreads about the user experience of big dog users, maybe the performance will become better.

The Scorpion UAV series of products has definitely embarked on a virtuous cycle.

You know, in the big dog family, ordinary people are not willing to join their team.

Just burn money.

Even Fang Sisi couldn't help but make a phone call to pay attention to this matter.

It's completely different now.

Obviously, the big dog family has always been uneasy.

As a former reporter of China Channel, Fang Sisi is also very concerned about the international situation.

The purchase cost of the aircraft is low, and the maintenance cost is naturally low.

You can even find some bombs that cost tens of thousands of dollars each to use.

"I have learned about the situation at the big dog owners. Their current surrounding situation is indeed quite complicated, and they should have a relatively strong need for long-range bombing."

The last thing big investors are afraid of is burning money.

Not to mention billions of dollars, even tens of billions of dollars, they can afford to burn.

The premise is that they feel valuable.

"Yeah, so I'd say it's a good start."

"The large area in the Middle East will be a potential market for Scorpion drones in the future."

"Even the large area southwest of the polar bears will be a huge battlefield in the future where drones will take advantage."

Cao Yang is very optimistic about the drone business.

Whether it is a large drone like the Scorpion drone or a small drone from DJI.

Each can find its own use on the battlefield.

And the existence of these things is likely to break everyone's understanding and bring everyone huge surprises.

This is definitely a good thing for Daystar.

"The Scorpion UAV has made a good start. In the future, it will be much easier to sell various military products of Venus Technology Group."

"Before, I was thinking about looking for connections to see if I could find some potential customers to promote to."

"Now it seems that as long as the product is good enough, it doesn't need to be promoted in any way."

Fang Sisi was also in a good mood.

In fact, she was not very optimistic about Daystar Aerospace's business before.

In her opinion, these things should not be touched by a private enterprise.

It's so hard to make money.

What you do is often thankless things.

But Cao Yang was devoted to this field, and it was hard for her to refute.

After all, in the past many years, Cao Yang has never failed in anything he wanted to do.

This time may not be an exception.

"Now we hope that the big players can put the Scorpion drone to use as soon as possible."

"They'll be our best advertisement then."

Cao Yang knew that there would be no chance of actual combat use of the Scorpion drone within China itself.

But without actual combat testing, some people may not be willing to buy it.

So it's best to see if the big dog owner can take action as soon as possible.

Anyway, the products are ready-made, and the missiles are also ready-made.

Just deliver a batch first, and then Daystar and Aerospace Technology will work together to teach others step by step.

No matter how bad it is, it is not impossible to consider directly helping with the operation.

It's a drone anyway, so long as it stays in the capital of the big dog family, it's enough.

It's not that easy for people to check if they want to.

Even if it is found out, you can still say that I am just an instructor.


Just as the phone call between Cao Yang and Fang Sisi ended, Wang Tao's call came in.

Obviously, he must have also seen the news about Daystar at the Lion City Air Show.

Everyone is producing drones. If he has no idea at all, it would be abnormal.

So before Cao Yang came back from Lion City, he couldn't help but call.

DJI's market performance in the past year has been very good, which gave Wang Tao more confidence to call Cao Yang directly.

Otherwise, given his current status in the Chinese business circle, he is still far away from Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, I heard that after a big business owner bought 300 Scorpion drones, he also bought 3600 aerospace technology missiles."

"Actually, I think Goudahu can also consider mounting a DJI drone underneath the Scorpion drone."

Obviously, Wang Tao made this call to expand the market for DJI drones.

When he was in Yangcheng before, Wang Tao had seen some special tactics used by the Scorpion drone to carry the DJI drone.

Even the Scorpion drone and the DJI drone completed the New Year's Eve performance in Yangcheng.

"Good things need to be slowly experienced by people. Now that we are directly selling them to big investors, they may not be able to realize the benefits."

"Besides, we sell civilian products after all, so it's hard to be too straightforward in official situations."

"Don't we have technicians to train them later?"

"When the time comes, I will bring a few prototypes over and let them have a long experience."

"Maybe the big players will give you thousands of drones in one fell swoop."

Cao Yang's words were really not just to comfort Wang Tao.

In his view, there is no doubt about the product performance of DJI drones.

There is absolutely no better competitor to QCD among similar products.

It’s not unreasonable for people in later generations to be so awesome.

Even if the United States wants it, they are not afraid.

Even if you want me, I will raise the price!

Do you like to buy it or not?

In the end, some people still bought it through various channels, which made the American side feel a little disgraced.

The things on the drone are not like high-end mobile phones. You can also take chips and other things to other people's homes.

Nothing on DJI’s products is originally purchased from the United States, and even its patents are not owned by you.

In this case, it seems very weak.

"Do we need DJI to arrange a few technical experts to follow your people there?"

When Wang Tao heard that Cao Yang said there were other arrangements for the follow-up, he was naturally very active in providing help.

The efficiency of this marketing method is definitely many times better than spending money on advertising.

The potential benefits later are also huge.

"Okay, I will ask Li Shigui to contact you when the time comes." "DJI drones will definitely sell well all over the world in the future!"

Cao Yang naturally agreed to Wang Tao's small request without any hesitation.

He doesn't feel any pressure at all when he brings his younger brother with him to make money from a big business owner.


Cao Yang's phone calls almost never stopped.

Before Wang Tao hung up, Li Su's call came over.

Geely has some shares in Daystar Aerospace.

Although the business they invest in is mainly the Starlink system, and Nanshan Equipment is responsible for the production equipment of the Twin-Tailed Scorpion, they can be regarded as relatively highly connected people.

Now that such a big thing has happened in the company, he must express his concern.

"Mr. Cao, I think the big customers can be maintained as key customers in the future. Maybe this big order is just the beginning."

Naturally, Li Su also knew that the big dog owners were very rich.

Such a rich customer must be sorry for himself if he doesn't work hard to pick up the wool.

"Your proposal is good. Maybe we can sell Starlink to them in the future."

"Especially since many places in their territory are deserts. If Starlink can develop a communication system, there should still be a market there."

Cao Yang and Li Su are also very familiar with each other.

So after getting through the phone, we started chatting casually.

If Daystar wants to develop military products, even if it is in the name of civilian products, it must consider the export market.

Anyone who wants to make a lot of money in the military industry must consider exporting.

Otherwise, we can’t sell things to relevant domestic departments at high prices, right?

A company like that is destined not to last long.

"I plan to go back and promote Geely Automobile to them. It may be beneficial to the expansion of other businesses in the future."

Li Su is still very concerned about the future of Geely Automobile.

Now China's independent brands are slowly starting to get involved, and the competition is becoming more and more fierce.

Compared with the same period in history, the number of models sold on the market is estimated to have doubled.

The overall market capacity has only increased slightly.

As a result, everyone's competition is naturally very fierce.

On the one hand, it will seize the market from joint venture car companies, and on the other hand, it will seize the market from other independent brands.

For example, Chery Automobile, as the number one independent brand in terms of sales, will be under great pressure this year.

Because they found that although they had a lot more models and brands, their sales were not growing.

Not to mention growth, the recent sales volume even seems to be on the decline.

Although the situation at Geely Automobile is not that serious yet, the pressure to maintain rapid growth is also very high.

"The automobile export business is a business worth cultivating slowly."

"But everyone should pay attention to word-of-mouth. Don't ruin it from the beginning. It will be difficult to do business in the future."

Cao Yang once heard a piece of news, but he didn't know whether it was true or not.

In the early years, there was a female international student who rented a house in Japan. As a result, she made the house a mess and defaulted on her rent.

Before finally returning to China, he left something like "This is a little revenge for what you did back then" in the room.

Although it sounds like a relief, after this incident spread, it made other international students miserable.

International students who want to rent a house in the future will need to find a local guarantor, which is much more troublesome than before, not to mention the deposit and other matters are completely different.

There is also the original export of motorcycles. Chinese brands once occupied 80% of the market in Southeast Asia, knocking Japanese and other motorcycle companies into disarray.

But as everyone rushes to grab the market, prices continue to refresh perceptions.

Motorcycles were sold for literally scrap metal prices.

As a result, it is natural that we can only achieve such a low price by cutting corners.

Needless to say, the final result was that the reputation was completely ruined.

If you go to Southeast Asia now, how many motorcycles produced in China can you see?

Japanese motorcycle companies that once lost their market have regained the market with great success.

Those local consumers are not willing to buy Huaxia motorcycles anymore, even if they pay a higher price.

Cao Yang naturally didn't want Huaxia's cars to be like this.

"Of course I understand this truth and will not kill the goose to retrieve the eggs."

"I even think that the Automobile Association can come forward to coordinate and put some restrictions on everyone."

"Lest one mouse droppings appear and ruin the whole pot of porridge."

Li Su is a person who wants to do big things.

He naturally wants to do things down-to-earth, but certainly not everyone thinks so.

Some people just want to make a quick buck and don't care about the future at all.

This is certainly not a situation he wants to see.

"This is possible. We can raise it as a formal topic at the next association event."

"I guess car companies such as Great Wall and Chery are also very interested in this matter."

If China wants to become an automobile powerhouse, it must allow various automobile companies to enter the international market.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless if it was just a mess.


Come home full!

No matter what big deals Boeing and Airbus sign with others later, for Daystar and China, this time the Lion City Air Show will be a fruitful one.

This also makes Daystar more interested in participating in air shows in the future.

"Mr. Cao, although the Lion City Air Show is the largest air show in Asia, its influence is only ranked third in the world."

"I think that in the future, at least the top three air shows in the world, as well as our Zhucheng Air Show, will definitely be attended every time."

"This can maximize our reputation in the industry and allow everyone to see our strength."

Li Shigui is in a very good mood now.

It was the first time that the Scorpion drone went out to participate in an exhibition, and it received so many orders.

300 for the big dog owners, and dozens of others here and there.

This result is definitely very impressive.

"The air show is as important to Daystar as the auto show is to Nanshan Automobile Group."

"It is indeed possible to arrange people to follow these activities, and even do some surrounding marketing promotions in conjunction with these activities."

“But the most important thing is to have a strong enough product that can attract others.”

Cao Yang knows very well that in the aerospace industry, products are the last word.

Marketing is just an auxiliary means.

Otherwise, even if your marketing capabilities are off the charts, you won’t be able to make your product a hit.

Just like domestic helicopters, if you want to sell them on a large scale around the world, it is definitely impossible.

There are several well-known products such as Apache weighing on your head. If you don't have any skills, there is no way to grab orders from others.

"That's true. This industry is technology-intensive. Only with good technology and products can we have a good market."

"But actually, I think sometimes the market is relative."

"It's a very good technology, and the price of the corresponding products is definitely not cheap."

"And there are many people in this world who actually cannot afford very expensive products, and even they don't need very good products."

"For example, in some regions in Africa and the Middle East, high quality and low price may be what they need to consider more."

Li Shigui believes that there is nothing wrong with pursuing the best technology, but the needs of customers also need to be considered.

If you can't make a good product, but customers can't afford it, then there's no point.

"What you say makes sense, but our products mainly rely on sufficient excellent performance to open the market as quickly as possible."

"This is true for drones, and it will be true for helicopters and business jets in the future."

"Of course, the price must be as low as possible, so that we can make a few hundred percent profit without selling it very expensively."

If you don't sell this kind of product, you can't make a profit several times over.

The sales volume of each product is not very high, but the research and development expenses are very high.

If you don't sell them more expensively, where will you earn back the R&D expenses for failed products?

Even with so much R&D funding invested every year, there is no guarantee that a successful product will come out.

"Our Scorpion drone production factory will be built soon."

"By then, the production efficiency of this unmanned factory will be much higher than before, and it is very suitable for high-volume product production."

"If we want to produce more than 300 aircraft, we can produce them in more than a month."

"Even if it is slower, it will only take three months at most."

"But as a result, our production line will soon become vacant, and we need to find more customers as soon as possible to buy our Scorpion drones."

Li Shigui still attaches great importance to the Scorpion UAV. After all, it is currently the best product of Venus Aerospace.

After unmanned helicopters are produced, or other drone products are developed, the pressure can be slightly relieved.

After all, within Venus Aerospace, the only one he could get involved in was the UAV division.

In other aerospace divisions, he is really unprofessional and has a lot of ambition but not enough energy.

For example, what can Li Shigui say about the development of Venus 9?

He could barely understand the operating principle of Venus 9.

It would be too difficult for him to participate in the design and put forward some opinions.

"That's just right. Didn't the big dog buy a production line?"

"Discuss with them and say that in order to allow them to quickly form the production capacity of the Twin-Tailed Scorpion, we can directly relocate the mass production line that was just built last year."

“This way, the equipment can be delivered as quickly as possible.”

"In the future, all our Scorpion drones can be produced in unmanned factories."

"Wait until next year, and we can invite representatives from major companies to visit our unmanned drone factory."

"If they are interested, we can sell them another unmanned factory."

Cao Yang was ready to work hard.

Anyway, this is my conspiracy. If you want to buy it, you can buy it. If you don’t want to, I won’t force it.

At worst, after my product is upgraded, you will continue to use the old product.

If you want to produce new products, you can only buy a new production line.

Anyway, as long as you fall into the trap, there is always a way to make you pay.

In this regard, polar bears do the most evil thing.

However, Cao Yang felt that Daystar could learn from it appropriately.

(End of this chapter)

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