Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 725 It’s not that Hexcel cannot afford it, but that Nanshan carbon fiber is more cost-effect

Chapter 725 It’s not that Hexcel cannot afford it, but that Nanshan carbon fiber is more cost-effective

Boeing and Northrop Grumman moved quickly.

Now that they have chosen to contact Nanshan Carbon Fiber, it means that they are really worried that if they continue to use Nanshan Carbon Fiber, their own products will lag behind the world in the use of carbon fiber composite materials.

Chinese manufacturers are using it, European manufacturers are using it, and even competitors like polar bears are using it.

If they are not used, you will spend more money to buy Hexcel carbon fiber, and the performance will not be as good as Nanshan carbon fiber products.

That would be embarrassing.

"Mr. Chen, the sanctions imposed by the United States on Nanshan Carbon Fiber are in name only."

"Boeing and other companies have officially signed contracts with Nanshan Carbon Fiber to purchase a batch of carbon fiber composite materials."

"Now it seems that the successful development of Nanshan Carbon Fiber T1200 has played a considerable stimulating role."

As the sales director of Guangwei Group, Chen Qingxiang is very familiar with the carbon fiber industry.

"It seems that the company also needs to consider the construction of new factories in advance."

"So now that Nanshan Carbon Fiber has once again taken the lead in developing the T1200, I guess everyone will quickly choose to believe it."

When Guangwei Group originally produced fishing rods and other fishing gear, it needed to purchase carbon fiber raw materials at high prices from companies such as Toray.

"Even if they can quickly develop products similar to T1100 carbon fiber composite materials, it is estimated that the market will be occupied by Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

Later, after cooperating with Nanshan Carbon Fiber, development entered the fast lane.

Chen Liang started his business by producing fishing rods, and now he has made Guangwei Group completely bigger.

As for T1100 and T1200, there is no need to say more.

Once everyone's ideas are hugely different, it won't be the same thing.

When core interests are not involved, it is easy to say anything.

Because the carbon fiber production capacity of Guangwei Group and Nanshan Carbon Fiber accounts for 60% of global production capacity.

Chen Liang is also very familiar with the situation of Nanshan carbon fiber.

However, Guangwei Group mainly produces T300 and T400 carbon fiber. The more high-end T700 and T800, only Nanshan Carbon Fiber in China can produce them.

"Hexcel, which they have always relied on, can still maintain its technical advantage in products up to T800, but it has obviously fallen behind when it comes to T1100."

All I can say is that each has its own pros and cons, and the one that suits you is the best.

Even if Party B lags behind, Party A will try its best to take it along with it.

Later, relying on Guangwei Group's own research and development and the sudden emergence of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, the history of China's carbon fiber industry was finally rewritten.

Anyone who engages in procurement knows that there are two main procurement models in the world.

Once there is a more advantageous manufacturer, they will immediately abandon you.

And this proportion is still rising.

But once Hexcel falls behind, Boeing will not even frown if it abandons Hexcel.

When you have an advantage in certain aspects, I will give you the order.

Chen Qingxiang knew very well the thoughts of the purchasing staff of those giants.

Another model is the competition model of European and American companies.

Guangwei Group started out as a fishing gear manufacturer and only started to enter the carbon fiber field a few years ago.

With the help of Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Guangwei Group has the production capacity of T300 and T400 carbon fiber.

“The T1200 has been built, it’s really amazing.”

One is the model of common development with suppliers adopted by Japan and Korea. The relationship between Party A and Party B is more about cooperation and common development.

Of course, many of these Party B have some shares in Party A, or have other inextricable connections.

It is difficult to say which one is better and which one is worse.

Guangwei Group will start producing carbon fiber because it does not want to live such a miserable life.

"But what happened later has proven that facts speak louder than words."

"Yes, the emergence of T1200 carbon fiber and the large-scale mass production of T1100 carbon fiber composite materials should give Boeing a big stimulus."

"Now that Nanshan Carbon Fiber's products can now be exported to the United States, this means that the relevant sanctions have existed in name only, and the demand in the international market will soon explode."

Hexcel America has long-term cooperation with companies such as Boeing.

That frustration...

Nowadays, when it comes to carbon fiber materials, there is no way to avoid Huaxia.

And even if you have money, you can't buy the most high-end products.

With both technical and cost advantages, China's carbon fiber materials can definitely defeat international giants.

It is estimated that in another five years, 80% of the world's carbon fiber will be produced in China.

"At that time, their production capacity may not be enough again, and the number of manufacturers looking to us to purchase carbon fiber materials will definitely increase."

“When Nanshan Carbon Fiber took the lead in developing T1100 carbon fiber, international giants such as Toray and Hexcel were probably dubious and thought it was unlikely.”

And Chen Liang did not stop there. He personally led the R&D team and was close to conquering the T700 carbon fiber technology.

Although this will form a certain competitive relationship with Nanshan Carbon Fiber, their product positioning is different. In fact, the competitive relationship is not that strong.

Just like Geely and Chery also produce various models, so does Xingchen Automobile.

But it's hard to say there's any competition between them.

The same is true for Guangwei Group and Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

One is to make mid- to low-end products, and the other is to make high-end products.

Even if it is the same T700 carbon fiber, there is a certain difference in performance.

Just like some Western medicines in later generations, imported ones are much more expensive than domestically produced ones with the same chemical ingredients.

And objectively speaking, sometimes imported medicines are indeed more effective.

Because other people's medicines have better performance in terms of purity and other aspects, the final effect will be different.

The situation is similar for Nanshan Carbon Fiber products.

When American companies such as Boeing began to purchase Nanshan carbon fiber products, other companies that originally had some concerns became less entangled.

"Ibat, are you sure that the price of T800 carbon fiber purchased from Nanshan Carbon Fiber is % cheaper than purchased from American Hexcel?"

Porsche President Macht is also under a lot of pressure now.

Since the outbreak of the financial crisis, the situation in Europe has actually never fully recovered.

Therefore, the sales of related sports cars and other models have limited growth.

However, the company's cost expenditure has not dropped much.

In order to make the financial report look better, he also hopes that the company can make some cost reductions in procurement.

As a result, the pressure on Purchasing Director Ibat was increased.

"Yes, this price has been confirmed repeatedly and there is no problem."

"And we have also confirmed with the technical department that the material quality of Nanshan Carbon Fiber fully meets our drawing requirements." "Even the spoilers of some of our previous models were actually produced using Nanshan Carbon Fiber materials. Through its Our brother company Nanshan Auto Parts exports here.”

"I heard that Ferrari has a similar situation, so there is no need to worry about the quality of Nanshan carbon fiber."

Now that Ibart can't protect himself, he will definitely not take care of American Heshe.

In the past, half of Porsche’s carbon fiber materials were made from American Hexcel.

Things have changed now.

It’s not that Hexcel cannot afford it, but Nanshan carbon fiber is more cost-effective.

Even American giants such as Airbus and Northrop Grumman have turned to Nanshan Carbon Fiber to purchase materials.

As a German automobile company, why do they need to insist on supporting Hexcel?

"In this case, let's switch half of the carbon fiber raw materials to Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

"However, when dealing with them, you must keep some information about new models confidential."

"After all, their brother company Xingchen Motors is our direct competitor."

Macht obviously did not make this decision without any concerns.

There are definitely risks involved in buying things from affiliated companies of competitors.

"We simply go to them to order raw materials. They don't know which parts or models the materials are used on."

"So basically there is no need to worry about the risk of information leakage."

At this point, Ibat must make the boss put down his worries.

For sports cars, the proportion of carbon fiber raw materials is still relatively large.

After all, a large number of parts are produced using carbon fiber.

Porsche even has a company that produces carbon fiber parts.

Some large parts are produced in-house, while smaller parts are purchased from suppliers.

This is somewhat similar to the model of four doors and two covers.


As Nanshan Carbon Fiber exports the most advanced carbon fiber materials to various foreign customers, Nanshan Carbon Fiber's own business is booming.

However, domestic manufacturers such as aerospace technology and AVIC are inevitably a little more worried.

"Mr. Zhao, the relevant departments have now allowed Nanshan Carbon Fiber to export all the raw materials it produces."

"As a result, the technical advantages we have accumulated in carbon fiber parts will basically disappear."

"This is detrimental to our aerospace products catching up or even surpassing the world level."

"Should we communicate with Nanshan Carbon Fiber together to see if we can make some distinction between materials supplied to domestic and exported materials."

“The most advanced materials must still be supplied to us first.”

"We only export when there is surplus production capacity and we don't need that much."

Qian Junfeng, as the general manager of Aerospace Technology, has so many companies under the group that use Nanshan carbon fiber materials.

He was also worried.

In the past, we used various means to go to the international market to buy national T700 and T800, but the key was often not available.

This is definitely very detrimental to the research and development of rockets and satellites.

The cost of air launch is very high.

If you can achieve the same function with less weight, you can save more launch costs.

Therefore, various satellites basically use a large amount of carbon fiber materials to reduce weight.

For example, a certain reconnaissance satellite developed and launched by Aerospace Technology Complex this year used Nanshan carbon fiber T1100 composite material, and its performance has been greatly improved.

"Nanshan Carbon Fiber has finally broken the US blockade. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for us to go look for them now?"

As the boss of AVIC, Zhao Tianling thinks about something a little different.

The gap between the domestic aerospace industry and foreign countries is actually wider than that of the aviation industry.

For Zhao Tianling, what is needed most now is breakthroughs in aviation engine and radar-related technologies.

Currently, even if Nanshan Carbon Fiber supplies all the most advanced carbon fiber materials to AVIC, there is no way to ensure that the aircraft produced are the most advanced in the world.

Of course, it also knows that even if Boeing companies purchase materials from Nanshan Carbon Fiber, they will not easily use them on their most advanced military aircraft.

Therefore, the impact of carbon fiber exports on AVIC is relatively limited.

"Cao is always a reasonable and sensible person."

"It's not that we don't allow him to export, we just hope that Nanshan Carbon Fiber will give us priority in supplying advanced materials."

As soon as Qian Junfeng finished speaking, Zhao Tianling said: "If this is just the request, I don't think there is any need to ask Cao Yang. Nanshan Carbon Fiber will definitely have no objection."

"They must have this awareness."

After hearing what Zhao Tianling said, Qian Junfeng said a little nervously: "It's not that the export price is different from the domestic purchase price. If the price offered by others is higher, Nanshan Carbon Fiber may have different ideas."

By this time, Zhao Tianling finally understood Qian Junfeng's thoughts.

This is because I want to give priority to using advanced materials, but I don’t want to spend more money.

However, Qian Junfeng was dedicated to serving the public after all, so Zhao Tianling didn't have much to say.

After all, if this matter can really be solved, it will be good for AVIC.

"Relevant departments have liaison representatives at Nanshan Carbon Fiber. I think we just need to ask them to come forward for this kind of thing."

"It would be bad if we just jumped out."

When Zhao Tianling said this, Qian Junfeng thought about it and it seemed to make sense.

Finally, he gave up the idea of ​​calling Cao Yang directly.

However, when their ideas were conveyed to Zeng Jianying and Cao Yang through Pan Jun, Cao Yang didn't have any objections.

He wants to find an outlet, not really to fund the enemy.

Rather, it is to enhance the global status of China's carbon fiber industry and ultimately gain control over the pricing power of carbon fiber materials.

Looking at all the materials, the pricing power of few materials is in the hands of China.

Cao Yang very much hopes to change this situation.

The field of carbon fiber is an industry in which he can now exert his strength.

If it can eat up more than half of the market share of Toray and Hexcel, then Nanshan Carbon Fiber will have no rivals in the world.

When the time comes, we will bring Guangwei Group and other companies together to formulate a price rule for carbon fiber materials. That way it will be much easier to make money.

After all, first-class companies make standards.

Cao Yang definitely hopes that his company will be a first-class company.

(End of this chapter)

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