Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 726: Unprecedented "advertising", the rise of big dogs

Chapter 726: Unprecedented "advertising", the rise of big dogs

It has been some time since the first batch of Scorpion drones from Daystar Aerospace and the first batch of missiles from Aerospace Technology have been delivered to big customers.

In order to let big customers feel the meticulous service, both Venus and Aerospace Technology have arranged professional technicians to help each other quickly master the operation of the Scorpion drone.

Since the ease of operation was fully considered during the design, you can learn it quickly if you only perform simple operations.

Of course, this kind of learning only knows what it is but doesn't know why. If you want to create a complicated formation, there must be certain difficulties.

However, for big dog owners, it is already very good to be able to achieve such an effect in a short period of time.

Especially when the situation with its southeastern neighbor became more and more complicated, he couldn't sit still.

Ever since something happened at the Pyramid and he stepped down from the leadership position of a certain faction, the big dog has always wanted to raise the banner and become the leader of this faction.

After all, in the Middle East, the leader of another faction is Persia.

Although there are not that many countries in this faction, it is considered a minority, and it is not that rich, but it can fight if it can't stand up to others.

As the world's major drone manufacturer, Printer is very concerned about information related to the use of drones in actual combat.

The United States has a direct team on the big dog's side, so it is naturally impossible to completely hide the news from the big dog's side from the United States.

Even so, 180 missiles fell from the sky at the same time, which directly stunned those armed forces.

"Are the records broadcast on Goudahu TV Station true?"

"Although final confirmation has not yet been made, these videos can basically be confirmed to be authentic and reliable."

Not to mention that this batch of drones comes from China.

Anyway, it’s just some money lost.

Although it can't be said to be a serious injury, it can be regarded as the biggest blow since their establishment.

Since it was used for the first time, each Scorpion only carried 6 missiles.

"How should we face this drone attack?"

"You should arrange for professional technicians to study it as soon as possible to see how effective this twin-tailed scorpion drone is."

But after asking around, I found that none of the people from the big dog family had left the country.

"And the bombing effect this time may be greater than what the big dogs announced, but there is no way to accurately confirm some things if they are not at the bombing site."

However, their strategy in the Middle East required the cooperation of big players, so they didn't say anything in the end.

They are not even sure yet which country's missiles are attacking them.

"Print, I have just sent you the relevant information on how the big dog used Scorpion drones to bomb the opposition in the southeastern territory this time."

In less than two hours from the capital, the Scorpion drone had reached the sky above its designated destination.

The world arms market is relatively fixed. If others take more, you will take less.

Historically, it would take several years for the big dogs to organize a coalition to attack the opposition forces in the southeastern territories.

In this way, a group of people from Goudahu who had just learned how to operate the Scorpion drones commanded the first batch of 30 Scorpion drones to set off.

After all, they don't have the strength to directly attack the country where the big dogs are.

They didn't expect the big dog owner to attack directly without making a sound.

Even if they want to fight back, they don't know how.

This also officially lets everyone know that big dog owners have begun to interfere in the internal situation of Southeast Territory.

The missiles that attack oneself are really all launched by drones.

In order to show his influence as the leader and let everyone know that his fists are very hard, after Gou Dahu knew the results of the battle, he directly broadcast the video of the attack on the official TV station.

Therefore, this attack caused great losses.

When John said this, Printer felt a little heavier.

This scene was recorded by two additional Scorpion drones that took off from behind to take charge of the filming.

Anyway, people can attack those people without leaving the national border. The opponent's air defense force is very weak, so there is no need to worry too much about the Scorpion drone being shot down after being discovered.

Obviously, Printer naturally paid attention to the news about big dogs using drones to attack their opponents.

The atmosphere of the entire area began to change dramatically.

With the cooperation of ground personnel, the Scorpion drone quickly lowered to an airspace of 2000 meters, and then began to launch missiles at the target.

Relevant companies and departments throughout the United States are eager to know the actual combat capabilities of the Two-tailed Scorpion.

But they have always been very concerned about the utilization of these equipment.

Since they want to be the leader, the big dog owners must make some moves.

Something is happening in the Southeast Territory of the Big Dog House, and the people causing trouble are the armed forces supported by Persia.

Persia and the forces it supports must have strong opinions and want to deal with the big dogs who have crossed the line.

But now that they have the twin-tailed scorpion drones, they think they can try a different strategy.

Especially those Scorpion drones and missiles, the United States has very objections to this batch of purchases by big companies.

Besides, it's a drone anyway, so even if part of it is shot down, it won't harm the overall situation.

The big dog market has always been the traditional market in the United States. Now there are changes in drones and missiles. This is naturally not good news.

"We have also obtained the prototype of the Twin-tailed Scorpion UAV for disassembly and analysis, and the relevant report has basically been formed."

"Judging from the current situation, this model of drone uses a large amount of carbon fiber composite materials, which is very good in terms of lightweight."

During the Lion City Air Show, Printer used John to find other companies to buy three Scorpion drones.

Two of these drones were sent to General Atomics.

Printer arranged for the company's professional and technical personnel to conduct testing and dismantling of this suddenly emerging product.

However, the result is obviously not very ideal.

"In other words, Venus claims that the Scorpion drone can fly to an altitude of 10000 meters to launch attacks, has a long cruising range, and has a large bomb load. Are these true and reliable?"

Naturally, John had seen the introductory information on the parameters of the Scorpion UAV.

It’s just that these parameters are just like some products sold in the United States. They are very well marked, but whether they can actually be achieved and what special conditions must be met to achieve them are all particular.

Comparing his feelings, John felt that the Scorpion drone should be the same.

But judging from Print's current answer, this doesn't seem to be the case.

"Yes, this aspect of performance should be unrivaled among drones at present."

"And if combined with stealth coating, the surprise bombing effect of these drones will be even more prominent."

Print wanted to ask John for more funds to support him in researching new drone products, so at this time he simply made the opponent's situation more serious.

He wasn't lying anyway.

"At the last air show, I remember that the other party didn't advertise that their drones had stealth capabilities, right?"

John has no idea whether the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone has a stealth function.

According to some information obtained from the Japanese station, this drone has a stealth function.

And the stealth performance seems pretty good.

But judging from the air shows and the products they have bought so far, there is no stealth coating at all.

"Indeed no."

Printer answered firmly.

"However, China's consistent approach is to only export lower-end products, and the most advanced ones must be reserved for its own use."

"So I think the other party should have kept the stealth version of the Scorpion drone for their own use, and exported the one without stealth function."

Print's guess is basically consistent with the facts.

However, after he finished speaking, he added: "Judging from the appearance and layout of the Scorpion UAV, the stealth performance should not be very good, but judging from the information we have learned before, the Japanese side Actually, no signals from these drones were detected.”

"So I suspect that the other party has made a very big breakthrough in stealth materials, and its performance in absorbing specific radar waves is better than ours."

"Otherwise it would be impossible to achieve excellent stealth effects with this aerodynamic layout."

After hearing Print's analysis, John's expression became taller and more serious.

This news is definitely not good news.

Many American aircraft and missiles have stealth effects.

In addition to some special designs in aerodynamic layout, the most critical thing is the use of stealth materials.

Several measures were taken together to achieve the current result.

But if the results of these measures together are similar to the effect of using stealth paint alone in China, it would be very scary.

This means that the stealth performance of the real stealth aircraft that China will research in the future will exceed everyone's imagination.

This is definitely not a situation the United States wants to see.

"Is there any way we can ask the big dog owners to go to Venus to order some twin-tailed Scorpion drones with stealth capabilities?"

"Then I will try to get some samples of the stealth paint on these aircraft and bring them back for comparative analysis."

John naturally knows that the United States has a strong influence on the big dogs.

As long as the big dogs have the equipment, it's not that difficult for them to do something.

Anyway, they didn't want to destroy the big dog's equipment, they just wanted to scrape off some of the stealth paint.

"This may be difficult."

"But it doesn't mean you can't give it a try."

"After all, this time they are able to exhibit and sell the drones they have just started to equip. This is already a very big change."

Print thought for a while and felt that this plan could still be tried.

As long as there are samples, he feels that the relevant paint companies in the United States can definitely develop similar materials.

The stealth paint currently used on F22 and F35 is too delicate.

How delicate is the F22’s stealth coating?

Just look at the missiles attached to it!

Some people may question, what is the relationship between stealth coating and missiles?

The main weapon of the F22 fighter jet is the air-to-air missile mounted on it. Mounting air-to-air missiles on the fighter jet is one of the main tasks of the ground crew.

Most countries currently use bomb-mounting trucks and bomb-mounting machines to mount missiles on fighter jets. This can improve the efficiency of mounting missiles and reduce the work intensity of ground crews.

However, pictures of American F22 fighter jets carrying missiles have appeared on the Internet.

From this picture, you can see that the F22's bombs are completely carried manually on the shoulder, and no bomb-mounting truck or bomb-mounting machine is used in the whole process.

Would America be without bicycles?

Definitely not!

It is very normal for an air-to-air missile to weigh four to five hundred kilograms. So why should such a heavy air-to-air missile be completely manually mounted?

This has something to do with the F22's stealth coating.

Previously, the American F22 also used bomb trucks to hang bombs, but bomb trucks often scratched the F22.

Because the magazine at the bottom of the F22 fuselage is very small from the ground and there is no large space, the bomb-mounted vehicle will hit the F22 if you are not careful. The coating on the F22's fuselage is also very delicate. Just rub it on and it's done. The coating needs to be replenished or replaced.

And their coating repair or replacement is very troublesome.

Not only does it take a lot of time, but the cost is also prohibitively high.

In this case, you must consider how to reduce scratches.

The United States also had a huge headache, and had no choice but to manually hang bombs. After all, manual bomb hangings required a lot of caution.

Obviously, the United States also hopes to upgrade the stealth coating.

If the stealth coating of the Scorpion drone can bring them some inspiration, the significance will be huge.

"Then act as soon as possible."

"In the worst case, let the big dog owners raise the purchase price a bit."

"As long as the price is high enough, I don't believe that China is really willing to make this money."

John knew that in the 1980s, China sold a batch of special "two kickers" to big dogs.

It is said that one of these "two kickers" has a heavyweight weapon.

Relying on these "two kicks", when Lao Sa started to deal with neighboring countries, he did not dare to attack the big dogs.


Everyone in the United States already knows that big dogs are using Scorpion drones to coax the opposition in the southeastern territories.

Naturally, it is impossible for China to have no news at all.

Only 30 Scorpion drones were dispatched to achieve such brilliant results. A big company has 300 such aircraft.

This situation immediately made other surrounding countries feel worried or envious.

I want to have such a high-quality and low-priced weapon!

Especially Persia, in fact, has always had some related cooperation with China.

Now that the big dog owners are using twin-tailed scorpion drones to bomb the little brother they supported, there will naturally be movement on the Persian side.

"Mr. Cao, Persia has officially contacted us and hopes to purchase 100 Scorpion drones."

"However, this time the other party seems to simply want to purchase drones and has no intention of purchasing missiles."

Li Shigui immediately reported the news he received to Cao Yang.

Although the order for 100 drones only involves US$1 million, it is not an exaggeration for the Nanshan Group, which has a large business.

But the meaning behind this is very different.

You have 100 aircraft and I have 100 aircraft. If we have a few more customers and sell hundreds of aircraft every year, the associated impact will be huge.

Daystar will have more other products in the future, which may also be sold to these customers.

It will be very interesting when there is a situation where you are chasing each other.

"Persia buys our Scorpion drone?"

"I thought other countries would come to me first, but I didn't expect it would be Persia."

Cao Yang also has some understanding of the situation in the Middle East.

To say that the situation is relatively complicated is not an exaggeration at all.

Whether now or in the future, the flames of war have not completely left that place.

We do not live in a peaceful world, but we are fortunate to live in a peaceful country.

This really makes sense.

"The big dog bullies the younger brother who was supported by Persia. Persia must be very worried."

"This batch of Scorpion drones purchased from us is said to have been purchased by Persia. It is really hard to say who is using them in the end."

Li Shigui obviously had some understanding of the situation there.

Even though it is a drone purchased by Persia, it is likely to be used to support its younger brothers.

As the boss, if you want to support your younger brother, you can't just rely on your words.

At critical moments, people must be given to people, and weapons must be given to weapons.

A high-quality and low-priced product like the Scorpion UAV is a very good thing.

"Persia's own missile technology should also be good, and the production cost is relatively low."

"I guess after they buy the Scorpion drone, they will equip it with their own missiles."

“This way we can reduce the cost of use to the greatest extent.”

"The US$100 million missiles from Aerospace Technology are very advanced in performance, but the price is indeed not cheap at all."

"Although there is a lot of oil in Persia, the economic situation is not comparable to that of the big dogs."

Cao Yang can probably still understand some of Persia's ideas.

After all, it is not a particularly wealthy country, so it definitely hopes to save some related expenses.

Venus itself does not produce missiles, so it doesn't matter.

Even if this usage plan in Persia is successful, it will actually be a good thing for the sales of Scorpion drones.

This will further stimulate other countries to choose to purchase Scorpion drones.

"Indeed, the big dog owner has now given us an unprecedented 'advertisement' to make everyone aware of the benefits of the Scorpion drone."

"Now that Persia has followed up, I think it's appropriate to reveal the news."

“At that time, we can stimulate more people to buy our products.”

Li Shigui also knew how to take advantage of this news.

Without competition, everyone would not feel the pressure.

Let you know that other people are using this amazing product. If you don't, you might be panicking.

If the price is very expensive, then you will panic and there is nothing you can do about it.

But at only $200 million apiece, it’s really a bargain.

Even in a very poor place, you can still squeeze out this amount of money by squeezing in.

"Aren't we developing phased array meter-wave radar?"

"If this kind of radar is done well, it can not only detect stealth aircraft, but also non-stealth aircraft."

"At that time, we will develop a foreign trade version, which will focus on tracking and discovering drones."

"We produce spears and shields, so that people can buy both of our products at the same time."

Since we are doing business anyway, we must consider maximizing profits.

As for whether this approach will cause greater harm to some places, Cao Yang can't control that much.

Kitchen knives can also hurt people, and I have never seen anyone ban the sale of kitchen knives.

"We are also currently researching and producing some missiles. At that time, we can combine them with anti-missile systems and launch missiles and anti-missile systems based on drones and radars."

"And we can continuously upgrade these products, forcing relevant customers to continue to buy our products."

"Otherwise, we will be surpassed and suppressed by our competitors."

Li Shigui also had a lot of imagination and felt that this business could be continued well.

Daystar is happy, but Aerospace Technology is not idle either.

Although Persia's order did not include their missiles, the big businessman unexpectedly placed an additional order for them.

It seems that the big dog owners have tried the benefits of the Scorpion drone and are about to become more powerful.

Dozens of them were dispatched every day, dropping hundreds of missiles, bombing the opponents' bases into a mess.

Although there is no way to completely eliminate the opponent through this method, it can take full initiative in terms of momentum.

And this method also quickly curbed the opponent's continued development, making it impossible for them to expand their power to the entire southeastern neighboring countries so quickly.

This goal can be achieved by just burning some money, and the big dogs will definitely be willing to burn money.

This allowed aerospace technology to enjoy another dividend inexplicably.

"Mr. Cao, thank you so much for your Twin-tailed Scorpion drone."

"Without it, we wouldn't have sold as many missiles a year as we did these two times."

Qian Junfeng knew that he would get this order that fell from the sky, and it was actually thanks to Venus.

So after signing an order again, he personally called Cao Yang to thank him.

This is how the relationship between people gets closer step by step.

You help me, I help you, and eventually they become a huge network of interests.

Of course, there may not necessarily be any interest network between Qian Junfeng and Cao Yang.

"The main reason is that your product matches well with the Scorpion drone."

"Other missiles are either too heavy, which affects the number of loads."

“Either the price is too expensive and it’s a bit unaffordable.”

"Of course, if you can further reduce the production costs of these missiles, I think there will be more orders in the future."

It does no harm to Daystar to maintain a good relationship with aerospace technology.

So Cao Yang was also willing to have a good chat with Qian Junfeng.

Although a missile costing US$100 million is certainly not the most expensive, it cannot be considered very cheap either.

After all, not every customer is as good as a wealthy businessman.

The main reason why Persia ordered missiles without aerospace technology this time was because the other party's missiles were too expensive.

If they produce it themselves, they might be able to do it for US$20.

Of course, it's hard to say whether the performance can be the same.

But sometimes in the face of price, everyone can accept a little sacrifice.

“We are already doing this work.”

"Considering the large quantity demand for this kind of missile, we are preparing to customize a batch of robot equipment from Nanshan Equipment and build a missile factory with efficient production."

"At that time, the price of this missile can be directly reduced by at least half, or even even lower under special circumstances."

Qian Junfeng's vision is naturally not bad.

Of course, he was already aware of the problems that Cao Yang could see.

It can be said that the export of the Scorpion drone this time has had a considerable impact.

(End of this chapter)

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