Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 737: Gold and silver arrived early, and the red flag of Nanshan took off.

Chapter 737: Gold Nine and Silver Ten arrive early, and Nanshan’s red flag takes flight.

Toyota Motor's "Special Customer Care Activities Plan" will soon be officially announced.

Spring City Toyota and Yangcheng Toyota made a "worry-free" commitment to customers at the same time. If their vehicles are purchased within the next five years and are maliciously damaged by a third party in a specific accident, the manufacturers will compensate the owner for the loss of the vehicle and the injury to the occupants. burden” compensation.

At the same time, Xifeng Nissan, Xifeng Honda and Yangcheng Honda also followed suit and launched similar plans.

It can be said that the counterattack of Japanese car companies has officially begun.

"Mr. Cao, in the past week, Japanese car companies have contacted various automotive media and placed a large number of advertisements and soft articles."

Yu Yu came to Cao Yang's office in person to report to him on the situation of the automotive media market during this period.

In the past month, life for those in the media has definitely been very good.

Advertisements come to you without any effort on your part.

Press releases don’t require a lot of thinking.

This kind of comfortable working condition doesn't happen all the time.

"Even if some parts suppliers cheat in testing, consumers feel that it has nothing to do with them."

After all, relying solely on the issue of islands can only affect their sales in a short period of time.

"The fuel consumption is similar. After all, everyone already knows what the actual usage is, and it won't change just because of this news."

"Indeed, consumers may not care at all about emissions fraud. After all, what does it matter if the exhaust emits more carbon dioxide or less?"

"The various military trucks produced by Toyota in the 1940s, as well as various military trucks by Nissan, tanks by Mitsubishi, and Zero fighters made a lot of contributions to that war. We want Chinese consumers to know about these accomplices. "

"There is also Kobe Steel. They are not only involved in counterfeiting, they also produced artillery back then."

"Then let's simply follow their propaganda direction and publicize the things they did more than sixty years ago."

Compared with consumers in the United States, there is still a big gap in the awareness of rights protection between Chinese consumers.

A major event like the encirclement and suppression of Japanese car companies is naturally not something that can be achieved with just one or two actions.

“Do we need to do something more to deal with this change?”

"In the next step, in addition to continuing to publicize the fraud and completely knocking Japanese companies off the altar, we can also promote some things that people have not paid attention to yet."

Toyota, Honda, Nissan and other car companies will take some actions to break the current deadlock, which Cao Yang has long expected.

It just so happens that these companies are closely related to the automobile industry. If Autohome publishes their development history, no one can say anything wrong.

"Then combined with the island dispute, it made everyone further hate the products of these car companies."

Otherwise, evidence of fraud by various Japanese car companies would not have been collected in advance.

The current development of the situation is obviously different from this layout.

"Their actions should greatly alleviate consumers' concerns about purchasing products from Toyota, Honda and other car companies. I estimate that their sales will slowly return to normal starting next month."

"For the same model, other people's low-end versions may have more equipment than our high-end versions."

If China wants to develop, it cannot always cut off contacts because of this issue.

China now has so many car companies, and there is no shortage of products from several Japanese car companies.

“Don’t Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi always advertise that they were founded very early?”

"This can also be put forward properly to let everyone know that Japanese car companies are cheating Chinese consumers."

"There is also Subaru, which is now desperately promoting its horizontally opposed engine as if its technology is very powerful, but it has brushed aside the history of its company's establishment."

"I will arrange for someone to do a special report later to let everyone know what Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Subaru and other companies have done."

Cao Yang obviously knew this and made relevant preparations.

When Cao Yang said this, Yu Yu immediately knew how to report the news related to Autohome.

In other words, most Chinese consumers adhere to the mentality of doing less than doing more, and will not hold car companies accountable casually.

Yu Yu understood Cao Yang's thoughts and naturally implemented it quickly.

"In addition to this, we can also make a good comparison between the model configurations of Japanese car companies in Japan and the configurations of models sold in China."

"Previously, everyone was mainly concerned about the fraud by Japanese companies. However, since most of these fraudulent news are difficult to prove that they have any actual adverse effects on the cars they buy, many consumers do not care."

Even years of publicity will have a profound impact on the sales of Japanese car companies.

Yu Yu naturally knew Cao Yang's strategic layout.

"During this period, due to the island incident and the fraud by Japanese companies, the sales of all Japanese car companies have dropped significantly. It is not enough to describe it as a cut in half. It can be said that it has been cut directly to the ankles."

Yu Yu said a little helplessly.

He believes other car companies have the same idea.

"China's automobile market is the largest market in the world, and they will definitely not be willing to accept it."

Anyway, don’t all car companies like to promote how profound their historical heritage is?

Then I will help you understand your history and let you know that you, the accomplices of the "executioners", are not as glorious and majestic as they seem.

So if there is an opportunity to suppress Japanese car companies, Cao Yang will definitely support it.

Although this method cannot completely encircle and suppress Japanese car companies, it will definitely affect some sales.

So over the years, you can hear from time to time that some car companies have paid large amounts of compensation to consumers in the United States, but in China, you can hardly hear any news about car companies paying huge sums of money to consumers.

"We should let Chinese consumers know this history well and not be led astray by selective truth telling."

Cao Yang mentioned a new direction of attack.

Model configurations vary from region to region, which is originally a relatively complex issue.

After all, model configuration must be combined with many factors such as market demand and car positioning, and cannot be generalized.

But Cao Yang didn't want to worry about that, he just stated a "fact".

As for whether there are other reasons behind this "fact" and whether it will cause some misunderstandings to everyone, that is not what he wants to do.

Even causing everyone to misunderstand is what Cao Yang wants to achieve.

"It's really like this. For example, the Fit model of Yangcheng Honda, which has been selling very well. The Fit produced in China basically has very low configurations, but the Fit in Japan has richer configurations than the Accord and CRV. It doesn’t look like a car at all.”

"The situation is similar with the Yaris of Yangcheng Toyota. It is necessary to let more Chinese consumers know about this differential treatment."

Influencing consumers' perceptions is a cumulative matter.

However, hearing a lot of bad news in a short period of time will definitely directly affect everyone's car buying ideas.

Consumers who were still struggling between several cars now no longer need to worry.

After all, in the Chinese automobile market at this time, consumers still have a lot of choices.

To a certain extent, this is a buyer's market.

"Yes, in addition to that, the price difference between models is still huge."

"Obviously their configurations are higher, but the price is cheaper. This can also be complained about."

Cao Yang must be pretending to be stupid at this time.

The selling price of a car is not only related to the cost, but also related to taxes and fees. The situation is also relatively complicated.

But as long as he tells the truth and doesn't lie, that's fine.

As for whether there was any special reason for this fact, he didn't care that much at all.

After all, this is a business war, and we want to encircle and suppress Japanese car companies.

He even planned to call Zhu Zhengfeng, Wang Fu, Wang Ying, Li Su and others later to communicate, and everyone would work together to launch this wave of public opinion offensive.

Lest the Japanese car companies turn around, then the comprehensive efforts will not have much meaning.

After struggling for so long, the purpose is not to make the sales of Japanese car companies fall in one or two months, but to make them unable to easily go back to the past after they fall.

China's automobile market is constantly growing, but if Japanese automobile companies not only fail to grow, but instead continue to decline, then the market share will naturally continue to decline.

This is something that other car companies are happy to see happen.

After Yu Yu listened to Cao Yang's instructions, he finally understood the spirit.

This time's publicity is to spread some unfavorable news about Japanese car companies without telling lies, and slowly destroy the good reputation they have built in the past.

This is a long-term job.


Led by Autohome, other media outlets have followed up with reports on a new round of articles on several entry points such as "replacing old scores", "model price comparison", "configuration comparison" and other topics for Japanese car companies. In a short period of time, It spread everywhere in just a few days.

This caused some of the recent movements made by car companies such as Toyota, Honda and Nissan to be immediately suppressed.

Even if they placed advertisements in many places, there was no way to prevent sales from further declining.

Buying a Japanese car means paying IQ tax.

This concept is now being hyped on the Internet and is widely publicized.

Except for a small number of die-hard fans of Toyota and Honda, few consumers will consider buying a car that makes them unhappy.

At least that's what it was like during this period.

At the same time, other car companies are also working hard to attract consumers to buy their products.

Nanshan Hongqi is definitely the best in this aspect.

"Mr. Cao, in previous years, September and October were the peak seasons for car sales, but this year, sales have completely boomed in August."

"Our Nanshan Hongqi sales exceeded the 8-unit mark for the first time in August, reaching 5 units."

"If we can maintain this sales volume in the next few months, then this year's full-year sales challenge target of 50 vehicles is still expected to be achieved."

Zhu Zhengfeng called Cao Yang in a very good mood.

Today is only August 8st. Logically speaking, August has not even passed yet.

However, Zhu Zhengfeng asked Nanshan Hongqi to summarize the sales data before 18 o'clock that day.

After he knew the result, he couldn't wait to call Cao Yang to celebrate the good news together.

Monthly sales of 5 vehicles are definitely very good. It can even barely enter the TOP10 of the monthly sales rankings.

"Everyone still recognizes Hongqi's brand influence."

"The new models we are launching now are no worse in appearance than those of joint venture car companies, are more powerful than others, and have better configurations than others, but the price is cheaper."

"The current results achieved under such circumstances are also the result of the joint efforts of the entire company."

"However, I think we still need to find ways to consolidate this achievement."

"We can continue to work hard on official cars and make Hongqi the main official car brand replacing Audi and Volkswagen. This will be very beneficial to continue to enhance the influence of the Hongqi brand."

Cao Yang believes that the main reason affecting the continued increase in sales of Nanshan Hongqi is still its brand influence.

If it really has the same brand influence as Volkswagen, General Motors and Toyota, then with its current products, sales will not be at the level of 5 units, and there will be no problem if it doubles.

However, brand influence has always been relatively imaginary, but it does exist.

In the eyes of some special people, the Hongqi brand has a strong influence.

But in the eyes of many consumers, they don’t necessarily think so.

What we need to do now is to get more people to recognize the Hongqi brand.

Nanshan Automobile Group is also working hard towards this goal.

"I am already working hard on this. By then, the official vehicles of relevant ministries and commissions will mainly be Hongqi brand models."

"I also convinced some superior leaders to support Nanshan Hongqi as China's national car and make it a business card of China."

Zhu Zhengfeng's ability in this area is absolutely outstanding.

As the first automobile company in China, Spring City Automobile Group has provided a lot of talents to various places in recent years.

There are some people in the ministries and commissions who worked at Spring City Automobile Group in the early years.

If these resources are properly utilized, the impact on Nanshan Red Flag will definitely be huge.

Today's Nanshan Hongqi, on the one hand, has shares in Spring City Automobile Group, and on the other hand, it has shares in Nanshan Automobile Group, China's most proud private enterprise.

Supporting the development of Nanshan Red Flag is definitely a right choice.

This is also the reason why Zhu Zhengfeng is confident to make further breakthroughs in official vehicles.

“Several major events in 2012 gave Nanshan Red Flag wings to take off.”

"Our own new models are also quite impressive, and their comprehensive strength in all aspects is very competitive."

"It seems that the construction speed of our new factory can be appropriately accelerated."

When Cao Yang said this, Zhu Zhengfeng immediately smiled.

The construction of Nanshan Hongqi's new factory is considered to be Spring City Automobile Group's largest investment in the past year.

Building a modern automobile production plant with an annual output of 30 vehicles in one go is a relatively large investment.

The most important thing is that this factory is completely built to match BMW Brilliance's Tiexi factory, using a large number of related equipment and robots provided by Nanshan Equipment and Nanshan Robotics.

Once completed, it will definitely be another publicity point for Nanshan Red Flag.

We can even promote it to everyone by then, saying that Nanshan Hongqi's new factory is more advanced than BMW's new factory.

To some extent, this can be regarded as a collision of BMW cars.

The key is that the other party has no way to deny it yet.

This is the advantage of being a latecomer.

"The winter in the Northeast is not very suitable for construction. I strive to let the relevant construction units start factory construction day and night while it is suitable for construction."

"After part of the factory building is completed, related indoor projects can be carried out in winter."

Zhu Zhengfeng is definitely very enthusiastic about building new factories.

This is a good opportunity to brush up on your grades.

However, Nanshan Hongqi's performance is very good, while other companies will be in trouble.

On September 9, various car companies announced their sales one after another.

Car companies such as Nanshan Hongqi, Chery, Geely and Great Wall all performed well.

Although the increase is not as exaggerated as Nanshan Hongqi, it at least achieved year-on-year growth.

The sales of automakers such as GM, Spring City Volkswagen, and Changan Ford also followed closely behind their official announcements.

The situation is similar to that of various independent brands.

Among them, Changan Ford has the fastest growth rate.

Their Focus models and several newly launched SUV models have attracted the love of many consumers.

It can be said that Changan Ford is the fastest growing company among European and American car companies.

However, the situation of Japanese car companies such as Spring City Toyota and Yangcheng Toyota is a bit ugly.

Spring City Toyota, which has the highest sales volume, only sold 8 vehicles in August.

Not to mention positive year-on-year growth, it returned to the level of ten years ago overnight.

The situation of several other Japanese car companies is similar.

This situation is not particularly unexpected.

After all, everyone has seen the lively scenes on the Internet during this period.

However, what worries people at Toyota and Honda the most is not the low sales in August, but the fact that sales in the last week of August are still declining month-on-month, with no sign of stopping the decline and stabilizing. This is very scary. .

"Mr. Chen, Spring City Toyota has contributed a lot of profits to Spring City Automobile Group over the years. Last year alone, the company earned more than 8 billion yuan."

"However, the August financial report not only failed to make money, but also resulted in a loss of hundreds of millions."

"I believe this situation is certainly not what Spring City Automobile Group wants to see."

As the general manager of Spring City Toyota, Miyazaki Himasa felt that it was necessary to have a good communication with deputy general manager Chen Wenzhan.

After staying in China for so many years, he can naturally feel that the public opinion on the Internet during this period is organized and guided.

He has even received relatively accurate information that Spring City Automobile Group itself is also a participant and promoter of this wave of public opinion offensive.

This made Miyazaki Himasa very unhappy.

You are eating from the pot, but you are doing the job of smashing the pot.

Especially in August, the sales of Nanshan Hongqi exceeded 8 units. This was something that Miyazaki Himasa had never thought of before.

This change in sales also made Miyazaki Himasa understand some of the ideas of Spring City Automobile Group.

"Mr. Miyazaki, the group naturally hopes that all its subordinate companies can develop rapidly. There is no doubt about this."

"But you also know that this year's situation is special. This kind of thing is beyond the control of those of us who run businesses."

Chen Wenzhan rarely communicates with Miyazaki Himasa on sensitive topics. This can be regarded as an unspoken rule within Spring City Toyota.

That is, local employees will not communicate with Japanese Toyota personnel about historical issues and topics involving the relationship between the two countries.

Otherwise everyone will become more embarrassed.

Now that Chen Wenzhan is being questioned by Himasa Miyazaki, he naturally doesn't care about the unspoken rules.

"This is indeed part of the reason, but with the promotion of activities such as the Special Customer Care Activities Plan, the impact of this matter is actually weakening."

"However, other unfavorable public opinion offensives against Japanese car companies such as Toyota Motor were immediately launched on the Chinese Internet."

"This obviously doesn't want to see our company live a comfortable life."

"I think this is also something that is not in the interest of Spring City Automobile Group."

"Can Mr. Chen communicate with Mr. Zhu and see if Spring City Automobile Group can come forward to greet various automotive media and let everyone focus on the product itself."

Miyazaki Himasa's request seems very reasonable.

Chen Wenzhan didn't know how to refute for a while.

But he knew that he was definitely not suitable to go to Zhu Zhengfeng to discuss this topic.

Otherwise, the position below your buttocks may become unstable.

"I believe that Spring City Automobile Group is already making efforts in this area, but it is difficult for us to control the ideas of some netizens on the Internet."

"Besides, not all the things people say are false."

"Mr. Miyazaki, I think doing nothing now may be more meaningful than doing things aimlessly."

"After a while, when more popular news comes out, everyone's attention will slowly decrease."

"Our sales will naturally continue to rise."

"President Watanabe has announced that we will launch 20 new models in China in the next three years. I believe that as long as our new models are competitive, consumers will still buy the company's products."

Chen Wenzhan gave a very formulaic answer to Miyazaki Himasa.

Regarding this answer, it is difficult for Miyazaki Himasa to find a strong reason to counterattack.

In the end, we had no choice but to let it go and end this unpleasant conversation.

However, what Chen Wenzhan said is actually not unreasonable.

There must be a time limit for everyone's attention to something.

If you care for a long time, you will gradually lose your passion.

At this time, as soon as new news comes out, it naturally attracts everyone's attention to a certain extent.

What Chen Wenzhan didn't expect was that this news was actually contributed by Toyota's archrival.

(End of this chapter)

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