Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 753: The world’s No. 1 unmanned helicopter, unlimited space for imagination

Chapter 753: The world’s number one unmanned helicopter, unlimited space for imagination

"Mr. Cao, you can't describe this as 'do nothing but become a blockbuster'. Instead, you just surprise everyone every time."

There weren't many earth-shattering new products coming out of Aerospace Technology this time, so Qian Junfeng saw that Daystar Technology Group was very busy, so he came over directly to see what was going on here.

"We have no advantage in building big missiles, and the urgency is not that strong."

“But we are quite good at developing some small and unexpected products.”

"Just like the Scorpion UAV, as a large long-range unmanned bomber, its size is completely incomparable with traditional bombers."

"But the power it unleashed made everyone's eyes light up."

"The situation is similar with micro-missiles."

"In terms of lethality, it is definitely incomparable with intercontinental missiles and the like, but when attacking specific targets, the situation is completely different."

"For example, drones carrying it to attack tanks and armored vehicles, or drones carrying it to attack specific targets in some rooms during urban sieges, can have very good results."

However, soon, DJI drones began to appear in the hands of the southeastern neighbors of big dogs.

"Next, I will introduce to you the Golden Eagle unmanned firefighting helicopter. This is a drone completely independently developed by Daystar Technology Group and can be used to detect fire situations, accurately locate targets, and put out fires."

"UAVs and micro-missiles can indeed produce very promising results in certain situations."

The development of any product is not decided suddenly.

"The Golden Eagle unmanned firefighting helicopter adopts a coaxial anti-propeller design."

Cao Yang is not stupid, so he can naturally feel Qian Junfeng's concerns.

After all, it would be a waste to just throw a mini-missile down for long-range and high-altitude bombing.

Qian Junfeng quite agreed with Cao Yang's statement just now.

Previously, the big dog owners purchased aerospace technology missiles, which were paired with twin-tailed Scorpion drones, which produced very good results.

"Our group's official website has previously released its appearance. Today, everyone can personally witness its mass production."

"In this case, dispatching the twin-tailed scorpions directly is the best way."

If the big business were to buy missiles from Aerospace Technology in the future, and instead look to Venus to buy micro-missiles, the loss would be huge.

Cao Yang said while pointing to Zhao Tianyu on the stage.

Following Zhao Siyu's speech, the beautiful etiquette lady lifted the red cloth covering the helicopter.

Relying on the double-tailed scorpion drone to achieve excellent results, the morale of the big dog family has been greatly boosted, and it has really affected the armed forces to a certain extent.

"Helicopters with a well-known normal layout..."

"It can even be used directly as an anti-tank missile or an anti-aircraft missile in conjunction with an individual launcher."

"At that time, your micro missiles and DJI drones will play a great role."

"For example, the 'swarm tactics' demonstrated at today's opening ceremony may not be suitable for them."

"Similarly, our micro-missiles mounted on DJI drones, or our micro-missiles mounted on Scorpion drones, are actually not suitable for big business owners."

Now that Venus has launched micro-missiles, it is likely to have a certain impact on aerospace technology.

"The big dog owners don't want to directly enter the southeast neighbor's land for the time being, but that doesn't mean they won't enter in the future."

This is something Qian Junfeng is a little worried about, but he cannot say this easily.

"The Golden Eagle unmanned fire-fighting helicopter is suitable for high-altitude areas. It has strong wind resistance, high stability, and a load capacity that exceeds that of most helicopters. It can also undertake transportation tasks when necessary. It has a long flight time, can achieve long-distance firefighting, and can also implement Personnel rescue and other work during disasters.”

If you want to change, Qian Junfeng's words won't count.

"I heard that in the past year, your Scorpion drone has become a big hit among big customers and has begun to sell well all over the world."

"But we have prepared a more suitable product, which is the unmanned helicopter project that Mr. Zhao will introduce soon."

It can be said that it makes drones shine.

In the past six months, big dog owners have been very active in cracking down on their southeastern neighbors.

These people use drones to cause trouble for big dog owners from time to time, making the border areas of big dog owners not very stable.

Various miniature weapons and equipment are not the focus of their development.

He has basically answered some questions from enthusiastic reporters and is ready to introduce today’s second major product.

Cao Yang was not worried at all that his development philosophy would be copied by Qian Junfeng after he communicated with him.

However, the complex emotions in his heart could hardly be concealed.

"I feel that as long as the situation continues to deteriorate, the team from the big dog owners will definitely get in."

As the most important enterprises in China's aerospace field, they have their own special mission.

After all, aerospace science and technology does not export many products to earn foreign exchange every year, and the big dogs are definitely big customers.

But close combat is different.

"On the contrary, in some head-to-head local conflicts, our micro missiles can play a greater role."

"If a big dog player joins the team, DJI drones will indeed be very useful."

"The demand for Scorpion drones from the big dogs is indeed relatively large. After all, they mainly want to remotely attack the armed forces of their southeastern neighbors."

"The coaxial anti-propeller design is different..."

"A large photoelectric turret is installed on the lower jaw of its nose. It has three optical systems, namely infrared thermal imaging night vision, laser ranging illumination and visible light camera system. It can rotate 360 ​​degrees to carefully search for targets and hunt in the air. intelligence."

"In terms of fire-extinguishing power, the Golden Eagle can carry eight miniature high-precision guided fire-extinguishing bombs, which can cause a powerful blow to ground fire points in a short period of time."

“This unmanned helicopter has a compact appearance, but even though the Sparrow is small, it is fully equipped with all the necessary equipment. And precisely because of its compact appearance, the Golden Eagle is extremely concealable, and its survivability in special environments has been greatly improved... "

"Our Golden Eagle is definitely the world's number one unmanned helicopter and can provide everyone with unlimited space for imagination."

Although some information has been introduced on the previous official Weibo, now Zhao Siyu explains it with actual objects, giving people a different feeling.

In particular, eight miniature high-precision guided fire extinguishing bombs were mounted directly on site, giving people a domineering and exposed feeling.

Finally, he also intentionally left a space for everyone to play.

You can think about what this drone can be used for.

It's not impossible to buy it back and use it to put out fires.

If you want to use it as an armed helicopter, there will be no pressure.

Even if you just use it as a reconnaissance drone, it can complete the task well.

Under special circumstances, there is no problem in using it as a transport helicopter.

In short, Golden Eagle can be salty or sweet, everyone can use it as they wish and imagine it as they wish.

"Mr. Cao, you guys are too aggressive to come up with such a 'black technology' product."

Qian Junfeng felt that his brain was running out.

In just one year, Daystar has really developed such a powerful armed unmanned helicopter.

They even dared to take it directly to the air show for display, and there will be a live performance later.

This is quite remarkable.

"There is one thing that Zhao Siyu hasn't introduced to you just now, and that is the Golden Eagle's stealth performance."

“The golden eagle’s entire body presents an ellipsoid, which can minimize the detection waves emitted by the radar. Coupled with its compact shape and high flight speed, the golden eagle can avoid the ‘eyes’ of most radars. "

"If combined with the stealth coating produced by Nanshan Chemical, the stealth performance can be further improved."

"Although due to the natural reasons of the aerodynamic layout, it cannot achieve the stealth performance of the F22, but considering its small size, the difficulty of detecting it by radar is actually about the same as that of the F22."

Since Zhao Siyu introduced this as a firefighting helicopter, it is definitely not suitable to promote the Golden Eagle's stealth performance in public.

Otherwise, it would be too contradictory for a fire-fighting helicopter to actually have stealth capabilities.

"Twin-tailed Scorpion drones, Golden Eagle unmanned helicopters, plus our micro-missiles, Mr. Cao, are you trying to rewrite the model of modern local battlefields?"

Qian Junfeng's expression was very complicated.

He felt that all the limelight at this air show would be stolen by Daystar Technology Group.

Central enterprises such as aerospace science and technology, which were supposed to be the protagonists, are a bit underwhelming.

"Not to mention, the large-scale use of drones is really likely to change the pattern of modern battlefields."

"UAVs will be used extensively in future wars, including battlefield reconnaissance, electronic jamming, radar deception, etc., and at the same time, they can also carry out precision strikes and fixed-point bombings."

"Of course, there are also other combat missions performed under special conditions on behalf of combatants."

When Cao Yang said this, Qian Junfeng had to nod in recognition.

"UAVs do have irreplaceable advantages in close combat."

"Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft can fly at ultra-low altitudes and are concealed. They can detect enemy firepower deployment at close range and obtain accurate geographical information. The images can be transmitted back to the command center in real time."

"Thus successfully completing the reconnaissance mission of the enemy's military situation at close range."

"When armed drones carry missiles, they are difficult to defend against due to their low flying altitude and strong penetration capabilities."

Although the focus of aerospace technology is not on drones, it does not mean that Qian Junfeng knows nothing about drones.

"Yes, but the widespread use of drones in war will also bring about a new topic, which is how does the modern air defense system prevent drone attacks?"

"The most practical problem here is that the air defense system cannot hit drones."

When Cao Yang said this, he felt more and more the importance of the development of vehicle radar and laser weapons.

In the future, Venus Technology Group may become China's largest arms company with a "spear" in one hand and a "shield" in the other.

"UAVs are low-cost, but the cost of air defense weapons is often hundreds of times higher than that of UAVs."

"This becomes a strike. The cost of attacking drones is not high. It is a bit like anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes." "It is impossible not to strike. The losses caused by drones attacking important military facilities are also bearable. Sorry."

"In the future, how to deal with drone operations in modern warfare is indeed a major issue that we urgently need to solve."

As Qian Junfeng spoke, he began to think about whether aerospace technology could do anything in this regard.

However, after filtering the business of various subordinate companies in his mind, he found that he seemed unable to do anything.

"Our Venus Technology Group has already started working on this matter. Among them, the research and development of vehicle-mounted active phased array radar has reached the stage of formal assembly of prototype vehicles."

"In addition, we are also developing laser weapons to specifically deal with drone swarm tactics."

"In order to further improve the safety of this tactic, we are simultaneously developing an electromagnetic interference vehicle."

"By then, vehicle-mounted radars, vehicle-mounted laser weapons and electromagnetic interference vehicles will form a fleet, which can fully respond to various drone attacks."

When Cao Yang said this, Qian Junfeng immediately took a high look at Daystar Technology Group.

Any of these things can win national awards.

Now Daystar actually wants to do three things at the same time. The key is that he has no doubt that the other party will not be able to do it.

When did Daystar become so influential in China?
"Mr. Cao, do you still want to study electromagnetic interference vehicles?"

While Cao Yang was chatting with Qian Junfeng, Wu Feng from the Electronic Technology Group also walked over.

One of the businesses of Dianke Group is the research of electronic countermeasures systems.

The system used on Huaxia's electronic jammers was mainly researched by the Electronic Technology Group.

Now he suddenly heard that Cao Yang was also going to build an electromagnetic interference vehicle, and he immediately became interested.

Of course, Wu Feng was probably a little nervous at this time.

It would be very embarrassing if Dianke Group cannot defeat Daystar Technology Group.

Wu Feng wouldn't worry at all about this kind of thing when it comes to other companies.

But when it comes to Venus, it's a bit hard to say.

"Yes, we produce drones, missiles, and radars, so naturally we must also produce electromagnetic interference systems. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a waste of our own technological advantages?"

When Cao Yang said this, Wu Feng had no way to refute.

The gallium nitride power components produced by Nanshan Semiconductor can not only be used in radars, but can also be used in electronic jamming systems.

Even in electronic interference systems, the high-power advantages of gallium nitride power components can be brought into full play.

"Mr. Cao, I think the two groups can have a good communication on this aspect of business, and there may be room for cooperation."

Since there is no way to prevent Daystar from entering this field, everyone will work together.

Cao Yang is interested in electromagnetic interference vehicles, which can indeed give full play to Nanshan Automobile Group's advantages in automotive technology, so this part of the market will be given to the other party.

Dianke Group can focus on related systems on electronic jammers and early warning aircraft.

When the time comes, we will work together to make this business bigger and stronger.

"No problem. We will find a specific time for the teams from both sides to connect."

Naturally, it is impossible to give all the military business to a private enterprise like Daystar.

Therefore, Cao Yang does not feel any pressure when cooperating with Dianke Group.

Anyway, the final components are all produced by itself, and the biggest benefits of the entire industry chain are enjoyed by Venus.

Of course, Dianke Group certainly did not lose.

For companies like them, as long as they participate in awesome projects, that's enough.

As for who leads the actual technology, sometimes it is not that important.


After Zhao Siyu introduced the Golden Eagle unmanned helicopter to everyone, the next step was the on-site flight demonstration.

This drone is ready to enter mass production, so there will naturally be no surprises in the flight performance.

Especially with special permission from the organizer, Daystar's product fired 8 micro-missiles directly at the temporary shooting range erected two kilometers away.

Although there is no gunpowder section, through the high-definition photography of the drone, everyone can clearly see that all eight missiles hit the target.

This special display immediately aroused the enthusiasm of some rich people.

"Prince, I think this unmanned helicopter from Daystar is very suitable for us."

"Especially now that our country is facing some new situations around us, it is necessary to join forces with the big dogs to send troops to attack the opposition armed forces, otherwise it is likely to have a very bad impact on us."

Ahmed, an important general in the UAE military, accompanied Prince Fariha, who is also the head of national defense, to attend the air show today.

Their big brother purchased the Twin-tailed Scorpion drone, and then the United Arab Emirates also took a closer look at the situation of the Twin-tailed Scorpion.

Originally, they were also interested in negotiating this business this time, but they were attracted by the Golden Eagle unmanned helicopter.

As for what Zhao Siyu said about firefighting helicopters and the like when he introduced it, they naturally ignored it selectively.

We are all adults, so we just need to know what the words mean.

"It does look very powerful, especially the armored troops used to deal with the ground. It is even more indestructible."

Fariha is also a person who knows the goods.

After listening to Golden Eagle's introduction, he was a little excited.

Now after reading it, it goes without saying.

Action was better than a heartbeat, so they immediately walked to Zhao Siyu's side with the translator.

I have high expectations for the wealthy people in the Middle East, and Daystar even arranged Arabic translations in advance at its booth.

So when Zhao Siyu saw the other party approaching and had already learned about the people from the Middle East countries who were attending, he knew who his potential customers were.

"Mr. Zhao, our prince wants to know the price of the Golden Eagle drone and the price of the micro missile."

The other party asked about the price as soon as he came up, which made Zhao Siyu prepare a lot of excuses without having a chance to say them out.

If it were other customers, they might chat with you for a long time to understand the situation, and then ask about the price.

The key is that after asking about the price, they probably have to go back and struggle for a long time before taking any further action.

But these tycoons in the UAE are different.

If you like it, buy it!

Although it is not necessary to not even ask about the price, the price is really just a question.

"An aircraft costs US$200 million, and a missile costs US$10."

The main thing about drones is cost-effectiveness.

However, the size of the Golden Eagle is much larger than that of DJI, and its functions are also different.

Therefore, the price for external exports will naturally not be set particularly low.

Of course, the main customers are the wealthy people in the Middle East, otherwise Zhao Siyu would not offer such a high price.

You know, the price Golden Eagle was sold to relevant departments in China was only 200 million yuan.

There are even discounts for buying more.

The price of micro missiles is also very cheap, 10 yuan each is considered a good profit margin.

"If we place an order today, how soon can it be delivered?"

Obviously, Zhao Siyu's quotation did not exceed their expectations, so he had no intention of bargaining at all.

Many times, when wealthy countries in the Middle East buy weapons, they don't bargain much.

Some people think they are stupid, but Cao Yang actually doesn't think they are stupid at all.

Because any kind of weapons transaction, especially when the amount involved is relatively large, is not a simple weapons transaction.

There are a series of potential influences and implications behind this.

The country where the company selling the weapons is located also expresses its support for the buyer to a certain extent.

"If the quantity is less than 100, all of them can be delivered within three months at the latest."

"As for the micro missiles, they can also be fully equipped in the same cycle."

Daystar achieved very good results at the Lion City Air Show, so this time Zhao Siyu came to the Pearl City Air Show with the intention of selling some products.

In this way, relevant production capacity and delivery plans are naturally confirmed in advance.

This makes communication between the two parties smoother.

“Can we directly introduce the production line of Golden Eagle UAV, just like the big business purchases the Scorpion UAV?”

Fariha felt that his country also needed something special, otherwise it would definitely not work if all the rich were left with was money and oil.

The leading big brothers have all introduced the Scorpion drone production line, giving themselves the capability to produce drones.

So Fariha also hopes that he can bring back Golden Eagle's production line.

"Of course it's possible, but the price is relatively high."

"We will purchase 500 Golden Eagle drones, 5000 micro-missiles, and spend another $10 billion to purchase a production line."

"The premise is that half of the drones must be assembled and produced in our country."

The local tycoon is the local tycoon, and it will be a big deal of 30 billion U.S. dollars!
This made many people around him immediately envious.

(End of this chapter)

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