Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 754 We love peace and all our products are not suitable for military use

Chapter 754 We love peace and all our products are not suitable for military use
Since it is a product for exhibition, Daystar Group naturally has plans for external sales.

Naturally, Golden Eagle drones can also be sold.

The production lines of the more strategic Scorpion UAVs have been sold to big companies, so the Golden Eagle UAVs will naturally have no problem.

Anyway, like the Scorpion drone, the Golden Eagle sells versions without stealth paint.

Moreover, the grades of carbon fiber materials on the fuselage of Golden Eagle sold externally are also different.

One is up to T800, and the other is using T1100 or even T1200.

The difference here is quite obvious.

The former weighs 500 kilograms, while the latter can weigh almost 100 kilograms less, which means the latter can carry more fuel and allow the drone to stay in the air longer.

This is also of great significance.

Otherwise, although your drone is very powerful, it will run out of fuel after flying in the sky for an hour, making it useless.

Aerospace technology also has missiles.

At that time, the impact on everyone will be greater and greater.

Do you think this is an ordinary bomb?

Cao Yang didn't care about Qian Junfeng's sour taste at this time.

As the company that I have spent the most energy on in the past year, Daystar has made breakthroughs in many technologies.

While Zhao Siyu and Fariha were having a heated exchange, word spread quickly that Daystar had closed a $30 billion deal.

It's nothing more than buying some parts and producing them yourself.

If all kinds of R&D expenses and investment expenses are amortized, the cost may be doubled several times, which is normal.

Now that he had the opportunity to visit, Fariha would not refuse.

Even Qian Junfeng had never heard of anyone buying 5000 missiles at once.

It also gives people a sense of participation.

"Prince Fariha, happy cooperation!"

They had obviously heard of the name of Morning Star.

There is no harm in dealing with these wealthy people.

“Mastering core technologies will naturally attract customers.”

But this time not a single one was sold.

"Mr. Cao, in the words of you Lingnan people, Daystar is the most handsome boy no matter where he is."

Before departure, Zhao Siyu discussed with Cao Yang some matters about Golden Eagle's external sales. The wealthy people in the Middle East were the main targets.

As for whether this model will cause dissatisfaction among others, Zhao Siyu thinks there is no need to worry.

At that time, the carbon fiber will be sold directly and processed into the fuselage in other people's factories.

Although the local tycoon only purchased the Golden Eagle drone today, Zhao Siyu feels that there will still be new orders that can be obtained in the future.

Even in the whole world, there are few transactions like this.

Of course, sometimes it also depends on how you calculate costs.

It can even be said that Venus Technology Group is the one with the most high technology among the five major groups.

Engaging in arms trade is bound to be highly profitable.

Besides, even if they sell production lines to others, they actually do not have the strength to fully realize localized production.

"If you have time, I invite you to come to Daystar Technology Group to visit the unmanned factory that specializes in producing drones."

Qian Junfeng felt so sad.

If you struggle over and over again, you may end up canceling the order.

On the contrary, Daystar sold 5000 pieces in one go.

Those people never thought that they could produce 100% drone parts.

At present, only the Twin-tailed Scorpion, Golden Eagle and micro missiles have been launched. Soon the Venus 9 recyclable rocket, helicopters, business jets and other products will also be launched one after another.

"Whether it is a Scorpion drone or a Golden Eagle drone, both can achieve highly automated production."

Although it is only a miniature missile, the number of 5000 is really exaggerated.

Therefore, 30 billion of the 25 billion orders are profits, which is not an exaggeration at all.

Now that the fish had successfully taken the bait, he naturally agreed without any hesitation.

"This factory is the most advanced drone factory in the world."

Of course, in order to make the investment in this factory more decent and avoid turning it into a simple assembly factory, Daystar can still sell them the production line of some parts such as the fuselage.

This involves the layout of the entire industry chain, which cannot be achieved with US$10 billion.

"You can earn at least US$25 billion from such a business, right?"

"No problem, we want to visit tomorrow."

After all, for some companies, costs can be flexibly adjusted to a certain extent.

"It's not that exaggerated. You don't even know how much money Daystar has burned in the past year."

"With this business, we can only ensure that Daystar Technology Group will not lose money this year."

"As for trying to make money, I guess it's still very stressful."

When Cao Yang said this, it was difficult for Qian Junfeng to refute.

After all, he was talking about the profits from the Golden Eagle UAV trade, but Cao Yang was talking about the entire group.

He also knows that Daystar has many new products under development. Before such products are developed, they will continue to burn money.

And he also heard that Daystar's actions and ambitions were huge, and the investment in manpower and material resources was also very large.


When Daystar was very busy, the second big order during the air show was quickly produced.

Polar Bear ordered 5000 of DJI’s latest quadcopter drones.

Although the contract value is only US$1 million, the amount is staggering.

One of the polar bear generals even said in an interview with reporters:

"The ordinary quadcopter drone produced in China can no longer be simply understood as a drone. It has subverted the traditional rocket launcher and successfully solved a series of problems in detection, error correction, and strike."

"When a drone approaches or docks over a target, its precise strike efficiency is comparable to that of a precision-guided missile, but the cost is even lower."

"The four-suspension drone produced by DJI is one of the best."

When Wang Tao heard the other party talking to reporters like this, he quickly added: "We focus on the research, development and production of private drones. We love peace. All DJI products are not suitable for military use."

These two somewhat contradictory statements made some people laugh out loud.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Wang of DJI Drone has finally got your true inheritance."

"Why did the polar bear buy the DJI drone? It must be for military purposes."

"Mr. Wang has always emphasized that his drones are not suitable for military use."

"It's just like your Scorpion drone. It's obviously used as a military drone bomber, but it keeps advertising that it's for express delivery."

Wu Feng and Cao Yang also witnessed the signing process between DJI and Polar Bear.

So I couldn't help but complain to Cao Yang.

"What we said is correct. The Twin-tailed Scorpion was originally used for transportation, and transporting missiles is also transportation."

"What Mr. Wang said makes sense. When they developed drones, they were developing them entirely as civilian products."

"However, the performance of the product is too good. If the customer wants to use it for other purposes after buying it back, we can't say anything."

"Just like the pickup version of our Xingchen G9, some customers in the Middle East and Africa insist on putting a heavy machine gun on it after buying it and turning it into a special combat vehicle. There is nothing we can do."

Cao Yang spread his hands and didn't look embarrassed at all.

This world is not just black and white.

Between black and white, there are large areas of gray.

"Don't we also need to display our airborne radar and shipborne radar?"

"Why don't I see you staying at the booth?"

Cao Yang didn't want to continue discussing military and civilian topics with Wu Feng, so he changed the topic directly.

"We know that the focus of the first morning is on you, so we simply put the launch of these two products in the afternoon."

"Right now, they are still covered with red cloth. They are just showing off some radars from the previous generation."

"With active phased array radars using gallium nitride T/R components out there for comparison, these old radars naturally have nothing to look at."

Wu Feng didn't hide anything at all and told Cao Yang about the company's arrangements.

Anyway, the biggest contributor to the new generation of radar is Nanshan Semiconductor.

"If the polar bear people find out that the export price of your airborne radar is cheaper than the one they produce themselves, they will probably be depressed."

Airborne radar is not simply produced with T/R components, but also involves a series of overall designs.

The price of Polar Bear's T/R components is already a bit higher than that of Dianke Group.

Coupled with other electronic components used in the overall processing process, the final cost will definitely be relatively high.

Of course, military radars are sometimes not so cost-conscious.

Good performance is what everyone pays most attention to.

"Our export version of airborne radar will definitely be much more expensive than the domestic version. After all, we rely on foreign trade to make money."

"But it doesn't make sense if the price is higher than what the polar bears themselves produce."

"So eventually polar bears will find it cheaper to buy radar from us than to produce it themselves."

Wu Feng had a relatively good understanding of the situation on the polar bear side, so he gave his guess with certainty.

"That's true, but for something as important as airborne radar, the polar bears should still want to keep it in their own hands. At most, they will only purchase a small part of it from China."

Cao Yang is not worried that the profits from the polar bear's radar trade will be taken away by the Electronic Technology Group.

Because it is impossible for any big country to hand over such important products to foreign countries for production.

When the Electronic Technology Group really started to introduce their new generation of airborne radar and shipborne radar in the afternoon, it really attracted the attention of many people.

Several countries that come to participate in the air show and have relatively good relations with China have also expressed strong interest in these radars.

Especially on the Pakistan Railway side, they can't wait to immediately replace their latest generation fighter jets with this kind of radar. Then, it will have an absolute advantage when dealing with Tianzhu's fighters.

After all, the performance of Tianzhu's various fighter jets is literally better than that of Pakistan.

Polar Bear had many advanced fighter jets that it dared not sell to China, but it felt no pressure at all when selling them to Tianzhu.

As long as you can afford the money.

Relatively speaking, the situation in Badie is much worse.

If there can be a breakthrough in radar, it will be very beneficial to improve the situation.

After all, in terms of airborne radar, Polar Bear’s most mature airborne fire control radar is the Snow Leopard E passive phased array radar of the Su-35 fighter jet.

This is not yet active.

The Dianke Group is currently selling active phased array radars using gallium nitride T/R components.

This performance is definitely several levels higher than Polar Bear's mass-produced radar.

Active phased array radar has many independent units. In addition to excellent antennas, it also has extremely high requirements for the chip processing capabilities, software algorithm capabilities, operating systems, etc. of the radar system. Obviously, Polar Bear has obvious shortcomings in these aspects.

Therefore, even if Polar Bear purchases T/R components from Nanshan Semiconductor to produce active phased array radars in the future, the final radar performance will be far inferior to that of Dianke Group.

The people of Badie are quite familiar with these situations.

So in the end, the third big order at the air show happened between Pakistan Railways and Electronic Technology Group.

The other party purchased 20 sets of airborne active phased array radars, with the purchase amount reaching US$4000 million.

This price, compared with what is sold in the United States, is definitely a bargain.

But considering the economic strength of Pakistan Railway, this price is no longer cheap.

After all, after buying it back, you still need to modify the fighter jet, which also requires costs.

"Mr. Cao, can we strengthen cooperation in missiles?"

Qian Junfeng felt uncomfortable when he saw that Daystar and Dianke Group had orders, but aerospace technology was still a duck egg.

It’s not that they don’t have top products, but many products are still under development and there is no formal equipment-related department.

In this case, it is naturally not suitable for display.

Even after mass production in the future, it may not be able to be sold to the outside world so quickly.

If we can cooperate with Venus, we can develop a set of high-performance missiles and supply them to relevant domestic departments, and then use the lagging products for export.

At that time, the export market of various missiles will also be worth looking forward to.

"No problem. Daystar is also developing micro-missiles. Our current main focus is on micro-missiles."

"But there is no problem with some technologies being used on ship-based missiles, air-to-air missiles, and even intercontinental missiles."

“Especially in the processing of high-end carbon fiber, processing of electronic components and software design, we still have unique advantages.”

"It will be entirely possible to combine the advantages of aerospace technology in missile engines and eventually produce world-class missiles."

Since Cao Yang has focused his energy on Qixing, he naturally hopes to promote China's development in military technology.

With advanced radars, if there are no advanced missiles, there is no way to bring out the performance of fighter jets.

Therefore, the upgrading of missile technology is inevitable.

As for the research and development of fighter jets, Cao Yang is not very worried.

Knowing the history of development, he knew that relevant departments were already developing products such as the J-20 fighter jet, and that major breakthroughs would soon be made.

By then, China's strength will inevitably reach a new level.

"Then I will arrange for the person in charge of missile design to contact you later, and we will work together to come up with several different missiles."

Qian Junfeng was afraid that Cao Yang would regret it, so he immediately finalized the matter.

As time went by, what happened at the Zhucheng Air Show slowly began to ferment on the Internet.

In particular, news related to the Golden Eagle drone has become a hot search topic.

After all, ordinary people know very little about radar. No matter how fancy the Electronic Technology Group says, most people are still not interested.

However, the situation is different when it comes to products with beautiful appearance that everyone can directly see, such as the Golden Eagle drone.

There were no new models of fighter jets or transport aircraft at this air show, so the interest was even more attracted by Golden Eagle's new unmanned helicopter.

"It's really funny. For such a product, Daystar actually calls it an unmanned firefighting helicopter."

"The tycoons in the Middle East are still rich. They spent US$30 billion without hesitation at all."

"Don't you think the wealthy people know their stuff? This unmanned firefighting helicopter is completely an unmanned armed helicopter!"

"That's right, Daystar has even equipped micro-missiles for you!"

"The person upstairs is wrong. This is not a mini-missile. People said it was a fire bomb!"

"Didn't you find the interview with the DJI drone and the polar bear more interesting? One is praising you for your outstanding performance in the military, while the other is desperately denying that his products can be used in the military."

"I heard that the second largest shareholder of DJI drones is Mr. Cao. This is in the same vein as Venus."

“Didn’t anyone realize the importance of the drone swarm tactics at the opening ceremony?”

"Hundreds or even thousands of drones were dispatched together. The scene was indeed spectacular."

"I kind of regret not going to this air show."


The various comments made the Zhucheng Air Show more popular by several levels.

Naturally, these comments and related news spread quickly overseas.

There are American-related companies that have always been paying attention to the news in China, and they are even more nervous at this time.

"Print, Daystar has even launched unmanned helicopters. Can your company's similar products be mass-produced next year?"

John saw various news about the air show in China early in the morning, so he immediately called Printer from General Atomics.

When Venus first released the appearance picture of the unmanned helicopter, although it caused quite a stir, it was just an appearance picture and we didn’t know when it would be developed.

For example, some blockbuster products in the United States have been developed for ten or eight years at a fast pace, or for decades at a slow pace.

Therefore, John previously thought that no matter how fast Venus moved, it would definitely take two or three years to complete the development of unmanned helicopters.

Who knew that the current situation was not like that at all.

"It is difficult to develop helicopters, it is even more difficult to develop unmanned helicopters, and it is even more difficult to develop military unmanned helicopters."

"Let alone next year, even if it can be done the year after next, it will already be a very good performance."

Print is also under great pressure now.

They are the largest traditional drone manufacturer in the United States.

However, traditional combat drones are mainly fixed-wing and have the advantages of large payload, long endurance, and high speed. However, they also have the disadvantage of large targets and easy discovery.

In the face of a complete air defense system, the battlefield survivability of fixed-wing drones is very poor, so much so that some expensive large fixed-wing drones only dare to patrol outside the defense zone.

Although the traditional view is that drones are relatively cheap to build and are not afraid of losses, they are useless if they cannot complete their combat missions.

Unmanned helicopters are developed by integrating the advantages of traditional drones and helicopters, retaining the advantages of traditional drones such as "zero casualties" and low cost.

It also has the ability of helicopters to take off and land vertically, hover at fixed points, and avoid radar detection at low altitudes. It is expected to make up for the shortcomings of traditional drones and manned helicopters in modern battlefield environments, and thereby gain new advantages that affect the battle situation.

Printer naturally sees these advantages.

But after organizing relevant personnel to start research and development, he found that the work was not that easy to do.

Simply developing an unmanned helicopter is not a big problem.

But it is very difficult to develop a high-performance unmanned helicopter.

"It takes so long?"

"By then, China's unmanned helicopters will have been installed on a large scale."

Obviously, John was very dissatisfied with Print's answer.

"John, you have to know that unmanned helicopters need to deal with a large number of time-sensitive targets."

"For example, enemies who are close to our own tanks and soldiers require extremely fast communication capabilities and are highly integrated into the joint land and air combat information system to achieve time-sensitive strikes."

"At the same time, unmanned helicopters need to have highly intelligent and highly autonomous mission control technology, and even need to be able to change missions and targets according to battlefield conditions."

"In this way, the operator's role will mainly be to formulate tasks, identify targets, and decide to launch attacks. It is more about 'monitoring' and 'decision-making' rather than specific operations."

"On the surface, the unmanned helicopter is just a small helicopter with weapons, but its complete combat control system with a comprehensive mission computer as the core is as intelligent and autonomous as the most advanced combat drones. In some fields Even more complex than a fighter jet."

Taking this opportunity, Printer naturally wanted to cry out to John about his difficulties.

Otherwise, it will be felt that General Atomics' progress is not good again.

Even this is paving the way for high prices in the future.

"China has already started selling it to external customers, and judging from the performance they announced, it's not bad at all."

"With all the difficulties you mentioned, why can they be solved so quickly?"

John is not that easy to fool.

He has seen a lot of the faces of various arms dealers and knows Xiao Jiujiu about these people.

"Their performance can only fool the tycoons in the Middle East. Have you seen other countries buying them?"

Print immediately seized a good counterattack point.

Although the Golden Eagle unmanned helicopter has begun to be sold externally, currently only the United Arab Emirates has purchased it.

There are many rich people in the Middle East, and their purchases of arms are often quite special.

"I will report this situation to the Pentagon and ask them to arrange for people to inquire about the specific performance."

"At the same time, I will also find a way to coordinate an expense. At that time, just like buying a Scorpion drone, I will buy a few and come back for everyone to dismantle, test and study."

John didn't want to continue arguing with Print, as that was pointless.

He didn't call Print today just to quarrel.

The changes in China have been so drastic, and they have repeatedly made major breakthroughs in drones.

As a fairly responsible person, John is actually quite anxious inside.

Of course, the more this happens, the higher his importance.

Because each arms company will find ways to ask him to help apply for some expenses.

The doorways here are very particular.

(End of this chapter)

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