Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 789: Do you dare to take on a big project worth hundreds of millions?

Chapter 789: A big project worth hundreds of billions. Do you dare to touch it?
Venus 9 was successfully relaunched for the second time. Not surprisingly, it made the news on China Channel.

And the introduction time this time took ten seconds longer than the first launch. It can be said that China Channel's support for Venus Technology is very high.

In addition to Xia Hong's special influence, it is also very important for China TV to assess the situation and make some arrangements based on the special status of Daystar Technology Company.

In the past year, whenever the Venus 9 was launched, the four words "Heilan Home" were painted in red on the outer shell.

Even when China Channel broadcast the relevant footage during the 30-minute news break, they did not delete these four words.

This is absolutely unprecedented wealth for Hailan House.

It only cost 6000 million yuan, and it has already appeared twice in News Thirty Minutes.

Both times, the four words "Heilan House" appeared on screen for no less than 20 seconds.

If you want to have this kind of performance under normal circumstances, you can't do it with money at all.

Not to mention the various pictures of Venus 9 circulating on the Internet.

By then it will be almost inevitable to become famous all over the country and become a best-selling brand.

"I feel like in the next month, we might be able to set a new sales record."

"The best thing is to sign a long-term agreement to deeply bind Heilan Home with Venus 9."

In the field of clothing, brand power is sometimes more important than quality and design.

However, although these companies have become popular, they have played a certain role in increasing the popularity of Daystar 9.

Let’s see if they really intend to follow the footsteps of the Nanshan System.

"I also arranged for some trolls to publicize this matter."

"Even in the future, we have to find ways to win down advertisements for Daystar No. 9."

"That's true. I estimate that after our advertising contract with Daystar Technology expires next year, if we continue to win this advertising, we may not be able to do it with 1 million yuan."

Judging from the current situation, this is definitely a very correct choice.

People also have such confidence that they dare to continue to increase the prices of various bags year after year!
It cures all diseases, it is a woman's favorite.

"Otherwise we will be disgusted by it then."

Zou Jianping is very glad that he chose to cooperate with Daystar Technology.

He is naturally very clear about the actual situation he is facing now.

If you like a brand of bags, no matter how ugly they are, someone will buy them.

As a mid-range brand, Heilan House’s profits are not high.

Now with the huge blessing of Venus No. 9, Heilan House cannot keep a low profile even if it wants to.

After all, making 100 billion and then investing 1 million in advertising has different meanings than making 2 million but investing 1 million in advertising.

For example, LV bags, even if they are ugly, as long as the price is lower, a large number of people will rush to buy them.

"Yesterday, Venus 9 was successfully launched, and our Heilan Home also became a hot search."

But the more this happens, the more it will test the people of Hailan House.

When Zhou Liqiang said this, Zou Jianping couldn't help but nodded.

And the one that has directly enjoyed a lot of benefits is definitely Heilan House.

"We really cannot let anyone take us away, especially our competitors."

"Just these two successful launches are actually worth the 6000 million in advertising fees."

Even the marketing efforts made by Heilan Home over the past many years cannot compare with the huge impact brought by the recent cooperation with Daystar Technology.

What's even more funny is that some companies want to take advantage of the hot spots and arrange for people to PS their company's name on Daystar 9, and then continue to spread it up.

Zhou Liqiang also sees the problem very clearly.

"Originally, I was worried about whether the 6000 million investment could be recovered, but now I am not worried at all."

"So even if the advertising cost of Daystar 9 is relatively high next year, we must find a way to get it."

This kind of deep binding will definitely mean the expenditure of huge funds.

Zhou Liqiang is full of confidence in the future of Hailan House.

The current profitability of Heilan House is not particularly strong. Although the scale continues to increase, Zou Jianping is actually not satisfied with the final result.

Zou Jianping took a deep breath and made a very bold decision.

Originally, their brand power was not particularly bad, and the quality of their clothes was passable.

Zou Jianping saw this very clearly.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be desperate to enhance the influence and brand power of Heilan House.

"But this year, after the Spring Festival, not only did our sales not drop, but there was a certain increase."

Even among the Penguin group, many people have begun to use Daystar No. 9 to create various emoticons.

"Although the price may not be cheap, through this cooperation, the benefits we have gained are far more than 6000 million yuan, or even 6 million yuan."

"Mr. Zou, the Chinese New Year has just ended, and our clothing sales are going to enter a downward spiral."

The competition in the clothing industry is very fierce. Although everyone's profit margin is not small, after taking into account various costs, the money earned in the end may not be a lot in a year.

In this case, it is even more impossible to let the advertisement of Daystar No. 9 be snatched away under your nose.


The relaunch of Venus 9 caused a craze in China.

The polar bears are naturally paying attention to these changes.

"Dmitri, do you think Daystar 9 can be reused more than 10 times as advertised?"

Grotin is now a little confused about the level of Daystar Technology.

It can be said that its technical level is very high. After all, this is just a company that has just been established not many years ago.

But to say that its technical level is not good is unreasonable.

After all, everyone has seen its flagship products, the Scorpion drone, the Golden Eagle helicopter gunship, and the micro missiles.

In this case, no one dares to say that Daystar Technology is not good!

"For recyclable rockets, the smooth recovery for the first time and the smooth launch for the second time are the most meaningful things."

"As long as these two actions are completed smoothly, then the project will be considered a success."

"Everything after that is the icing on the cake."

Dmitry's words obviously meant that Daystar Technology had succeeded.

As for whether it can be recycled successfully 10 times later, it is not that important at all.

As long as there are no problems with the structure and principle of Venus 9, all the minor problems that follow can be slowly improved.

Cao Yang definitely has this kind of patience.

"Our recyclable rocket project also needs to be accelerated."

"Otherwise, by then China and the United States will have mastered the relevant technologies, and if we don't, the higher-ups will definitely be very dissatisfied."

Grogin's words can be regarded as coming from his heart.

No matter where you are in the workplace, you definitely need to consider the above views.

Otherwise, don't expect to get along well.

"Our recyclable rocket has found a lot of information from that year, and we are now arranging personnel to convert piles of paper drawings in the warehouse into electronic drawings."

"This requires R&D personnel to re-draw one picture after another. Even if there are ready-made data for reference, it will take a certain amount of time."

"After all these drawings are completed, we also need to simulate the assembly to see if there are any areas that need improvement."

"After all, decades have passed, and some of the materials that were set at that time may no longer be produced by manufacturers."

"The precision of parts in some places may be updated with the latest CNC machine tools."

"It is expected that all of this work will be completed within this year, and the production of parts will begin next year."

"If it goes quickly, the launch can be officially launched by the end of next year."

When Dmitri said this, Grotin breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good news that we can find all the information from that year.

Otherwise, such a complex recyclable rocket, which is similar to a space shuttle, really cannot be completed in a short time.

Now there is hope for relaunch within next year, which is relatively fast.

After all, not every company's products can compare with Daystar Technology, and they can easily produce products in a much shorter time than others.

"Now is the Internet age, and publicity work is very important."

"Look at the American Space Exploration Technology Company. I heard that their improved Falcon 9 has never been developed."

"But in order to attract everyone's attention and publicity, the launch was mandatory in advance to let everyone know that they are also studying recyclable rockets."

"So even if the launch fails in the end, it is still a success for SpaceX."

"We need to learn this carefully."

"We can now announce that the recyclable rocket will be launched next year, and we can also officially publish the renderings."

When Grotin said this, Dmitri couldn't help but nodded.

If they want to get more funding and policy support, they really need to make some moves.

Anyway, the same recyclable rocket was successfully test-fired decades ago. If we make a rendering based on this, there will be no problem at all.

If he didn't want everyone to think that the rocket they designed was the same one from back then, Demetri would have prepared to show pictures of the actual rocket from back then.

"I'll make arrangements right away."

"Then I am also going to have people register our company's official accounts on China's Weibo and America's Twitter, and publish relevant news there."

"I think this kind of overseas publicity is sometimes what the higher authorities really want to see."

Following the conversation between Dmitry and Grogin, their company immediately took action.

Globally, the topic of recyclable rockets is becoming more and more popular.

Many venture capital investors have also begun to tentatively contact relevant companies to see if there are suitable investment opportunities.

Daystar Technology, which has never closed its door to investment, also welcomed a group of special guests today.

"Mr. Zhao, congratulations on successfully completing the second launch of Venus 9 and sending a new batch of Starlink satellites into the designated orbit."

Lin Guojiang is the general manager of Lingnan Mobile.

When Honor Mobile launched contract phones before, it first cooperated with Lingnan Mobile.

However, it was the first time that Zhao Siyu and he met, so it was inevitable that everyone needed to exchange pleasantries first. "Our Starlink satellite system plans to launch tens of thousands of satellites into space. Now it is just the first step, and there is still a long way to go."

When Chinese people meet and communicate for the first time, they must be humble.

If you are too rude at this time, you may ruin the following cooperation.

"Does your Starlink satellite system really plan to launch tens of thousands of satellites?"

Before Lin Guojiang came to Venus Technology, he also asked the following people to investigate and understand the Starlink satellite system.

He has also heard that tens of thousands of satellites will be launched in the next few years.

But I heard that now that Zhao Siyu said so himself, he was still quite surprised.

Originally, he thought that tens of thousands of satellites were just a publicity effect. In fact, it might be amazing to launch only a few thousand satellites.

After all, since mankind entered the space industry, it has only launched a few thousand satellites in total.

Now Venus Technology alone has to launch so many, which is still a very exaggerated figure.

Even if the size of the Starlink satellite is much smaller than other satellites, it is still very impressive.

"It's guaranteed to be genuine, without any moisture."

"Our Starlink satellite system will first be deployed in orbit over China, and then deployed in other places around the world."

"By then, the Starlink satellite system will be a satellite system covering the entire world."

"Once the layout of this system is completed, not only our ground receiving stations and receivers can receive relevant signals at any location, but also our vehicle systems, and even mobile phones and computers can be connected to the Internet."

"Ideally, our next-generation 5G communications can directly use the Starlink satellite system to correspond, completely solving the problems of base station construction for various telecommunications companies."

When Zhao Siyu said this, Lin Guojiang immediately became interested.

So far, the first 4G license has not been issued in China, and the construction of 4G base stations has just begun.

Relevant communication companies have already begun to consider some things about 5G networks.

But what it will look like is completely unknown now.

But if you follow Zhao Siyu's plan, um, if 5G does not require base station investment, it will directly save a lot of money.

In this way, it is of great significance for me to come here to fight on the outpost this time.

Before, he just thought that satellite communications might be needed by China Mobile in the future.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Siyu also brought himself a surprise, which connected the 5G network with the Starlink satellite system.

"Mr. Zhao, can this Starlink satellite system really be connected to 5G?"

Lin Guojiang couldn't help but confirm it again.

The impact of this matter is too great. I have never heard of any rumors before.

Even the preliminary research on 5G carried out by Qualcomm and other international companies has not considered this direction.

"Theoretically, it is completely feasible, but this involves 5G communication standards. In fact, it will definitely be very difficult to fully promote it globally."

"Many places abroad certainly do not want 5G standards to be in the hands of Chinese companies, and they do not want 5G networks to be controlled by Chinese companies."

Zhao Siyu sees the current situation relatively clearly.

Knowing the technology is one thing, but the market is another.

Even if China makes innovative breakthroughs in 5G, other countries may not use it.

There is a high probability that others will introduce another set of standards.

After all, if you master the standards, you will master the development trend of an industry.

This is something that many countries will never be willing to give up.

"That's true, but if part of your plan can be realized, it would be amazing."

"Our country has a very large territory. If we want to build base stations in some places, the investment and output will be very uneconomical."

"But we have to build it. At this time, if we can combine it with the Starlink satellite system, it may have unexpected effects."

This is also an important reason why Lin Guojiang came to talk to Zhao Siyu today.

Due to policy reasons, whether it is communications or power grids, it is necessary to build base stations and other facilities in remote areas where there is no profit, but investment is necessary.

The amount of investment in this part is actually very huge.

"Technically, there's no problem at all."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have said that the 5G network can be directly separated from the constraints of the base station and connected to the Starlink satellite system."

Zhao Siyu probably understands the concerns of China Mobile.

It seems that they came here to discuss the possibility of investment cooperation this time, not just to pat their heads.

The establishment of the Starlink satellite system requires huge funds.

Although Nanshan System's current profitability can support its development, proper opening up of financing to the outside world is something that can be considered.

Otherwise, we would not have accepted Geely Automobile’s investment in the first place.

"Mr. Zhao, if the Starlink satellite system is to launch tens of thousands of satellites, then it will require at least hundreds of billions of investment, right?"

Lin Guojiang was ready to change the topic to the purpose of his visit.

He couldn't wait to move forward with this matter.

Once this project is successful, and if 5G can really be separated from base stations in the future and rely on the Starlink satellite system for development, then he can rely on this achievement to further enter the head office and become deputy general manager or general manager.

At that time, his life could be considered a leap forward.

After all, although the general manager of the Lingnan Provincial Company is considered a big boss, if he wants to improve his level, he must go to the head office.

"Based on the current rocket launch costs and satellite production costs, hundreds of billions of yuan may not be enough."

"However, with the recyclability of rockets and the decline in satellite production costs, the cost should eventually be controlled within 5000 billion yuan."

There is no need to lie about this kind of thing.

After all, if you do a little calculation, you will have an idea of ​​an order of magnitude.

If you don't explain this clearly, you might scare people away.

After all, according to calculations by some outside organizations, the cost involved in launching tens of thousands of satellites may reach several trillion yuan.

Not many companies dare to touch upon such an investment project.

"Although the prospect of the Starlink satellite system is worth looking forward to, it may be difficult to make a profit in the short term, right?"

Lin Guojiang asked another more pointed question.

Even Zhao Siyu just said that 5G networks can be linked to it in the future, and even 5G networks can be built directly based on the Starlink satellite system.

But that will definitely be five years from now.

This means that within 5 years, it will be difficult for the Starlink satellite system to make a profit.

Even after 5 years, it will not be profitable so quickly.

There is no way to deny this situation.

"Indeed, for this kind of high-tech investment project, the initial investment is very huge and it is difficult to make a profit."

"But ten years later, when our various costs have been amortized, perhaps one year's profit will be able to earn back most of the investment."

Zhao Siyu did not deny Lin Guojiang's statement, but he would not show weakness so easily.

I am not making any money now, but my expected earning power in the future is very powerful.

There is no way for anyone to completely deny this.

After all, the plan for the Starlink satellite system is very grand. If it is really realized, the impact will be really huge.

"Mr. Zhao, I won't beat around the bush. The relevant departments see Venus Technology's contribution to China in their eyes."

"So we are willing to support Daystar Technology's projects."

"Some of our mobile company's projects may have a deeper intersection with the Starlink satellite system in the future."

"So the headquarters intends to invest part of the funds in the Starlink satellite system, but I don't know if your company has the idea of ​​accepting state-owned investment funds?"

Lin Guojiang came here to play front station today.

In the end, if you want to invest, it will definitely come from the head office.

However, since he dares to come and talk on behalf of the head office, it means that relevant discussions have been held within China Mobile and there is a general direction.

That’s why I came here for preliminary communication.

"Our Starlink satellite system welcomes reasonable investment from any party."

“As long as it’s domestic funding, we can accept it.”

"Of course, because our internal valuation of the Starlink satellite system is relatively high, many institutions immediately backed down after asking about it."

Zhao Siyu felt that it was necessary to inoculate Lin Guojiang, otherwise he would be scared away by his own offer.

Before Venus 9 was launched, Geely obtained a 5% stake in the Starlink satellite system with an investment of 5 million yuan.

At that time, it was already valued at 100 billion.

Now Venus 9 has successfully carried out its second launch, and a total of 120 satellites have successfully reached their scheduled orbits.

In this case, the valuation of the Starlink satellite system will naturally increase significantly.

Even if it doubles, it will all be small, and Zhao Siyu is ready to directly give a valuation of 500 billion.

If you are willing to accept it, come in and play. If you are not willing to come in, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the company is not short of funds now.

“Large projects worth hundreds of billions have relatively strong demand for funds, and it is normal for the requirements to be higher.”

"You also know the profitability of our mobile company, so money is not a problem for us. The key is to feel that the money is spent worthwhile."

Lin Guojiang gave his answer confidently.

Although there are three domestic communication companies, China Mobile's ability to make money is indeed very strong.

Besides, this investment comes with some instructions from the relevant departments, and it is a special project.

In this case, he is not afraid of spending money at all.

"What Mr. Lin said is that for mobile, I think there is no more valuable investment project in the world than the Starlink satellite system."

At this time, it is definitely not the time to be humble.

Otherwise, how can we make China Mobile pay more?

(End of this chapter)

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