Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 790: The huge support directly gave Starlink wings to soar.

Chapter 790: The huge support directly gave Starlink wings to soar.
Lin Guojiang came with an investment mission.

He naturally knew that Geely Automobile invested 5 million yuan to acquire 5% of the shares of Starlink Satellite System.

Therefore, China Mobile has also had preliminary discussions on the valuation of the Starlink satellite system.

It is definitely impossible to continue to value the company based on 100 billion.

Everyone knows this.

After all, no product has been released, and a valuation of 100 billion was achieved by relying on "PPT" alone.

Now Venus 9, the world's first recyclable rocket, has been successfully launched.

The first batch of satellites are already being launched, and even other rockets and satellites are in production.

Therefore, a substantial increase in valuation is inevitable.

However, Lin Guojiang is also uncertain as to what level it will rise to.

"This visit to Mobile is actually a bit unexpected."

"Five billion in funds is very huge for ordinary companies, but for mobile companies that are making money every day, there is not much pressure."

"A valuation of 500 billion?"

"Not to mention other things, the 5% stake in Geely Automobile Investment has now appreciated by 20 billion yuan."

“Investment now will definitely yield huge returns.”

"After all, if the Starlink satellite system and 5G can be combined, hundreds of billions of investment can be saved for mobile in the future."

"Looking at Lin Guojiang's appearance, it is estimated that the other party will give an answer soon whether it is OK or not, and then we will know some results."

Whether it is a Scorpion drone, a Golden Eagle unmanned helicopter, or other products under development, the relevant departments more or less know some of the content.

According to their previous estimate, it was about 300 billion.

For the 10% of shares released for China Mobile, all shareholders must give up 10% together.

Zhao Siyu did not hesitate and gave his answer directly.

When Zhao Siyu said this, he immediately silenced Lin Guojiang.

After all, there is still Pan Jun who is waiting for the Nanshan Group.

"Mr. Li, although the financing plan has not yet been finalized, the mobile company is already discussing it internally, and the results are expected to be available soon."

"Mr. Cao, I feel that there is a high probability that China Mobile will agree to this investment."

Anyway, the initiative is now in one's own hands, it just depends on how others play their cards.

So today’s 50 billion investment is really nothing.

The Starlink satellite system has officially set sail, and it is entirely possible that it will be fully deployed smoothly in the future.

"This part of the income is enough to attract them to invest."

"Mr. Zhao, our mobile company intends to invest in the Starlink investment project, otherwise I would not be here today."

There was a hint of surprise on Lin Guojiang's face, which was more than they expected.

Cao Yang didn't dwell too much on this issue.

Anyway, the decision will not be made directly today. Everyone needs to take it back and report to the leadership.

Anyway, the company is not that short of funds now.

"I just don't know how many shares you can give up and how much capital we need to invest?"

He is not prepared to negotiate the price with China Mobile. If he is willing to accept it, he will accept it. If he is not willing to accept it, it does not matter.

However, he also knew that what Zhao Siyu said was not unreasonable at all.

Lin Guojiang did not argue with Zhao Siyu about the valuation anymore, but exchanged other aspects, and then ended the first meeting.

However, before that, he felt it was necessary to give Li Su a call to vent his feelings, so as not to make people feel so disrespectful to Geely Auto as a shareholder.

"The Starlink Satellite System will reserve 10% of the shares for China Mobile. If Geely Automobile wants to keep its 5% share unchanged, it will need to simultaneously invest an additional RMB 2.5 million."

Someone from the relevant departments in China must have seen the importance of Daystar Technology.

Zhao Siyu gave his own judgment based on today's negotiation situation.

"Mr. Zhao, I understand this condition, but I need to go back and report it to the headquarters, and then give you a reply as soon as possible."

"Yes, according to our estimates, the valuation of the Starlink satellite system can reach at least 20000 trillion yuan in the future, or even 100000 trillion yuan."

"A cash investment of 50 billion yuan, and a 10% stake."

If you can't guess, don't guess, just ask.

“But if the other party really agrees to our terms without even negotiating a price, then it may be true that the relevant departments are supporting us.”

"In other words, China Mobile is our Chinese company. If venture capital such as IDG comes over, even if they want to invest at a valuation of 1000 billion, we will not agree."

After Zhao Siyu ended the meeting, he was not idle. He immediately came to Cao Yang's office and reported the situation.

"So the impact of this system on them is actually not that great."

"After all, they didn't know that we were planning to connect the Starlink satellite system with the 5G network before this."

Geely Auto originally had 5%, but this 5% only cost RMB 5 million.

Now, in order to prevent the shareholding from being reduced from 5% to 4.5%, another 2.5 million yuan needs to be invested. This matter will definitely have a certain impact on Geely Automobile.

Of course, to some extent, this is a good thing.

Even if not a penny is paid out, the value of the remaining 4.5% shares has reached 22.5 billion, which has appreciated several times.

“Is the valuation of the Starlink satellite system rising so fast?”

This was really the first time Li Su knew this news.

Although he knew that Starlink's valuation was definitely rising, the rise to 500 billion was still beyond his imagination.

It seems that my initial investment of 5% was too conservative.

"In my mind, its value is actually much more than 500 billion. However, at this stage, the level that everyone can accept is almost 500 billion."

Li Su could understand what Cao Yang said.

He also knows some of Starlink's plans. If it is really realized, let alone 500 billion, there will be no problem if there are two zeros at the end.

Of course, the road to realizing this plan will definitely not be smooth.

Otherwise there would be no need for financing.

"Mr. Cao, I will arrange for people to prepare for the additional investment of 2.5 million yuan now."

"Once China Mobile officially decides to invest in Starlink, additional funds from Geely will be available immediately."

Li Su is not stupid, and he must not give up his shares at this time.

Otherwise, you will probably regret it later.

He even thought about adding some additional shares.

However, considering that the price of additional shares is a bit high, and given Geely Auto’s current profitability and the background of substantial factory expansion, it is a bit inadequate.

Of course, the most important thing is that he feels that Cao Yang may not want Geely Automobile to make further investment.

So he held back.

"Mr. Li, I firmly believe that your choice is the most correct. Maybe many years later, you will find that investing in Starlink is the wisest choice you have made in your life."

Cao Yang expressed his optimism for Starlink without any politeness at all.

This represents the top existence in the future communications industry and can be used in too many situations.

Even if 5G does not use Starlink by then, there will still be plenty of opportunities in the 6G era.

Starlink requires tens of thousands of satellites to complete its layout.

On suitable tracks, almost all positions are occupied.

Even if other companies want to develop similar Starlink systems in the future, it will be very difficult.

"I also firmly believe that Starlink will have a bright future. By then, it may become the most amazing existence in China."

"Daystar Technology will be a model and representative of China's high-tech enterprises."

Li Su's words were not just bragging, but he really admired Daystar Technology.

This company comes up with new technologies every now and then, putting great pressure on its competitors.

This kind of situation is absolutely not seen in ordinary Chinese companies.

After communicating with Li Su, Mobile held a high-level meeting internally on the situation that Lin Guojiang brought back.

Since supporting the Starlink satellite system is originally a project supported and promoted by relevant departments, China Mobile is responsible for leading the implementation.

So there is no problem whether investment is needed or not.

It’s just that everyone’s opinions need to be unified on how much money to invest and how many shares to hold.

If Zhao Siyu had not mentioned 5G network construction to Lin Guojiang this time, many people might think that the 500 billion valuation was too high.

After all, up to now, the Starlink Satellite System subsidiary only covers the rocket and satellite business of Venus Technology. Other military industries such as drones are not included in this sub-business.

Although Venus 9 is very powerful and highly anticipated, many people still cannot accept that such a rocket is worth a valuation of 500 billion.

But now that Zhao Siyu has carefully planned the prospects of Starlink and let China Mobile know that Starlink has a very close relationship with his company, everyone's attitude is different.

The construction of 4G has already begun, and next year is expected to be the time for large-scale promotion.

Then we need to consider 5G.

Although some standards of 5G are currently under discussion, if the Starlink satellite system can suddenly be used to build a 5G network, the meaning will be really different.

Therefore, after holding several internal meetings and reporting to relevant departments, China Mobile quickly agreed to Venus Technology's quotation.

With such a large investment involved, the CEOs of both parties gathered at Daystar Technology Group, and under the witness of China TV and other media, they formally signed an investment agreement.

That night, part of the agreement was broadcast on China News Network.

A valuation of 500 billion is such a high valuation for a company that has only been established for a few years.

This can no longer be described as a unicorn company.

In the whole of China, and even in the world, it is unique. So after this news was officially announced, it immediately went out of the circle.

Not to mention the hot search list on Weibo, it definitely dominates the list.

Many financial channels, technology channels, and news channels also reported and interpreted this news as the most important content.

Many experts have also come forward to express their opinions.

These movements naturally caused huge reactions from all parties.

"Mr. Wang, I just checked. In addition to China Mobile's 10% stake in Starlink Satellite System, a company under Venus Technology, Geely Auto still has a 5% stake."

"I feel like the company can also consider investing in a little bit of Starlink shares. This way we can avoid missing out on the trend and also allow our vehicle-machine systems to use Starlink in the future."

Zhong Qiang has been dealing with Nanshan Group for many years.

Nanshan Group has brought countless impacts to him over the years, but none of the previous impacts were as big as this one.

The positioning of Venus Technology and the positioning of Starlink Satellite System are very different from other companies in the previous Nanshan Group.

Even this kind of enterprise is different from all other Chinese private enterprises.

Vaguely, Zhong Qiang felt that BYD could not miss such an opportunity.

"With a valuation of 500 billion, we have no way to invest in it like China Mobile. Even if we can come up with money, Mr. Cao will definitely not accept it."

Wang Fu saw this issue very clearly.

Corporate financing is not just about money.

Especially for companies that are not short of money, other factors need to be considered in financing.

China Mobile can bring many development conveniences to Starlink, and the valuation accepted by China Mobile is also very high, so Cao Yang can agree.

But BYD is different. He can't bring much valuable things to Starlink.

"We don't need 10% of the shares. A symbolic investment of 1% will be enough."

When Zhong Qiang said this, Wang Fu was a little moved.

If it's just 1%, Cao Yang shouldn't mind that much, right?
After all, BYD still has some influence in China's economic circle.

"Mr. Cao and I will explore the situation first. If possible, we can discuss this topic further."

After a moment of silence, Wang Fu thought it would be better to communicate with Cao Yang in person.

Starlink is now a popular company, and BYD is definitely not the only one who wants to invest in it.

Therefore, even if it is 1% of the shares, Wang Fu is not sure.

At this time, 5 million in funds is not the most important issue.


"Mr. Qian, aren't the relevant departments' support for the Starlink satellite system too strong?"

"With a valuation of 500 billion, China Mobile actually invested as soon as it was announced."

Zhu Yuanming, the person in charge of the aerospace technology and rocket project, came to Qian Junfeng's office with a complicated mood.

His predecessor Zhao Siyu is now the general manager of Daystar Technology.

Now the Starlink satellite system under Venus Technology is valued at 500 billion. The entire Venus Technology must not be much higher than 500?

Then the entire Venus Technology Group, not to mention that.

The predecessor controlled a large enterprise worth hundreds of billions, and had no worries about having no money for research and development.

But I have to quarrel with other research institutes for funding from time to time.

Although China's allocation of funds to aerospace science and technology has been increasing in recent years, various institutes affiliated with aerospace science and technology have many projects to undertake, so the R&D funds allocated to rocket projects are naturally not that abundant.

Anyone who engages in R&D knows that the more funds, the better.

Otherwise, many times I won’t dare to let go and do it.

"The movement is indeed a bit sudden, but it is obvious that it is not just the idea of ​​moving."

"They should also invest with a mission in mind."

Standing in Qian Junfeng's position, he naturally looks at the problem from a relatively high perspective.

He knows best how cautious state-owned enterprises are when investing in large projects.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of investment involving 50 billion still only accounts for 10% of the shares. It definitely requires various discussions and reports. It is not surprising that it drags on for a year and a half.

Now that the official announcement of cooperation is so sudden, there must be a story behind it.

It’s just that ordinary people don’t know this story.

"That's true. Starlink's plan is very grand. Tens of thousands of satellites will be launched in the future. Most companies simply can't even think about it."

"However, Venus Technology is taking one step at a time, and it is really possible to develop this thing."

"In this case, the attitude of the relevant departments is very important."

Zhu Yuanming was not stupid either. After listening to Qian Junfeng's words, he immediately thought of many things.

Projects like Starlink are completely controlled by a private enterprise, and the relevant departments must have concerns.

In addition, with such a large investment, relevant departments are also worried that it will have an adverse impact on the development of Nanshan Group.

Although Venus Technology is worth looking forward to, other companies spun off from Nanshan Group are also worth looking forward to.

The development of other companies cannot be affected just because of Starlink.

For example, Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Nanshan Special Steel, and Nanshan Chemical are not simple.

So investing heavily in Starlink at this time is actually supporting Starlink and the Nanshan System.

Cao Yang himself can understand this, otherwise he would not accept investment easily.

"If before today, many people still had doubts about Starlink, then after today, Starlink has wings to take off."

"In the future, if companies want to invest in Starlink, the valuation will not be 500 billion, but more."

"With the current funding, at least there will be no problems with all Starlink's research and development tasks and launch tasks this year."

When Qian Junfeng said this, his mood was quite complicated.

China's rocket technology has always been based on the performance of aerospace technology. Now with the addition of Venus, the situation is different.

To a certain extent, aerospace technology has already felt the pressure.

The research and development speed of Long March 5 needs to be accelerated.

Otherwise, the gap between everyone will be too big by then, and it will look ugly to him.


If the aerospace technology side is under pressure because of China Mobile’s investment in Starlink, then the space exploration technology side is under great pressure.

Of course, while they are under great pressure, Diers and the others are also full of expectations for the future.

The valuation of technology companies in China is often relatively low. As a result, the Starlink Satellite System can have a valuation of 500 billion. So, is the valuation of the Space Exploration Technology Company also not low?

Although the overall progress is slightly behind the comparison, considering the differences in valuations of technology companies in different markets, Diels even thinks that Space Exploration Technology's current valuation of US$100 billion is reasonable.

If this goes public, wouldn't he, the person in charge, immediately become a billionaire?

Thinking of this, his enthusiasm changed.

"Masco, I think the company can also consider raising part of the funds to speed up the development of improved Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets."

"And we can also consider launching a similar Starlink plan to let investors have higher expectations of us."

Diers came to Masco with great expectations and wanted to gain his support.

"Now is not the best time to raise funds. If we wait until the improved Falcon 9 is successfully launched before raising money, the valuation will be higher."

Musko has very high expectations for Space Exploration Technology Company.

He does not want to release a large number of shares so early, and the company will be out of his control by then.

This is a situation he doesn't want to see.

Besides, although the Space Exploration Technology Company is not very rich in funds now, it is not short of money either.

In this case, he doesn’t want to raise funds so quickly.

"But if we wait, Venus Technology in China will definitely develop very quickly. By comparison, we will not be that outstanding."

Diers mentioned an issue that worries him.

But Masco has a different view.

"Many investors in the United States don't pay attention to what's happening in China."

"As people in the industry, we pay close attention to every move of Daystar. But believe it or not, if you search online, you can hardly find out that Daystar has obtained huge amounts of financing?"

"Even professional investors don't pay much attention to the situation in China, and ordinary people are even less concerned."

"So the development of Daystar Technology will not have a big impact on our company's valuation."

It has to be said that Masco is finally sober.

People really see things very clearly.

Investors in the United States are definitely biased against China.

For the same idea, if an American entrepreneur can get a valuation of US$1 million by going to venture capital, then the valuation of a Chinese company is estimated to be only US$1000 million.

Even if the company develops and grows, and the scale of similar companies in China is larger, there will be situations where the valuation is not as good as that of companies in the United States.

There are not just one or two such cases, but a large number.

Of course, the reasons behind this are definitely more complicated and cannot simply be attributed to the personal bias of investors.

"Okay, let me see if we can recruit another group of technicians from NASA to successfully develop our improved Falcon 9 as soon as possible."

The boss had already said that, so Diers had no choice but to accept it.

While the Space Exploration Technology Company was discussing the impact of China Mobile's investment in the Starlink satellite system, two heavyweight companies in China also made a huge response to this matter.

This reaction was even a little beyond Cao Yang's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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