Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 794 NASA platform, the first round of competition in the United States

Chapter 794: NASA platform, America sets off the first round of competition

Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system will accept a large number of domestic car companies such as Spring City Automobile Group, Changan Automobile, Chery Automobile, BYD Auto, Great Wall Motors, etc. as new shareholders. This matter naturally needs to be discussed with the original shareholders.

Although other shareholders have said before that they will not interfere with Daystar Technology's decisions, if they have the opportunity to express their opinions, they will definitely not miss this opportunity.

For example, at Geely Automobile, when Peng Lin came to attend the pre-communication meeting of the interim board of directors, he put forward some ideas.

There are some words that Li Su, as a director, might not be suitable to say, but when communicating in advance, Peng Lin can say whatever he wants.

Anyway, it was just an informal exchange of opinions.

If the opinion is adopted, that would be for the best.

It doesn't matter much if it's not adopted.

There can be no worse outcome anyway.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't think it makes much sense to admit so many car companies at once?"

After all, the achievements of various companies in the Nanshan Group have been too brilliant in the past.

Obviously, Geely Automobile naturally hopes that other car companies will have nothing to do with Starlink.

Zhao Siyu gave a rather certain answer.

"We really need to speed up further."

He could even guess that Geely just wanted to test everyone's attitude.

This gives everyone more confidence in the Starlink satellite system.

Besides, there is no need to really object at this time, and the impression score will be lowered for no reason.

Since Daystar Technology has already decided on the financing matter, there is no point in opposing it.

Lin Guojiang asked curiously.

Regarding rocket research and production, they pay less attention to it, and they really don't know the specific situation very well.

The size of some satellites will also increase, and it is not surprising that the number of launches will be less than 60 by then.

According to the design plan, if the same satellites are still used, Venus 9 MAX can launch more than satellites at one time.

Besides, Zhao Siyu also said that this is the last financing this year or next two years, so they can accept this.

“And this wave of financing will be the last financing this year.”

"But this also depends on the research and development of Venus 9 MAX. If everything goes well, we can send more satellites into space next year."

Lin Guojiang, as the pre-communication representative of China Mobile, also came to attend the meeting today.

However, Zhao Siyu will definitely not agree with Geely's idea.

"So attracting companies such as Spring City Automobile Group is also for the future of Starlink."

"Starlink has raised a large amount of funds this year. I think we can make full use of these funds to speed up the launch and layout of related satellites, so that the United States and the polar bears have been eating ashes from behind us."

“If we want to expand Starlink’s business, we definitely need more car companies to connect to our Starlink.”

Of course, subsequent satellites will definitely be continuously upgraded.

“Financing may not be open again even next year.”

As for whether the first launch can be successful, no one is particularly worried.

This is definitely the best outcome for them as representatives of the automotive industry in the future.

Letting all cars become Starlink terminals is no less meaningful than turning all mobile phones into terminals.

While Daystar Technology is preparing for the interim board of directors of Starlink Satellite System, other affiliated companies within the group are not idle either.

"I have asked the production department to speed up the production of Venus 9. From now on, satellites will be sent into space every month."

"Next year we have prepared a plan for 100 rocket launches, which will directly subvert everyone's understanding of the number of rocket launches."


For China Mobile, the biggest hope is that Starlink will be built as soon as possible. By then, in some remote mountainous areas, even 4G base stations will be able to directly receive 5G satellite signals without building them.

"In the future, Starlink will have broad application space in many industries. We can just choose representative companies from various industries to join, right?"

Although Zhao Siyu's explanation did not satisfy Peng Lin, it did satisfy people from China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom.

"In the future, we in China will definitely have hundreds of millions of cars in stock, and every car will be a mobile Starlink satellite receiving terminal."

"It shouldn't be a big problem. I hope the first launch will be successful!"

More rockets can be sent into space at once.

When Zhao Siyu said this, everyone's attention was attracted.

"Space Exploration Technology Company will send the first Starlink satellite into space this year, and Polar Bear United Rocket and Aerospace Company may also place the first Starlink satellite into a predetermined orbit next year or the year after."

"Can our Venus 9 MAX really be launched for the first time next year?"

The diameter of the Venus 9 MAX has been expanded from 3.3 meters to 5 meters, and the take-off weight will naturally be greater.

In this way, the benefits of mobile can be expanded.

"Mr. Cao, according to the current construction speed of Starlink, it will initially have communication functions next year."

"I plan to ask Honor Technology to arrange people from the mobile phone R&D team to develop the satellite call function of the mobile phone."

As the general manager of Honor Technology, Xia Qingqing naturally hopes that Honor mobile phones can benefit from Starlink.

There are also satellite phones now, but those things can really only be used to make satellite calls. They are extremely expensive and difficult to use. They are almost like traditional feature phones.

If Honor Technology can first add satellite functions to HONOR6, which will be launched next year, it will definitely have a huge impact on everyone.

As for HONOR5, which will be launched in the middle of this year, it will definitely not be able to catch up.

"Integrating satellite call technology into smartphones is indeed a very big breakthrough. I have also discussed this topic with R&D personnel before."

"HONOR6 or HONOR7 must have this function."

"You can just take charge of the specific arrangements."

Satellite calls, Cao Yang naturally knows the function of this function.

With the development of Honor mobile phones to this point, it is already difficult to make drastic changes between each generation of products.

The satellite call function happens to be a new function that can be used as a sea-change.

Although most ordinary people may not be able to use it, and the price of use will definitely still be relatively expensive.

But as a publicity hotspot, it is definitely very valuable.

"Although no company has successfully combined satellite calling functions with mobile phones before, I believe our technical team can achieve this goal."

"So you don't have to wait for HONOR7, just HONOR6 next year."

When it was time to pat her chest and take responsibility, Xia Qingqing also took it boldly.

Today she said something like this: If the satellite call function is not installed on HONOR6 next year, it will not be a simple matter of indifference.

"It would be the best thing to have satellite calling function on HONOR6."

"There should be some targeted adjustments that need to be made in terms of chips. You should also communicate with Nanshan Semiconductor."

Cao Yang reminded Xia Qingqing a little, lest the research progress fail to keep up with the plan, which would be quite embarrassing.

And Xia Qingqing would not miss such a good opportunity to ask for advice. She chatted with Cao Yang for almost an hour and did not leave until Mi Ying came in to inform Cao Yang to attend the next meeting.

"Mr. Cao, NASA in the United States just released news on Twitter that it fully supports the Space Exploration Technology Company in establishing the Starlink satellite system."

"NASA will not only set up a dedicated technical team to assist the Space Exploration Technology Company in developing the Falcon 9 reusable rocket, but will also work with other companies to assist in the design of Starlink satellites."

"The United States is going to completely roll up this round of competition."

Zhao Siyu often reported news to Cao Yang during this period.

Today, I originally had an appointment with Cao Yang to report some arrangements with the interim board of directors, but in the end, the news that NASA gave Tai Kuai Exploration Technology a platform stole the attention.

"It is estimated that many companies in the United States are behind this matter, otherwise NASA would not end so quickly."

"But the more this happens, the more it proves that we are heading in the right direction. Everyone just roll up your sleeves and work hard."

Cao Yang really didn't expect that the United States could unite so many companies so quickly this time to make such a big move.

It seemed that people were going to use the nationwide system, which surprised many people.

"Well, according to the information we have learned, Qualcomm, TI, Apple, Motorola, Google and other companies are discussing investment and equity participation in Space Exploration Technology Company."

"It is estimated that Musko's attitude will also change a lot."

"Their development speed should be much faster by then. After all, they are not short of money and people, and many breakthroughs will be made very quickly."

Zhao Siyu also feels vaguely some pressure now.

Whether you admit it or not, America’s technological strength cannot be underestimated.

Now that so many top American companies are united, it is impossible to say that Zhao Siyu is not under pressure.

"The term space race has been used by many media now, and the United States probably really takes it seriously."

"If they want to fight, then we will fight!"

Cao Yang knew that the United States could not accept such a great thing as Starlink, which was first mastered by China.

This will threaten their hegemony to a certain extent and is something they absolutely cannot accept.

But the more the other party can't accept it, the more you have to do something about it.

At that time, it will depend on what countermeasures the Space Exploration Technology Company can come up with.

With a NASA platform, is it guaranteed to be successful?

That’s hard to say!

"Otellini, are you really not going to join this great plan?" Even though many companies in the United States are supporting Musko to develop the Starlink satellite system as soon as possible, different companies in the United States must have differences. idea.

They are not monolithic, nor can they be monolithic.

This situation is also very common in China.

Just like companies in the communications industry, when voting on 5G standards, some people chose to support Qualcomm instead of Warwick.

Where is the reasoning in this kind of thing?
"Paul, we at Intel are currently making the final research on the 14nm process chip technology. The investment in the new factory will be very huge by then."

"And in the next step, we will further invest a lot of money in 7nm and even 5nm chip technology."

"So now we have no plans to use our limited funds to invest in businesses that have little to do with the company."

Otellini rejected Qualcomm directly.

Some time ago, Intel has reached an agreement with Nanshan Semiconductor. In the next few years, Intel will mainly focus on computer CPUs.

The Starlink satellite system requires a huge investment, but it mainly plays its role in mobile communications.

This aspect has a relatively small impact on Intel, but has a relatively large impact on companies such as Qualcomm and Motorola.

So Otellini found a speechless excuse and refused to invest in space exploration technology companies.

Anyway, he also knows that several companies such as Qualcomm have prepared large sums of funds, and the development of space exploration technology companies is now not short of money.

Then let Intel be lazy.

"China is now integrating Starlink with 5G communications. Doesn't Intel plan to be involved in this market in the future?"

Paul is not stupid, he can naturally guess what little calculation Otellini has.

Qualcomm is best at mobile phone chips, and Intel is best at computer chips.

Now Starlink will have a great impact on mobile phone chips, so Intel does not want to spend money to help.

Especially in the past few years, Intel has been working hard in the mobile chip market, but it has not taken off due to various reasons.

Qualcomm must have stumbled here.

"The combination of 5G communications and Starlink, I feel, is definitely a means of attracting investment. In fact, it is very difficult to realize it."

"Everyone is used to building base stations, and there have been so many base stations before."

"How can it be so easy to change this situation now?"

Otellini threw out another reason.

This made Paul feel a little tired.

"Now we are in a new space race with China. The space in the sky suitable for Starlink satellites is relatively limited. If we are slow, we will miss a lot of opportunities."

"You should agree with this, right?"

I am prepared to stand on the moral high ground and accuse Intel to see if the other party will follow this trick.

But it's a pity that Otellini's attitude is very firm this time.

Otellini believes that Intel is the leader in the American chip industry. Now it is investing in space exploration technology companies like other companies. Doesn't that mean that Qualcomm and other companies are officially on an equal footing with Intel?
This is a situation he doesn't want to see.

"Paul, I think you're being too sensitive."

"It's just a Starlink, how can it be involved in the space race?"

"This kind of thing is completely different from the competition we had with polar bears back then."

Otellini kept arguing with Paul for more than ten minutes, causing the latter to completely lose interest in continuing to communicate.

However, Intel's stay away from the matter will certainly not have much impact.

Paul also used NASA to get representatives from the Pentagon to find Boeing to help provide assistance.

"David, I think NASA's statement is reasonable. We need to fully support the Space Exploration Technology Company in setting up the Starlink system as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, we will really fall behind China."

John is very familiar with the relationship with Boeing and other arms companies. NASA really found the right person when they asked him to coordinate this matter.

However, this time Boeing also has its own ideas.

"John, since you asked, let me share with you a plan that Boeing is discussing internally."

"We are preparing to build Boeing's own Starlink plan, which aims to provide high-speed, low-latency Internet access services to users around the world by deploying a large number of low-orbit satellites."

"According to the current plan, we at Boeing will launch these satellites one after another between 2013 and 2018, eventually forming a satellite network consisting of at least 147 large communication satellites."

"This satellite network will cover most of the world, providing Internet access services to remote areas and backward countries, thereby narrowing the digital divide."

When David said this, John's expression immediately changed.

NASA's request for his help seems to be going away.

Boeing's satellite production technology is among the best in the United States.

If they choose to do it themselves, they will definitely not help SpaceX’s Starlink project.

They are even competitors.

But John will definitely not give up easily.

"David, satellites are expensive to manufacture and launch, which is a huge burden for a private company."

"In addition, the construction and operation of satellite networks requires permission and support from various governments, which greatly increases the complexity and uncertainty of the project."

"At the same time, competition in the satellite Internet market is fierce, and competitors such as Huaxia, Polar Bear, and Space Exploration Technology are also actively planning similar projects, which will pose a huge challenge to Boeing's position in the market."

"I suggest you stop this project while your investment is still relatively small, and re-evaluate the feasibility and profitability prospects of the project."

I have to say that John's vision is still very good.

The several reasons it mentioned are actually very reasonable.

Historically, Boeing itself did engage in "Starlink", but it was ultimately discontinued due to the above reasons.

After all, without recyclable rockets, a powerful tool that can significantly reduce the cost of satellite launches, ordinary companies really can’t handle Starlink.

"Satellite Internet technology has unique advantages in responding to natural disasters and improving communication security, which makes it have broad application prospects in specific fields."

"And, as the global Internet penetration rate continues to increase, more and more countries and regions are beginning to pay attention to the development and application of satellite Internet technology."

"I think Starlink can still be worked on."

As soon as David finished speaking, John continued: "Yes, Starlink is indeed worth pursuing, especially since China plans to connect Starlink with 5G, it will be even more worth pursuing."

"So we should concentrate our efforts and work together to build a Starlink system."

In order to convince Boeing, John tried his best this time.

He was going to turn around and ask the NASA people to ask him to go to the southern island to relax.

"I have no objection to concentrating our efforts on Starlink. I also think this is the way it should be."

"But have you made the wrong mistake? Our Boeing is the most powerful. If we concentrate our efforts, shouldn't we focus on our Boeing?"

"Whether it's rockets or satellites, our capabilities at Boeing are the strongest in the world."

“Why should a little-known small company like Space Exploration Technologies Corporation be allowed to undertake such an important project?”

David spread his hands, looking completely disdainful of Space Exploration Technology Company.

These words immediately choked John!
Because what John said is not without any truth.

Compared with the size of Boeing, SpaceX is an out-and-out small company.

So far, they only have one rocket that they can use, the Falcon 9.

Although the launch cost of this rocket is relatively low, it has many gimmicks.

But if you have to say how advanced its technology is and how much better it is than Boeing's products, that's really difficult.

After all, the recyclable Falcon 9 has not been developed yet. Even if John wants to brag about it, he doesn't know where to brag about it.

You can't always say that other people's costs are relatively low, right?
By then, Boeing will be able to find more counterattack points to counter his claims.

After being silent for a while, John said: "The establishment of the Starlink system requires a very large number of satellites."

"So using recyclable rockets to reduce costs is almost an inevitable choice, otherwise the final Starlink system will not be competitive."

"In this regard, Space Exploration Technology Company is still at the forefront."

"According to the current progress, they should be able to officially develop an improved version of Falcon 9 next year."

"Their launch costs will be much lower than Boeing's by then. This is an impact that cannot be ignored."

If we don't talk about money but only about technology, John finds it difficult to convince David.

After all, if you insist on saying that Boeing's technology is not good, you probably won't be able to convince the other party.

"John, I'm sorry, we at Boeing have little interest in investing in space exploration technology companies. We want to promote our own Starlink."

David saw that John's expression turned ugly, and immediately added something.

"In fact, from another perspective, it is also a good thing to have two companies competing together."

John, who originally thought about returning home with a full load, knew that he might not be able to convince David today.

As a result, the research and development of satellites from the Space Exploration Technology Company may be affected to a certain extent.

You have to continue to think of a way.

If it really doesn't work, let NASA find a way to help.

Anyway, the Space Exploration Technology Company was developed with the support of NASA to a certain extent.

(End of this chapter)

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