Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 795 The polar bear’s big move and the arrival of a new situation

Chapter 795 The polar bear’s big move and the arrival of a new situation
Although the communication between John and David was not so smooth, the Space Exploration Technology Company's Starlink project is still booming, and a lot of media in the United States are reporting intensively.

Naturally, all those who care about these news have seen it.

"Mr. Li, I think there may be no need to worry about the impact of Venus Technology's Starlink project on the future."

"The United States has already made big moves. When the time comes, the 5G network we can choose will definitely not be just Venus Technology."

During this period, Chaihang was arranged by Li Zailin to track the progress of the "Starlink" projects of various companies around the world.

At the beginning, he was quite anxious and felt that the situation was very unfavorable for Samsung.

But slowly, he found that the situation seemed to have changed a lot.

The Space Exploration Technology Company officially announced its Starlink plan, and then many leading affiliated companies in the United States expressed their intention to invest in it.

NASA even officially stepped forward to help, making everyone very optimistic about this plan.

As a small follower of the United States, Korea will definitely follow the situation in the United States.

Otherwise, many employees at Qualcomm China are a little worried about whether they can still work at Qualcomm until retirement.

After he figured it out, he didn't care about it.


It may not be possible for Goryeo to come up with a suitable Starlink system on its own, and everyone knows this.

The situation of Samsung mobile phones in China is a bit serious now.

Just sit and watch the show.

"The current situation is in line with everyone's understanding."

Qualcomm in China mainly relies on selling chips to various mobile phone companies or collecting patent fees.

"Mr. Wang, I heard that the headquarters is going to invest in the Space Exploration Technology Company and participate in their Starlink project. Is this news true?"

If the pattern of the mobile communications industry is disrupted by Starlink in the future, Qualcomm will definitely be greatly affected.

"After all, Qualcomm is not the only company that wants to invest in space exploration technology companies this time. Other companies such as Motorola, Texas Instruments, and Apple are also talking about financing."

"Yes, I just think that Daystar Technology's actions are a bit aggressive and the promotion is a bit excessive."

Then you will definitely have to rely on your own master.

"Unless American companies completely abandon the Chinese market, they should be more anxious than us."

"I think this issue mainly depends on how the United States handles it. The influence we can exert may be relatively limited."

Li Zailin breathed a sigh of relief, and the string in his heart relaxed a lot.

These are all based on the premise that Qualcomm has a large number of patents in the communications industry.

"As far as I know, it is true, but the specific investment amount and investment ratio should still be discussed."

If you still can’t see the future, then you don’t even know how to draw a picture.

But on the other hand, if your annual salary is reduced from 50 to 30, you will probably be scolded.

This solves a big concern for Samsung.

Even the development situation of the entire Korean enterprise in China is not so ideal.

Li Zailin was a little shocked during this period, so he thought a lot.

After all, the good life has been going on for a long time, and suddenly it doesn't feel so comfortable anymore, and I definitely can't accept it.

"Although we can use Space Exploration Technology Company's Starlink by then, accessing the network from China may still involve approval issues from relevant departments."

"Although it seems theoretically possible to achieve 5G communication, it's hard to say whether the speed and efficiency of communication can really be much higher than the current 4G base stations."

When Chai Hang said this, Li Zailin couldn't help but nodded.

For example, if you have the same annual salary of 30 yuan and your salary increases from 20 yuan to 30 yuan, you must be very happy and want to celebrate.

At Qualcomm China, during a coffee break, sales director Yu Jinli asked Wang Jing to confirm the news.

"It seems that we are indeed worrying too much. How could the United States allow Daystar Technology to mess around there?"

If we don't pay attention now and have no way to respond in time in the future, the impact will be very big.

This is not a particularly big secret, so after Yu Jinli asked, Wang Jing told the information she knew.

"Even if it is really that good, we can just use the Space Exploration Technology Company's."

In her opinion, this is definitely good news.

There is no harm in revealing it through Yu Jinli's mouth.

Chaihang is quite satisfied with the developments in the United States.

This is something people at Qualcomm China don’t want to see.

After Venus Technology’s Starlink is launched in the future, will Qualcomm China have no way to survive?
In Wang Jing's view, although these issues are a bit unfounded, they cannot be said to be completely unreasonable.

There is no other way. Even the old story of the "Space Race" has been brought up. The impact of Starlink must be greater than everyone imagined.

"I don't know if anything will happen at that time."

This is indeed the truth. I seem to be a little "the emperor is not anxious, but the eunuch is anxious"?

"It's really great."

“With the support of so many companies, Musko’s Starlink project will definitely become much faster.”

"After all, launching satellites is essentially a matter of spending money. There are actually no big technical problems."

Yu Jinli breathed a sigh of relief.

He entered Qualcomm China right after graduating from college and lived a more comfortable life than his classmates.

There is no need to clock in when commuting to and from get off work every day. It is said that I work 8 hours a day, but in fact the time between arriving and leaving the company is less than 8 hours.

Not to mention that there is a lot of time spent drinking coffee and chatting, and the real working time may only be one or two hours.

As long as you are on a business trip, you must stay in a local five-star hotel or find something relatively high-end.

Needless to say, there are various other benefits.

During the American holidays, they followed the holidays.

During Chinese holidays, they also take holidays.

There are also at least 15 days of annual leave and various paid sick leave every year.

These benefits did not fall from the sky, but were obtained based on Qualcomm's huge profits in China.

If Qualcomm can no longer make money in China in the future, or the money it makes is greatly reduced, then their treatment will definitely be affected.

"It's not a big problem if you say that, but now that Daystar has taken the lead, the headquarters should also be aware of the crisis."

"That's why we united with many companies to jointly promote Musko's Starlink project."

"I think it is entirely possible to overtake Daystar's Starlink plan by then."

In Wang Jing's view, no matter how high the technical level of Daystar Technology is, it cannot be higher than that of the United States.

After all, Musk's Starlink project has NASA helping to support it, and various companies such as Qualcomm have joined in.

There is no reason to lose.

"Yes, we must overtake Venus, otherwise we will become passive in many things in the future."

If there is any company in China that Yu Jinli hates the most, then Nanshan Group must be on the list.

Specifically, Nanshan Semiconductor is the one he hates the most.

Now there may be one more company to add, and that is Venus Technology.

"There is no rush on this matter. It will take at least a few years to see some changes in the situation."

"We'll just adapt accordingly when the time comes."

"What we have to do at this stage is to collect information from Nanshan Semiconductor and Venus Technology in a timely manner and report to the headquarters in a timely manner."

"Then the headquarters will definitely weigh the pros and cons and make a judgment."

Wang Jing still has great confidence in the senior executives at Qualcomm headquarters.

After all, a few decades ago, Qualcomm's status in the United States was far from as high as it is now.

Now it is at its peak, and it can compete with technology giants like Apple.


The United States is making such big moves, and all kinds of new news about Starlink are breaking out every day. Naturally, these situations are also noticed by the Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Company.

Even the entire polar bear-related departments are paying close attention to the development of this matter.

For this reason, it is naturally impossible for them to remain indifferent.

After all, maintaining its dominant position in the aerospace field is what Polar Bear has been working hard for over the years.

Now that the Starlink project involves the space race in the new era, Polar Bear is even more unwilling to lag behind.

"Grogin, I heard that relevant departments are going to reintegrate the country's aerospace industry, and our United Rocket and Space Company is also involved."

As the person in charge of the rocket project of United Rocket Airlines, Dmitry naturally does not only focus on technical matters.

Once you reach a certain level, if you only know how to work on technology all day long, it will be very difficult to improve your position.

No matter where you are, the principles are the same.

Demetri is now fully committed to the "Starlink" project, hoping to develop recyclable rockets and satellites as soon as possible.

If relevant departments want to reintegrate aerospace companies across the country at this time, it is likely to have a huge impact on the projects that Demetri is advancing.

This was a situation he didn't want to see.

"This is indeed the case. In fact, similar ideas were not proposed just during this period."

"But since last year, or even earlier, the relevant departments have been considering it."

"It's just that this time, affected by the space race between the United States and China, relevant departments have accelerated their actions in this regard."

This news will be officially announced soon, and Grotin will definitely not hide too much information from a technical leader like Dmitri.

If you don’t ask, I may not take the initiative to tell you.

But since you have come to the door, I will not hide it from you.

This is Grotin's attitude now.

"What specific changes will there be then?" "Will the allocation of funds be affected?"

"Will there be any changes in personnel?"

Demetri asked the two questions he was most concerned about.

For the projects he is responsible for, these two issues also have the greatest impact.

Judging from past experience, once it involves corporate restructuring, there is almost no way to avoid these two problems.

After all, the company has been reorganized, with no changes in personnel and no changes in fund allocation, so the significance of reorganization does not seem to be that great.

"You don't need to worry about financial matters. There shouldn't be any bad news."

"Relevant departments also hope that our Starlink project can be successful and not let the gap between the United States and China be widened."

"As for personnel, there will definitely be some changes at the top level."

Grotin said while considering the words in his mind.

"You know, since the '90s, because the country has changed so much."

"So our aerospace industry has also been greatly affected."

"For example, our United Rocket and Space Company now has some private shares."

"The relevant departments hope to have all aerospace projects 100% in their hands. This will be more conducive to improving aerospace competitiveness."

"So soon, our domestic aerospace and aviation industry will be reorganized."

"All other aerospace-related companies will be merged into our group and become an enterprise 100% controlled by the relevant departments."

"Of course, I am also communicating with the relevant departments about the Starlink project you are concerned about, and will consider taking it out and setting up a separate subsidiary to operate it."

"This subsidiary can consider accepting investment from other companies."

When Grotin said this, Dmitri breathed a sigh of relief.

This change doesn't seem like a bad thing to him?
United Rockets and Aerospace has become a window for integrating all domestic aerospace industries in Polar Bear, which means that the company will be able to mobilize more resources in the future.

Whether it is for the research and development of rockets or satellites, there is definitely no harm.

What he needs to do now is to maintain the stability of the project as much as possible during the integration period and avoid being affected.

After the integration is completed, he can put his strength into full play.


The polar bear-related authorities acted faster than Dmitry imagined.

The day after he discussed this topic with Grogin, the big boss from Polar Bear officially signed the relevant documents, officially clarifying the policy of integrating the domestic aerospace industry.

All aerospace-related businesses have been handed over to United Rocket and Aerospace Corporation, which is somewhat similar to the positioning of China's aerospace technology.

As for the aviation business, it was handed over to another company.

In the aerospace industry, most of them are military-related companies.

As the world's leading military power, polar bears' big moves in aerospace will naturally arouse huge reactions from all parties.

No one is sure what big moves the Polar Bears will make after this integration.

Or maybe they have some new secret project to develop.

A new model of intercontinental ballistic missile?

A new fighter jet?

A new generation of nuclear submarines?
Everything is possible.

However, one thing everyone already knows is that United Rocket and Aerospace Corporation has officially announced that it will form a "Starlink" system and will redevelop recyclable rockets that are different from those of the United States and China.

After this integration, they released some of this information.

This made all parties unable to help but focus their attention on Starlink.

Some people even think that polar bears will take such action so quickly because the United States and China have provoked the "Starlink" space race.

In this competition, polar bears are now at a disadvantage.

This is certainly not a result they can accept.

However, if the polar bear does this, China's aerospace technology will be a little uncomfortable.

We are all companies with the same positioning, but in this so-called "space race", aerospace technology has not participated at all.

Then every time they are asked by relevant departments during a meeting, they will be embarrassed.

This must be something Qian Junfeng finds difficult to accept.

So he couldn't help but call Zhu Tianming to his office to discuss countermeasures.

"Lao Zhu, you have seen the actions on the polar bear side, and you also know the situation on the American side."

"Both countries have official powers to support the development of Starlink."

"Especially for the Polar Bears, the integration force this time is quite strong. Their commander-in-chief personally signed the relevant documents."

"And Mie understands that NASA, the official organization, provides the platform for the Starlink project."

"It would still be embarrassing if we didn't do anything."

Although Qian Junfeng had called Cao Yang before and expressed his willingness to fully assist Venus Technology's Starlink system.

But I've said it again. Judging from the final actual results, this matter has no direct connection with aerospace technology.

At least there is nothing that can be put on the table to report to the relevant departments.

This is very fatal.

The more popular Starlink becomes, the more embarrassed Qian Junfeng will be.

The "space race" involving several major countries, but they, a company that represents China's aerospace industry, did not participate?
What do you do with so much money every year?
Those who know know what is going on, and those who don’t know have many ideas in their minds.

Maybe Qian Junfeng's ancestors had been scolded countless times by some people for eighteen generations.

Even on the Chinese Internet, there are some related bad public opinions.

However, it seems that some people are protecting public opinion in this regard, so there is no ferment.

"Venus Technology has successfully developed recyclable materials. Their development progress of Venus 9 MAX is faster than that of our Long March 5."

"They already have the relevant satellite technology, and now they are just undergoing some technical upgrades."

"I heard that it is work in this area. Daystar also has in-depth cooperation with Warwick. By then, it should be possible to develop very advanced communication satellites."

"In this case, what we can do is indeed limited."

Zhu Yuanming explained a little depressedly.

It's not that he doesn't want to help, it's just that there isn't much he can do.

Unless he brings a group of people to join Daystar directly, then the other party will definitely welcome him.

But this kind of thing is definitely not allowed by aerospace technology.

Even if it is done in this way, it cannot be regarded as a credit to aerospace technology.

Maybe it’s not surprising that he was laughed at by the people in the aerospace industry.

"Of course I understand what you said, but many people don't."

"The key is that Starlink is now being promoted as a new era of space race. The tone is so high, but we are not involved in anything. It is indeed a bit embarrassing."

Qian Junfeng sighed, feeling very helpless.

He felt that he had suffered a completely unreasonable disaster.

"I heard that the launch cost of Venus 9 is relatively low. Can we consider giving them part of the satellite launch mission?"

"This can be considered as support for them."

"We can even talk to them about the project of delivering supplies to the space station in the future. Then we can sign some agreements together to let the outside world know that our company still supports Venus Technology."

Zhu Yuanming knew that Qian Junfeng called him over today not to listen to his explanations and complaints, but to actually come up with something.

They don't have the money to invest in shares.

However, cooperation in other areas can still be carefully considered.

Moreover, these cooperations can be regarded as win-win cooperations, which can save some funds in aerospace science and technology and use them to do other more important things.

After all, the satellites they launch themselves do cost a lot of money.

"We can do this to let everyone know that we haven't done anything."

“But I think relying on these things alone is still a bit insufficient.”

"Is it possible to cooperate with the other party on the design of satellites?"

"Let us also participate in Starlink's plan."

Qian Junfeng is still obsessed with Star Chain. He has no choice but to do so. The popularity of this thing is too high now.

When anyone chats with him, they will inadvertently mention topics related to Starlink, which makes Qian Junfeng very helpless.

Just like the traditional automobile companies of later generations, after entering the era of electric vehicles, no matter what the occasion, people are concerned about electric vehicles.

No matter how good your fuel vehicle is, no one is interested.

But when you are dealing with various media, people always mention electric cars to you, which must be a bit embarrassing.

"We can talk about it, but the technical strength of Daystar Technology is not low, and now they have cooperation with Warwick."

"So there's not a lot we can really do."

"Unless we are willing to come up with some high-end communication satellite technology to share with them, this part of the technology is highly confidential."

Although Zhu Yuanming is a rocket developer, he also knows relatively well about satellite-related information.

After all, after a rocket is designed, its most important task is to launch satellites.

If we don’t understand the situation of the satellite, the rocket launch work will be affected.

"Let's talk to Daystar first. At least we can make our attitude clear. The province will be criticized by relevant departments in the future."

Qian Junfeng doesn't care much about the results now, he cares more about the process.

As long as everyone thinks that aerospace science and technology is doing its part, that's enough.

(End of this chapter)

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