Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 800: There are not many players who are qualified to take the stage. The competition is stil

Chapter 800: There are not many players who are qualified to take the stage. The competition is still based on strength.

When Ford Motor is internally discussing whether Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system will include China's mainstream independent brands, and everyone is promoting a new generation of Starlink-based vehicle-machine systems, General Motors is certainly not idle.

President Ed Whittaker called everyone from design, sales, and purchasing together for a half-day meeting.

In the end, I feel that in order to maintain GM's number one position in China, GM will definitely consider purchasing vehicle engine systems from Nanshan Auto Parts for some future models.

To this end, General Motors arranged for Cao Yang's old acquaintance Austin, the former purchasing director and current general manager of Shanghai GM, to communicate directly with Cao Yang on the phone.

Their strategy of taking the high-level route is obviously faster.

"Mr. Cao, the vehicle engine system produced by Nanshan Auto Parts will be considered for use in our main models of Modu GM."

"Approximately when will you be able to provide mass production products?"

Austin and Cao Yang were very familiar with each other. After a few brief greetings, they got down to business.

There is no need to beat around the bush at this time, just tell the truth directly.

Ford is talking to itself about the Starlink vehicle computer system, and General Motors is also talking to itself about this.

"The first-generation Starlink vehicle-machine system is planned to be launched in the second half of next year. At that time, only a certain range of tests will be conducted for China."

OTA technology first appeared in Japan in 2000, but it has not been adopted in the automotive industry. Currently, software upgrades through OTA are widely used in smartphones.

Now that we are ready to promote the Starlink vehicle-machine system to the outside world, there is naturally nothing to hide about some information.

For many models of Modu GM, some related development work is completed in Pan Asia.

The situation this time is different. All China's mainstream independent brand car companies have been included as shareholders.

It seems that the news made by Venus Technology’s Starlink this time has really caused a big shock in the global automobile industry.

In 2012, Tesla Model S implemented OTA of the vehicle's main functions including chassis power software.

"OTA upgrade?"

After all, although Venus Technology has been saying that Starlink will be connected to the vehicle system in the future, it has not been paid much attention by companies.

Because that will make your car completely uncompetitive in China in the future.

After a certain period of investigation and preparation, Tesla is preparing to enter the Chinese market.

This is considered a relatively big breakthrough, but in the end this function was not perfectly implemented on the Model S. It was not until the Model 3 era that it truly exploded in power.

And when auto giants such as Ford and General Motors are worrying about the Starlink vehicle system, Tesla can't pretend that nothing happened.

No one believed it even if I told him.

It’s not like Austin has never heard of the word OTA.

"However, although it is a first-generation product, we will reserve the OTA upgrade function to ensure that these products will not become feature phones after subsequent system upgrades."

In this way, even if everyone wants to ignore it, it won't work.

But China is now the world's largest automobile market.

Now that Austin has asked Pan Asia to connect with Nanshan Auto Parts, it can be considered that this matter has officially begun to be implemented.

Even Cao Yang wanted everyone to have a good discussion.

"Ensure that after our models are launched, they will not fall behind within at least five years."

OTA is the abbreviation of Over The Air, which means that the car can upgrade software through the wireless network.

"Then can it be understood that within the next three years, the Starlink vehicle-machine system will be able to reach a more satisfactory level of experience in China?"

The impact of this matter is relatively large, and Austin feels that he still needs to confirm it clearly.

"At that time, I will ask Pan Asia's design director in charge of electrical appliances to connect with Nanshan Auto Parts. If there are any parts that need to be matched or jointly developed in the future, we can communicate well."

If it is still top-notch ten years later, then let’s not talk about it.

Some electronic devices are destined to be updated quickly.

"Yes, in the future, when designing our car-machine systems, we will fully consider the needs of subsequent OTA upgrades and reserve enough memory and chip computing power."

Now that Nanshan Auto Parts' Starlink vehicle system is ready to be promoted through OTA upgrades, Westin still feels a hint of threat.

"This is what we expect, but there are still some variables later."

This is certainly not a situation those auto giants want to see.

However, this function is not fully developed, and its practical significance is not very great.

As for the global automobile giants, as long as they can afford it, they all have business operations in China.

Cao Yang didn't dare to speak too fully.

Cao Yang naturally had no objection to this.

Among the domestic joint venture car companies, Pan Asia is relatively strong, and it has done something real.

In 2009, GM mass-produced the remote update function of the in-car entertainment system through the famous OnStar service.

Therefore, they are also more concerned about the dynamics of China's automobile market.

"I heard before that Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system plans to complete the preliminary layout within the next three years and complete the comprehensive layout within five years."

Which automobile company or parts company dares to say that its products will still be first-class ten years from now?

The most important thing is that this time the Starlink vehicle system is closely related to the Space Exploration Technology Company's Starlink satellite system, which naturally caused greater repercussions within Tesla.

"Max, do you think we need to ask the Space Exploration Technology Company to integrate Starlink with our vehicle-machine system?"

Although Musko has a great mind, he really didn't think much about connecting the Starlink to the car-machine system before.

Of course, this is also related to the rush on their Starlink system.

Musko may not have fully thought out the relevant arrangements.

"It's definitely necessary."

"Especially the electric vehicles we are producing now focus on intelligent driving and Internet of Vehicles services."

"Integrating the vehicle-machine system with Starlink is very beneficial to improving our competitiveness in this area."

"Besides, so many car companies in China have done this. If we don't have it, it will be more difficult for future models to sell well in China."

Max gave his reply with certainty.

That’s what we need to do!
Of course, he also knew that it was not that easy to do well.

After all, the first satellite of the Space Exploration Technology Company's Starlink has not yet launched.

All plans are still on paper.

"What you said makes sense."

"But if Starlink is really integrated with the car-machine system, then it will not only affect the Chinese automobile market."

"It's impossible for GM, Ford, Chrysler and other car companies to remain indifferent, right?"

Musk feels that it is impossible for American automobile companies to be unaware of the impact of this kind of thing.

If Chinese car companies really come up with something disruptive by then, it will definitely have a certain impact on consumers' car purchasing choices.

"This is what we need to investigate in the next step. Normally, GM and Ford have joint venture factories in China, and they must already have this information internally."

"How to respond in the American market may need to be reconsidered, but in the Chinese market, in the end, everyone may not have many choices."

Max feels that the communication of the vehicle-machine system is closely related to local regulations and other requirements.

Even if your satellite can be launched by yourself, it does not need approval from the country of use.

But if your car is to be sold on the market, the production of relevant parts must meet the regulations of the country.

At that time, people will directly set a requirement that all signals of the vehicle system must be provided by certified companies.

So even if the Space Exploration Technology Company has formed a perfect Starlink system, it cannot be used on Chinese cars.

That's why Max said that.

"China's automobile industry has changed a lot. We have to open direct-operated stores in China as soon as possible so that we can better understand this market."

"If we have any response plan at that time, we will not easily fall into passivity."

Musko naturally knows that China's new energy vehicle market is the hottest in the world, with total sales several times higher than in the United States.

Although Tesla's Model S has been selling well since its launch last year.

However, the positioning is relatively high-end, and the overall sales volume is still relatively limited.

The key is that in the entire American market, except for this electric car, which sells relatively well, the others are a bit slow.

Unlike China, there are already many popular models.

Among them, Changan MINI has created a historical record.

In terms of high-end cars, several SUVs from Future Auto are selling reasonably well.

As a result, Masco wanted to go to the Huaxia market as soon as possible to test the waters.

He even plans to build a Tesla factory in China in the future to further reduce the cost of electric vehicles.

"We are already preparing for this aspect. The first direct-operated store will be opened in Shanghai Magic City. After the follow-up preparations are completed, we will invite you to visit Huaxia in person."

It’s not like Masco just mentioned going to China to sell cars today, Max has naturally been making preparations for it.

So when this topic was mentioned again today, he wasn't worried at all.

However, he feels that there is still a lot of pressure for an imported car to sell well in China.

After all, there are already various car companies in China, and Tesla's advantages are not particularly obvious.

"Then you communicate with the Space Exploration Technology Company and see if they can organize a meeting with General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler Motors and other car companies."

"Let's discuss how our vehicle-machine system will be connected to Starlink in the future."

"If this idea can really be implemented, I think it is quite promising."

"It is also beneficial to the formation of our Starlink."

Musk has just received financing from Qualcomm and other companies, and his thinking has changed.

It's obviously okay to accept shareholders such as Qualcomm and Motorola today, and General Motors and Ford tomorrow. At most, it will be the same as Venus Technology's Starlink, which will just give some symbolic shares to car companies.

But it is of great significance for promoting the Starlink vehicle-machine system.

Max could naturally understand this.

So he immediately started taking action.

However, Max only invited local companies in the United States, such as Toyota and Honda, which were selling well in the United States but were not local car manufacturers. He did not contact them.

As a result, Toyota, which has been developing the American market very quickly, becomes more anxious.

"President, the Starlink system of Venus Technology in China has now brought together all their domestic mainstream independent brands."

"It is estimated that as long as the Starlink vehicle-machine system is used in the future, it will only be the one from Venus Technology."

"On the American side, SpaceX also held a meeting with General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler Motors and Tesla, and it seemed that they were also discussing this topic."

"In the world's No. 1 and No. 2 markets, we at Toyota seem to be excluded from this matter."

"This situation is a bit wrong."

Tetsuaki Kobayashi served as the head of Toyota Motor North America in the United States, and he attached great importance to the American market.

Originally, when he heard about the Starlink vehicle-machine system reported by the Huaxia branch, he was still debating whether to report it to Watanabe Katsaki.

Now after hearing the information from the United States again, he no longer hesitated.

If Toyota's vehicle and computer systems are out of touch with the mainstream Starlink vehicle and computer systems in these two markets, it will be very disadvantageous.

After all, they want to be the world's number one car company.

"We in Japan will definitely not be able to develop something like Starlink. We can only cooperate with the mainstream manufacturers in any market."

"There is basically no way to change this."

"But I think it will be very difficult for other countries except China and the United States to build Starlink."

"Although there seems to be some movement from the polar bears and the European Space Agency, in the end it may still depend on China and the United States."

Watanabe Yoshiaki saw it very clearly.

Given Japan's strength in the aerospace industry, it is definitely impossible to build a Starlink system on its own.

Besides, even if you set it up, it can only be used in Japan and other markets.

China, the United States and other places will definitely not allow you to use them.

In the Japanese market, local car companies such as Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Suzuki have an absolute monopoly.

Whether there is a Starlink system or not, it will not affect their market share.

In this case, why spend so much money to develop Starlink?
As for whether Starlink can be connected with 5G, this is something that communication manufacturers need to consider, not what automobile companies should think about.

"If this is the case, then we in China will need to communicate with Nanshan Automobile Group."

"Venus Technology's Starlink system will definitely be produced by Nanshan Auto Parts."

When Xiao Lin Zheming said this, he felt a little depressed.

The relationship between Toyota and Nanshan Automobile Group is much worse than the relationship between Volkswagen and Nanshan Automobile Group.

After all, Aisin Transmission has lost a lot of weight due to being suppressed by Nanshan Transmission.

Except for Toyota car companies, many other car companies no longer use Aisin transmissions.

The situation for Denso's parts is similar. Because of the emergence of Nanshan Auto Parts, they have almost no way to obtain large orders from companies other than Japanese car companies.

Coupled with the impact of Xingchen Motors and Jaguar Land Rover on Lexus and other models, the teeth marks between the two parties are simply not that deep.

"I heard a news these days that Volkswagen is preparing to use Nanshan transmission's 6AT and other products?"

Watanabe Yoshiaki suddenly changed the topic.

Fortunately, Kobayashi Zheming has been paying close attention to the Chinese automobile market during this period, so he doesn't know everything.

"There is indeed such a rumor."

"The issue of Volkswagen's DSG gearbox failure was exposed at the China 3.15 Party. This topic became a big hit on the Chinese Internet and had a huge impact on Volkswagen."

"So Volkswagen should also be adjusting related strategies internally and considering purchasing some gearboxes from Nanshan Transmission."

"In addition, they have also begun to contact Aisin in the United States, and they seem to be considering using some transmissions produced by Aisin."

Kobayashi Zheming quickly gave his guess based on the news from Volkswagen in China and the United States.

Not to mention, this guess is very close to the truth.

"It seems that Volkswagen has really started to reflect on its DSG strategy this time. If we continue to stick to it, it will be a good thing for us."

Katsaki Watanabe said with a little regret, "The relationship between Volkswagen and Nanshan Automobile Group is also not good, right?"

"Yes, they have been fighting for many years, and their relationship is not good at all." Kobayashi Zheming immediately responded, "But I didn't expect that they could actually accept Nanshan Automobile Group again."

According to Kobayashi Zheming, it is very rare for an international automobile giant to bow to a local Chinese company.

Especially since this company is Volkswagen.

However, Katsaki Watanabe is more open-minded.

"Since Volkswagen can accept the easing of relations with Nanshan Automobile Group, there is no need for us to fight blindly."

"Everyone has been fighting until now, but the market share has almost been determined. If we continue to fight, it will not benefit anyone."

"For example, the price of a 6AT gearbox should be about the same between our two companies, right?"

"At this time, if we keep lowering each other's prices, I believe that is not what they want to see, and they will not expand their market share too much because of more price cuts."

I have to say that Watanabe Yoshiaki's view still makes sense.

If Cao Yang heard this, he would probably support his point of view.

In the international auto parts market, large companies have formed a tacit understanding and should not be too aggressive in bargaining with each other. This can be regarded as an unspoken rule.

In the past, Japanese parts and components companies went too far in this regard, so they were punished by the United States using antitrust laws.

But it doesn't mean that this kind of thing can completely disappear.

That is impossible.

After all, this involves real money from various parts companies.

"Then let's find an opportunity to proactively contact Nanshan Automobile Group?"

Xiao Lin Zheming asked tentatively.

"Let's take the Starlink vehicle-machine system as an opportunity to get in touch with them."

"If their system is really used in China by then, then we probably won't have many choices."

"In this case, let's just communicate early and see if we can make this matter a little smoother."

"We can also take this opportunity to mention the division of the gearbox market."

With this instruction from Katsaki Watanabe, Tetsuaki Kobayashi knew what was going on.

The relationship between enterprises is sometimes like the relationship between countries. There are no permanent friends, only eternal interests.


"Ah Moha, I heard that both BMW and Volkswagen headquarters have communicated with the European Space Agency. Their Starlink satellite system is not expected to be available in a short time."

"If the vehicle-machine system really wants to be integrated with Starlink, then in China it will have to be from Venus, and in the United States it will be from Space Exploration Technology Company."

"As for other markets, it all depends on which of the two players is more powerful in the end."

"In this case, are you, BMW China, prepared to contact Daystar Technology in advance?"

As the general manager of Volkswagen China Branch, Vondel must also know Aimoha, the general manager of BMW China.

We even meet and communicate at some chamber of commerce events from time to time.

So despite the competition between BMW and Audi, the relationship between the big bosses is not necessarily bad.

"I've also heard about this. There are only a few players with the strength to participate in Starlink. Compared with the United States and China, the strength of the European Space Agency is still not as good as that of the United States and China."

"Even compared with the United Rocketry and Space Company over there in Polar Bear, it's far behind."

"In this case, I think it is wiser to recognize the reality in advance and think about countermeasures."

Amoha did not beat around the bush and directly stated his thoughts.

We are all German car companies, and the problems we face in this matter are the same.

Adopting the same response method will be beneficial no matter what angle you consider it.

At that time, the headquarters will not easily question them.

"Yes, there are not many players who are qualified to take the stage with Starlink. The competition is still based on aerospace strength."

"If Starlink's influence is really that great by then, then we won't have many choices."

Fondel sighed and had to admit that what Amoha said made sense.

However, regarding the gearbox, the relationship between Volkswagen and Nanshan Automobile Group has eased, so he is not particularly worried.

As for Aimoha, he doesn't have to worry even more.

Among the various car companies in Europe, BMW has the best relationship with Nanshan Automobile Group.

Even Aimoha himself has some personal relations with Cao Yang.

"Yes, I plan to find a time to go to Nanshan Automobile Group to communicate with me in the near future."

"If we want to develop in the Chinese automobile market, we probably won't be able to do it without communicating with them."

When Aimoha said this, Fondel also had the idea of ​​​​going to Nanshan Automobile Group to have a good communication.

Now that we have put aside our grudges, let’s maximize our benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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