Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 801 Sea Launch, a new gameplay is coming soon

Chapter 801 Sea Launch, a new gameplay is coming soon

Lian Zhijian is the deputy director of the Intelligent Network Center of Nanshan Automobile Group.

During this time, both it and the head of the navigation team, Lan Fahui, were very busy.

After years of development, the strength of the intelligent network center has changed beyond what it used to be.

The most important part of the research and development work related to the integration of Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system and the vehicle-machine system falls in the intelligent network connection center.

Today, Rao Yongxiang personally took Lian Zhijian, Lan Fahui and others to report to Cao Yang about this project.

The Starlink system is already being formally established. Venus 9 has been launched three times, and there will be higher frequency launches soon.

At that time, related satellites will soon be able to start networking.

The research and development of the Starlink vehicle-machine system naturally needs to be carried out as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Zeng, I heard that several car companies such as Volkswagen, General Motors, Ford and Toyota are contacting us about the Starlink vehicle computer system?"

Let Cao Yang have an overall impression of the future Starlink vehicle-machine system first, and then report on some specific functions.

How to plan, how to develop, and how to classify all need to be thought about in advance.

According to the plan, the Starlink vehicle-machine system is not simply a communication system between cars and satellites. The functions of such parts are too single.

"In terms of communications with satellites, we are going to develop a set with Warwick..."

"In terms of the core algorithm chip..."

Of course, depending on the needs of different car companies, the final functions of this system will definitely be very different.

"Yes, it will depend on how your intelligent network connection center implements the Starlink vehicle-machine system."

"I heard that Venus 9 will have a new launch next week, and two launches at sea and on land are specially arranged for that day."

"But because of problems with the Starlink vehicle and machine system, their attitude has begun to change."

"Yes, most car companies have already started to contact us."

What Zeng Tingting said is also the main matter reported by the Intelligent Network Center to Cao Yang today.

Rao Yongxiang is also in a good mood now.

Not to mention, Cao Yang is now considered a person who understands technology. Otherwise, just listening to such a report would probably put people to sleep.

While Zeng Tingting was communicating with Rao Yongxiang, Cao Yang came to the conference room under the leadership of Mi Ying.

Zeng Tingting is in a very good mood now.

So even if Cao Yang hasn't arrived at the conference room yet, there will be no silence inside.

As the most important part of Nanshan Auto Parts in the future, we must think clearly about all aspects of the problem.

As the presenters, Lian Zhijian and Lan Fahui started their report with a simple "Mr. Cao, good morning!"

The simpler one may be done for less than 10,000 yuan.

"Especially Volkswagen and Toyota. These two car companies had a relatively poor relationship with us before."

"Between each version, the number of radars and cameras that can be selected is also different..."

After entering the conference room, before Cao Yang came over, Rao Yongxiang and Zeng Tingting started to communicate.

"At that time, it is estimated that the car companies will be even more stimulated."

Lian Zhijian reported alone for almost an hour before explaining the general framework content clearly.

He is mainly responsible for the business of Nanshan Automobile Group. Now, both the vehicle business and the parts business are in a booming situation.

Both of them are old people from Nanshan Automobile Group and are very familiar with each other.

Because the Starlink vehicle system alone can make Nanshan Auto Parts the largest parts company in the world in terms of turnover.

The most top-of-the-line features can cost as much as 100,000 yuan.

"It seems that the launches of Venus 9 again and again have brought a lot of pressure to them."

After all, what consumers see and feel is still very different from R&D projects.

This kind of internal reporting does not have too many cumbersome processes.

"In terms of radar research..."

Lian Zhijian first began to report the overall situation.

Prior to this, among the Nanshan Group, apart from Nanshan Automobile Group, the turnover of Honor Technology Group was the most anticipated.

For example, lidar, millimeter-wave radar, various high-pixel cameras, various high-performance sensors, and some control systems, these things together with the vehicle system form a complete set of parts.

After all, it contains popular products such as Honor mobile phones, which are very lethal.

But in the future, Nanshan Auto Parts may have to be separated from Nanshan Automobile Group and compared with various companies.

Of course, this is an ideal situation, and no one knows what it will actually look like in the end.

"Currently we are planning to divide the Starlink vehicle system into three major levels, namely standard version, luxury version and flagship version."

In this case, his life is naturally very smooth.

Instead, it will combine intelligent navigation, intelligent driving and other functions together to form a set of parts.

Otherwise, it will be a big problem if something goes wrong by then.

"In terms of navigation, we are based on Amap Navigation and use the Starlink satellite system to conduct high-precision..."

After Lian Zhijian finished speaking, it was Lan Fahui, the head of the navigation team, who came up to explain the development of the navigation in detail.

For most consumers, they definitely need to use navigation when going to an unfamiliar place after getting in the car.

Nowadays, most cars still do not have navigation functions, and everyone habitually uses navigation APPs on smartphones for navigation.

This is certainly not as convenient as navigating directly in the car.

Of course, the premise is that the navigation in the car is easy to use.

Cao Yang also drove a lot of cars in his previous life. To put it bluntly, even in a few years, there will be many people whose car navigation systems are like crap and cannot be used in practice.

Consumers would rather use their mobile phones for navigation than the navigation on their car.

This is undoubtedly a very failed device.

In response to this, the Starlink vehicle-machine system is definitely not allowed to appear.

So Cao Yang had already paid special attention to this content before.

Even the navigation currently used on Xingchen cars has already made efforts in this regard.

Lan Fahui reported for more than half an hour before the report was basically completed.

"According to our progress, can the first-stage Starlink vehicle-machine system fully realize L2 autonomous driving functions?"

The first question raised by Cao Yang was very direct.

Each model of Xingchen Auto already has many assisted driving functions, and to a certain extent, it is already close to L2 level autonomous driving.

But in fact, they are also promoting L2 level autonomous driving, and the L2 level performance of different car companies is completely different.

And Cao Yang is definitely talking about the top-level L2 autonomous driving.

"After using the Starlink car-machine system, even if you use the standard version of the function, as long as you get on the highway, you can completely let the car drive on its own."

"On some national highways with relatively good road conditions, this function can also be completed."

"And our flagship Starlink vehicle-machine system can move closer to L3 level autonomous driving functions, which is basically the world's leading level."

"When our second-generation products are released, we will basically be able to achieve L3 level autonomous driving."

"Mr. Cao, our team believes that this Starlink vehicle-machine system will be the world's top autonomous driving system, and it will also be the best entertainment system."

"It can subvert many people's understanding of cars..."

Lian Zhijian spoke eloquently for five or six minutes, and he was obviously very confident in the products being developed by the Intelligent Network Connection Center.

Their center alone has more than 1 employees, which is the result of dividing operating system-related personnel into Honor Technology Group.

Otherwise, they have more than 20,000 technical personnel in one center alone.

This configuration is definitely very luxurious.

"Then we will develop it according to the current aspect and start using it on mass-produced models in the second half of next year."

"In addition, you can also compare the situation in the industry. Tesla's Model S in the United States has some things to learn from in terms of autonomous driving."

"I heard that they are still developing a model that has not yet been mass-produced, and it has made a relatively big breakthrough in autonomous driving."

"I think the biggest competitor in the future in terms of autonomous driving will be Tesla."

Cao Yang knew the development of various car companies in his previous life.

Although many things have changed now, some trends will not change.

Tesla is still moving faster than other car companies in autonomous driving.

The most important thing is Tesla and Space Exploration Technology Company, which are brother companies.

This is the same relationship as Nanshan Auto Parts and Daystar Technology.

But now in the Starlink project, Venus Technology and Space Exploration Technology Company are the biggest competitors.

So when Cao Yang said this, Rao Yongxiang, Lian Zhijian and others also felt a certain amount of pressure.

However, as a leader, you must constantly put pressure on your subordinates to urge the company to continue to develop.

Otherwise, technology would not advance so fast.

"Mr. Cao, would you like to invite various car companies to watch our Venus 9 launch mission next week?"

Seeing that the meeting was about to end, Zeng Tingting raised a new question.

Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system now has more than a dozen shareholders. When there is a launch mission, you must see if the shareholders are interested in coming to watch it.

If there are general launch missions, they will probably be launched every month in the future, so they may not necessarily be carried out every time.

But this time the situation is different. Previous launches were all from the northwest launch site, but this time it was launched from the sea.

The recyclable Venus 9 is launched on a sea launch ship and then recovered on the ship. This change is definitely very big.

Even in the history of human rocket launches, it is unprecedented.

That's why Zeng Tingting thought about inviting everyone to come and take a look and stir up the excitement.

"Share this launch arrangement with everyone, and those who are interested can come by themselves." "This time we will launch simultaneously at the northwest launch site and on the sea launch ship. By then, our own people will also be divided into two groups."

"Some similar situations are likely to occur in the future, so it can be considered as some practice in advance."

Cao Yang didn't hesitate too much and gave his reply directly.

Of course, he knew that as long as he told everyone that this time it was launched from a sea launch ship, many people would be interested.


Xiang Jianghui, general manager of Wenchong Shipyard, and Wei Tianyuan, chief engineer, personally accompanied Cao Yang, Zhao Siyu and others to visit the sea launch ship today.

It is said to be a sea launch ship, but it actually has a ship and a launch platform.

The ship is used to transport the rocket from the port to the platform and serves as a launch command and control center during launch.

The launch platform is like a large ship fixed on the sea, supported by four large columns with a diameter of more than ten meters.

This platform has all the facilities needed for rocket launch.

"Mr. Xiang, Nanshan Special Steel has officially started delivering Yinwa Steel to you, right?"

When everyone meets, they naturally have to chat for a while.

Cao Yang is no stranger to Wenchong Shipyard.

Previously, Xiang Jianghui and the others came to visit and communicate because of the problem of Yinwa steel used in LNG ships.

It just so happened that Venusstar Technology Group also needed help from Wenchong Shipyard, and our cooperation immediately became more in-depth.

For example, if Venus Technology can find relevant construction parties to do the launch platform itself, it will naturally be possible.

But if Wenchong Shipyard is asked to help, it will naturally be simpler.

"The delivery of the first batch of test Invar steel produced on the production line has begun."

"If there are no problems, we can start large-scale production of Yinwa steel within this year."

"Our LNG ship is expected to be launched by the end of next year."

When it comes to LNG ships, Xiang Jianghui is interested.

He is Xiang Changle's cousin and knows the relationship between Cao Yang and his cousin.

His work ability is also very strong, and he is expected to make further progress in CSSC in the future.

The LNG ship is the biggest project that reflects his personal achievements.

"Now the domestic demand for LNG ships is constantly increasing, and the global demand for LNG ships is also increasing. I heard that the LNG ships of Samsung Heavy Industry in Korea have been scheduled for several years."

"We have to get the LNG ships as soon as possible and grab a few pieces of meat from their bowls to eat."

Shipbuilding is also an industry that Cao Yang began to pay attention to.

In particular, Nanshan Engine is already researching gas turbines, which are even more closely related to the shipbuilding industry.

It just so happens that I am also going to watch it on the sea launch ship today, so we can have a good chat.

"The production demand for LNG ships cannot keep up with market demand, and prices are still rising."

"Once our LNG ships enter mass production, the prospects will be very promising."

Xiang Jianghui naturally hopes that Wenchong Shipyard can produce LNG ships more than Cao Yang.

That thing is a money printing machine.

"Nanshan Special Steel's research on Yinwa Steel is very in-depth, and the related maintenance system will be completed soon."

"The production of LNG ships will not be a big problem by then."

Wei Tianyuan supplemented the situation from the side.

"Compared with LNG ships, the construction of this kind of sea launch ship is very difficult, right?"

After chatting for a while, Cao Yang changed the topic to the sea launch ship.

If this thing is easy to use, maybe another one can be built in time, which can quickly increase the launch frequency of Venus Technology's various rockets.

This is very important for taking the lead in building the Starlink satellite system.

"It's easy to say it's easy, but it's hard to say it's difficult."

"There are actually many things that need to be considered for this kind of sea launch ship, such as..."

As the chief engineer, Wei Tianyuan naturally has the time to show his performance at this time.

If you don't explain your difficulties to Party A's father and explain the difficulty of the project, how can you let people spend money happily?

In this regard, he is very experienced.

"Actually, the core issue involves the recyclability of the rocket. When the rocket lands, the flames will be sprayed directly onto the deck."

"The requirements for steel plates are very high. Fortunately, Nanshan Special Steel recommended us to go to Anshan Iron and Steel to buy a batch of steel products, which perfectly solved this problem."

After Xiang Jianghui finished speaking in Wei Tianyuan, he simply added something.

This kind of special steel from Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is used on the deck of aircraft carriers. Therefore, the problem of flame ejection when fighter jets take off must be fully considered.

Only this type of steel plate can meet the landing requirements of recyclable rockets.

That thing has similar deck requirements to a vertical take-off and landing aircraft.

"Wenchong Shipyard has produced Venus Technology's sea launch ship. If there is demand from aerospace technology in the future, then you can be considered to have expanded a new business."

People talked for a long time, but Cao Yang couldn't say anything.

However, it is hard to say how technically difficult this kind of ship is.

It just needs to involve some special needs.

The group of people circled around the launch ship and looked at the preparations in all aspects before the inspection was concluded.

The preparations for the sea launch ship and launch platform are in full swing.

On the official website of Venus Technology Group, it was also officially announced that Venus 9 was launched at sea for the first time.

And directly put a link to the live broadcast.

Using the Golden Eagle unmanned helicopter to carry aerial photography equipment, the situation on the sea launch ship can be fully included in the shot.

Not to mention, there are still a few days until the launch, but millions of people are watching in the live broadcast room every day.

This bizarre scene is considered very rare.

One can imagine how many people will watch the live broadcast on the official launch day.

"Mr. Zou, I feel that after the advertising placement contract with Daystar Technology expires, even if it doubles, we may not be able to successfully sign the contract."

Zhou Liqiang came to Zou Jianping's office holding a laptop.

Heilan House boldly offered RMB 6000 million in advertising implantation fees last year and won the advertising implantation business of Daystar 9 for one year.

From the perspective of the time, this advertising fee was definitely very high.

But judging from the results, it is estimated that many clothing brands are willing to trade with Heilan House for this advertising placement opportunity.

Because since the first successful launch of Venus 9, the sales of Heilan Home have skyrocketed.

Although it is not possible to maintain that kind of increase every day, on average, monthly sales have increased by at least 30%.

This impact cannot be achieved with 6000 million yuan.

Now Venus Technology is launching Venus 9 at sea again, which is another big gimmick for this launch.

What makes Zhou Liqiang most happy is that Daystar Technology is very good at "making things happen" and actually started the live broadcast a few days in advance.

Zhou Liqiang had never thought of this kind of operation before.

"I just saw the live video of Venus 9 on the sea launch platform. This news has now been trending on Weibo."

"Such a big 'firework' with our words 'Heilan Home' printed on it can be regarded as attracting a lot of traffic to us."

"After the contract expires, we also have the priority to renew it."

"As long as the prices offered by other companies are not sky-high, we will definitely win them down."

Zou Jianping has finally reaped the benefits of this advertising placement, so naturally he doesn't want to give up so quickly.

"I heard that the Venus 9 MAX will also be launched this year, and even this time is relatively close."

"Should we simply take over the advertising business of Daystar 9 MAX first?"

When Zhou Liqiang said this, Zou Jianping immediately started thinking seriously.

The impact that Venus 9 MAX brings to everyone is definitely stronger than that of Venus 9.

After all, the sizes are not of the same level.

But for Heilan Home, which already has Venus No. 9 advertisements embedded, it is not so urgent to need new advertisements.

Of course, in order to resist other competitors coming to grab advertising, Zou Jianping finally felt the need to win over the advertising placement business of Daystar No. 9 MAX.

Of course, the condition must be that we need to discuss it again.

He himself knew that it was impossible to obtain such favorable conditions as last year.

"Isn't Venus 9 going to be launched from the sea launch platform in a few days?"

"I'll go over there in person and talk to Mr. Zhao about the advertising business of Daystar No. 9 MAX."

"As long as the price does not exceed 1 million, I think it is acceptable."

Although Venus 9 MAX has more visual impact, it has not yet been successfully launched.

Who knows if the launch will fail by then?

Therefore, for Heilan House, the advertising effect of Venus 9 should be more worth looking forward to than Venus 9 MAX.

"Okay, then I will also communicate with Daystar Technology first."

"They have not officially announced much information about the Venus 9 MAX so far. There should still be a certain amount of time before the official launch."

Zhou Liqiang was in a good mood when he saw that his boss agreed with his idea.

Nowadays, so many people are envious of the good luck of Heilan House. It would be disgusting if the subsequent advertisements were snatched away by other clothing brands.

(End of this chapter)

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