Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 803: Widening the gap, being number one in the world is not just a lie

Chapter 803: Widening the gap, being number one in the world is not just a lie
Before the emergence of Venus Technology, the aerospace industry gave Chinese people a very high-end impression.

What a tolerance of 0.001 mm, all kinds of high secrecy, as if there is a future science fiction world.

But after Venus 9 started launching, the situation slowly changed.

Although the first Venus 9 was launched from the traditional Northwest launch site, many of the procedures were nothing special.

But immediately afterwards, Venus 9 intensively increased the launch frequency, making everyone no longer so unfamiliar with rocket launches.

In particular, Venus 9 is actually a recyclable rocket, which makes everyone's sense of mystery about rockets even lower.

This time, when Venus 9 was launched directly on the sea launch platform, various live broadcasts were made of the on-site preparations.

The mystery surrounding rocket launches was quickly shattered.

After all, starting from the Rockets' various preparations, netizens can watch the live broadcast directly online.

"Diles, this sea launch of Daystar Technology is quite high-profile."

"Maybe it's China that wants to support a benchmark company."

“In this case, you don’t have to worry about spending money.”


"Our domestic relevant departments and enterprises should already have this understanding, otherwise there would not have been various measures targeting Nanshan Group-related industries such as Nanshan Carbon Fiber, Nanshan Semiconductor, and Nanshan Equipment."

"But as far as I know, Daystar Technology is not short of money, at least in the past two years."

Musko now attaches great importance to both Nanshan Automobile Group and Daystar Technology Group.

"The relaunch of the improved Falcon 9 will be carried out next month."

While a group of Chinese netizens were watching the live broadcast of the Venus 9 sea launch, a group of people at the Space Exploration Technology Company far away in the Pacific were also organizing a group of people to watch this special live broadcast.

The two companies are direct competitors to Tesla and SpaceX.

Diels turned to NASA again.

"It seems that our star chain still needs to further increase its speed."

Naturally, they also hope to see if they can learn some useful technologies through this live broadcast.

But this time Venus Technology chose to launch from its own sea launch platform, and there was not much that Aerospace Technology could do to help.

"The subsequent construction of their Starlink satellite system will also be further accelerated."

As a representative enterprise in the American private aviation industry, the relationship between Space Exploration Technology Company and NASA is very complicated.

"This kind of live broadcast should be very beneficial to Daystar Technology's next step of financing."

"So I feel like there should be some other purpose for being so high-profile."

Otherwise, SpaceX will fall behind.

"If today's sea launch is successful, Venus 9 will definitely become more famous."

Multiple drones recorded the scene of the Venus 9 being launched from all directions.

In his view, what Daystar Technology is enjoying now is what a space exploration technology company should enjoy.

Witnessed by countless live broadcast viewers, Venus 9 soared from the sea launch platform and quickly rushed into space.

Now, someone else has stolen the limelight.

"Mr. Cao, are you really not worried about leaking secrets at all?"

"Now the company has raised hundreds of millions of dollars, and further financing can be made if necessary."

"Daystar Technology is now considered a star company in China. They not only own the popular Starlink satellite system, but also have various drone businesses."

"There are various scenes in the live broadcast footage, and even the footage of the assembly workshop of Daystar 9 is also played."

If their company fails, it also means that NASA's reform has failed to a certain extent.

"China has indeed undergone great changes in recent years, especially those companies associated with Nanshan Group, which have always inadvertently brought huge impacts to the world."

"It's just that everyone miscalculated this time. The more we deal with them, the better off they become."

"I feel like they will probably be our biggest competitors in the future."

For example, some very powerful technicians can tell a lot from the opponent's rocket launch process.

Diers' mood is more complicated now.


Musko couldn't wait to build his own recyclable rocket.

Qian Junfeng stood next to Cao Yang, looking at the tail flame slowly disappearing into the air, with a complicated mood.

In the future, whether they come to China to expand business or expand business around the world, it will be impossible to avoid each other.

That's why Diers dared to confidently go to the other party for resources and support.

In every previous launch, aerospace technology contributed more or less.

So far, their reusable version of Falcon 9 has not officially launched successfully.

"NASA's support for us can be improved."

After gaining more and more experience, rocket launch is no longer a big deal for Venus Technology.

"What's there to worry about leaking?"

"As long as our technology progresses fast enough, we won't be afraid of others trying to follow suit."

"Besides, there are only a few countries in the world that have the ability to produce recyclable rockets like this."

"Not to mention other things, just the rocket engine. If you point the camera directly at it for several hours, you don't have to worry about someone copying it."

"If it were that easy, our aero-engine bottleneck would have been solved long ago."

When Cao Yang said this, Qian Junfeng was immediately beaten to death.

It’s really not that easy to simply plagiarize things like rockets.

Many parts inside involve relatively special craftsmanship.

Even if we give you the physical object, we may not be able to produce products that meet the requirements.

There are so many parts on the rocket. As long as the design of a certain part is not up to standard, it may directly turn into fireworks when launched.

This kind of scene must have been encountered by any rocket power.

"I heard that the Space Exploration Technology Company in the United States is rapidly studying the recyclability of Falcon 9."

"It should be directly targeting your Daystar No. 9 by then, right?"

In Qian Junfeng's view, the only company that can pose a threat to Daystar Technology is the Space Exploration Technology Company.

As for Polar Bear's United Rocket and Aerospace Company, although it is also very powerful, it takes a different route from Daystar Technology.

Qian Junfeng is actually not particularly optimistic.

The most important thing is that Venus Technology has developed a recyclable rocket, which is really going to be used commercially.

They also have a clear cost recovery plan, and they may be able to create miracles in the future.

But what about the polar bears?

They develop recyclable rockets, to a certain extent, purely for the sake of research and development.

In fact, I have not fully thought out what these rockets will be used for in the future.

In other words, they have not even begun to consider how to recover these research and development costs in the future.

The difference in this situation also has a great impact on the results.

"They started developing cheap rockets earlier than we did."

"For example, the outer shell of Falcon 9 is made of stainless steel, and the cost is very low."

"Of course, compared with our carbon fiber shells, they will definitely weigh more, which will have an impact on launch tonnage."

"But for the American market, the impact of low cost is greater."

"The reusable Falcon 9 was not developed just in the past two years. They must have been thinking about it for several years."

"It's just that this time after being stimulated by us, the research and development speed was accelerated."

"I'm not surprised that they can successfully recycle the Falcon 9 within this year."

Cao Yang is relatively familiar with Space Exploration Technology Company.

This opponent is not that simple. They have assembled a large group of rocket experts from the United States and even the world. In addition, the United States has relatively strong technology in control systems.

Therefore, it is not particularly strange that the Falcon 9 can be recycled quickly.

After all, Venus 9 has already created a template for the other party, and they just need to work hard in this direction.

When developing a new technology, the most difficult thing is often not knowing whether it is the right path.

As long as you know that this path is correct, sometimes the difficulties in the middle will be easier to overcome.

"Mr. Cao, the first-stage rocket and the second-stage rocket have been successfully separated and will soon enter the secondary ignition."

While Cao Yang and Qian Junfeng were communicating, Zhao Siyu was reporting on the rocket launch in a timely manner.

There were no special surprises and no particularly hot scenes.

Everything is progressing just like the content of the exercise.

For rocket launches, this result is actually the best result.


"Grogin, I think the company needs to make some investment in multi-engine joint control technology. Otherwise, it may be very difficult for us to follow the development path of Venus Technology in the future."

On the polar bear side, people inside United Rocket and Aerospace Corporation were also watching the sea launch of Venus Technology.

As the person in charge of the rocket project, Dmitry, although the idea of ​​the recyclable rocket currently being developed is very different from that of Venus.

But in the future, if the size of the rocket is to be further enlarged to reach the scale of a starship, then it will definitely have to follow the path of Venus.

Otherwise, research and development will become more and more difficult.

He has seen this quite clearly.

"Multi-engine control technology is not that easy. At that time, we did not consider combining multiple engines to increase the launch tonnage of the rocket." "But in terms of results, that was not very optimistic."

Grotin seemed to think of some scenes from his youth.

When polar bears were developing rocket technology, they made many innovations.

For example, the practice of binding multiple engines together by Space Exploration Technology Company and Daystar Technology is what others have done.

But it has to be said that the level of polar bears’ control systems still needs to be improved.

Later, it was discovered that too many engines were tied up at the same time, and they couldn't figure out the control logic, so it accidentally exploded.

So in the end, I basically didn’t dare to exceed 10 units.

"I heard that Venus Technology is planning to continue using the Venus 9 engine on the Venus 9 MAX and future Starship series rockets."

“The way they deal with it is to bundle more engines to meet the tonnage requirements for launch.”

Demetri told what he learned.

Obviously, he believes that the multi-engine bundling solution will become a mainstream solution internationally in the future.

The cost of this solution is definitely simpler than developing a completely new engine separately.

Otherwise, the cost of re-developing an engine for a certain rocket would be very high.

The key is whether the performance of this new engine is stable, it is hard to say.

If a common engine can be continuously bundled and developed, it will not only save a lot of research and development funds, but also reduce the cost of this engine by increasing production.

The final economic effect will definitely be very significant.

"The paths chosen by the Americans and the Chinese are both tricky. How can one engine be able to meet the launch needs of different rockets?"

"Only by designing different engines according to different rocket requirements can we produce rockets with the best performance."

Grotin established the attitude of the polar bear astronauts of the old era. He felt that he must persist in what he insists on.

In the past, Polar Bear had various models of aerospace engines, and you can definitely find some that suit current needs.

All they need to do is do some simple redevelopment and verification on that basis.

"Or we can find time to go to Venus Technology to have a discussion?"

"Many technologies in China's aerospace industry come from us."

"I think they are also very interested in having a good communication with us."

Dmitri did not continue to insist on the plan to bundle the engines, but suggested to Grotin from a different angle.

Of course, he himself also wanted to take this opportunity to see if it was possible to do some cooperation with Daystar Technology.

Just like Grotin said, they have various engines to choose from.

But how to tie these engines to high-thrust rockets requires careful consideration.

This definitely needs to be combined with the latest control system technology. Otherwise, the more engines are bundled, the more complicated the control, and the greater the possibility of a mid-air explosion.

"You can give this a try. Qian Junfeng of China Aerospace Technology has invited me several times."

"When the time comes, let him contact you in the middle, and we can go over together to communicate."

Although Huaxia's aerospace technology used to be his younger brother, now that his younger brother's level has improved, Grogin is willing to go over and communicate.

At this time, on the sea launch platform off the coast of Yangcheng, Venus 9 was slowly landing again.

When the rocket stood firmly on the platform with the support of special brackets, thunderous applause immediately erupted from the nearby command ship.

This means that Venus 9 successfully achieved sea launch, and its technological maturity has been further improved. "

"Mr. Cao, Venus 9 has successfully launched from the sea. Now we are just waiting for the first-stage rocket to send the satellite to the designated orbit. Today's launch mission will be successfully completed."

Zhao Siyu was reporting the latest situation beside him in a very excited mood.

Although the technical team has done a lot of simulations before, they feel that this launch should go smoothly.

But it should be attributed to it, and what the actual situation is will only be known after trying it in the end.

Now, everything is clear.

The performance of Venus 9 is as stable as ever.

"Is everything going well at the northwest launch site?"

Today is the first time that Venus Technology has launched two rockets at the same time.

This is also a relatively big test for the company's technical coordination capabilities.

Although everyone's attention is focused on sea launch, it does not mean that there is nothing to worry about at the northwest launch site.

"The launch time there is almost the same, and the recycling of the first-stage rocket has just been successfully achieved."

"In the future, our Venus 9 launches will only need to be carried out in accordance with the established procedures."

As the number of launches increases, all the procedures in each link should be followed as prescribed.

Venus 9 is produced according to a standardized process, and the planned production quantity will exceed 20 in the future.

Moreover, many parts on the Venus 9 and Venus 9 MAX are common. In this case, the production difficulty has also been reduced a lot.

For Daystar Technology, this has a very different meaning.

"In the future, will it be possible to send several rockets into the sky at the same launch site at the same time during the appropriate launch window?"

"Or can our rocket launches be further simplified in the future?"

Venus Technology will also have a large number of rocket launch arrangements in the future.

The simpler these arrangements are, the better.

"We will discuss this internally in detail as a promotion plan for the transition."

Zhao Siyu didn't dare to make excuses, so he thought it would be better to confirm clearly before answering.

And just as they were communicating about their future efforts, the guests who came to visit had something different in mind.

"Representative Pan, can we consider using Starlink to specifically handle some of our military communication channels in the future?"

Lin Guojiang happened to be standing next to Pan Jun. After knowing the other party's identity, they slowly started chatting.

The main function of Starlink satellites is to communicate and provide Internet services, which is needed in many places.

There is definitely a difference between civilian and military communications.

Compared with traditional communication methods, satellite communication obviously has its own unique advantages.

Of course, the disadvantage is that it is too expensive.

"Mr. Lin, you have provided us with a brand new idea. I will go back and report it specifically to see if it is possible to develop a military communication system based on Starlink."

Pan Jun naturally knows the importance of communication.

Military-related communications have relatively high confidentiality requirements.

If it can be combined with some of the Starlink satellites to come up with a completely different communication system, it may have unexpected effects in some places.

"We can consider installing some Starlink satellite system receivers in remote outposts first, and then directly solve the communication and Internet problems in these places."

"At the same time, it can also be used to provide special communication assistance to teams marching in the field..."

Xu Jun listened to the conversation between Lin Guojiang and Pan Jun and immediately added his own opinions.

The more these people talked, the more they felt that the Starlink satellite system had broad prospects.

A step ahead is likely to be a step ahead.

Daystar Technology’s Starlink has now opened up a gap with the industry.

No one else has launched the first satellite into space yet, but Venus has once again launched 120 satellites directly into space.

Up to now, we can actually start some related testing work.

Venus Technology is naturally well aware of this.

After the launch was over, before the joyful mood had completely passed, Zhao Siyu immediately summoned elite troops and began to make arrangements for the formal establishment of satellite communications.

Such important information must be of concern to many people.

Therefore, Daystar Technology also officially announced this matter on its official WeChat account.

[The Starlink Satellite System has officially begun to be established]

Just a few simple words, but it caused a huge response from all parties.

Hundreds of satellites were quickly sent up, although the size of each satellite was a little different from traditional ones.

But no matter which perspective you consider, it is a very remarkable achievement.

Venus Technology’s world-leading technology can be said to have no moisture at all.

"Mr. Cao, the topic of Starlink has been very popular in recent months, but all parties have never come up with anything real."

"Now that we have officially announced to the outside world that we have begun to build the Starlink satellite system, this is definitely ahead of the world. It is estimated that Space Exploration Technology Company and Polar Bear United Rocketry and Aerospace Company will be anxious."

Yesterday, the sea launch of Venus 9 was successfully carried out. Today, Cao Yang began to get busy with various tasks normally.

Zeng Tingting also came here today to report specifically on the next big project.

However, before the formal report, it is inevitable to talk about today's hot topic.

"It's okay to let the American side give chase, otherwise those people's sense of superiority will be too strong."

"Having someone chasing after you can also give our technical team a sense of crisis."

"It will also be good for the development of Starlink at that time."

Cao Yang has never thought about monopolizing the Starlink satellite system. This is an unrealistic problem.

If you really have a monopoly, people will find ways to get rid of you.

However, if we can get ahead of the United States, that would be the best.

Being ahead of the United States is equivalent to being ahead of the world.

It would be best if we could open up some gaps.

(End of this chapter)

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