Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 886: Breaking up, a sky-high fine of more than 200 billion

Chapter 886: Breaking up, a sky-high fine of more than 200 billion

"Yes, that is indeed the case."

Cao Yang did not expect this news to be truly kept secret.

So after Zhao Tianling asked, he admitted it directly.

This is not something to be ashamed of, what is there to admit?

Even this is a manifestation of Daystar’s technological strength.

"This should be the largest military trade contract in Persia in the past ten years, right?"

"Aren't you afraid of objections from the United States?"

Zhao Tianling is very clear about the relationship between the United States and Persia.

Although things were better for them back then, the situation was completely different after the change of dynasties.

Cao Yang knew that with the development and growth of Daystar Technology, the American military industry giants must hate it very much.


"With the rapid development of China's related industries, I believe there will be more and more similar transactions."

"Mr. Zhao, this is just the beginning."

China is making rapid progress, while other countries are standing still or moving forward slowly.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tianling also felt dizzy.

Their cost control level is not as high as that of Daystar Technology.

Now it can be said that fire and water are incompatible.

This large-scale sale of heavy transport helicopters to Persia is absolutely disgusted by the United States.

"$5000 million apiece!"

Products that everyone could not believe in the past will be launched one after another.

If you really think about it, the cost of exporting is actually lower than the cost of selling products domestically.

“It’s basically twice the price in China.”

But it is impossible for me to stop developing Daystar Technology just because the United States will hate it.

Zhao Tianling naturally knew the price of Kunpeng purchased by relevant departments from Venus Technology.

The purchase price of this heavy-duty transport helicopter is just over 100 million. So how should AVIC’s medium-sized helicopters be priced in the future?

"Besides, the United States already hates us so much, there's nothing to worry about."

But if the price of medium transport helicopters is similar to that of heavy transport aircraft, how many units will consider purchasing helicopters from China Aviation Industry Corporation of China?

It seems like what Cao Yang said, the Polar Bear Import and Export Corporation has actually felt this trend.

Otherwise, some people may think that it is worth spending so much money to buy a Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter.

Cao Yang didn't hide anything and said it directly.

He knew that in the next ten years, the development of China's military industry would enter a fast lane.

"What we sell are civilian products, what is there to be afraid of?"

"Graba, Persia used to be our big customer, and last year they also negotiated with us about the purchase of Mi-17 and other helicopters."

Anyway, Zhao Tianling will be able to find out the news sooner or later.

In China, many things exported are tax rebates.

In his opinion, if the export order price can reach more than 30 million US dollars, it is actually considered good.

"You are still good. The sales price of the exported Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter should be higher than that sold domestically, right?"

At that time, the gap between everyone will continue to narrow, and it is normal to eventually overtake in some places.

Cao Yang's attitude towards the United States is different from that of many people in China.

We can also produce products that others can produce.

Just like a domestically produced car, if it costs 50 yuan to make a profit of 15% in China, then in most foreign markets, the profit for the same price will be higher.

“Wouldn’t it mean that the one-time order reached US$50 billion?”

Of course, except for places where tariffs are particularly high.

Obviously, the sales price of Venus Technology is a bit beyond Zhao Tianling's expectations.

Releasing this price can also let relevant domestic departments know that they have taken a big advantage.

Any way of giving up one's own weapons to please others will ultimately be the unlucky one for oneself.

"In this world, we can't have all the money-making businesses taken away by Americans."

Whatever tricks the United States has, I can just follow them.

Cao Yang would not do anything that would ruin his martial arts skills.

Even he can feel the huge pressure on Daystar's price.

"But in the end it was never concluded."

"Now we suddenly signed such a large order with Daystar Technology during the Lion City Air Show."

"If this trend continues, it will become increasingly difficult for our military products to be exported to Persia in the future."

"Even the markets in several countries next to Tianzhu may be affected."

As representatives of the Polar Bear Import and Export Corporation, Prius and Graba handle the export business of many aircraft, missiles and other products every year.

They usually attend major air shows around the world.

Only by better understanding the situation of competitors can we better utilize our advantages when assisting domestic factories to sell products.

Although Venus Technology's Kunpeng heavy-duty transport aircraft was mass-produced last year, it has always been sold in China.

Now that they suddenly started to focus on the export market, they immediately felt the pressure.

After all, the market for heavy-duty transport helicopters is actually relatively small. Those customers who plan to purchase such products mainly come and go.

Now that Persia, a big customer, has been taken away, it is definitely a major loss for the polar bears.

After all, it is impossible for Persia to purchase the same type of products from the United States. In the past, it was either to develop it itself or to buy it from polar bears.

Obviously, they don't have the strength to develop it themselves, so they can only buy it from polar bears.

But after the emergence of Kunpeng from Daystar Technology, the situation naturally changed.

Previously, relevant Chinese departments and domestic express delivery companies approached Daystar Technology to purchase Kunpeng, so Daystar Technology gave priority to meeting domestic needs.

Now that production efficiency has improved and domestic supply is no longer tight, it is natural to start thinking about going global.

If this business is done well, it can last for decades.

"There is no way, we can't produce their Kunpeng."

"Although our heavy transport helicopters perform very well in some places, their overall performance is not as good as others."

"In particular, Daystar Technology now not only has Kunpeng, which is similar to Boeing's CH-47, but also has products similar to Sikorsky's CH-53."

"It can be said that they can basically meet all the market needs of heavy transport helicopters."

Although Graba feels that Daystar is a threat, the other party is actually a customer of Polar Bear Import and Export Corporation.

In the past two years, there have been quite a few machine tools and other products produced by Nanshan equipment imported through them.

Therefore, he doesn't really want to offend Venus Technology and other Nanshan-based companies.

Anyway, related products cannot be exported, and the biggest losses are related to Polar Bear's domestic factories. For their import and export company, as long as the overall business is up, no matter who the business is.

"Now it's heavy transport helicopters, and there may be more products in the future."

“At the last Lion City Airshow, Daystar Technology exported a batch of drones and micro-missiles.”

"This shows that their research on missile technology has been ongoing, and even rocket technology and missile technology are connected."

"Venus Technology's rocket technology is very powerful, and its missile technology is not bad either."

“Maybe this part of the market will be taken away in the future.”

This worry about the Prius really has no impact at all.

As the flagship product of Polar Bear, anti-aircraft missiles can be said to be the flagship product of exports.

Even China has purchased some products such as S300.

If this market is taken away by Daystar Technology in the future, it will definitely be a huge loss for the Polar Bear military industry.

However, this matter has not happened yet, so Graba doesn't want to worry so much.

In his view, Nanshan-based companies have a large number of advanced products worth importing.

If you do this part of the business well, the position under your butt will be as stable as a rock.

However, not everyone is as positive as Graba about the news that Daystar Technology has sold 100 heavy-lift transport helicopters to Persia.

At this moment, Boeing's David's face turned dark after hearing the news.

For an order of 100 aircraft, even if only 70 are Kunpeng and the other 30 are other products, that is still a very exaggerated number.

According to Boeing's export price, this is an order worth US$100 billion.

Abandoning all the intermediate measures, Boeing can at least earn more than 50 billion US dollars in profits.

In the face of such high profits, anyone who dares to stand in the way will definitely be destroyed.

"John, Daystar Technology is becoming more and more arrogant. This has seriously threatened the core interests of the United States."

As soon as the plane landed, David called John.

Boeing itself did not have many ways to deal with Daystar Technology, so David thought of the Pentagon.

It is obviously more appropriate for John to take the lead on this matter.

And it can also mobilize the forces of all parties as quickly as possible.

He believes that Boeing and Sikorsky are definitely not the only ones dissatisfied with Daystar Technology.

"I have also heard that Daystar Technology signed a contract with Persia to purchase 100 heavy transport helicopters in exchange for oil for aircraft."

"Conservative estimates put the transaction value this time at more than 50 billion US dollars, making it the largest procurement contract in Persia in recent years." "Although Daystar has always promoted Kunpeng heavy transport helicopters as civilian products, everyone knows that Persia buys these aircraft. What's the point of going back?"

"So-called civilian products are simply untenable."

John and David are also old acquaintances.

Although they each have some small actions behind the scenes, their positions on major issues are definitely the same.

Like dealing with Persia, this is the common consciousness of almost all Americans.

A relevant bill was promulgated more than ten years ago, and after several revisions, the Persian Trade and Sanctions Act was promulgated.

In their view, Daystar Technology’s actions are definitely a serious violation of this act and a provocation to the United States.

Not to mention that they use the same type of products that are the flagship products of Boeing and Sikorsky in exchange with Persia.

This irritated the Americans even more.

Although a series of policies to suppress Nanshan enterprises were passed just last year, both John and David felt that something needed to be done now.

After all, many people in the world are actually waiting for the United States to express its stance.

Once Persia can obtain heavy transport helicopters by exchanging crude oil for aircraft, then other countries such as North Korea can naturally adopt similar other solutions to obtain heavy transport helicopters and other products.

Furthermore, this trade may provide many more sales channels for Persian crude oil.

Some other countries and companies may adopt barter methods to carry out some transactions with Persia.

This can also circumvent sanctions and fund settlement issues to a certain extent.

"Yes, I think the relevant departments must severely punish Daystar Technology this time and teach him a very serious lesson."

"Otherwise, they will become even more arrogant in the future and continue to export some sensitive products to our opponents."

"This is absolutely unacceptable."

David felt that he was now the embodiment of justice.

Daystar Technologies is an evil company and you must bring it down for the sake of Americans.

The moral bottom line of this group of people has always been very low, and they can always adjust it according to their own needs.

"Do you have any specific suggestions?"

"If we just protest and announce some sanctions, it may not necessarily directly make the other party feel the pain."

John felt that since David called him, he should have already had some ideas.

As Boeing's vice president, David's opinions are worthy of John's attention.

After all, Boeing has a huge influence in the American capital circle and political circles.

They were once the pride of America.

"We have used conventional sanctions in the past, and it makes little sense to continue to adopt similar measures now."

"I think we should come up with a simple and crude solution and directly ask the relevant departments to fine Venus Technology."

"Didn't they sign a big deal with Persia?"

"Then we will fine them until they lose all their money and make them regret doing business with Persia."

"It's okay to have a good time in China, but we still have to go to the international market. This is something we absolutely cannot accept."

David gave his opinion categorically.

Although Persia does not buy Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter from Daystar Technology, it will not buy CH-47 from Boeing.

But at this time, it is no longer a question of whether or not, but that after Venus Technology begins to enter the international market, it will have a huge impact on the CH-47 export business as a whole.

For example, this time, if European countries knew that the price of the Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter sold by Venus Technology to Persia was only US$5000 million, then in the future they would be willing to spend US$1.2 million per unit to buy Boeing with a slightly higher level of technology. Is it inferior to the CH-47?
Thinking of this, David felt even worse.

Although Boeing is a big company and has a great business, it cannot afford such a loss.

"A fine is a good plan, but can you be sure that Daystar Technology will pay the fine?"

"Enterprises in the entire Nanshan system no longer have business presence in the United States. If they don't pay fines by then, there seems to be nothing we can do about it?"

John has been dealing with Daystar Technology for more than a day or two, and he knows that this is no ordinary company.

The other party has nothing to hold in their hands, so it is very difficult to check and balance them.

At that time, the fine will be issued, but it seems a bit embarrassing if the fine cannot be recovered.

He has suffered a lot of losses in the past, and John does not want to continue to suffer losses this time.

But David's view is obviously a little different from his.

"John, after the huge fine is announced, it may not be possible to force Daystar Technology to pay it honestly in a short period of time."

"But this is equivalent to completely cutting off the development path of Venus Technology and even other Nanshan companies in the United States."

"Even if the relationship between the two parties eases in the future and relevant restrictions are lifted, they will have to pay the relevant fines honestly before they can continue to develop."

"In addition, in the future, we can also consider using allies to seize the funds of Daystar Technology to achieve this goal."

"Besides, what if Daystar Technology is really willing to pay the fine?"

David felt that he must give it a try. Anyway, this matter would not do any harm to Boeing.

As for whether you can really get the fine back in the future, it actually doesn't matter anymore.

After all, even if the fine is recovered, it will not go into Boeing's pockets.

"Then I will go and communicate with you to see how much the fine should be."

John thought about David's statement for a while and felt that it made sense.

Let's get started first, to avoid the arrogance of Daystar Technology.

Especially after signing a large order for 100 heavy transport helicopters with Persia, there will definitely be a lot of discussions related to Daystar Technology on the Internet.

Coupled with the exaggerated appearance of Venus 9 at the Lion City Air Show, the popularity is definitely very high now.

Even in half of the countries in the world, Daystar Technology is well known to many people.

As the liaison person of the Pentagon, John is very capable.

In addition, this time companies such as Boeing and Sikorsky were behind it, and the United States quickly issued a formal penalty plan.

"Mr. Cao, the United States suddenly announced a penalty against our company, saying that we violated export control regulations and imposed a sky-high fine of US$30 billion."

Cao Yang was about to take a rest when Zhao Siyu called and reported the bad news.

If an ordinary company encountered such a thing, I'm afraid the boss would faint immediately.

A sky-high fine of US$30 billion is very rare.

I don’t know how many years it will take a normal company to earn a profit of US$30 billion.

Obviously, the United States should have got some information about Daystar Technology's transaction with Persia.

If you sign a $50 billion contract with Persia, I will fine you 60% of the transaction amount.

According to normal logic, Venus Technology's business this time will definitely lose all its money.

Because the production cost of 100 heavy transport helicopters cannot be only US$20 billion.

"Americans are stretching their hands longer and longer."

"The first plane we delivered to Persia has not yet boarded the ship, and the fine has already been issued."

There will be some moves from the United States, which Cao Yang has long expected.

So now after listening to Zhao Siyu's report, he is actually not nervous.

The situation between Daystar Technology and later ZTE is different.

People will pay the fines honestly because if they don't pay, they will go bankrupt.

Without American chips, their company would not be able to operate at all.

But Venus Technology is different. Whether it is Venus 9 or Starlink satellites, or various drones and Kunpeng heavy transport helicopters, no chips or parts are purchased from the United States.

The other party has no way to directly threaten the survival of Daystar Technology.

The worst-case scenario is that Venus Technology only develops in China. In fact, this way Venus Technology can live very well.

Because China's various procurement projects in the next ten years are very huge, they can fully support the rapid development of Venus Technology.

Not to mention that the influence of the United States is not that great. Even if Daystar Technology cannot enter all countries in the world, it can enter many overseas markets.

"Yes, the other party said that if we do not pay the fine on time, our global capital accounts will be frozen."

"And we do not rule out using more drastic means to implement relevant resolutions."

Although Zhao Siyu also expected that the United States would take some measures to suppress Daystar Technology, he did not expect that he would be greeted with a $30 billion fine.

This is too cruel!
More than 200 billion yuan.

Daystar Technology has not yet achieved profitability.

More than 200 billion can be used to produce several hundred Venus 9 rockets.

"Let the Americans threaten."

"It is impossible for us to pay this fine."

The plan Cao Yang is going to take is to ignore you and completely ignore your existence.

Come and bite me if you can.

The boss said so, and even though Zhao Siyu was still a little uneasy, he could only agree in the end.

After all, he didn't have a better plan.

It’s impossible for Daystar Technology to really raise funds to pay this sky-high fine, right?
If the United States wants to quarrel, let’s do it.

Anyway, after more products from Daystar Technology are exposed one after another, it will definitely cause huge dissatisfaction among the American military industry giants.

So it's only a matter of time before we break up.

In this case, it doesn't matter if it's one day later or one day earlier.

The worst-case scenario is that no one from Daystar Technology Group will go abroad.

(End of this chapter)

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