Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 887: million subsidies, are you going to fight against them?

Chapter 887 Tens of billions of subsidies, is this going to be a confrontation?

[Daystar Technology is facing a big crisis: a fine of US$30 billion is too heavy]

[The fine exceeds 200 billion, will Daystar Technology finally escape the disaster? 】

[Venus Technology was punished by the United States. Is this the reason? 】

【Shocking! Daystar Technology sells 100 heavy transport helicopters to Persia]

[Venus Technology’s huge order may cost everything. Is it worth it? 】

[The United States has taken heavy action against Daystar Technology. What is the reason? What is the purpose? 】

[The United States chokes the throat with a fine, and Daystar Technology faces a new crisis]


All kinds of news quickly became hot searches.

"Before, in Persia and Polar Bear, some experts who had mastered core technologies had car accidents inexplicably."

With such a big deal happening last night, there is bound to be a wave of public opinion today, and many people will definitely call him.

The success of any project will be very beneficial to China's improvement in strength.

"It's possible for them to use all kinds of tricks, and it's even possible to physically eliminate the technical experts of Daystar Technology."

What will be the consequences if you don't pay?
If I pay it, will there be a steady stream of fines coming out in the future?
It seems that no matter how you deal with it, it is very troublesome.

"The fine from the United States is not at all because we violated the relevant ban on Persian crude oil exports, but because the rise of Daystar Technology threatens the interests of relevant American companies."

"Mr. Zhao, regarding the export of Persian crude oil, neither Polar Bear nor the EU will recognize the US plan."

"Mr. Cao, what are you going to do with the tickets from the United States?"

"Daystar Technology Group will officially issue a notice today. All personnel are not allowed to go abroad without the approval of the group."

Last night, the United States announced sanctions against Daystar Technology, and also elaborated on Daystar Technology's illegal export of 100 heavy transport helicopters to Persia.

Many things that ordinary people have never heard of may have happened in a subsidiary company of AVIC.

Even his own security work needs to be strengthened.

He definitely has more experience in confidentiality and struggle than Cao Yang.

Daystar Technology won a large order from Persia at the Lion City Air Show a few days ago, but it did not attract any special attention from various media. After all, the signing ceremony was not open to the public at that time, and only some interested people knew the news.

In this way, Chinese netizens realized that Venus Technology had done such a big deal recently.

"I think you still need to pay attention to this aspect."

As the general manager of AVIC, Zhao Tianling manages a large number of key enterprises.

"We all understand this truth. The key is that they are now the global hegemon, and no one can ignore their existence."

Many netizens are paying attention to how Daystar Technology will respond to this matter and whether it will pay the fine honestly.

Cao Yang knew that what Zhao Tianling said was really not a joke.

On the other hand, Daystar Technology was fined by the United States, and many people were very worried.

He also just learned the news.

Zhao Tianling from AVIC called Cao Yang early in the morning.

"They are used to making easy money. Now that someone is robbing them, they will naturally take action to suppress us."

On the one hand, many netizens in China are excited that Daystar Technology can have such a big order.

Comparing his feelings, if AVIC encounters this problem, he really doesn't know how to deal with it.

There is definitely no way to admit the penalty, but if you don't admit the penalty, it will probably be difficult to survive in the international market in the future.

Not to mention the B-2 project in cooperation with AVIC, there are also large transport aircraft, starships, space station and other projects that Daystar is working on. None of them are small projects.

"So some of the previous bans issued by the United States related to Persian crude oil exports are invalid."

Especially Zhao Tianling knew that Daystar Technology was working on many important projects.

Therefore, Zhao Tianling was not sure what response plan Cao Yang would adopt.

And anything that is beneficial to China's strength improvement will definitely be opposed by the United States.

Cao Yang chatted with Zhao Tianling in a very calm mood.

"If the other party is really determined to deal with Daystar Technology, it will actually be very troublesome."

These scenes are all expected.

By this time, the matter of Venus Technology and Persia signing a large trade order for 100 aircraft in the form of crude oil for aircraft was completely broken.

"We at Venus Technology are not the only ones who don't recognize this."

"Even the passports of all R&D personnel need to be handed over to the company for safekeeping."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for reminding us. We will pay attention."

Of course, the situation of Daystar Technology is a little different.

In the past, large orders for such high-tech products were almost always from the United States, but now it is the turn of Chinese companies.

Otherwise, you might get "accidented in a car accident" one day.

This kind of thing is really not impossible at all.

"Those people in the United States believe in the logic of the weak and the strong. If we want not to be bullied, we must greatly improve China's overall national defense strength."

"I mentioned to you before about accelerating the research and development of the B-2 project, and we have also discussed it internally."

"If Daystar Technology is confident that it can successfully develop China's own large stealth bomber before 2016, then the leadership of the project can be handed over to you."

"The various companies under AVIC will fully cooperate with the development of various tasks."

Zhao Tianling obviously didn't just call Cao Yang to gossip about the fine, but wanted to communicate with him about an important project.

Large stealth bombers are too important for China.

Without this thing, China's air power is actually defensive.

Once such strategic-level weapons become available, air power begins to transform into an offensive type.

Faced with the changing situation, this change is obviously necessary.

The United States will not relax its suppression of China just because you do not develop.

Both Cao Yang and Zhao Tianling knew this very well.

Now, for the first time, AVIC has given up its control over the project and wants Daystar to fully take over the project.

Cao Yang can naturally feel the urgency of the relevant departments for this project.

So he didn't hesitate much and said directly: "Mr. Zhao, Venus Technology will never let everyone down."

"It didn't happen before, it won't happen now, and it won't happen in the future."

"Within 2016, we will definitely see our own large stealth strategic bombers begin to appear in the skies over China."

Hearing what Cao Yang said, Zhao Tianling breathed a sigh of relief.

Before making a decision, he was struggling with how to convince the company and relevant departments to accept his proposal.

After doing a good job of persuading them, he became worried that Venustech would not be able to handle it or would not be willing to accept the task.

Fortunately, Cao Yang has never let anyone down.

Next, the two continued to discuss the project and even made arrangements for some supporting missiles.

Mi Ying came over several times, wanting to interrupt Cao Yang's call.

So after Cao Yang hung up the phone, he immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

Mi Ying had been with him for so many years, and Cao Yang knew that if she hadn't encountered something more important, the other party would not have reacted like this.

Of course, Mi Ying did not directly interrupt her call, which meant that the matter was not urgent enough to be dealt with immediately.

"Mr. Cao, we have just contacted the relevant departments of Lingnan Province. The leaders will come to Venus Technology for inspection later."

“This time the two leaders of Lingnan Province should attend together.”

"I've postponed all your other meetings this morning."

Although this is not the first time that Lingnan Province has come to inspect, today's situation is obviously a bit special.

I called in the morning and came over for inspection in the morning, but there were still heavyweights present.

Under normal circumstances, this is definitely not the arrangement.

However, considering that Daystar Technology has just been issued a sky-high fine by the United States, Lingnan Province immediately came to inspect Daystar Technology.

If there is no connection between these two things, no one will believe it.

So without any further explanation, Mi Ying already knew the general background.

When Lingnan Province comes here to inspect, they must express their support for Daystar Technology.

This is a good thing.

As for the specific support policies that will be released, it is difficult to guess.

Cao Yang would definitely participate in this kind of inspection, so Mi Ying directly postponed the morning meeting.

"Okay, I see."

"Look at when I need to go to Daystar Technology and wait. I'll leave it to you to make arrangements this morning."

What Mi Ying can think clearly, Cao Yang can naturally understand.

This kind of inspection usually comes with benefits, so there is no reason not to do so.

Even tonight's Lingnan TV news program will definitely have a large section on this inspection.

Relevant domestic news may also be highlighted.

Even relevant departments in China will take some actions in the next step.

After all, as an important company like Daystar Technology has been bullied by the United States, it is impossible for the relevant departments to show no signs of it.

Wouldn't that look chilling?


"Mr. Cao, Lingnan Province fully supports the development of high-tech enterprises."

"Especially high-tech enterprises in the aerospace field are the industries that our Lingnan Province will focus on developing in the next five-year plan."

“For the various equipment that Venus Technology has invested in the past three years, Lingnan Province will provide special equipment procurement subsidies for all investment amounts.” “Especially Venus Technology’s investment in the production of Kunpeng heavy-duty transport helicopters and Tianying drones. For various equipment investments, you can apply for 100% relevant subsidies.”

"Our Lingnan Province has specially prepared a special fund of 100 billion yuan for equipment investment subsidies for Daystar Technology this time."

"Don't be under pressure to develop, invest boldly, and we will provide all-round support."

Sure enough, this special inspection by Lingnan Province was to bring benefits to Daystar Technology.

The United States has just announced a fine of more than 200 billion yuan, and Lingnan Province has provided an equipment investment subsidy of 100 billion yuan.

The smell of this is very obvious.

For Lingnan Province, the choice of this subsidy fund should actually be quite clever.

On the one hand, equipment investment subsidies are indeed feasible.

Many places provide equipment subsidies for investments in key projects.

On the other hand, they should probably consider the pressure from Venus Technology this time.

Although it is not certain whether Venus Technology will eventually pay the fine from the United States, but even if it does, with this equipment subsidy, Venus Technology will not suffer losses.

Of course, these are all speculations in Cao Yang's mind.

In fact, for Venus Technology, if the production quantity is large enough, the production cost of Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter can be reduced to 1 million yuan.

In this way, even if the fine from the United States is actually paid, there is actually no loss in this business with Persia.

Of course, I definitely won’t earn a lot.

"Thank you for your leadership support."

"Daystar Technology is very determined to develop the aerospace industry."

"The projects we are currently developing include various types of aerospace products. In the next few years, some blockbuster products will be launched on the market basically every year."

"Especially for our space station project, it is expected to start launching at the end of this year and complete the first phase of assembly next year."

"In addition, we are also cooperating with AVIC on brand-new projects."

Although some things involve secrets, it is not appropriate to say too much when reporters are confronting them.

Even if it will be dealt with later, it is not suitable to say too much.

However, there is no problem in talking about some general things.

Otherwise, when the leader comes to inspect the situation, he won't say anything about this or that. This is obviously inappropriate.

Cao Yang's emotional intelligence is obviously not that low.

"Mr. Cao, as long as the production line of the new project is still in Lingnan Province, then we in Lingnan Province can continue to consider setting up a special subsidy amount for future equipment investment."

"I will also communicate with relevant departments and introduce as many relevant supporting policies as possible."

"The United States has a giant military-civilian complex like Boeing, and we in China also need advanced high-tech enterprises like Daystar Technology."

So far, everyone thinks that Venus Technology’s performance is very impressive.

Not to mention Huaxia, even if you look around the world, you can't find any other company that is developing faster.

The key is that Daystar Technology is still in the stage of rapid development, and people are full of expectations for its future momentum.

The United States is so anxious because they have seen these changes.

If Venus Technology is allowed to develop, then giants like Boeing will have a difficult time in the future.

"Yangcheng City and Chang'an City are the two key bases of Venus Technology Group. All future projects will be either in Yangcheng City or Chang'an City."

"But what is certain is that the scale of our group's investment in Yangcheng will definitely become larger and larger."

The relevant leaders of Lingnan Province still believe what Cao Yang said.

In recent years, whether it is Yangcheng City or Lingnan Province, it can firmly occupy the position of the largest city and province in terms of GDP in the country. It is inseparable from the contributions of various enterprises in the Nanshan System.

Especially in the past two years, Honor Technology has suddenly emerged and made a considerable contribution to the GDP of Lingnan Province.

As a leader of Lingnan Province, there is no problem whether these output values ​​occur in Shenzhen or Yangcheng, as long as they are in Lingnan.

The group of people walked around the Venus Technology factory all morning before ending their inspection.

This kind of long-term inspection is relatively rare.

As for related news, China Channel unexpectedly reported it in advance before Lingnan TV reported it in the evening.

Although there was no mention of the inspection by relevant personnel from Lingnan Province, some videos of the inspection have appeared.

Obviously, this is to give Daystar Technology a platform.

The report from Lingnan Satellite TV was even more detailed. Lingnan Province’s 100 billion yuan equipment investment subsidy was also reported simultaneously.

Such a large subsidy is very rare both in Lingnan Province and in the entire development history of China.

But this time it is rare and few people think this subsidy is unreasonable.

"Mr. Cao, we have several satellite launch missions in the second half of this year. The transportation capacity is currently relatively tight. Can you help arrange the launch?"

People within the system are very sensitive to changes.

The development of Daystar Technology is obviously supported by relevant Chinese departments.

As the general manager of Aerospace Technology, Qian Junfeng can definitely feel this attitude.

Considering that Daystar Technology is now suppressed by the United States, although the other party does not seem to intend to pay the fine, it can be regarded as having encountered setbacks in the development process.

Therefore, Aerospace Science and Technology also wants to show its support.

Giving Venus Technology the responsibility for some of the satellite launch missions that are difficult to arrange is a way to express their support.

Even thinking about it from another angle, this is also good for aerospace technology.

Because there is a cost for them to launch rockets, and this cost is much higher than that of Venus Technology.

After entrusting the launch mission to Venus Technology, Aerospace Technology can save a lot of money.

Maybe then this can be shared within the Aerospace Science and Technology Group as a special case of cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

"Mr. Qian, we plan to conduct 128 rocket launches this year. Launching a few more rockets is nothing to us."

"If there is anything that needs our help from Aerospace Technology, Mr. Qian, just ask."

Although he knew that the other party handed over the project to Daystar Technology out of good intentions this time, Cao Yang did not need to lower his posture too much.

After all, this is a win-win cooperation.

And this is not the first time we have dealt with each other.

"Don't tell me, I have some projects here and I'm thinking of cooperating with you."

"You also know that manned spaceflight-related tasks have been our most important task in recent years."

"At the same time, arrangements related to the space station and lunar exploration satellites are also being intensively prepared."

"The development work of the Long March 9 heavy-lift rocket is also being prepared simultaneously."

"I think the two sides can share some resources on some projects and jointly achieve rapid development."

Since the relevant departments are so supportive of the development of Daystar Technology, Qian Junfeng naturally does not need to have so many worries.

Some projects that were originally considered sensitive can now be considered for cooperation with Daystar Technology.

This will definitely be helpful in improving the speed of project advancement.

"No problem. I will ask Zhao Siyu to communicate with your people when the time comes."

There is no harm in having a good relationship with aerospace technology.

After the two big bosses have determined the general direction, the people below can just communicate directly.


After the United States announced its plan to punish Daystar Technology, it was naturally very concerned about the other party's reaction.

There are people watching every move in China.

In response to the US$30 billion fine, Daystar Technology’s official Weibo naturally responded.

Needless to say, it was definitely a rebuttal, in which he satirized America's excessive practices and then stated that it would not pay.

Combined with the actions of Lingnan Province, the United States has basically understood Venus Technology’s response strategy this time.

"David, it seems that Daystar Technology has indeed chosen not to pay the fine."

John didn't get angry because of the reaction from Daystar Technology.

After all, before officially announcing this plan, they had already discussed some countermeasures that Daystar Technology might take.

Now it is nothing more than witnessing a certain result of the previous discussion.

"Although they chose not to pay the fine, the penalty is real."

"In the future, if any Nanshan-based company has an account in the United States, the relevant deposits may be frozen."

"In addition, we are also considering asking the EU to assist in some processing to see if we can put more pressure on Daystar Technology."

Although David is not particularly satisfied with this result, he also knows that the current situation is the result of the hard work of the relevant departments.

If we want to take further measures, they will be more drastic measures.

Many American companies have their own interests in China.

Although General Motors and Ford Motor Co. have collapsed, many companies such as Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola still have a lot of business in China.

Generally speaking, American companies do more business in China than Chinese companies do in the United States, and they are much more.

Therefore, further conflicts are definitely not supported by everyone.

Even Boeing wants to sell passenger planes to Chinese airlines and does not want to make the apparent relationship particularly rigid.

Otherwise, there must be some other measures that the United States can continue to consider.

"Sealing Nanshan-type companies in China as much as possible is something we will always need to consider in the future."

'Otherwise, if they are allowed to fiddle around in the international market, it will have a very bad impact. '

"I will also push relevant departments to communicate with allies and let them act at our pace."

Naturally, it was impossible for John to just treat this matter as a thing of the past so easily.

All the struggle has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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