Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 902: The super big order from the big dog, another magic weapon to go to the Middle East

Chapter 902: A big deal from a big dog, another magic weapon to the Middle East

Carbon fiber materials are really important to the aerospace industry.

Everyone outside can realize this, not to mention the people within the Nanshan Department themselves.

After confirming the relevant situation of T1500, Zhao Siyu immediately made a new proposal to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, I plan to use T1500 to make the shell of our starship. This can reduce its weight to the greatest extent and increase its strength."

For Venus Technology, there are now several key projects being promoted simultaneously.

The Daystar 777 counts as one, the Sikorsky CH-53 counts as one, and the H-20 developed in cooperation with AVIC naturally counts as one.

These are all projects in the aviation field, and in the aerospace field, the most important one is the starship project.

Compared with Venus 9, the difficulty of Starship is many levels higher.

Even if Cao Yang is personally involved in research and development, the current progress is not that fast.

"The scale of each energy storage station reaches 1GWH, which is the largest single energy storage station in the world."

It is now considered a world-famous rocket.

Now Cao Yang and Zhao Siyu are discussing how to use good things like T1500 in Venus Technology products to the greatest extent possible.

A subsidiary company of the group has developed a new material, and Cao Yang will definitely not object if a brother company wants to use it in its own products.

A large order of more than US$25 billion is definitely considered a very small number of large orders.

Some other countries will also be very interested in the business of combining energy storage stations with wind power and solar energy.

The key is that this project can be regarded as a landmark project for Nanshan Battery's energy storage business to go abroad.

No counter-offer.

"According to the current communication situation, they will entrust us to build five large-scale energy storage stations simultaneously in Riyadh, Jeddah, Mecca, Medina and Asir."

"They will use the latest solar photovoltaic panels supplied by Nanshan Equipment to build a huge energy storage station."

Zhao Siyu said without any hesitation that he would implement the relevant decisions immediately.

As the current star product of Venus Technology, Venus 9 has at least one launch mission every week.

"Big dogs are big oil-producing countries, but they are so interested in wind power and solar power?"

Otherwise, the world's most advanced materials like T1500, no matter when they will be available, even if they are used, few companies will be able to afford the price.

Is it possible that the situation of big dog owners is similar this time?

When Cao Yang finished a meeting with Zhao Siyu and then went to attend a meeting at Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Equipment, Lin Cheng gave Cao Yang a huge surprise as soon as he came up.

This result is definitely what everyone wants to see.

Cao Yang asked in surprise.

After all, when the price of the car reaches that level, it is not simply a matter of the car, but a matter of face.

As long as the effect is good, many wealthy people in the Middle East will probably be very interested.

Lin Cheng gave Cao Yang a huge surprise as soon as he came up.

Everyone knows that such a mature product needs to be improved, and knows where the improvements will be most effective.

"The big dog owners have been thinking about transformation in the past few years. They are interested in many things."

"The best thing is that there can be some new breakthroughs in the number of recycling times."

"Okay, I will immediately arrange for personnel to start research on an improved version of Venus 9. On the existing basis, we will improve the launch weight and various aspects of performance."

However, precisely because the progress is not particularly fast, it also gives the R&D team time to change the plan.

That way can better reflect its advanced nature.

"In addition to energy storage stations, corresponding solar farms or wind power plants are also built. The investment in all projects exceeds 25 billion US dollars."

It can be said that this has opened up an important market for enterprises in the Nanshan system.

"No problem. As long as the parts can be replaced by carbon fiber composite materials, T1500 can be considered."

For example, T1500 carbon fiber can be used in starships.

Of course, these are all things for later.

At that time, it is equivalent to just replacing the T1200 carbon fiber shell with T1500 carbon fiber material, and the performance will be improved by a level.

However, he quickly thought about the previous sales of the Mirai S9 in Northern Europe. The oil-producing countries there are also very enthusiastic about promoting new energy vehicles, and they are more active than other countries that are short of oil.

"Mr. Cao, the big dog owner has placed a huge order for us."

Such high-end materials, when sold externally, don’t they sell for 100 million yuan per ton?
Even when exported, it is directly worth 100 million US dollars per ton.

Even some sports cars from Nanshan Automobile Group can consider using T1500 carbon fiber material when upgrading their models.

Rockets are only one aspect, and all types of aircraft must also be carefully considered.

"Even Venus 9 can come up with a new version to improve its performance."

Is this what rich people like to do?

This can be regarded as fully reflecting the advantages of group operations.

"For example, when we sold the Scorpion drone to them before, they also asked to build an assembly production line there."

"They probably want to change the impression that they can only produce oil."

For such a large order, Lin Cheng must have had a good understanding of the relevant situation.

Otherwise, if someone is fooled, it will be funny.

"Mr. Cao, actually I think whether a big oil producer produces oil or not has little to do with whether or not to pursue this big project."

"Even if they are now a major oil-producing country, sooner or later their oil resources will be exhausted, so it is inevitable to consider some solutions in advance."

“Utilizing wind power and solar power, and then combining it with energy storage, may solve their domestic electricity problems.”

Pan Jinxing interjected from the side.

Although this project is led by Nanshan Battery, other brother companies such as Nanshan Equipment are also deeply involved.

After all, this is a turnkey solution, not just energy storage batteries.

Nanshan Equipment has sold a lot of equipment to the outside world in the past few years. Pan Jinxing has dealt with businesses from all over the world and is relatively familiar with many external situations.

"It is true that oil exports belong to exports, and the use of clean energy belongs to the use of clean energy."

“I think it’s even possible to promote electric vehicles.”

"In the past, everyone always felt that the price of oil in the big market was too low, so electric vehicles had no advantages. Everyone liked large-displacement models."

"But I think the situation will slowly change. In the future, there is still a high possibility that electric vehicles and large-displacement engines will equally share the market with big players."

Lin Cheng is also aware of the previous sales of Future S9 in Northern Europe. He feels that the market in the Middle East is also worth looking forward to.

For many domestic independent brand car companies, they often focus on polar bears, South America and other markets, and there are really few who are deeply involved in the Middle East market.

Nanshan Automobile Group is a relatively promising car company in the Middle East, but overall, it is not the largest car company in the region.

"Everything you say makes sense. Since big business owners are interested in undertaking such a huge project, then we will work hard with them."

“We can even consider promoting similar programs in other surrounding countries.”

"Whether it's solar power or wind power, the Middle East is very suitable."

"Especially after we took out the solar panels made of gallium nitride power components used on Starlink satellites, the efficiency of solar power generation has improved a lot."

"This makes the possibility of large-scale promotion of solar power generation much higher."

"The solution combined with ultra-large energy storage stations can effectively avoid the shortcomings of unstable power output of wind power and solar power."

“Perhaps our group will become a major power supplier in the global power market in the future.”

Although I don’t particularly understand the real thoughts of the big dog owner, after a preliminary analysis, I feel that the other party is still very serious about this matter.

Then there is no need to be so entangled, just finalize the project and start construction as soon as possible.

When it comes to construction speed, it is estimated that no construction team from any country can match the speed of China.

If the contract can be formally signed in the past few days, Nanshan Battery can immediately arrange for the construction team to prepare to go to the big dog house.

Maybe by this time next year, this big project at the big dog owner will be completed.

As for the increase in labor costs caused by this rush period, Cao Yang feels that the big companies are definitely not short of this amount of money.

The wool comes from the sheep, just let the big dog owners pay the bill.

Soon, under Cao Yang's personal promotion, Nanshan Battery took the lead in signing a formal contract with the big dog owner.

The big dog owner has cooperated with Daystar Technology before and is considered an old friend of Nanshan Group companies.

If everyone has a certain foundation of trust, things will be much easier to handle.

The other party even flew to Yangcheng specifically to hold such a signing ceremony in conjunction with Nanshan Battery.

On the same day, this big news spread on the Internet.

"Mr. Fan, for this big order from a big customer, we obviously produce the wind power equipment, but the dominance is completely in the hands of Nanshan Battery. It feels like we just earned a little hard-earned money."

Fang Hongmei felt upset when she saw the Internet was flooded with orders from Nanshan Battery and other big dog manufacturers.

As the largest wind power equipment manufacturer in China, Modu Electric is now considered a well-known company in the industry.

The result was that they were led by laymen.

This was something she had a little hard time accepting.

However, Fan Huabo saw things clearly and said: "For our wind power equipment, the most critical blades are provided by Nanshan Carbon Fiber, and the equally important wind power bearings are provided by Nanshan Auto Parts."

"We produced some other auxiliary parts ourselves and then assembled them." "To put it bluntly, Nanshan Equipment is completely capable of producing wind power equipment by itself, and they don't even give us a sip of soup."

"Anyway, key parts such as blades and bearings are produced by companies within their group. Other motors, casings and other parts can be easily solved whether they are produced by Nanshan companies themselves or purchased from outside."

"Under such circumstances, the other party is still willing to cooperate with us and be our supplier honestly. I think we should be content."

It has to be said that Fan Huabo's vision of great wisdom and foolishness is really not something that ordinary people can have.

Even though Modu Electric is the domestic leader in the equipment industry, especially the power equipment industry, its overall strength is definitely not comparable to that of Nanshan Equipment.

If there is a quarrel with Nanshan Battery because of this project of Gou Dahu, they can really turn around and produce wind power equipment by themselves, then in the future, Modu Electric will not even be able to drink a sip of soup.

Besides, after using Nanshan carbon fiber blades and Nanshan Auto Parts wind power bearings, the performance and cost competitiveness of the wind power equipment produced by Modu Electric are very strong, allowing them to obtain a lot of orders in recent years. The company's Performance is also booming.

Even if most of the profits are taken away by Nanshan Group companies, the profits left for Modu Equipment are still quite considerable.

In the past few years, Modu Electric's annual net profit has been above 5%. Although this is not very high, it is not very bad among industrial enterprises.

"They provide the main parts, and then we assemble them, buy them back again, and sell them to big companies."

"Isn't this equivalent to us, Modu Electric, becoming their supplier?"

Fang Hongmei has followed Fan Huabo for many years and is considered a direct descendant, so she can express some words more casually.

Even if Fan Huabo has clearly stated his point of view, as long as Fang Hongmei can't figure it out, he can still continue the discussion.

Of course, this kind of discussion cannot be held at a meeting, as that would make Fan Huabo unable to step down.

In private it doesn't matter.

Even Fan Huabo was willing to take these opportunities to show off his extraordinary vision in front of Fang Hongmei.

“It is unlikely that we will be able to get the order from a big customer without the cooperation of Nanshan Battery’s energy storage project.”

"You see, there were some orders for wind power equipment in Europe and the Middle East before, but in the end they were snatched away by Vestas."

"Vestas is much more competitive than us in the international wind power market. If we want to defeat Vestas and become the world's largest wind power equipment manufacturer, in-depth cooperation with companies in the Nanshan Group is the most ideal solution."

"Look, today we were able to sign a large order of US$25 billion with a major player. Maybe we can sign similarly large orders with other large players later on."

"We can just follow and have some soup."

It’s nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree.

Fan Huabo's current mentality is very correct.

Whatever you do, don't compete with Nanshan-type companies.

Enterprises in the Nanshan Group can only be partners, not enemies.

In recent years, all companies that are partners with Nanshan-type companies are basically in a prosperous situation.

On the other hand, the rivals of the Nanshan Group's enterprises have either disappeared in the long river of history, or their business development has stagnated. Anyway, few of them are prospering.


Modu Electric Co., Ltd. can live comfortably following the companies of the Nanshan Group, but as Modu Electric Co., Ltd.'s biggest competitor, Vestas' life is a bit difficult.

"Mr. Anderson, we are very happy to see the cooperation between Vestas and Nanshan Carbon Fiber."

"The performance of the carbon fiber wind turbine blades we produce is the best in the world. Vestas can completely hand over all carbon fiber blade production to us."

"But what you said about working with Nanshan Battery's energy storage station to combine wind power with energy storage business, I personally think it is very feasible."

"Specific projects may need to be advanced based on the situation at Nanshan Battery."

Zeng Jianying was in a very good mood when she looked at Anderson, the general manager of Vestas China Branch, who came here to visit.

At the beginning, Nanshan Carbon Fiber also took the initiative to find Vestas and wanted to provide carbon fiber blades to their factory in the Prairie Province.

However, the other party would rather import blades from abroad than purchase them from Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

A few years later, the situation completely changed, and the other party actually took the initiative to seek cooperation with Nanshan Carbon Fiber.

This is really thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi.

"In addition to using your company's carbon fiber wind turbine blades, we will also consider purchasing wind turbine bearings from Nanshan Auto Parts."

"We can provide all the conditions that Modu Electric can provide."

"Although the development speed of Modu Electric has been very fast in recent years, we also admit this."

"But in terms of international popularity, there is still a huge difference between Vestas and Mordu Electric. There is a huge gap in brand influence in Europe and other places."

"If companies from the Nanshan Group cooperate with Vestas, they will definitely have an advantage when taking projects in Europe and other places."

Anderson came to communicate with Zeng Jianying this time, and he had obviously reported the general direction to the headquarters.

Otherwise, he would not dare to tempt Zeng Jianying with any conditions.

Objectively speaking, what he said is not unreasonable.

As the most well-known wind power equipment manufacturer in the world, Vestas is also the first giant to enter the field of wind power equipment. Their brand influence is still relatively large.

Many customers in overseas markets recognize the Vestas brand.

Of course, these are all relative.

"I personally fully support the in-depth cooperation with Vestas."

"But if the entire Nanshan Group's companies are to be deeply tied to Vestas, then your company may need to reflect some of its own values."

"For example, if your company can promote our solution of combining energy storage stations with wind power in Europe, then there will definitely be no problem using wind power equipment produced by Vestas."

Zeng Jianying must have given up on the rabbit.

Cooperation is possible, but it cannot harm the interests of relevant parties.

If Vestas can take the package solution that Nanshan Battery has developed from a big company and find projects in Europe, then everyone can definitely cooperate well.

To some extent, this is a win-win.

But if Nanshan Battery takes over the project itself, it would be completely meaningless to use Vestas' wind power equipment.

It's better to let Nanshan Equipment do it on its own than to abandon Modou Electric and go to Vestas.

After hearing what Zeng Jianying said, Anderson was slightly disappointed.

But he also knows that the situation has changed now.

If Vestas really wants to maintain its market share, it may really have to consider proactively expanding projects and use Nanshan Battery's cooperation plan with major players as a template to recommend to other customers.

It's just that this way of eating soup by yourself, but taking the initiative to find meat for others, makes people feel a bit aggrieved.

But the situation is stronger than people.


"Mr. Li, I think the energy storage station construction plan of Nanshan Battery and Gou Dahu this time is quite useful for reference."

"We can also find several manufacturers to cooperate and form an alliance to expand overseas markets together."

Shi Junhui specially arranged for people to keep an eye on the movements of Nanshan Batteries.

As Nanshan Battery is the industry leader, Guoxuan is the best choice as long as it follows the other party's pace to develop.

The development strategies of Nanshan Group companies in recent years have been recognized by everyone, and Shi Junhui naturally admired them.

Now the other party can easily get a large order of US$25 billion, which is really attractive.

Guoxuan must be thinking of following up.

After all, when Nanshan Battery promoted the energy storage station plan in the country in the early years, Guoxuan had already followed up and built a number of energy storage stations in the country, which can be regarded as having experience in this area.

The technical requirements for energy storage batteries are lower than those for power batteries, which puts even less pressure on Guoxuan.

What needs to be done now is to do the same as Nanshan Battery, find a few partners to work together, and get a few big orders from abroad.

"Solar photovoltaic panels, wind power equipment manufacturers, and technical partners who need integration capabilities."

“It’s not like we can’t find these partners, but it’s still relatively difficult to form a relatively strong competitiveness.”

Li Zhen is still self-aware and knows that Guoxuan is unlikely to find an excellent partner like Nanshan Battery.

However, Shi Junhui has a different view on this situation, "We actually don't need to go beyond Nanshan Battery. After all, the international market is so vast, and not every customer has such high requirements."

"You get what you pay for. This requirement is too high, and the construction cost of the project will also be very high."

Differentiated marketing to provide customers with more cheap solutions.

This is what Shi Junhui wants to promote.

In his opinion, this is entirely possible.

There are many places in the world where solar energy or wind energy is abundant.

Even if there is no way to build an energy storage station as large as 1GWH at one time, an energy storage station of several hundred MWH is still very good.

At that time, Guoxuan's battery factory can consider further expanding its production capacity.

In an environment with good investment promotion policies, investment in new projects is something that everyone is looking forward to.

Hearing what Shi Junhui said, Li Zhen gradually became interested.

Although the energy storage station business is a one-time business, it cannot sustain the strong demand for batteries every time.

And if it is done well, after the first phase of the project is completed, there will probably be a second phase of the project.

This is also something worth looking forward to.

Yes, Nanshan Battery’s large order with a major company has completely stimulated the enthusiasm of various battery companies in China to accelerate the development of energy storage business.

But this situation has made many companies even more worried.

(End of this chapter)

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