Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 918 The king of the consumer electronics industry, creativity beyond imagination, subverting

Chapter 918 The king of the consumer electronics industry, creativity beyond imagination, subverting the industry structure
"Mr. Cao, why don't you go up and say a few words later?"

Honor Technology's new product launch conference is about to begin, and Xia Qingqing has made various preparations.

Although she was usually in charge of such conferences, Cao Yang no longer took the stage in person.

However, this press conference was quite important, and Cao Yang was also present in the audience.

So Xia Qingqing confirmed with Cao Yang again.

After all, this is a publicity thing. Normally, many company bosses are reluctant to miss such an opportunity.

"There's nothing to talk about, just handle it."

Xia Qingqing has now fully grown up.

As the most influential female CEO in China, she is often seen in the news on various financial channels.

As for the various domestic related forums, it goes without saying.

After all, the United States will not just watch the companies in the Nanshan Group continue to grow and develop.

"The popularity of smartphones has brought huge changes to everyone's lives."

"Whether it's Samsung or Apple, although their strength is not weak, our strength is not bad either."

In their view, although Honor Technology is a private enterprise, it makes too much money every year and provides countless ammunition to sister companies such as Venus Technology that produce military products.

"It's the beautiful scenery in Lingnan, and it's the lychee season again."

"I saw a lot of familiar faces today. I'm glad that everyone has been caring and supporting the development of Honor Technology."

Coupled with other electronic products, there is no problem that Honor Technology's turnover will exceed 2 trillion, or even 3 trillion.

This is a threat to the United States.

"After HONOR6 is launched this time, when HONOR7 is launched next year, we will also launch a folding screen mobile phone."

On the Weibo headlines, there are several hot searches that are closely related to Honor Technology.

"Smartphones have also brought new opportunities to many companies, giving many industries a new lease of life."

Based on the sales price of Honor mobile phones, if it can really achieve this level of sales, the sales volume of the mobile phone business alone will reach more than 1 trillion.

People can definitely use some words to correct their mistakes.

Even many netizens are already discussing the new products released by Honor Technology in full swing and what new changes there will be.

The more senior you are in a position, the less likely you are to be nervous in this situation.

"I believe that among the people here, you can't find any friends who are still using feature phones, right?"

Xia Qingqing had a brief chat with Cao Yang and then began to prepare to go on stage.

In this strong atmosphere, Xia Qingqing stepped onto the stage.

Anyway, what kind of understanding is beneficial to others, and what kind of understanding method they use.

Some websites have also followed suit and launched some prediction activities to increase everyone's participation.

Therefore, although this conference is relatively important, there is nothing for Cao Yang to worry about.

"Ten years ago, we could not have imagined that we could easily watch movies, surf the Internet, chat, take a taxi, order takeout, shop, etc. on our mobile phones. It has completely subverted everyone's lifestyle."

Although there is a high probability that Europe will begin to impose various restrictions on Honor Technology in the future, there are still at least a few years for Honor Technology to develop.

"Starting from the first generation of HONOR 3G smartphones, Honor Technology has led the mobile phone industry into the smartphone era."

"I believe everyone here understands this deeply."

So Xia Qingqing didn't even wear formal clothes today, but a pair of beige pencil pants, a sleeveless cream top, and a pair of casual shoes, and she started her explanation.

Honor Technology produces high-tech products that are closely related to consumers.

No matter which country you are in, there are only a handful of companies like this and they have huge influence.

Xia Qingqing was very relaxed.

A few years ago, Xia Qingqing would have been a little unsure about making Honor mobile phones the number one in the world.

If we don’t seize this opportunity, it will be even harder to become the world’s number one in the future.

This data is absolutely exaggerated.

"Strive to unseat Samsung, the leader of the global mobile phone industry, within the next three years."

"I look forward to you leading everyone to achieve this goal as soon as possible."

It is estimated that the number of viewers at the final peak period will exceed 3000 million. It is entirely possible.

"With the basic base of the Chinese market, and if we find ways to expand overseas markets, everything is possible."

The number of live video viewers at Nanshan Film and Television has exceeded 1000 million, and is still increasing rapidly.

After all, to be number one in the world requires sales of at least 300-400 million units.

Because even if there are some mistakes, there is no need to worry about anyone using this reason to criticize her, or the negative consequences.

At this moment, almost the entire Internet is paying attention to this new product launch conference of Honor Technology.

In this case, a press conference that is too formulaic is bound to be unflattering.

"Honor Technology has always produced the most advanced mobile phone products for consumers, fully considering the various needs of consumers."

"The same is true for the HONOR6 flagship phone we bring to you first today."

Since there are several new products to be released today, and each product has various introductions, there is no need to waste too much time on digressions.

After Xia Qingqing briefly spent a few minutes on the stage to warm up, she officially began to introduce new products.

Such a fast pace is beyond many people's expectations.

There were still some people whispering, but now they are silent.

Everyone was holding cameras and mobile phones, preparing to capture some relevant information.

Or maybe looking at the stage with wide eyes, wanting to see what is different about HONOR6 at the first glance.

"This is the appearance of our HONOR6 and 6 PLUS. Compared with the previous generation products, we have put a lot of effort into thinning and lightness."

"You can take a look at it in detail."

Although there is not much to introduce about the appearance, considering that many people buy mobile phones, the first factor to consider is whether the appearance is beautiful, so Xia Qingqing still spent two minutes to introduce it carefully.

Then we got to the dry stuff.

That is to introduce to you the various performances of this new product.

"Our new generation flagship mobile phone uses the world's most advanced chip technology, and is ahead of our competitors in all parameters."

"You can see the comparison information on the screen. Nanshan Semiconductor's 14nm process is the only one in the world. All our friends are still using the 28nm process."

"The performance of the CPU has increased by 43% compared to the previous generation, and it has an overwhelming advantage compared with competitors."

"The performance of the GPU is equally outstanding, with a performance improvement of 52%."

"We are taking a two-pronged approach in terms of temperature control and energy efficiency improvement to maximize the use of our chip performance."


This mobile phone is the first to be equipped with Nanshan Semiconductor's 14nm process, and Xia Qingqing must promote it well.

This is not the first in the country, but the first in the world.

"Everyone has more or less battery life anxiety when using their mobile phones."

"Especially as mobile phone screens become larger and larger, everyone's requirements for mobile phone battery life are also constantly increasing."

"Our mobile phone uses the latest generation of ternary lithium battery technology from Nanshan Battery, and its battery life is further improved compared to the previous generation."


Xia Qingqing continued to explain the various functions of the mobile phone on the stage, and friends from all walks of life were also watching this conference in their own companies.

"Mr. Li, I think the Honor mobile phone is nothing more than that. Except for one chip that can be taken out and discussed carefully, the other conditions are good, but they are just like that."

Seeing that the press conference had started for more than ten minutes, Chai Hang's mood began to calm down.

The situation doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought.

After all, last year everyone had expected that this generation of Honor mobile phones would use Nanshan Semiconductor's 14nm process chips.

So even if the performance is very advanced, everyone has already digested it in advance.

Even when promoting, the effect must be discounted.

"It shouldn't be. Honor Technology's move this time is so big. If it were just such a small thing, everyone would probably be disappointed."

Li Zailin vaguely felt that things were not over so quickly.

According to his understanding of Honor Technology over the years, the other party's innovation ability is very strong.

Although this phone will immediately become the most advanced smartphone in the world after it is launched, the advantages are not overwhelming.

Because the chip technology of Samsung and TSMC will soon break through 14 nanometers.

Even the new generation flagship mobile phone that Samsung plans to launch at the end of the year is also preparing to use 14nm process chips.

As for some aspects of the battery and screen, everyone is about the same, and there is no qualitative difference.

No one can guarantee that they will never need it once in their life.

This function only needs to be used once.

The key is that Xia Qingqing has not finished the introduction yet, and continues: "Many people may think that this function may be useless. It costs a fixed package fee to activate it every month, and after it is activated, it may not be used. It feels like a waste. ”

"We have fully considered everyone's needs in this regard. You only need to pay a package fee of 10 yuan per month, and the satellite phone function is enabled by default."

"After that, when you use the satellite phone function, formal call charges or data charges will be charged."

"There are even some exclusive packages from communication companies that directly include satellite call packages without requiring additional payment."

Along with Xia Qingqing's explanation, she also gave everyone a simple operation on the stage.

Basically, it can be said that most people can use this function for emergencies, and it is not really useless. This situation is completely different.

People present can realize this, and friends and businessmen from all walks of life can naturally feel the threat brought by this function.

"Mr. Wang, the satellite call function of Honor mobile phone is too lethal."

"I didn't expect that they could make this function so deep and easy to use."

"I estimate that this generation of their products will sell better than the previous generation."

"Performance in the international market, especially, may exceed our expectations."

Lin Rong looked worriedly at the information about Honor Technology's new product launch that was constantly playing on the projector.

Although Apple mobile phones cannot be sold in China, the overall influence of Honor Technology has increased, which means that Apple's life in China has become more difficult.

And for European and American companies like this, once their global business declines significantly, they will immediately take various measures to improve their financial reports and prevent their stock prices from falling.

The most direct measure of this kind is to reduce personnel.

China is likely to become the hardest hit area by then.

"In China, Daystar Technology and the three major operators are cooperating with Honor Technology. Their satellite call function is relatively powerful."

"After leaving China, not so many operators will be so cooperative with Honor Technology."

Wang Ziming felt that he had immediately discovered the inadequacy of this function overseas.

However, Lin Rong felt that things might not be that simple, saying: "In China, Honor Technology respects the rights of operators, but in many places abroad, people can directly integrate with Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system, and they can Launch more flexible package plans.”

"For example, in Africa, people can open a satellite call function payment service on the APP and do the communication company's work for themselves."

"They can do this if they have mastered the Starlink satellite system."

"That is to say, in some countries where communication companies are relatively strong, they need to communicate this well with the relevant local departments."

"But I think that except for a few countries such as the United States, Honor Technology can successfully launch the satellite call function in most places."

I have to say that Lin Rong's guess is very consistent with the facts.

Honor Technology has already considered this issue when developing new mobile phones.

Now is the time for everyone to see its power.

"For now, let's not worry about it. Let's sort out the information from the other party's press conference as soon as possible and report it to the headquarters then."

"There is no way to sell mobile phones in China. Let the headquarters worry about this issue."

When Wang Ziming said this, Lin Rong didn't hesitate.

After all, although this statement is a bit irresponsible, it is not wrong.

Next, Honor Technology will introduce new products such as mobile phones, PADs, and smart watches. Those threats to Apple's Chinese branch are definitely greater than mobile phones.

Xia Qingqing spent almost twenty minutes introducing the various functions of HONOR6 and 6PLUS.

Then we started to introduce PAD, computers and smart watches.

Mobile phones have already used Nanshan Semiconductor's latest chip technology, and PADs and computers are no exception.

It can be said that at this time, Honor Technology's products are comprehensively ahead of its competitors in many aspects of performance.

The so-called king of the consumer electronics industry is about to completely subvert the industry structure.

However, with the impact of new mobile phones, everyone's acceptance has become much higher.

It wasn't until Xia Qingqing started introducing Honor headphones that everyone had a different feeling again.

"Honor Technology's business is getting wider and wider, and it even produces Bluetooth headsets."

"But the price of 999 yuan to 1999 yuan is really not cheap at all."

Xie Min listened very carefully to Xia Qingqing's explanation today.

Overall, it is definitely full of useful information and rewarding.

At least there is no need to worry about articles for the next week.

Even with the official launch of new products, various evaluation-related articles can also be arranged.

By then all the articles for the next month will be available.

"Although this Bluetooth headset is a bit expensive, according to President Xia's introduction, its performance in all aspects is indeed very impressive."

"Although most mobile phones used to have standard earphones, there were still a lot of inconveniences in using wired earphones."

"Now Honor Technology has simply abandoned wired earphones and introduced Bluetooth earphones."

"I think there should still be many consumers willing to buy it."

"After all, Honor phones are not cheap. They take a high-end route. Many people who can afford a phone are willing to buy another pair of headphones."

Wu Xuebin's view is somewhat different from Xie Min's.

He feels that the sales volume of Bluetooth headsets may exceed everyone’s imagination.

Even after Honor Technology launches its own Bluetooth headsets, the landscape of the entire headset industry will undergo earth-shaking changes.

This is basically to be expected.

In the future, Sony's former high-end headphone business is expected to be severely impacted.

"That's true."

Xie Min would definitely not have a meaningless argument with Wu Xuebin, so he quickly changed his tone.

“The starting price and the price of the highest configuration of Honor mobile phones have been increased, which provides more living space for older mobile phones. However, people who can still afford new mobile phones under such circumstances really don’t mind buying another one. Bluetooth headset.”

“I just don’t know if other mobile phone manufacturers will follow up on this plan.”

While Xie Min and Wu Xuebin were discussing various changes in Honor Technology, Warwick Mobile, which ranked second in China, was naturally paying attention to this change.

In the past, Warwick never reached the second place in the domestic mobile phone sales list.

Starting from May this year, their shipments officially surpassed Lenovo and became the second in China.

Although they have not publicly stated that they want to be number one, it is definitely false to say that they have no idea at all.

"Lao Lian, how long will it take for us to integrate the satellite phone function into the mobile phone?"

Xu Jun can naturally realize the importance of the satellite call function on HONOR6.

For many consumers, I can do without this feature, but I cannot live without it.

Obviously, the satellite call function is something that many consumers may care about in the future.

If Warwick wants to make its mobile phone business bigger and stronger, it must keep up with the mainstream level of the industry.

Otherwise, it may be overtaken by other manufacturers.

"There are still some difficulties in realizing this. It is not just about adding a certain part to have the satellite call function, but it is necessary to consider this demand from the design of the chip and baseband."

"And even if we accomplish this, we may not be able to compete with Honor Technology."

Lian Zhidian is obviously not so optimistic about Warwick's performance in this regard.

There is a reason why Honor Technology can become the first mobile phone manufacturer in the world to integrate satellite calling functions.

If it were so easy to do, a manufacturer would have done it long ago.

"I admit that Honor Technology's technical level is very strong, but it won't make us lose confidence directly, right?"

After listening to Lian Zhitian's words, Xu Jun felt a little uncomfortable.

When did the employees of their company become so unsure?

This is obviously not in line with their company culture.

"Mr. Xu, this is not a matter of confidence, but that Honor Technology has combined the satellite call function with Venus Technology's Starlink satellite system."

"This is their unique advantage that other manufacturers cannot compare with."

"Unless their Starlink satellite system can be opened to us, even if we develop the satellite call function, it will be relatively useless."

Lian Zhidian explained patiently beside him.

After saying this, Xu Jun understood.

However, he soon had a new question and said: "Venixing Technology is not the only one that has satellites in the sky. Satellite phones all over the world are also connected through various satellites. We just need to find a partner." ?”

Regarding Xu Jun's questions, Lian Zhidian calmly explained them.

"In principle, mobile satellite phones can be implemented using a more traditional model."

"The signal is first transmitted from the mobile phone terminal to the high-orbit satellite in the geostationary orbit. After receiving the signal, the high-orbit satellite can choose to broadcast the signal directly to the ground station. The ground station can be connected to the operator's network on land. Finally, Send the signal to the destination terminal located in the operator's network."

"Since a small number of high-orbit satellites can cover the entire earth's surface, mobile phone terminals with high-orbit satellite access capabilities can communicate with ordinary terminals or other direct terminals in the operator's network, whether they are in the ocean or in the desert. Communicate with mobile phone terminals connected to satellites.”

"But the capacity of a single high-orbit satellite may not be able to support the access of a large number of Internet terminals, so the final experience will be much worse than that of Honor Technology."

If Warwick wants to produce a mobile phone with satellite calling function, it must be a high-end flagship mobile phone.

But if there is a big gap between the satellite call function and Honor Technology, then there will definitely be a lot of complaints from consumers.

This may even directly lead to product failure.

"So, it is almost inevitable to cooperate with Daystar Technology?"

Xu Jun didn't mind cooperating with Daystar Technology. After all, the relationship between Warwick and the Nanshan Department was already very good.

He was just worried that the other party would not play with Warwick this time.

"We can also find Star Chain, but it will definitely not be used in China!"

Even if Shida said this, it was as if he had not said it.

In other words, Xu Jun and he were old acquaintances, otherwise they would have scolded him a few times.

(End of this chapter)

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