Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 921: Touch in the ward, the new mission of Nanshan Precision Instruments

Chapter 921: Touch in the ward, the new mission of Nanshan Precision Instruments

Fang Sisi had a car accident!
Fortunately, nothing serious happened. I just felt a little dizzy and probably had a slight concussion.

Even so, Cao Yang flew back to Yangcheng immediately.

When ordinary people have a car accident, it is an accident.

But if people like Fang Sisi and Cao Yang get into car accidents, special people must be arranged to check to see if it is an accident.

Fortunately, the final situation seemed to prove that this was really an accident. Fang Sisi's car hit the bridge pier next to it in order to avoid a pedestrian who suddenly appeared on the Guangyuan Expressway.

Fortunately, the speed limit on Guangyuan Expressway is 80KM. When passing under the bridge, the speed limit changes to 60KM.

Fang Sisi drove by herself today and quite abided by the traffic rules.

So it finally hit the bridge pier at a speed of about 60KM/H.

However, even so, if it weren't for the high level of security in looking up, there would still be big problems.

"Similarly, there will be no shortage of various medical devices that various hospitals need to use."

On the other hand, it is estimated that she may need to find another job.

Nanshan Equipment already had enough things to keep him busy, there was no need to do everything by himself.

"Just take a rest for a day or two and it'll be fine."

If Xiao Hong's report is satisfactory, then the position of deputy general manager will naturally be hers.

"I have just asked my secretary to arrange for someone to conduct a survey on the medical equipment industry. I think Nanshan Precision Instruments can consider the production of medical equipment."

"I didn't pay special attention to it before, but after thinking about it, it seems that the various CT equipment, X-ray machines and other products in the hospital are almost all from foreign brands such as Siemens, Philips and General Electric. Domestic manufacturers are very rare."

"Know it!"

"In the future, you should let the driver drive and then let the bodyguard follow. It is best to have a car following behind and behind. This way the possibility of an accident will be very low."

So after a brief chat, she formally began to introduce her plan.

In just one week, they directly hired several people who were proficient in medical equipment.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Xiao used to be a senior engineer in the Siemens Medical Imaging Diagnostic Series Division. He just returned to China last month for development. We happened to meet him and asked him to come over and serve as the deputy general manager of Nanshan Precision Instruments."

"Welcome Mr. Xiao to join Nanshan Precision Instruments. The company is currently preparing to vigorously develop medical devices. This is the time when talents from all walks of life need to work together."

As the proprietress of a Nanshan-based enterprise and the general manager of Weibo, Fang Sisi naturally has a good vision.

Even if there is a car accident, you can find a business opportunity, which is considered very powerful.

"Although this is the first time that Nanshan Precision Instruments has been involved in the field of medical devices, it actually already has a very deep foundation in various measuring instruments, and it can fully benchmark against Siemens to produce various products."

This kind of thing has to be guarded against.

After all, he has offended many people over the years.

Especially the companies in the Nanshan Group are still a thorn in the flesh of the United States. Those people can do anything.

Fang Sisi was lucky. Although the front of the car was damaged, the cockpit was not damaged.

Pan Jinxing had previously served as the general manager of Nanshan Precision Instruments, and many of the businesses there were actually spun off from Nanshan Equipment.

After the two decided on this development direction in the ward, Nanshan Precision Instruments also acted very quickly.

Fang Sisi didn't really want to talk more about this now, so she decisively changed the subject and said, "When I was doing a CT scan just now, I discovered that the CT equipment in the hospital is from Siemens."

Now a medical device division has been set up. He is not that good at this, so he decisively handed it over to the newly recruited professional managers.

Xiao Hong naturally understood this situation.

After all, if you hit a cement block at a speed of 60KM/H, your life may be in danger.

"Ayang, I'm fine."

Pan Jinxing can see this relatively clearly.

But today is the first meeting, and it can also be said to be a test.

There is never enough work to do. As a senior manager, you need to consider things other than specific work more often.

"In the future, as the population ages, the hospital's business will probably get better and better."

Cao Yang knew about Pan Jinxing's proposal for the new deputy general manager.

"Your entry point is not bad. Nanshan Precision Instruments and Nanshan Equipment are working together to produce some high-end medical equipment. It is not particularly difficult."

Not to mention that the proposal itself is very reasonable, even if it is not feasible, it is still worth considering to spend some money to have fun.

"The doctor said he just had a slight concussion. He was probably hit by the deployed airbag."

With Cao Yang's current net worth, the protection when traveling is naturally not bad.

This can be considered a blessing among misfortunes.

So apart from being hit by the airbag and almost fainting, Fang Sisi had no other obvious injuries on her body.

Who knows if someone might want to physically deal with this "source of trouble".

Naturally, Cao Yang would not refute Fang Sisi's suggestion.

“There should be a lot of room for development in this area.”

Nanshan Precision Instrument Club recruited Xiao Hong because of her rich work experience in Siemens Healthcare.

So Xiao Hong directly brought over some of her plans from Siemens Healthcare.

"Siemens Healthcare has three main businesses, the first of which is the diagnostic imaging series."

"This series covers a variety of imaging diagnostic methods such as radiation, MRI, ultrasound and computed tomography. The representative product is the CT series of equipment."

"According to different clinical needs, we provide CT equipment with speed, resolution, clinical image quantification and one-second full mathematical imaging capabilities that meet the needs of one-time imaging, which can be widely used in vascular imaging, cardiac CT, cancer detection, etc."

Xiao Hong quickly got into working mode and introduced the relevant situation to Cao Yang and Pan Jinxing.

"The second business is the medical laboratory diagnostic series, which covers clinical immunology, laboratory diagnosis, molecular diagnosis and other fields. Among the representative products are laboratory blood cell analyzers."

"This product combines core technology and application modules to provide complete blood count and biochemical parameter detection for medical institutions."

"Then there is the laboratory chemical analyzer series of products. This series of products covers a variety of applications in determining chemical analysis, such as alcohol testing, creatinine testing, iron metabolism testing, glucose testing, etc."

While introducing the general situation of related products, while observing the reactions of Cao Yang and Pan Jinxing, Xiao Hong introduced the products quite quickly.

"The third business is a series of cardiovascular diagnostic equipment, including advanced ultrasound diagnostic systems, cardiovascular CT, nuclear medicine and other products."

"Its representative products include cardiac ultrasound equipment, which combines advanced acoustic technology, image analysis technology and ultra-sensitive detectors to accurately obtain myocardial database and assist doctors in determining heart disease diagnosis and treatment plans."

"In addition, product series in other fields, such as radiotherapy, operating rooms, ophthalmology, dentistry, etc., can also be developed based on actual conditions to meet the different needs of doctors and patients."

Obviously, Xiao Hong is really aiming to compete with Siemens Healthcare.

As long as it is a flagship product of Siemens Healthcare, Xiao Hong recommends the development of it.

Regarding this situation, Cao Yang and Pan Jinxing did not have any special opinions.

After all, Siemens Healthcare, Philips Healthcare and GE Healthcare are the three leading medical companies in the world.

It is obviously more appropriate to develop Nanshan precision instruments against them.

"In the long run, there will definitely be no problem if we develop according to your plan."

"But it is impossible for us to develop all products at once. We still have to choose a few key entry points to try."

"Do you have any specific suggestions in this regard?"

Cao Yang was not so ambitious as to get all the medical equipment out at once.

That is simply unrealistic.

Moreover, it is not that there is no equipment available for production in China. It is still necessary to invest manpower and material resources according to the situation.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if all the trouble was in vain.

"I think we can start with CT equipment. Although domestic companies such as Neusoft have launched domestically produced CT equipment many years ago, the core CT tubes and other parts are actually imported."

"And domestic hospitals do not yet have a high level of recognition of these domestic manufacturers. 90% of CT machines are still imported from overseas."

“If our company can break this situation and launch 100% domestically produced CT equipment, not only the cost can be greatly reduced, but also the influence of our group can be used to quickly open up the situation and integrate the CT equipment of Siemens, Philips and General Electric. Devices are driven out of the market.”

Xiao Hong gave her advice without any hesitation.

As for whether this would greatly affect her former employer's business, she didn't care at all.

Core components such as CT tubes cannot be handled by other domestic manufacturers, but she feels that Nanshan-based companies can definitely handle them.

After all, like Nanshan Equipment, even the difficult things in the photolithography machine have been solved. How can the parts on a CT equipment be solved?
It's nothing more than deploying a few more technical personnel in related fields to tackle the problem.

"CT equipment is a relatively well-known equipment. It is a good choice to use it as an entry point to increase the popularity of our Nanshan Precision Instruments in the field of medical devices."

"Mr. Cao, I think Xiao Hong's proposal can be considered."

Since Pan Jinxing proposed to let Xiao Hong serve as the deputy general manager of Nanshan Precision Instruments, he obviously still has considerable confidence in her.

Although we have known each other for a relatively short time, we must give people a certain amount of trust in the beginning.

Otherwise, if you want to get results, it probably won’t be that fast.

With Pan Jinxing's status in the Nanshan system, there is no need to worry about Xiao Hong threatening him.

Therefore, being able to make some achievements for the company as soon as possible is what he cares about most.

Of course, Cao Yang could understand these things, so he didn't put forward any special suggestions and just let Xiao Hong do it.

Soon, Xiao Hong officially took office.

She also started poaching tactics very rudely, first poaching a group of technical personnel from Siemens.

At the same time, a lot of technicians from General Electric and Philips Healthcare were poached.

Since Nanshan-based companies have sufficient experience in dealing with overseas talents, Xiao Hong even hired several foreign engineers who have mastered core technologies to work in China. When Nanshan Precision Instruments made such a big noise, it was impossible for the industry not to know anything about it.

"Scott, Nanshan Precision Instruments must have poached a lot of your people during this period, right?"

As the head of General Electric's China branch, Xiang Weimin must know Scott, General Manager of Siemens China.

The two of them are competitors in many fields, but when facing Chinese domestic manufacturers, they are also partners.

So even though sometimes they fight you to the death, but maybe their personal relationship is not bad.

This time Nanshan Precision Instruments made such a big noise, everyone was naturally more afraid.

Today, Siemens Healthcare has not yet become independent from Siemens and is listed on the market. All business in China is managed by Scott.

However, the headquarters already has the idea to manage Siemens Healthcare separately and list it separately in the future.

At this juncture, Scott naturally did not want anything to happen.

"Don't mention it, Xiao Hong, the newly appointed deputy general manager of Nanshan Precision Instruments, came from our Siemens Healthineers."

"I went to find out specifically. Nanshan Precision Instruments' previous main projects were measuring instruments and laboratory equipment used in various industries, and they did not design medical equipment."

"This time the move is so big that they have set up a special medical device division within the company and are preparing to make a big splash in this field."

"Obviously, the other party is here for our family."

Scott was a little worried.

Even though Siemens Healthcare is very strong, it doesn't worry about how much pressure the development of Chinese manufacturers will put on it.

In the medical field, both hospitals and patients trust foreign brand equipment more.

This situation cannot be reversed in a day or two.

So even if their equipment is more expensive, people will still choose to use their equipment.

It will take a long time to change this situation.

At that time, he might no longer be responsible for the business in the Huaxia District.

But this time Nanshan Precision Instruments entered the market, the situation was different.

Siemens has also dealt with companies from the Nanshan Group before.

In the end, Siemens suffered a huge loss from Nanshan Equipment in terms of machine tool CNC systems and was almost driven out of the Chinese market.

Even the international market has been affected to a certain extent.

Later, in the field of wind power equipment, Siemens suffered heavy losses due to the same reasons as Nanshan Equipment and other companies.

This time when Nanshan Group companies entered the field of medical devices, he paid a lot of attention.

After all, companies in the Nanshan Group are really different from other Chinese companies.

If they don't pay attention, the structure of the Chinese market may undergo huge changes.

In fact, General Electric has some feelings about this.

"The potential of China's medical device market is the largest in the world. In recent years, many hospitals in China have been continuously building hospitals and expanding their scale. The demand for the procurement of various equipment is relatively high."

"According to past experience, 80% of the market for this new equipment is divided up by just a few of us."

"Now that precision instruments are popping up in Nanshan, I'm worried that they will cause trouble."

As a Chinese, Xiang Weimin has a very strong perception of the special status and influence of Nanshan Group companies in China.

It can be said that as long as Nanshan Group companies want to do something, it is a bit difficult to fail.

Over the past decade, they have proven this with countless achievements.

But anyone who doesn’t believe in evil is basically out of luck.

Therefore, even if Nanshan Precision Instruments had no relevant experience in the field of medical devices before, Xiang Weimin would not dare to have any contempt.

"It is inevitable to cause trouble, but I think their biggest possibility is to seize the market through price wars."

"I think we can take action one step ahead and work together to appropriately lower the prices of related equipment so that their price wars will not have such a big effect."

Scott naturally does not want to engage in a price war.

But if you lower the price inappropriately, then the price difference between everyone will be too big, and you may lose any market share.

For example, the sales price of CT equipment in China is twice as high as the price exported to the United States.

There is definitely a lot of room for price reduction here.

After all, even if you sell equipment in China, at least 10% of the equipment payment must be used for management, but it is actually the same in the United States.

If you want to do a good job in business, if you really believe in complete fairness and justice, then the company will be close to bankruptcy.

Fairness and justice are just an attitude shown when one has an absolute advantage.

"It's not impossible, but I'm afraid that when Nanshan Precision Instruments directly prices the equipment at cabbage prices, or interferes with the bidding through administrative means, then our situation will be very troublesome."

As long as China has relatively good domestic equipment that can replace itself, the price of foreign-invested equipment will immediately come down proactively.

Situations like this have occurred many times in the past.

So it's not like Scott can't accept the price reduction.

But he is worried that others will directly raise the price to cabbage prices.

Then there is no way to compete.

After all, Chinese manufacturers can often reduce costs to a level that others cannot afford to do even at a loss.

On this point, if the companies in the Nanshan Group become ruthless, it will definitely make people feel scared.

"No matter what happens, you have to give it a try, otherwise there will be no way to communicate with the headquarters."

When Xiang Weimin said this, Scott couldn't help but nodded.

To some extent, their situations are similar.

However, the situation is definitely worse than they imagined.

Because many people are paying attention to the changes in companies in the Nanshan system.

There are also many people from relevant departments in China and various places who want to attract investment and projects from enterprises in the Nanshan Group.

In order to have more and better projects fall within their jurisdictions, many places are trying every means to give the green light to enterprises in the Nanshan system.

For example, Liu Tianwu is now specially bringing a delegation from Chang'an Province to Yangcheng to visit companies such as Nanshan Semiconductor.

At the same time, he also specifically mentioned the medical equipment at Nanshan Precision Instruments.

He has always been concerned about the development of Nanshan-based companies, so he naturally knows that Nanshan Precision Instruments has recently begun to enter the medical device market.

In this field, Liu Tianwu is definitely capable of helping Nanshan Precision Instruments.

After all, medical equipment is something that every hospital needs to use.

In Chang'an Province, let alone prefecture-level cities, every county and every town must have its own hospital.

This is definitely a very big market.

Even though it's already 2014, many county-level hospitals actually don't have CT equipment yet.

Needless to say, some more high-end equipment.

In order to change this situation, departments at all levels are constantly thinking of ways to make county-level hospitals more equipped.

For Nanshan Precision Instruments, this is definitely a market worth looking forward to.

"Mr. Cao, will Nanshan Precision Instruments' medical equipment be able to produce products this year?"

In small-scale communication, Liu Tianwu directly expressed his thoughts to Cao Yang.

Don't look at the other party who hasn't even produced the equipment yet.

But Liu Tianwu was very confident and knew that as long as the other party dared to show it, it would definitely be competitive.

Not to mention doing better than international giants such as Siemens and Philips, at least it's not far behind.

This has been proven in all Nanshan-type companies.

Liu Tianwu didn't think Cao Yang would stumble in this place.

"There shouldn't be any big problems this year, but we will only launch a part of the equipment at the beginning, and we will slowly improve it later."

Cao Yang was a little surprised that the topic of Nanshan Precision Instruments would be brought up today.

But he soon guessed some of Liu Tianwu's thoughts.

This kind of thing is very beneficial to the development of Nanshan precision instruments and medical devices, so he will naturally not refuse.

In the medical device market of any country, if a company wants to rapidly expand the market, it will definitely be more difficult to rely solely on technology itself.

At this time, it is very important to have support from relevant departments.

"At that time, our Chang'an Province will consider some reforms in the bidding methods of medical equipment. As long as the equipment can be produced domestically, priority will be given to purchasing domestic equipment."

"I will arrange for someone to connect with you later. As long as your equipment can meet the needs, we will definitely give it priority."

Everyone is familiar with it.

Anyway, it was a public matter, and Liu Tianwu personally did not make any profit from it.

So he directly expressed his thoughts.

Cao Yang naturally accepted this kindness.

(End of this chapter)

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