Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 922 Gorgeous semi-annual report, a carnival all the way

Chapter 922 Gorgeous semi-annual report, carnival all the way

The first half of 2014 went by a little faster than previous years.
Enterprises in the Nanshan Group have done a lot in the past six months.

Although companies from all walks of life will make special reports to Cao Yang every month to see if various key projects are progressing as planned.

However, the reports in early July and early January each year still appear to be a little different.

"Mr. Cao, Venus Technology has completed 66 rocket launches in the first half of this year, and the target achievement rate has exceeded 50%."

"As more and more satellites are launched, our Starlink satellite system becomes more usable."

"At the same time, the construction speed of the space station is also very fast, and it will be successfully completed in two more launches."

Daystar Technology is now a popular company, and the first thing Cao Yang heard was Zhao Siyu's report.

After all, whether it is the Starlink satellite system or the research of various aircraft, they are of great concern to all parties.

In particular, many people are paying close attention to the H-20 project in cooperation with AVIC and the Eagle heavy transport helicopter, which is progressing rapidly.

Not to mention the storm they created in the radar market after combining diamond and gallium nitride power components.

To put it bluntly, Daystar Technology has become quite popular now.

Although the size cannot be compared with giants such as Boeing, it will only happen sooner or later.

"The upgrade of Starlink satellites must also be done simultaneously. Multiple types of satellites must cooperate with each other to achieve the effect of one plus one being greater than two."

Venus Technology’s satellite technology is already very mature.

There are even large-scale satellite assembly lines.

But Cao Yang obviously does not intend to let one type of satellite completely dominate the Starlink satellite system.

As the technological level of enterprises in the Nanshan System continues to improve and the number of projects involved continues to increase, satellite technology is actually constantly changing.

For example, at the beginning, the main function of Starlink satellites was communication.

Slowly, some high-altitude reconnaissance tasks have now been incorporated.

Even among each batch of launch missions, there is a satellite whose main mission is reconnaissance, and even plays a role in interference under special circumstances.

Although so far, humans have not really experienced a space war.

But who knows what will happen in the future.

Venus Technology has so many satellites distributed in space, so it naturally needs to consider the safety of these satellites.

"We have been doing work in this area, and our satellites are manufactured using a modular production method. In the future, when the technology matures, we can also use special equipment to upgrade the satellites, or directly Perform maintenance and technical upgrades on some satellites in space.”

"We are also specifically developing some equipment to capture satellites, so that they can be used to great effect when satellites need to be recycled in the future."

Zhao Siyu spent a lot of time giving Cao Yang a good introduction to the Starlink satellite system, and then started talking about the progress of various aircraft projects.

"Kunpeng heavy transport helicopters have begun to be equipped in many departments, and the response from all aspects has been very good."

"However, this aircraft is not very practical on warships. Relevant departments are now eager to put the Eagle heavy transport helicopter into production."

"Especially in the southern seas, reclamation work continues, and the demand for heavy transport helicopters is still relatively strong."

"Starting from Qiongzhou, taking the Eagle can directly reach many specific islands and reefs, which will provide great assistance to relevant departments at critical moments."

Some time ago, the joint exercise between the United States and Luzon came to a hasty conclusion.

The American side also makes noises from behind every now and then, so all kinds of things will pop up.

Although China has been building various warships like dumplings in recent years, after all, the development time is still relatively short. If it wants to completely compete with the strength of the United States, it is obviously still beyond its capabilities.

The most important thing is that the speed of warships is far inferior to that of airplanes.

Once there is any movement, the aircraft can appear above the target islands and reefs in a few hours.

But warships can take days.

"Currently, all aspects of work are progressing as planned, and prototypes will be produced in the second half of this year."

"If the demand from relevant departments is relatively strong, we can combine the testing work with some tasks, so that relevant departments can use this product in advance."

Zhao Siyu naturally understands the urgent needs in the southern waters.

Although reclamation work is still in full swing, airports will also be built in some places in the future.

But at this stage, heavy transport helicopters are obviously the most convenient.

Of course, if it can be paired with some armed helicopters, the effect will naturally be better.

After all, the self-protection capabilities of transport aircraft are relatively weak and do not have much deterrence.

But if the armed helicopters directly dispatch missiles and rocket launchers, the situation will be different.

Whether it is the fishing boats or coast guard ships below, when they make some inappropriate actions, they must carefully consider whether they can withstand the anger brought by the armed helicopters.

Just to achieve long-distance deterrence, this is obviously not a task that ordinary armed helicopters can complete.

Venus Technology is also working on projects in this area.

It’s just that the priority is not as high as that of the Eagle and H-20.

"By the way, how is the drone mothership project that we jointly produced with Wenchong Shipyard going?"

Venus Technology will definitely not touch something like an aircraft carrier.

At most, it is to participate in some sub-projects.

But Cao Yang is very interested in various projects related to drones.

Until now, various drones have received a lot of development resources within Venus Technology.

Whether it is the Scorpion drone, unmanned helicopter, or Skyhawk drone that has been mass-produced and equipped with relevant departments, it is very popular with everyone.

In addition, several drones with special functions are also under development.

According to Cao Yang's idea, the relevant departments of China will be able to deploy one or several drone motherships in the southern waters.

As long as the performance of various drones is outstanding enough, the influence will definitely not be any worse than that of an aircraft carrier.

People can even integrate various tasks such as air defense, anti-submarine, electronic jamming, electronic reconnaissance, ground attack, and ship attack into the UAV formation.

An aircraft carrier may only be able to carry a hundred or so fighter jets, but a drone carrier is much more flexible.

People can put more drones in the cabin and take them out when needed.

In this way, one drone mothership may be able to meet the needs of hundreds or even thousands of drones.

In particular, Venus Technology is also researching runway-less take-off methods for various types of UAVs, which greatly improves the loading rate of UAVs.

"This project will basically be completed next year. At that time, the relevant departments will prepare to conduct an exercise with our technical team to confirm the combat effectiveness of this product."

"As long as this product is easy to use, the relevant departments will place orders for at least five ships."

Zhao Siyu is obviously very knowledgeable about the various projects being developed by the company.

In particular, Cao Yang is now more concerned about the development of Daystar Technology, so he is even more concerned about it.

Next, Cao Yang continued to confirm the progress of various other projects with Zhao Siyu before going to listen to the reports from Honor Technology and Nanshan Automobile Group.

"Mr. Cao, the market share of independent brands this year has increased significantly compared with last year."

"The sales of American car companies in China have basically dropped to zero. The resumption of production at GM and Changan Ford is also far away due to endless problems."

"Their own company has already given up on these two factories."

Zeng Tingting reported the overall situation of Nanshan Automobile Group to Cao Yang.

Although Cao Yang concurrently serves as the general manager of Nanshan Automobile Group, the actual daily work is handled by the two deputy general managers, Yao Yongxiang and Zeng Tingting.

The situation is similar for other groups.

To a certain extent, Cao Yang is more like a firefighter. He goes to help wherever he is needed.

"It is unrealistic to completely kill joint venture car companies. There are always some people who have feelings for joint venture cars and feel that the quality of models produced by international automobile giants must have advantages."

"However, it is completely feasible to compress their market share to a relatively low level."

"Judging from the current situation, everyone's understanding in this regard is relatively unified."

"The increase in the market share of independent brands should be the result of the joint efforts of Chery, Geely, Changan and other car companies."

Although Nanshan Automobile Group, as the leading brother, has done various things to target joint venture giants such as Japanese car companies, Korean car companies, and American car companies.

But other teammates must keep up.

"I think so too. Although the semi-annual reports of various independent brands in the first half of the year were very impressive, with sales continuing to increase, in fact, for companies such as BYD and Chery, their sales growth has actually reached a bottleneck. middle."

"I feel that in the next two to three years, their sales are likely to remain at about the same level as this year."

"On the contrary, the performance of various luxury car companies such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi in the next few years is worth looking forward to."

Zeng Tingting's vision is not bad either.

Most joint venture car companies have been suppressed in recent years.

If you look at the top 10 sales list, you can see a lot of things.

However, the diversified needs of the automobile market are relatively obvious, and not every independent brand can launch a variety of new technologies and new products to attract consumers like Nanshan Automobile Group.

Therefore, after sales increase to a certain level, it becomes very difficult to continue to increase.

Even after sales reached a level close to 100 million a year, these independent brands used their own engines and other methods to improve their control, which also led to an increase in quality problems than before.

This is definitely detrimental to the reputation of independent brand car companies. From the perspective of these independent brand car companies, there is definitely no problem in improving their technical level.

After all, we can't always leave core components such as engines and gearboxes to outside suppliers for production.

So what are these OEMs?

In the past, when there was nothing we could do, we would just endure it.

Now that everyone has gradually gained some funds, they naturally have more ideas.

But judging from the final result, the situation is not so optimistic.

Cao Yang also knew this.

"In terms of overall growth this year, Nanshan Hongqi and Changan Automobile, companies that are closer to us, should have a higher growth rate than other manufacturers, right?"

"I think we can continue to allocate resources appropriately."

"Car companies such as BYD, Yangcheng Trumpchi, Chery, Geely and Great Wall are already making some of their own engines and even preparing to make some of their gearboxes. We will treat them as ordinary customers."

"We supply engines, gearboxes and other core components to car companies such as Changan Automobile and Nanshan Hongqi, and can vigorously support their development."

"I think Changan Automobile and Nanshan Hongqi can compete for the sales championship in China in the future."

Cao Yang naturally does not have any altruistic purpose in helping various self-owned brand car companies in China develop.

The route that is in line with the interests of Nanshan Automobile Group is the route he supports most.

It has now suppressed the sales of major joint venture car companies.

It will not be so easy for them to rebound quickly next.

So among the domestic independent brand car companies, it is very important to provide selective support.

As long as it establishes a firm foothold in the next three years, the overall pattern of China's automobile market will almost be formed.

Of course, there may be some variables in electric vehicle-related projects.

But Cao Yang felt that with Nanshan Battery and Nanshan Auto Parts coming to interfere, the development of all aspects would develop in the direction Cao Yang expected.

After all, whether it’s technology, cost, or policies, Nanshan Automobile Group’s advantages are unmatched by anyone.

Zeng Tingting naturally fully understood Cao Yang's arrangement.

Even in the past year, this is pretty much what she did.

This can be more or less felt by the development and changes of sales of various car companies, as well as the changes of some hot searches on Autohome and Weibo.

"Mr. Zhu, Nanshan Hongqi's sales in the first half of this year have exceeded 36 vehicles. According to past conditions, sales in the second half of the year will definitely be higher than those in the first half."

"In the end, our sales this year exceeded 80 vehicles. I don't think the problem is too big."

Tao Wen and Zhu Zhengfeng are now focused on the independent project of Nanshan Hongqi.

As for the development of Spring City Volkswagen and Spring City Toyota, it is completely the icing on the cake.

Even thanks to the positioning of Nanshan Hongqi's models, Nanshan Hongqi's overall profit this year will be higher than that of Spring City Toyota, and will not be far behind that of Spring City Volkswagen.

Under this circumstance, the views of many people within Spring City Automobile Group will naturally undergo some changes.

After all, everyone knows that if independent projects develop well, they will definitely get much more credit than joint venture projects.

"Nanshan Automobile Group seems to be paying much more attention to our joint venture project now."

"Now, whether it is the speed of launching new models or cooperation in various publicity aspects, the other party has given a lot of support."

"It seems that what Mr. Cao said before about supporting Nanshan Hongqi to become the highest-selling car company in China was not just to comfort people."

Zhu Zhengfeng felt that his hardships had finally come to an end.

Nanshan Red Flag was not established just now.

In the first few years, the development of Nanshan Hongqi was obviously several levels behind compared with Chery, Geely and other independent brand car companies.

But now that latecomers have taken over, the situation is obviously different.

Nanshan Hongqi will have two new cars to be launched in the second half of this year. By then, not to mention the annual sales target of 80, even tens of thousands more vehicles will be possible. Zhu Zhengfeng thinks it is also possible.

By then, it will be completely possible to exceed the sales target of 100 million vehicles next year.

This is definitely a situation Zhu Zhengfeng hopes to see very much.

"For our project, although Nanshan Hongqi's shareholding ratio is not as high as ours, from the perspective of the entire industry chain, their ultimate profit will definitely be more than ours."

"Nanshan Automobile Group must also be very clear about this."

"Now Chery, Great Wall, BYD and other companies are slowly reducing the proportion of Nanshan engines installed. Even some manual transmissions have begun to abandon Nanshan transmissions."

"Although Mr. Cao has never expressed any dissatisfaction, the other party must also mind."

"I heard that Nanshan Engine is not planning to offer annual price reductions to several manufacturers such as Chery and Geely this year. The reason is that these engines have been in mass production for many years and have continued to reduce prices for many years. There is no room for price reduction."

"Even due to price fluctuations of some materials, costs have increased somewhat."

Tao Wen obviously has a clear understanding of the situation in the industry through investigation.

After all, this is closely related to Spring City Automobile Group.

"This is normal. If I were Mr. Cao, it wouldn't be surprising if I would go even further."

"Whether it is Chery, Geely, or Great Wall and BYD, their initial rapid development is inseparable from the contribution of Nanshan Automobile Group."

"In the past, when consumers mentioned independent brand car companies, they always felt that engines, gearboxes, and chassis were not popular. However, thanks to the efforts of Nanshan Automobile Group, this reputation has changed a lot."

"In the past two years, because everyone has increased the proportion of engines they produce, word-of-mouth has stagnated or even declined."

"This will definitely bring harm to the interests of Nanshan Automobile Group."

Zhu Zhengfeng saw the problem very clearly.

Therefore, Spring City Automobile Group has not bothered with any of its own engine projects in recent years.

All engines and gearboxes at Nanshan Hongqi are purchased from Nanshan Automobile Group.

No one is prepared to make any changes in this regard.

And because of this persistence, Nanshan Hongqi also has a good reputation in the market.

This made the opinions within Nanshan Red Flag more unified.

Changan Automobile has the same feelings as Zhu Zhengfeng.

Although there was some dissatisfaction from Changan Automobile due to the price increase of Nanshan batteries.

However, considering that Nanshan Battery has not only raised prices for itself, it has also raised prices for other customers.

Even when raising prices for other customers, our own annual price reduction cooperation is relatively high.

This means that the overall price increase for Changan Automobile is lower than that for other customers.

As a result, there will naturally be fewer opinions within Changan Automobile.

"Mr. Yi, according to the current development pace, the sales volume of our group's independent brand projects will definitely exceed 100 million vehicles."

"It is totally worth looking forward to becoming the country's top-selling car company by then."

After Zhang Lin obtained various data, he immediately came to Yi Jia's office to exchange relevant views.

Changan Automobile is a latecomer in the field of passenger cars.

Although their model projects are not as many as those of Chery and Geely, the sales volume of each product is relatively good.

When launching some new products, they are also willing to communicate with Nanshan Automobile Group and listen to each other's opinions.

For example, when it comes to electric vehicles, their most important ones now are Changan MINI and Changan Star, and the rest is an electric SUV.

Others are still under development.

Even though they only have three electric vehicles on sale, they sell more than any other car company.

Judging from this year's situation, the sales volume of electric vehicles alone will exceed 30.

This is definitely a very remarkable achievement, ranking first in the country, and even first in the world.

Just for these firsts, Yi Jia is willing to make a lot of compromises to Nanshan Automobile Group.

After all, these are solid political achievements.

"Modu General Motors has been abolished, and the sales of Modu Volkswagen and Spring City Volkswagen are just like that now."

"Chery, Geely, Great Wall and BYD made great progress in the past few years, and their sales volume was higher than ours, but their current growth rate is obviously not as good as ours."

"Even though their growth rate is higher than the industry average, there is still a big gap compared with us."

"As long as we stabilize the situation, the number one sales position in the country will really be ours."

Yijia will analyze the sales of each car company every month.

Therefore, he is relatively familiar with the changes in the industry.

The more this happened, the more he hoped that Changan Automobile could continue the carnival all the way.

Even if the first 60 to 70% of the profit from a car is taken away by the supplier, it doesn't matter.

What he cares about most is sales and production value. As long as he doesn't lose money, he can step aside for other things.

(End of this chapter)

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