Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 923: Shocking speed, the space station is about to be built

Chapter 923: Shocking speed, the space station is about to be built
If someone is happy, someone must be unlucky.

General Motors and Ford Motor Co. are faring poorly in China, with no signs of resumption of production in sight.

As a result, throughout the first half of 2014, their pressure on Korean car companies and Japanese car companies in the American market naturally became even greater.

As the best-performing Toyota car in the past, it was naturally in bad luck.

Even Katsaki Watanabe can no longer hold his position as president.

Akio Toyoda, the heir to the Toyota family, finally officially took over the reins of Toyota Motor from Katsaki Watanabe after many years of dormancy, hoping to reverse the current unfavorable situation.

But how can this kind of thing be reversed so easily by changing the president?
"President, our global sales dropped by 10% in the first half of this year, almost all caused by the decline in the American market."

"Because American car companies such as General Motors and Ford Motor used various means to suppress us, our sales in the United States were almost cut in half."

Kobayashi Zheming carefully reported the global sales situation.

When performance is good, there is nothing wrong with reporting.

On the other hand, when performance is not good, no matter how much preparation you make, you will easily get scolded when reporting.

After Akio Toyoda took office, in order to show his generosity, he rarely cursed people.

But it doesn't mean that people don't curse.

Especially in Japanese companies, the hierarchy between superiors and subordinates is very strict.

I'm one level above you.

“How are Honda, Nissan and Hyundai doing in the U.S. market?”

Akio Toyoda certainly didn’t know about the unfavorable situation in the American market until now.

It can be said that the unfavorable situation in the first half of the year has been anticipated before.

Therefore, Xiao Lin Zheming's worried scolding was not heard for the time being.

"Their situations are similar. Our sales in the United States have almost been cut in half."

"On the contrary, the global sales of General Motors and Ford not only did not decline, but also increased by two or three points."

Xiao Lin Zheming said very frustrated.

He certainly knows why the sales of General Motors and Ford have increased.

If it is lost in the Chinese market, it will be recovered in the local market.

It was clear that Toyota did nothing wrong, but it ended up being a victim.

That feeling is really bad.

Therefore, even if Toyota already had a response internally and tried to find ways to promote the depreciation of the yen to alleviate the situation, it would not be effective so quickly.

After all, the depreciation of the exchange rate cannot happen in a short period of time, otherwise the various impacts will be relatively large.

Just seeing the current situation, Tetsuaki Kobayashi feels that it is necessary to speed up the depreciation of the yen so that the exchange rate of the yen against the U.S. dollar will depreciate by at least 20% in the next year.

Otherwise, Toyota's situation in the United States will really be more difficult.

"In addition to the American market and the Chinese market, our sales in other places are still increasing."

"Most of the sales in these places are sold after domestic production, and are greatly affected by the exchange rate."

"In the past six months, through our efforts, the exchange rate has depreciated to a certain extent. This should have a certain impact on our income, right?"

The decline in sales cannot be resolved for the time being, but Akio Toyoda still does not want revenue to decline too quickly.

After all, the main purpose of opening a business is to make money.

As long as the revenue does not change much, even a slight decrease in sales is acceptable.

At least it's bearable.

"Since the American and Chinese markets account for a high proportion of sales, and our local sales are not very affected by the exchange rate, even the depreciation of the Japanese yen here will have a bad effect on our earnings."

"After all, we need to import some raw materials from overseas. As the yen depreciates, the cost of imports increases."

"So overall, our revenue in the first half of this year will still decline to a certain extent, and the effect of compensation in other markets is not particularly large."

When Tetsuaki Kobayashi said this, Akio Toyoda's face didn't look very good.

It wants sales, but there is no sales.

To make a profit, the profit falls.

It was indeed the wrong time for me to take over.

However, there is very little they can do in the United States.

Before the father has enough to eat, he definitely doesn’t want you, the son, to live a good life.

Unlike Toyota's situation, General Motors' situation is completely different.

"Exxon, our situation is completely stable. Exiting the Chinese market will have no impact on us."

"I think if that's the case, there's no need to continue spending money on companies like Modu General."

As the financial director of General Motors, Hendry was in a very good mood at this time.

General Motors once faced a relatively difficult situation. After breaking up with Nanshan Automobile Group at the end of last year, sales experienced a significant decline, causing the stock price to plummet.

Now this level is completely over.

"Then officially withdraw from the Chinese market!"

Exxon also has a very strong opinion of China.

Because of this, he has done a lot of related understanding work in the past six months, so it is very clear that as long as Nanshan Automobile Group wants to cause trouble, General Motors really has no chance in China.

After all, the influence of Nanshan Group companies in China is definitely much greater than the influence of General Motors in the United States.

As long as the United States does not lift its comprehensive suppression of Nanshan Group enterprises, this knot will not be resolved.

As long as the companies in the Nanshan System are still making various contributions to China's technological progress, it is impossible for the United States not to suppress them.

Even if many of the suppressive actions have not had much effect, they will not relax.

After all, it develops so fast under suppression. If there is no suppression, wouldn't it mean that it would have to fly into the sky?

Therefore, it is a more appropriate time to choose to officially announce its withdrawal from the Chinese market.

The stock market will not experience major fluctuations because of this matter.

After all, sales did not drop after General Motors withdrew from the Chinese market.

The situation that investors are worried about will no longer appear.

As for whether it will be affected in the future, that is a matter for the future.

Anyway, let’s get over the current hurdle first.

"Well, then let's officially announce the news when the second quarter financial report is released."

"We can also arrange for personnel to formally go to China to handle the relevant procedures for exiting the market."

Hendry was relieved to see Exxon listen to his advice.

Many of China's assets will become less valuable the longer they are delayed.

Get rid of it now while it's still worth a little money.

Otherwise, there will really be nothing left by then.

Naturally, Nanshan Automobile Group has also seen what happened in the United States.

The Chinese market is relatively busy, and the sales information of the previous month is often released on the first day of each month.

But in the United States, it often takes several days before they are announced one after another.

After Zeng Tingting compiled the relevant information, she immediately went to report to Cao Yang.

"Mr. Cao, I don't think we can let General Motors and Ford live a comfortable life."

"Otherwise, everyone will think that the Chinese market does not seem to be that important. Even if you withdraw from the Chinese market, you can still live a good life."

Zeng Tingting considered the problem relatively comprehensively.

In his view, this matter is not just a matter between Nanshan Automobile Group, General Motors and Ford, but a major event involving the investment importance of the entire China.

"General Motors and Ford Motor Company can maintain their overall sales without the Chinese market. That is because they sacrifice the interests of Japanese car companies and Korean car companies. Many people know this situation."

"But what you said is not unreasonable. We have to find a way to continue to make it difficult for General Motors and Ford."

Cao Yang is not a good man or woman.

For the companies involved in suppressing the Nanshan Group, he definitely wants them to have a difficult life.

The best thing is to be able to kill one or two families, that would be even better.

Of course, it is more difficult for companies like General Motors and Ford to kill others.

But it is entirely possible to stumble on someone's development path.

Even if it has withdrawn from the Chinese market, Nanshan Automobile Group still has some actions it can take.

For example, in overseas markets, we can continue to seize the market with General Motors and Ford, or let their competitors rush in and compete.

Anyway, as long as it can cause trouble for the other party, this can be done.

"General Motors and Ford have always attached great importance to the European market, but the European market has always been at a loss."

"Aren't the relations between Volkswagen, BMW and other car companies easing with us?"

"I think they definitely don't want to see what GM and Ford can do in Europe."

"When the time comes and everyone takes some targeted actions, I believe the other party will be interested."

Zeng Tingting quickly proposed some plans.

Although he is not sure what the final effect will be, there is nothing to lose if he gives it a try, so Cao Yang will naturally not object.


While everyone is paying attention to the market performance of various companies in the first half of the year, Venus Technology has begun to shift its focus to the establishment of the Chang'e Space Station.

The entire Chang'e space station was divided into twelve launches. Currently, eleven launches have been completed, and all work is proceeding very smoothly.

Now that it’s the last launch, all parties are naturally paying close attention.

Because after this launch is completed, it means that the Chang'e space station will be officially completed and used.

For this reason, Qian Junfeng from Aerospace Technology also flew to Yangcheng with Zhu Yuanming and others, and personally observed the last launch and related construction work in the flight control hall of Venus Technology.

"Mr. Cao, you have set a world record this time. You have built the huge Chang'e space station so quickly."

Qian Junfeng's mood at this time was rather complicated.

The space station belonging to China was about to be built successfully, so he was naturally very happy. But in comparison, the actions of Aerospace Science and Technology seem too slow.

Even if his superiors didn't blame him, sometimes he would feel a little embarrassed when people from other departments mentioned similar topics.

After all, aerospace technology spends a lot of money every year, but what about Daystar Technology?
They are private enterprises and do not need funding from China.

Comparing the two, it is more uncomfortable.

"Many things have almost settled down, and naturally they have accumulated a lot."

"Our various industries in China will see many explosive developments in the next ten years, and the space station is just one of them."

"For example, your aerospace science and technology and AVIC's various advanced weapons and equipment will gradually start to be equipped with relevant departments, right?"

Although a lot of information is still kept secret from the outside world, ten years later, the confidentiality level of many things will not be so high.

With advanced fighter jets like the J-20, ordinary people must not be able to figure out the situation.

No one is sure whether China has successfully developed the research and development, when it will be successfully developed, and how the speed of the equipment is arranged...

But ten years later, the J-20 is no longer a big secret.

Any netizen who cares about the military can tell you one, two, and three.

This advanced fighter jet will basically be installed in relevant teams starting this year.

Of course, this is just the beginning, the scale is not yet large, and the output is still increasing.

Although Qian Junfeng is not from AVIC, he still knows some information in this regard.

Another example is the Dongfeng 17 hypersonic short- and medium-range conventional ballistic missile owned by Aerospace Science and Technology. Under normal circumstances, it would be officially unveiled during the National Day military parade in 2019.

But the time for this missile to be put into service is definitely not 2019.

Looking back, it should have been completed around 2014.

It can be said that many of China's equipment have begun to develop explosively at this point in time.

The fact that many of Venus Technology's equipment can achieve breakthroughs in a relatively short period of time is also related to this overall technical foundation.

Of course, it must be more that Cao Yang, the golden finger, is pushing it, otherwise Venus Technology cannot be more powerful than Aerospace Technology and AVIC.

It is a gathering of high-end talents in related fields across China.

Don't look at the fact that many people don't have much visibility outside. That's because of the need for confidentiality.

In fact, their technical strength is absolutely outstanding.

"After this launch mission is over, what are the next steps for Venus Technology?"

Qian Junfeng did not use Cao Yang's topic to continue the in-depth exchange.

After all, a lot of things there are highly confidential.

When he is in his position, if he is not strict with his mouth, he will not be able to sit down at all.

So he naturally changed the topic.

"Of course it's a manned space experiment in cooperation with your aerospace technology."

"Although the size of our space station is smaller than that of the International Space Station, the internal space is not very different."

"The number of astronauts that can be stationed on the space station at one time can reach at least five. Even if they are stationed for a short period of time, seven or eight astronauts will be no problem."

“If necessary later, we can further expand.”

For the Chang'e space station, Venus Technology has also made great efforts.

Various advanced technologies within the Nanshan Group's enterprises have been used on the Chang'e space station.

It can be said that this is definitely the most advanced space station in the world.

Compared with the International Space Station, which is also floating in the sky, its performance in all aspects is completely incomparable.

Of course, comparing the International Space Station to the Chang'e Space Station is a bit bullying.

After all, it was a product that was launched more than ten years ago, and there must be a big gap between the technology at that time and now.

Especially in terms of high-end carbon fiber and electronic and electrical equipment, they are not at the same level as now.

For example, gallium nitride solar panels, there was no such thing at that time.

The difference in this one thing alone makes a big difference in the weight and size of the space station.

For the same power generation, the International Space Station requires more than ten times the area of ​​solar panels as the Chang'e Space Station.

This gap may be acceptable on the ground.

But in space, it is really terrible.

Launch costs, system stability and safety…

The differences are not small.

"Although our manned aviation industry has been developing for many years, it has always been about traveling in space, and it is more about preparing for subsequent missions."

"Now we have the opportunity to conduct experiments directly on the space station and allow astronauts to stay in space for a long time. The meaning is really the same."

"But most of your experimental projects are tasks assigned by Nanshan Group enterprises."

"Can you spare some space and time for us?"

Obviously, Qian Junfeng wanted to pay Venus Technology for free.

People spent a lot of manpower and material resources to build the space station, but you want to use it casually?

how can that be possible?
Cao Yang is also planning to use the Chang'e space station to attract other wealthy people and countries to invest.

Maybe cost recovery will depend on this trick.

So he directly rejected Qian Junfeng's idea.

"Mr. Qian, regarding specific business cooperation, you can arrange for someone to have a good communication with Zhao Siyu and the others."

"Our space station is recruiting partners from around the world for joint development and cooperation."

"Whether it's aerospace technology, the European Space Agency, or other countries and companies, we welcome them."

After hearing what Cao Yang said, Qian Junfeng did not continue to bother about arranging aerospace technology experiments.

He is also a face-conscious person.

For Venus Technology’s space station project, Aerospace Technology really didn’t put much effort into it.

More often than not, they are stealing from others.

I want to learn some relevant experience on my own space station in the future.

By then China will have two space stations operating in space, which makes people look forward to it just thinking about it.

"Has the European Space Agency approached you for cooperation?"

Since we are going to talk about cooperation later, it would be good to first understand the cooperation model of the European Space Agency.

After all, it has some reference significance.

After figuring out the cooperation plan from Daystar Technology, he felt confident when he returned.

"Yes, the European Space Agency is not slow at all."

"The price offered by the other party is quite sincere."

"They hope to arrange for a European Space Agency astronaut to go to the Chang'e space station in the future. All the costs of this astronaut will be borne by the European Space Agency."

"Although the final cooperation plan has not yet been decided, the funding will definitely be in billions of dollars."

Cao Yang casually revealed some relevant information, and then began to look at the screen in the flight control hall and chat with Qian Junfeng about topics related to the structure of the Chang'e space station.

Since every space launch of Venus Technology is broadcast live to the outside world, this time is no exception.

Therefore, whether at home or abroad, many people are staring at the live broadcast and want to watch the construction of the Chang'e space station.

SpaceX and NASA are no exception.

They are the group of people who are most concerned about this matter.

"Gryffin, the Chinese are developing too fast. We must be wary of the threats they bring."

John also came to the Space Exploration Technology Company with Griffin and others today. While everyone was watching the construction of the Chang'e space station, they also had other arrangements to make.

"It is indeed a bit exaggerated. We have cooperated with polar bears and many other countries, and it has taken us more than ten years to develop the International Space Station to what it is now."

"But China has launched the space station project in just two years."

"Even less than three months have passed since the first launch of the core module. The Chang'e space station is about to be completed."

"If it hadn't happened in front of everyone, I wouldn't believe it anyway."

Griffin's mood at this time was very complicated.

Although Daystar Technology announced relevant plans very early, plans are plans, and whether they can be implemented in the end is another matter.

Many of NASA's plans failed in the end.

The relevant departments have no intention of pursuing the case.

But it's different with Daystar Technology. All announced plans must be completed on time, or even ahead of schedule.

This makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

We are all engaged in aerospace work. You have made such great progress, and I feel a lot of pressure.

"That's why everyone should take various measures as soon as possible to prevent the rise of China. They have already threatened our status."

John shrugged his shoulders and sneered.

He is definitely very enthusiastic about suppressing China.

After all, this is in his personal interests as well as the interests of the department he represents.

Even the military giants in the United States are very interested in suppressing China.

After all, if we want to suppress China, we must invest more money in the military industry.

And these funds must eventually fall into the pockets of those military industry giants.

None of America's military products are cheap.

Of course there is a reason for the relatively high cost, but is it really just because of the high cost?
There are many things here that cannot be studied in detail.

Otherwise, the interests of a group of people will be harmed and a group of people will be unlucky!

(End of this chapter)

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