Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 924: Emergency Chapter Escape, the situation escalates

Chapter 924 Emergency avoidance, the situation escalates

Rocket launches are nothing new for Daystar Technology.

Whether it is the Starlink satellite project or the launch mission of the Chang'e space station itself, they are all familiar with the process.

Therefore, the twelfth launch mission of the space station project was naturally successful without exception.

Next is the most critical issue of construction and docking with the space station.

Although I am already very proficient, it will definitely take some time.

In Qian Junfeng's view, Daystar Technology's Chang'e space station has been completed.

However, just as everyone was leisurely waiting for the last component of the space station to be completed, the situation suddenly changed.

A red exclamation mark suddenly appeared on a certain screen in the flight control hall.

At the same time, the "beep beep" alarm sounded.

The expressions of those present immediately changed and they quickly confirmed.

"Mr. Cao, there is a UFO approaching our space station rapidly. The system predicts that there is a certain probability of collision."

"So the collision warning signal went off."

Zhao Siyu quickly confirmed the preliminary situation.

Daystar Technology has many satellites in space.

The Chang'e space station itself also has certain reconnaissance and early warning capabilities.

When walking in space, dangers such as collisions with meteorites or space debris need to be considered in advance.

I just didn't expect that such an unexpected situation would occur before the space station was fully assembled.

This made Zhao Siyu feel quite depressed.

This is too much luck, right?

"It's too much of a coincidence that a UFO is approaching our space station at this time, isn't it?"

"Can you confirm what this UFO is?"

Cao Yang frowned and felt that the situation was a bit strange.

In space, it is possible for UFOs to collide with satellites and other equipment.

However, similar cases in recent years are actually relatively rare.

The Chang'e space station will conduct its last launch mission this year, and then it will be completed.

When an accident occurs at this special time, it is difficult for people to believe that it is really an accident.

"Mr. Cao, it has been confirmed that it is a Starlink satellite launched by the Space Exploration Technology Corporation a few days ago and is heading towards our space station."

"The flight orbit of this satellite overlaps to a certain extent with the orbit of our space station."

Before Zhao Siyu and Cao Yang exchanged a few words, technicians confirmed the further situation.

After all, with such a big early warning signal, people from all walks of life naturally took action quickly.

After a little investigation, it will be clear what is coming towards the space station.

“SpaceX’s Starlink satellite?”

Cao Yang's expression changed, and he smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Is the other party testing something, or does he really want to cause a collision?
Although no matter what the final situation is, the other party will definitely say it was unexpected.

But who believes it?

"Mr. Cao, we are the biggest competitor of Space Technology Exploration Company in the world."

"They came here with bad intentions this time."

Zhao Siyu obviously didn't think this was a coincidence.

Even if it is really a coincidence, Daystar Technology will not really regard it as a coincidence.

This relationship is officially concluded.

"How long until the other party's satellite is expected to reach the space station area?"

Although Cao Yang was angry, he was not panicked.

The other party's approach will only make him feel disgusted, but in fact he will definitely not hit the space station.

Unless the satellite designed by the other party is not a satellite at all, but an actively guided weapon.

That way the nature is completely different.

Cao Yang felt that this situation should not happen.

At least in 2014, the situation between the two sides did not reach the point of direct use of weapons.

If this were the case, the world would be completely different.

So if you just deliberately approach and disgust Venus Technology, then you can avoid the collision as long as you adjust the orbit urgently.

It will nothing more than affect the final assembly work.

"It is expected to arrive near our space station in another three hours."

"Mr. Cao, should we contact the Space Exploration Technology Company urgently and ask them to adjust the orbit quickly?"

Zhao Siyu knows that whether it is the Starlink satellite of the Space Exploration Technology Company or the satellite of his own company, they actually have a certain ability to change orbits.

This capability is also achieved through Hall thrusters.

It's just that the Hall thrusters used on Starlink satellites have extremely small thrust, which is completely different from the ones on the Chang'e space station.

However, for satellites used in space, a little thrust is basically enough.

So as long as we contact the other party now and ask the Space Exploration Technology Company to adjust the orbit of the satellite, it is possible that the collision warning will be lifted.

However, Cao Yang did not agree to this plan.

"I think we will definitely encounter similar things in the future. Let's treat today as a drill."

"It just so happens that I have long disliked Space Exploration Technology Company, so I don't need any more excuses for revenge."

Cao Yang would definitely not sit idly by if the other party disgusted him at this time.

In space, the United States is not the only one with satellites.


The Chang'e space station will undergo final assembly work today. Many people know this.

Except for Venus Technology and Aerospace Technology, which will have a large number of satellites to observe this formation, other countries are actually not idle either.

Everyone wanted to personally observe the progress of this rare construction work.

After all, many problems can be seen from this action.

It can even be inferred to a certain extent that some of China's technical capabilities in related fields can be inferred.

"Dmitri, this situation is getting more and more interesting."

"I didn't expect that the United States would actually do something for Daystar Technology at this time."

"Although there is a high probability that it will not cause any actual losses to the Chang'e space station, it will definitely disrupt the assembly of their final components."

For such an important matter in the aerospace field, Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Company must keep an eye on it.

So after Daystar Technology confirmed the collision warning information, Polar Bear quickly calculated similar information.

Everyone has satellites in the sky, and some even have satellites tasked with monitoring meteorites hitting the earth.

Therefore, there are dedicated people watching the movement trajectories of each aircraft.

Once something unexpected happens, these large organizations can get the news relatively quickly.

At this time, the Chang'e space station encountered the risk of collision with the Starlink satellite of the Space Exploration Technology Company. Grotin would never believe that this was an accident.

In this world, many so-called accidents are caused by publicity becoming accidents because it is inconvenient to announce the truth.

As a polar bear who was once on an equal footing with the United States, he has his own judgment on many things in space.

"Although the satellite belongs to Space Exploration Technology Company, I think this matter should not be solely a decision made by Space Exploration Technology Company itself."

Demetri also quickly gave his judgment.

In his view, SpaceX is just an executor, and it is certainly not them who makes the decision.

"I think so too. The rapid development of the space exploration technology company is the result of NASA's strong support behind it."

"So this matter must have something to do with NASA, and even with relevant departments in the United States."

Grotin was exposed to a lot of information.

Even a lot of information obtained by the relevant departments on the polar bear side will be shared with them.

So he is also very clear about many things in the United States.

"I think Daystar Technology should also know about things that we can all guess."

"I'm just not sure how the other party will deal with this."

Dmitry naturally agreed with Grogin's statement.

But now he really wants to know what countermeasures China will take.

As for the collision, he thought it would not actually happen.

In addition to the Hall thrusters, the Chang'e space station also has rocket engines.

The purpose is to adjust the trajectory and attitude in an emergency.

"I think there is a high probability that they will just condemn it, and at most ask the other party to apologize."

Based on his past understanding of the Chinese side, Grogin felt that it was just a satellite that might collide with the Chang'e space station, and there was no evidence that it was intentional, so the Chinese side just wanted to make some big noise, and it was probably relatively small. difficult.

This point is more consistent with Demetri's view.

Of course, the current space situation has changed a lot from a few years ago, and they also want to see if the actual situation is the same as they predicted.

The one with similar ideas is the European Space Agency.

In the past two years, the number of cooperation projects between the European Space Agency and Daystar Technology has continued to increase.

Recently, we are discussing cooperation on the Chang'e space station.

Therefore, compared to other agencies, the European Space Agency is actually more concerned about the construction and subsequent operation of the Chang'e space station.

The satellite in the United States may collide with the space station of Venus Technology. Naturally, they detected this information as soon as possible.

"Werner, Chang'e has encountered the crisis of satellite collision before it has started formal operations."

'I think this situation is likely to escalate in the future. '

Joseph was a little worried and stood in front of a huge screen with Werner.

The European Space Agency naturally has its own flight control center.

Today they are all here to watch the construction of the Chang'e space station.

Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened at this time.

"This situation is really surprising. I didn't expect the reaction from the United States to be so strong."

"If this is the case, then the safety of the Chang'e space station needs to be re-evaluated."

"If the astronauts we cooperate with stay on their space station in the future and a collision occurs, it will be very troublesome."

Werner is also a little confused now. He took the lead in cooperating with Daystar Technology to send European Space Agency's own astronauts into space to work in the space station.

This premise must be that there is no problem with the safety performance of the Chang'e space station in all aspects.

Daystar Technology's own astronauts have also been conducting experiments on it for a certain period of time.

But now, this risk has already appeared before anything has started.

In this case, he definitely needs to reconsider the feasibility of this cooperation.

The United States must have wanted to achieve such a goal when they suddenly did something like that.

They can't see how good Daystar Technology is.

"Normally speaking, if a satellite is just flying near the space station, even if there is a risk of collision, it can be foreseen and controlled."

"I'm afraid that the United States' methods will become more intense. If some weapons and equipment are used on the space station, it will be troublesome."

Joseph knew that those people in America had no bottom line in what they did.

Although the possibility of direct use of force is very low, no one can completely rule out this possibility.

After all, China's development speed in space exploration is a bit too fast.

The United States definitely hopes to hold back.

"This worry should be unnecessary. It is impossible for the United States to directly resort to such drastic measures."

"Then it's not an accident, it's a declaration of war."

Although Werner is worried about the current situation, he doesn't think it will develop to such a bad level.

After all, as the boss, he definitely doesn't want to fight against the second one himself. The risk is too great.

After all, the third and fourth sons are eager for you to cause a ruthless fight so that they can take advantage later.

So conflicts will always exist, but they cannot be so intense.

"Even so, I think the operation of the Chang'e space station will be affected to a certain extent."

"I think it is necessary to re-evaluate the cooperation between the two parties."

"At least we shouldn't be so anxious to sign a formal cooperation agreement with Daystar Technology."

"Let's see how they respond first."

Werner did not object to Joseph's proposal.

Anyway, even if a formal cooperation agreement is signed, personnel will not be arranged to take off so quickly.

There is obviously no problem if we have a good communication on the specific terms first and extend the negotiation time.


While Polar Bear United Rocketry and the European Space Agency were watching the excitement, everyone inside the Space Exploration Technology Company was slowly becoming nervous.

According to the trajectory of the Starlink satellites they adjusted, it will really miss the position of the Chang'e space station.

Although the nearest place is still hundreds of meters away, with America's control technology, the error will not be so large that it will directly hit it.

But if Chang'e doesn't make any emergency adjustments to its orbit, there will still be certain risks.

For various aircraft in space, emergency orbit adjustment capability is actually a very important technical capability.

To a certain extent, this is related to the research and development of American space weapons.

After all, the development of space weapons must deal with various satellites and other space equipment.

What kind of mobility your target has is naturally a very important consideration.

After all, space is too big.

No matter what weapon is used, the distance is usually relatively long.

"Our Starlink satellite will pass the Chang'e space station in one hour."

Diers will report to everyone on the status of his satellites every once in a while.

At the same time, he will also explain to everyone what is going on at the Chang'e space station.

"Is there any action from Daystar Technology?"

"Isn't it because you didn't realize the danger was coming?"

Griffin asked from the side.

What he is most interested in is what response plan Venus Technology will adopt.

Although this operation does not expect to directly destroy Daystar Technology's Chang'e space station, it does hope to give the opponent a decisive blow.

It would be embarrassing if Daystar Technology did not detect an approaching UFO.

It's equivalent to trying to scare people, but failing to achieve the goal.

"I just received an urgent call from the other party, hoping that we would adjust the orbit of the satellite."

"However, our people said they needed time to investigate and did not make any promises."

"This shows that they have detected the danger, but have not taken specific actions yet."

"Their last building blocks were launched today."

"According to the plan, the docking work is now underway."

"I guess they are now debating whether to continue the docking work as planned or whether to prepare to start emergency orbit adjustments to avoid this risk."

Diers reported the latest news he had just received.

This made the people present even more excited about Daystar Technology’s next moves.

This is the first time that the United States has taken the initiative to provoke Daystar Technology's aircraft in space. It will definitely have a series of impacts on many future actions.

Everyone in the flight control hall of the Space Exploration Technology Company must hope that the situation will develop in a direction that is beneficial to them.

"The Chang'e space station seems to have accelerated the progress of component assembly."

At this time, another technician noticed changes in the Chang'e space station.

Generally speaking, all kinds of actions in space are relatively gentle.

Now suddenly sped up, it's easy to spot.

"They are quite calm."

"Are you sure we won't dare to hit him?"

Masco was a little surprised by the reaction from Daystar Technology.

In his view, the most important thing is to start orbit adjustment as early as possible and keep the space station in a safe environment.

Space is so vast. As long as you take action in advance, it is not particularly difficult to avoid a possible collision caused by a satellite.

And the sooner you act, the greater the adjustment and the lower the risk of being hit.

It stands to reason that many people know this truth.

However, Venus Technology is not moving in the direction everyone imagined.

"If they are really so sure that we don't dare to collide, then we will destroy part of their solar panels next time."

"Let's see how the other party reacts."

Griffin sneered, feeling as if he had been provoked.

After all, the feeling of being ignored is too uncomfortable.


While the United States was watching the movements of the Chang'e space station, a group of people were also busy quickly at the flight control center of Venus Technology.

The originally planned assembly steps have now been adjusted.

If there is an emergency orbit change, there will definitely be no problem with the part with the core module, and the orbit change can be completed quickly.

But the twelfth component that was just launched today is different.

This component happens to have no power, so it is difficult to move it.

It would be very troublesome if the core cabin part wanted to continue to connect to the twelfth component after adjusting the track.

After all, we have to slowly readjust to the original track.

There's quite a bit of work involved.

So Cao Yang, Zhao Siyu and others discussed it and decided that it would be better to continue setting up the space station.

Then perform emergency evasion.

"Mr. Cao, according to the current progress, the preliminary assembly work can be completed in another thirty minutes. Some remaining inspection work can be completed after the orbit change."

Zhao Siyu couldn't help but touch the sweat on his forehead.

The situation today is really tense.

This is a situation that no one has thought of before.

"Then as we just discussed, we will make an emergency orbit change in thirty minutes to avoid the Space Exploration Technology Corporation's Starlink satellite."

Cao Yang was very calm.

He is now considering what revenge plan would be more appropriate.

A gentleman's revenge is never too late.

He didn't recognize this truth.

If you don't have the ability, you can only say ten years is not too late. If you have the strength, revenge will not last overnight.

Obviously, Venus Technology still has some strength in space.

Especially since some satellite jamming facilities have been deployed in advance, it is entirely possible to use the American satellites by then.

Of course, you need to carefully consider how big the scale is.

After all, Cao Yang also knew that with China's current situation, it was impossible to completely break up with the United States.

If Daystar's counterattack goes too far, it might be counterproductive.

"Mr. Cao, I have just reported the situation encountered by Venus Technology's space station to the relevant departments."

"The relevant departments will also negotiate with the United States at that time."

"At the same time, there is a project that our aerospace technology has been promoting before. I wonder if Venus Technology is interested in participating?"

Qian Junfeng had seen the whole process of Daystar Technology, so he naturally had some thoughts in his mind.

He is naturally very aware of the strength of Daystar Technology.

For some projects, if the other party can participate, the effect will definitely be better.

Even if it does not participate, Venus Technology itself can consider developing a similar product.

"What project?"

Cao Yang was a little curious about what Qian Junfeng was talking to him about at this time.

"Missile hits satellite!"

A few words came out of Qian Junfeng's mouth, which made Cao Yang interested.

(End of this chapter)

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