Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 928: Big orders, Tianzhu is stimulated

Chapter 928: Big orders, Tianzhu is stimulated

"The positioning of our other helicopters is different from the CH-53."

“We all target different customers.”

"So even if the sales price of CH-53 drops significantly, it will not have a big impact on other products."

"On the contrary, if we do nothing, then CH-53 sales will plummet, which will be even more troublesome."

When Stephens said this, Ivanchuk did not directly refute.

After all, this is indeed the truth.

Even though Daystar Technology’s Eagle heavy-lift transport helicopter has not yet been mass-produced, it will be a matter of time.

It is not surprising that some customers may postpone their original purchase plans in order to wait for Venus products.

"CH-53 is a very excellent product, and the demand for it in the international market is actually very strong."

"In the past, the sales price was too high, with one unit costing hundreds of millions of dollars. Most countries simply could not afford the equipment."

"This time we can appropriately reduce part of the configuration, and then directly give a sales price of less than 5000 million US dollars."

"When the price drops, the demand in the market may increase a lot, and we may not make much less money in the end."

Seeing that Ivanchuk was a little undecided, Stephens added his opinion again.

In his view, it is absolutely necessary to continuously expand the influence of CH-53 and increase its sales.

"Even if we lower the sales price of the CH-53 to US$5000 million, it's probably still higher than the Eagle from Daystar Technology, right?"

"After all, the previous sales price of Kunpeng heavy transport helicopters of the same type in the international market was only over 30 million US dollars."

As soon as Ivanchuk said these words, Stephens actually knew that his attitude had changed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have expressed his worries.

"The sales price of Huaxia's products has always been lower than ours, which is in line with everyone's perception."

"Our customers are willing to spend more of their budget to purchase American products under the same circumstances."

"Of course, this gap cannot be too big."

"For example, the gap between more than 5000 million US dollars and million US dollars should still be acceptable to many customers."

"Besides, when you buy a heavy transport helicopter, you definitely don't just look at the price."

"Things such as quality must also be carefully considered."

"Our CH-53s have been widely deployed in the United States and its allies for decades. They are used very well in all aspects and the quality is very stable."

"On the other hand, the Eagle heavy transport helicopter, even though its performance on paper is very good, has not been tested in actual combat and no customer has actual experience."

"In addition to relevant departments in China, other international customers will definitely have some concerns."

I have to say that Stephens’s analysis is not unreasonable.

After all, whether it is more than 30 million US dollars or 50 million US dollars, it is not cheap.

Especially for some small countries, this cost is even higher.

In this case, various concerns certainly need to be considered.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, someone will need to step forward and take the blame.

"What you said makes sense. We can make appropriate adjustments and see how the market responds."

Ivanchuk ultimately agreed with Stephens.

Some actions quickly began within Sikorsky.

Compared with the various actions on Sikorsky's side, the situation on Boeing's side is a little more complicated.

On the one hand, the positioning of the Eagle heavy transport helicopter is not exactly the same as any of Boeing's products.

Therefore, the competition between everyone is relatively not that fierce.

But on the other hand, both the Eagle and Kunpeng are heavy transport helicopters, and there is still some overlap in the market.

Coupled with the overall competitive relationship between Daystar Technology and Boeing, this situation requires even more comprehensive consideration.

"David, when do you think Daystar Technology's CH-53 will be officially launched on the market?"

As the president of Boeing, Muilenburg felt that the Eagle heavy transport helicopter was a copy of the CH-53, so he directly replaced it with the CH-53.

Although the CH-53 is a product of Sikorsky, not Boeing, Muilenburg still does not want to see Daystar Technology being able to imitate it.

There is a certain tacit understanding between Boeing and Sikorsky when it comes to selling heavy transport helicopters.

On the one hand, our R&D costs are almost the same as production costs. If we engage in vicious competition, it will be a lose-lose situation.

On the other hand, the positioning of the two products in the United States is that one is for land and the other is for sea. The level of competition between us is not that great.

Therefore, both parties have a tacit understanding when dealing with the outside world, and the sales price and various conditions are almost the same.

Now that Daystar Technology has broken in, the situation is naturally different.

By then, let alone a tacit understanding of cooperation, it will be impossible to use less means when competing.

"For an ordinary company, it would take two or three years from the appearance of the prototype to formal mass production. It is not surprising that it may even take longer."

"But if this company is Daystar Technology, I feel like it might be able to go into mass production next year."

David didn't mean to lower the morale on his side.

But he has been dealing with Daystar Technology for so many years and has a relatively full understanding of the strength of Daystar Technology.

This company must not be evaluated using common sense, otherwise there will definitely be errors in judgment.

David definitely didn't want to see this situation.

Because errors in judgment will further worsen the situation.

"If it can be put into mass production next year, then they will probably start promoting their products this year."

"This is not good news for our CH-47."

Muilenburg frowned.

Although there are clear distinctions between CH-47 and CH-53 in the United States, the situation in the international market is different.

For example, the CH-53 can be used not only at sea, but also on land without any problems.

This means that the emergence of Daystar Technology’s CH-53 will not only have an impact on Sikorsky, but also Boeing.

"Yes, Daystar Technology is now our biggest potential threat."

"I think it is necessary to comprehensively analyze this company and adopt some comprehensive response plans, otherwise more and more adverse situations may occur in the future."

David obviously attaches great importance to Venus Technology as a competitor.

According to the information he learned, in addition to the products already produced by Daystar Technology, there are several products under development that will also pose a threat to Boeing.

The most obvious one is the Daystar 777.

If this civil aviation airliner is developed, it will definitely have a huge impact on Boeing.

Some other products will also shake Boeing's dominance in the aerospace industry.

"The situation in China has changed very quickly in the past few years. The current attitude of relevant departments towards China is somewhat unable to keep up with the new situation."

"In the next general election, we need to reconsider the candidates we support."

"I'm sure some other personnel will reconsider this issue."

As the president of Boeing, Muilenburg's influence is naturally not small, and he naturally knows a lot of information.

It can be said that many of the subsequent changes in the United States did not happen suddenly.

If you carefully analyze what happened in the past, you will find that everything is traceable.

Naturally, David did not put forward any different opinions regarding his boss's opinions.

He even took the initiative to communicate with some other military industrial companies to see how they could find a way to deal with the rise of Daystar Technology.


The emergence of the Eagle heavy-lift transport helicopter is definitely very bad news for Sikorsky and Boeing.

But for China, the situation is naturally completely different.

AVIC was originally the leading company in China's aviation industry, and heavy transport helicopters were something they had always wanted to catch up with.

However, no effective breakthrough has been achieved in these years.

Now that Daystar Technology has built the Eagle, Zhao Tianling couldn't help but take people to visit.

Needless to say, after the visit, I was definitely shocked in various ways.

After all, the things that AVIC has been struggling with for so many years have now been solved so quickly by Daystar Technology.

It must be very stimulating.

"Lao Wan, I think we can deepen the content of the cooperation with Daystar Technology on some of the projects mentioned before."

"They are also studying general-purpose medium-sized helicopters, and even armed helicopters like the Apache."

"We are also working on projects in this area. If all of them are led by Daystar Technology by then, our funds may start to decrease in the future."

Wan Jinniu is the head of AVIC’s helicopter business.

Zhao Tianling will definitely put pressure on him after the visit.

Even he knew that AVIC's helicopter technology had actually made some achievements in recent years, and the progress was pretty good.

But I am afraid of comparison in everything.

With Daystar Crossover in front of us, AVIC's progress is completely inadequate.

You can't compare Tianzhu and Japan all day long, right?
"I feel that Daystar Technology has become much more interested in entering the military industry in the past year."

"In the past, they always emphasized that they were producing civilian products and seemed not to be interested in military products."

"But now this trend has changed, and they have proactively started research on many military products."

"Relevant departments have also begun to directly connect with them on some military projects."

"For projects like armed helicopters, I feel that the other party is likely to directly pursue them themselves."

Wan Jinniu's feeling is obviously very accurate.

Although he didn't know the reason, the result was relatively clear.

The reason why he is worried is because in the United States and Polar Bear, there is more than one company researching helicopters in the country.

Even for products of the same level, there are two or even multiple companies competing.

This is definitely good for improving technology. After all, competition is the only way to achieve faster technological progress.

When polar bears competed with the United States, many technologies made rapid progress.

On the contrary, in the past twenty years, there have been many fewer breakthroughs in this area.

In the eyes of relevant departments in China, if both AVIC and Daystar Technology can produce some helicopter products or other products, then they will definitely support the simultaneous development of both parties.

In this way, the initiative lies in the hands of relevant departments.

Unlike before, many project-related departments actually had no choice.

Whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied, you have to use it.

Otherwise there will be nothing for you to use.

"The general environment is beginning to change now, and Mr. Cao's strategic planning capabilities have always been very strong."

"The funding for relevant departments is increasing every year, and the procurement of various advanced equipment will also increase."

"Enterprises in the Nanshan system have faced various kinds of suppression internationally, and they must have suffered a lot in recent years."

"The best way to completely change this situation is to continuously improve China's strength in all aspects, especially its military strength."

"Daystar Technology has the strength to develop various advanced military products, so we will not miss the opportunity at this time."

Zhao Tianling is quite open to this change.

My own strength is not as good as others, so I can't still hold back, right?
The entire international environment is changing, and he has already felt it.

It may take a few more years for ordinary people to truly feel the most direct changes, but people of Zhao Tianling's level can receive all aspects of information.

So the sense of smell will be more acute.

At this time, China really needs to quickly strengthen its strength in all aspects.

After all, this world is still a world of the weak and the strong.

If your fist is not strong enough, your words will not have much effect.

"This should also be a very important reason."

Wan Jinniu naturally understood what Zhao Tianling said, "But I think that they want to make Nanshan Group companies immune to changes in the international market to the greatest extent, which should be a big reason."

"By making the military industry bigger and stronger, most of Daystar Technology's turnover will eventually occur in China. In this way, their fundamentals will be stabilized."

"Otherwise, if most of the turnover occurs overseas, there will be many uncontrollable factors."

Wan Jinniu has witnessed with his own eyes various things that the United States has done to suppress enterprises in the Nanshan Group.

It can be said that there is probably no other company in China that has been suppressed so many times.

What's admirable is that despite so much suppression, companies in the Nanshan Group can still thrive.

This is also an important reason why China's domestic industrial circles admire Nanshan-based companies.

If there are some differences between one person and another person, it is easy to feel jealousy.

But no matter how big the gap between us is, there is often no jealousy.

Many enterprises in China have a little bit of this flavor in their current relationships with enterprises in the Nanshan Group.

"Although Daystar Technology is now aggressively entering the military industry and has launched many related projects."

“But I don’t think this means there are no opportunities for cooperation.”

"If they really don't want to cooperate with us, then they can find reasons to refuse this visit to the production line of the Eagle heavy transport helicopter."

"Besides, we already have a very close relationship on the H-20, and it is normal to have a few more projects."

Zhao Tianling is obviously quite optimistic about the cooperation between the two parties.

Although competition between the two companies may become more intense in the future, cooperation is still the main focus at this stage.

After all, China still has a lot of military products that need to upgrade its technology.

This cake is big enough to accommodate two companies, AVIC and Daystar Technology.

"That's true. Their equipment, raw materials, and engines are all sold to external parties."

"In this case, even if we don't cooperate directly with Daystar Technology, it is possible to cooperate with other Nanshan companies."

When Wan Jinniu said this, Zhao Tianling immediately nodded.

Among the companies in the Nanshan Group, Venus Technology is not the only one that is strong.

It's just that during this period, Venus Technology was more prominent among relevant departments.

Even AVIC has such a high opinion of Daystar Technology, so naturally the relevant departments will not be bad either.

So soon, the Eagle heavy transport helicopter received the first batch of 200 orders, and the price was basically the same as that of the Kunpeng heavy transport helicopter.

Compared with Kunpeng, Eagle is very suitable for deployment on plateaus and solves the special needs of many places.

Therefore, after the relevant Chinese departments order 200 Eagles, half of them will be deployed across the northwest plateau.

This situation is naturally not completely confidential.

As a result, Tianzhu in the south became nervous.

According to the strength of the Eagle heavy transport helicopter, it can transport two fully armed platoons to their destination in one go.

If more than a dozen planes are dispatched at the same time, a battalion of troops will be moved directly.

People can even hang light tanks and various artillery directly below for transportation.

This will definitely have a huge impact on places with poor road traffic environments.

In addition, China is now equipped with a large number of various drones, and the pressure on Tianzhu has increased immediately.

To this end, they also began to consider purchasing heavy transport helicopters.

In this world, the only countries that can provide such products are Polar Bear, the United States and China.

Tianzhu and Polar Bear cooperate very closely in the trade of military products.

If they want to buy Polar Bear's Mi-17 or other helicopters, it won't be a big problem.

However, although the load capacity of Polar Bear's heavy transport helicopter is very good, its endurance is very poor, and its overall performance is not at the same level as products from the United States and China.

In contrast, Tianzhu ultimately had no choice but to consider purchasing from the United States.

However, the price is certainly not cheap.

"David, Tianzhu has specially arranged an inspection team to inspect the status of the CH-47 and Sikorsky's CH-53. This order is likely to be a very large order, and we must strive to win it."

It is naturally possible for Tianzhu to purchase heavy transport helicopters from the United States.

After all, this wallflower swings from side to side and is very popular in many places.

But if you want to buy other people's advanced versions, it will definitely be quite difficult.

There is a high probability that whether it is Boeing or Sikorsky in the United States, they will sell the civilian version or entry-level version to Tianzhu.

Of course, no matter which version it sells, Boeing hopes that the order will be taken by itself.

That's why Muilenburg personally told David to follow up on this matter.

Otherwise, it would be depressing if Sikorsky took it away.

"According to our preliminary communication with Tianzhu's team, the number of heavy transport helicopters they purchase will be at least 20, and may even reach 50."

"However, the Tianzhu people are quite sensitive to price, so they probably won't confirm this order so easily."

This is not the first time that Dawei has dealt with people from Tianzhu.

Overall, he didn't have a good impression of the Tianzhu people.

In particular, the Tianzhu people actually have a pretty good relationship with polar bears, which is definitely not in the interest of the United States.

Of course, compared to China, David must be more pleasing to Tianzhu.

After all, China will threaten the interests of the United States, but Tianzhu will not for the time being.

At least that's what David thinks.

"The price of the CH-47 we exported before was not cheap, generally reaching US$1 million per unit."

"Even if we simply match it, it will still reach the level of US$8000 million."

Muilenburg is naturally not happy about price cuts.

Reduced prices are actually reduced profits.

No company wants to see the money it earns decrease.

"Tianzhu will probably use the price of Daystar Technology to pressure us."

"The price of the other party's Kunpeng in the international market is more than 30 million US dollars, which is more than half cheaper than ours."

"We definitely can't afford this price."

"But I'm worried that Sikorsky will cut prices before us, and then they will be more passive."

David naturally wanted to win this project.

An order worth several billion dollars is no longer considered a small order in the international arms market.

Boeing has few orders in a year that are larger than this.

"Even if Sikorsky lowers its prices, it will certainly not be able to reach the level of Daystar Technology."

"If they dare to break the rules like this, then I will join forces with other military industrial companies and we will discuss how to deal with them."

"Their main products are various helicopters. I believe there are still many domestic opponents who are dissatisfied with them."

Muilenburg sneered, not particularly worried about the situation on Sikorsky's side.

As a company founded by polar bear immigrants, Sikorsky’s influence in the United States cannot be compared with Boeing.

In the United States, in addition to Boeing, there are also several companies that make good helicopter products.

In this case, everyone definitely doesn't want Sikorsky to have a comfortable life.

If there is a chance to bring down Sikorsky, everyone's enthusiasm will definitely be very high.

"Sikorsky is like a troublemaker and has affected many of our past orders."

"We really need to think about how to deal with them."

The boss had an idea to take action, and David naturally responded positively.

The domestic military industry companies in the United States are not monolithic, and competition among them is fierce.

(End of this chapter)

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