Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 937: No Detective 7, So High You Can't Achieve It

Chapter 937: No Detective 7, So High You Can't Achieve It
"Mr. Zhu, the matter of Sagitar's broken shaft and patching is getting bigger and bigger now."

"The General Administration is also very dissatisfied with this matter and feels that the public in Spring City is deceiving them."

Tao Wen sorted out the reactions of all parties after the announcement of the Sagitar recall plan in recent days and reported it specifically to Zhu Zhengfeng.

She knew that Vondel from Volkswagen had also made some requests to Zhu Zhengfeng, hoping that Spring City Automobile Group would use its influence in China to suppress this matter as much as possible.

Zhu Zhengfeng did try to do it this way.

But the result is obviously not very satisfactory.

"This patching plan is indeed a bit disgusting, but Volkswagen is also too stubborn."

“When the incident first happened in 2011, we actually proposed to change the non-independent suspension to an independent suspension. However, the other party was not satisfied with our proposal to have Spring City Auto Parts produce independent suspension. It hasn’t changed.”

"From 2011 to 2014, seeing more and more cases of broken axles on the market, things were getting a bit overwhelming, so Volkswagen decided to change the non-independent suspension to an independent suspension."

"But there are already hundreds of thousands of Sagitars on the market, and even recalling them would be very troublesome."

Zhu Zhengfeng naturally understood why Spring City Volkswagen came up with a "patch" plan.

To put it bluntly, it's all because of money.

Is there really no cure for this problem?
Definitely not.

As long as you are willing to spend money, the problem can definitely be solved by replacing the entire suspension.

But then, if hundreds of thousands of Sagitars have to be replaced, the cost will be at least a billion yuan, or even higher.

The key is that with so many suspensions, you can't produce them in a month or two.

So in the end this plan was not selected.

Even if you choose the patching solution, it will take some time to produce those "patches".

Anyone who knows stamping knows that to produce a stamped part that looks like a "patch" requires opening a mold to produce it.

Then the stamping speed of a press is relatively fixed, and the number of parts it can produce in a day is also relatively fixed.

It is impossible for Spring City Volkswagen to open multiple sets of molds at once and find several suppliers to produce them at the same time just for a patch.

Therefore, although the recall plan has been announced now, the actual recall time will be from January 2015, 1.

"Yes, Volkswagen was so arrogant before, but now it wants our group to help solve this matter. Why did it go there so far?"

Any joint venture is bound to have various contradictions.

This is inevitable.

After all, everyone's positions are sometimes different.

Foreign parties like Volkswagen think that my joint venture with you is entirely due to China Automobile Policy. Otherwise, if I am a sole proprietor of production, why would I give you half of the money?

Therefore, when making many decisions, we consider it from our own perspective.

But from the perspective of the Chinese shareholders of Spring City Automobile Group, I feel that I have taken care of all aspects of land, policies, sales, etc., and I have as many shares as you, or even more, so why should I listen to you?

When sales are good, all problems will be covered up.

But when something goes wrong, the situation is different.

"Although I feel unhappy, I still have to help those who should help. I have tried my best, but the effect is mediocre."

Zhu Zhengfeng's words were not perfunctory.

He really thought about whether it was possible to get this matter over with as soon as possible.

But he's not stupid either.

I know that this time Spring City Volkswagen has been caught by all other car companies.

They must be desperately trying to mess with you.

If you can't seize this kind of opportunity, you are looking down on people from other car companies.

"The main reason is that this plan is a bit difficult to help even if you want to help. It's really hard to read."


Tao Wen knew that it would be difficult for Zhu Zhengfeng to suppress this matter according to Volkswagen's ideas.

Therefore, it is definitely necessary to step into Spring City Volkswagen's recall plan at this time. Even before this recall plan is officially released, it has actually been communicated with Spring City Automobile Group.

"Do your best to ensure your destiny."

"We try our best to help with Spring City Volkswagen's affairs. If it really doesn't work, then let Nanshan Hongqi seize the opportunity and eat up as much of the share that Spring City Volkswagen has lost."

In the final analysis, Nanshan Hongqi is Zhu Zhengfeng's biological son.

What he hopes most is that the sales of Nanshan Hongqi will continue to rise.

To put it a bit exaggeratedly, if all the declining sales of Spring City Volkswagen can be added to Nanshan Hongqi, then it is acceptable for Spring City Volkswagen's sales to become zero.


The recall of the Volkswagen Sagitar's broken shaft door in Spring City has become a hot topic, which will naturally have the most direct impact on sales.

For example, Yangcheng Huaqiang Group, which owns 4S stores of mainstream domestic car companies such as Spring City Volkswagen and Modou Volkswagen, is the most understanding of this change.

"Brother, Spring City Volkswagen's sales in the last week have dropped by half compared to last month's weekly sales. Not only the sales of the Sagitar have plummeted, but the sales of other Jetta, Magotan, Golf and other models are also falling."

"If this trend continues, it will be very difficult for Spring City Volkswagen's sales this year to exceed last year's."

Just last month, when Guo Shuyin reported the group's dealer business to his elder brother, he also focused on the situation of North and South Volkswagen, thinking that this year might be a dark horse.

I didn't expect the situation to change so quickly.

Normally, changes in the automotive industry should not be so rapid.

After all, this is an industry with a relatively long industrial chain.

Even if a lot of things change, they don't change that fast.

"I have also read their recall plan, and I have also read a lot of various news reports on the Internet these days."

"This time Spring City Volkswagen's plan is indeed a bit disgusting. If I were a car owner, I wouldn't be able to accept it."

Anyway, there were no outsiders, just his two brothers, so Guo Shuyin naturally said whatever came to his mind.

Yangcheng Huaqiang Group's basic base is Nanshan Automobile Group, so it is not afraid of offending Volkswagen.

"It's really a bit annoying. There have been a lot of people making trouble in our store these days. People from Spring City Volkswagen's sales department called our store to communicate with us, hoping that we could find a way to appease consumers."

"Some preferential plans or more flexible plans are available, and they will ultimately provide compensation elsewhere as appropriate."

"I guess they also know that this matter has become a big deal and will end badly."

Guo Shuyin was a little unhappy about this matter.

I just wanted to sell the car well, but ended up having to deal with so many problems because of the OEM's problems.

Consumers have no way to cause trouble at the Volkswagen headquarters in Chuncheng, so they can only go to various 4S stores.

Especially the stores where I bought my cars, I would basically go there whenever there was trouble.

As the largest dealer in Lingnan region, Yangcheng Huaqiang Group has sold quite a few Sagitars in recent years.

Now it has become a source of trouble.

"I looked at the news reports on Autohome, and the follow-up reports on this matter were also very positive."

"There must be some story behind this. I think Nanshan Automobile Group may be happy to see Spring City Volkswagen suffer."

If one were in Guo Shuyin's position, he would definitely consider issues more thoroughly and would not simply follow the crowd as netizens say.

Yangcheng Huaqiang Group is an affiliated enterprise of Nanshan Automobile Group. At critical moments, it must stand on the side of Nanshan Automobile Group.

Otherwise, if you stand in the wrong position, you will suffer great losses in the future.

Guo Shuyin could naturally understand this point.

"I feel it too."

"Among the joint venture automakers, only Spring City Volkswagen, Shanghai Volkswagen and Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen Automobile have seen growth this year, while the others have been suppressed and are having a hard time."

"Nanshan Automobile Group has always been actively competing with joint venture automakers with its own brand automakers."

"Now that Volkswagen has resurfaced, we must find ways to continue to suppress it."

"Now that Spring City Volkswagen has handed over the knife, Nanshan Automobile Group will definitely not be polite, and even other car companies, including some joint venture car companies, will not be soft-handed."

I have to say that what Guo Shufu said is very true.

No matter which car company it is, it will not miss the opportunity to step on Volkswagen.


"Mr. Miyazaki, the public in Chuncheng has been subjected to 'cyberbullying' this time. We have encountered similar experiences before."

"This time we have arranged for someone to add fuel to the fire. Will other manufacturers use the same plan against us?"

As the executive vice president of Chuncheng Toyota, Chen Wenzhan is from Chuncheng Automobile Group.

Now when it comes to dealing with the masses of Chuncheng, he is obviously still a little cautious.

Because he heard some rumors that Chuncheng Automobile Group was considering job changes for senior executives.

There is a certain possibility that he will go to work for Chuncheng Volkswagen.

If this is really the case, then he will become very embarrassed.

After all, it would be very difficult for Chuncheng Toyota to arrange people to deal with Chuncheng Volkswagen without leaving any traces.

How will the people of Chuncheng view him then?

In order to avoid an embarrassing situation, he still hopes that Chuncheng Toyota will not get too involved in this matter.

However, Miyazaki Nichimasa's ideas must be different.

Volkswagen's competition with Toyota is quite fierce around the world, and the difference in their sales volumes is not that big.

If Volkswagen's sales in China can be reduced significantly, then the threat posed by Volkswagen to Toyota will be much smaller.

Besides, Toyota is now being suppressed by several American car companies, and its market share in the United States has dropped significantly.

In China, domestic brands have been suppressing the market, and due to special circumstances, the sales of Japanese brands have been declining.

Therefore, Miyazaki Hitoshi is eagerly hoping that there will be some big events in the automotive industry to attract everyone's attention.

Let Chinese consumers stop staring at the pigtails of Japanese car companies. Now that Spring City Volkswagen has offered the knife, how can Miyazaki Nichizheng be willing to give up?

"Mr. Chen, from a business perspective, the Sagitar is our Corolla's biggest competitor."

"As long as we can reduce the sales of Sagitar, our Corolla sales can at least increase by several percent."

"Besides, the mutual attacks among the automotive industry are not something that has only happened today, and we are not the ones who started it."

“It would be a pity if we didn’t seize the opportunity that we should have.”

In Miyazaki Nichimasa's opinion, Chen Wenzhan does not want to deal with Chuncheng Volkswagen because Chuncheng Volkswagen and Chuncheng Toyota are both joint ventures under Chuncheng Automobile Group.

He understood this feeling.

But he really felt that Chen Wenzhan didn't need to worry so much.

After all, in his opinion, Chen Wenzhan is the executive vice president of Chuncheng Toyota, not the vice president of Chuncheng Automobile Group. Why should he worry so much?

Only when Chuncheng Toyota's performance improved, Chen Wenzhan's performance was outstanding.

No matter how good the performance of Chuncheng Volkswagen is, it has nothing to do with Chen Wenzhan.

That's why he insisted on his point of view without any burden.

"That's true, but this kind of behavior will have a very bad impact on the industry's morale."

"We may suffer the consequences in the future."

Chen Wenzhan couldn't come up with a convincing reason.

So we can only discuss this matter from a moral high ground.

Just such a reason would definitely not convince Miyazaki Nichimasa.

In the end, Chuncheng Toyota Motor actively participated in suppressing Chuncheng Volkswagen.

The same conversation also happened among various car companies such as Xifeng Nissan and Yangcheng Honda.

This makes the issue of broken axle and patching of the Sagitar more and more lively.

The impact on Chuncheng Volkswagen’s sales is naturally getting bigger and bigger.

"Boss Cao, the issue of the Sagitar patch is still hot, and Volkswagen is definitely going to be in trouble this time."

"The information we received from Yangcheng Huaqiang Group is that the sales volume of Spring City Volkswagen has dropped by more than half in recent period."

"Even Volkswagen's sales in Shanghai have dropped by more than 30%."

Zeng Tingting reported the good news to Cao Yang with a smile.

Nanshan Automobile Group also put a lot of effort into suppressing Volkswagen.

Autohome has also specially arranged people to promote this matter, and even took the initiative to communicate with some colleagues, hoping that everyone will report this news well.

Now that the results are out, it is natural to report them carefully.

Otherwise, what are you working so hard for?

Isn’t it just to let the boss know that you are working hard!
"Volkswagen was just thinking about taking off in China, but it got hit hard."

"I'm looking forward to their next reaction."

Cao Yang originally thought that Volkswagen would most likely choose to play dead as it did in the past.

At most, a sensor can be added to monitor whether the shaft is broken.

But that doesn't solve the fundamental problem, it's just an enhanced patch.

But now the whole situation is changing very quickly, and consumers' impression of Volkswagen is not as high as in the same period in history.

After all, the development of China's independent brands in recent years has been very impressive.

In the past, when the middle class bought a car, some people felt uncomfortable buying Japanese cars, but felt that the quality was not good if they bought domestic brands, so they bought Volkswagen.

It’s different now. The reputation of domestic brands has improved a lot.

Even though the reputation of Chery and BYD has declined in the past two years, it is still many times better than the same period in history.

Under such circumstances, everyone's blind worship of Volkswagen will definitely fade a lot.

But Volkswagen chose to continue to commit suicide.

Then it is very likely that you will really die.

"I heard that they have been contacting various media and 4S stores these days, and are also secretly communicating with some consumers whose axles have broken."

"I guess he wants to deal with the people who caused the trouble and let this matter pass as soon as possible."

Zeng Tingting knew that Cao Yang was very interested in this matter, so she investigated the situation carefully.

This matter is also something that people in the sales field of all companies in the automotive industry are very concerned about.

Everyone either gets involved or steps on Volkswagen.

Or we can learn from experience and discuss internally how to deal with similar situations if we encounter them.

Automobile companies are all large companies, and they actually have certain plans for some unexpected events.

It’s just that sometimes plans cannot keep up with changes, and contingency plans cannot achieve the maximum effect.

"Even if they can suppress it, this wave will be enough to injure them severely."

"They can forget about continuing to grow at a high speed, and it would be good enough if they can stabilize the situation."

With the situation developing to this point, Cao Yang is not too worried anymore.

Anyway, he didn't expect to defeat Volkswagen in China with just one thing.

It would be a good result if it could affect their development speed and prevent them from continuing to expand the market.

Now that this result can basically be achieved, the rest can be left to Volkswagen and other car companies.

On the Nanshan Automobile Group side, Feng Del personally called Cao Yang yesterday to discuss the recall.

What they said showed that they hope to strengthen cooperation with Nanshan Automobile Group in the future, but they also hope that Nanshan Automobile Group can let them off the hook in this recall incident.

Considering that the situation is basically like this and is unlikely to get worse, Cao Yang agreed to Feng Del's plan.

If Volkswagen wants to develop well in China in the future, especially in the field of electric vehicles, it will definitely have to purchase a large amount of auto parts and batteries from Nanshan.

After listening to Zeng Tingting’s report, Cao Yang went to Venusstar Technology and visited the prototype of a new drone with Zhao Siyu.

As one of the key development directions of Venusstar Technology, Cao Yang has always attached great importance to the business of the UAV business unit.

Compared with traditional aircraft, the development and production costs of drones are much lower, and the difficulty is also relatively lower.

Therefore, Cao Yang arranged different drones to deal with different situations.

If you want to quietly gather intelligence on the enemy, you can use the Skyhawk UAV with its excellent stealth performance.

This type of drone, which achieves stealth performance in all aspects through aerodynamic layout and stealth materials, is definitely one of the best stealth drones in the world.

Ordinary countries have no way of detecting its existence.

There is also a supersonic drone under development, which is designed to reach an exaggerated speed. Even if you discover me, you won’t be able to shoot me down.

After all, missiles have speeds. If the speed of a missile is lower than that of a drone, it will definitely not be able to hit the drone.

This is also a very good entry point.

Another thing we are going to visit today is the WZ-7 high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

This drone is designed to fly to an altitude of 30,000 meters. Your missiles cannot reach that high. So what can you do even if you detect it?

Stealthier, faster, higher, with efforts made in these directions, there is always one that suits you.

Of course, Venusstar Technology also has products that take certain performance into consideration.

For example, the twin-tailed Scorpion drone combines the performance of many aspects.

When one's side has air superiority, the Twin-Tailed Scorpion UAV, a product that is cheap and has excellent comprehensive performance, can definitely exert great combat effectiveness.

By then, hundreds of twin-tailed scorpion drones carrying thousands of missiles will set off together, which will definitely give the opponent a hard time.

“Mr. Cao, our Wuzhen-Wuzhen-7 is a very unique high-altitude reconnaissance drone.”

"It is not like ordinary drones that use simple straight wings, but uses rare diamond-shaped wings, which have better lift characteristics and can make the drone fly faster."

"Its size is very large, with a length of 14.33 meters, a wingspan of 24.86 meters and a height of 5.41 meters."

"Because of the use of diamond-shaped wings to ensure sufficiently high lift, the wingspan of the WZ-7 is significantly smaller than that of the Global Hawk UAV."

As a representative of high-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, America's Global Hawk is definitely one of the best.

When Venustech developed the WZ-7, it certainly had to make various comparisons with the Global Hawk.

You should know that the Global Hawk UAV's wingspan of 39.9 meters is very close to that of a four-engine large passenger aircraft such as the Boeing 707.

Take-off, landing and airport operation and maintenance are definitely not convenient enough.

Now the WZ-7 can do better in this regard, which is definitely beneficial for practical use.

"In terms of engines, we use a turbojet engine independently developed by Nanshan Engine, with a maximum thrust of 60 kilonewtons."

"In terms of flight data, the maximum flight speed is 800 kilometers per hour, the maximum flight altitude is 30000 meters, and the regular flight altitude can also be maintained at 22000 meters."

"At this altitude, unless a ballistic missile is used to attack the WZ-7, no country in the world can threaten it with ordinary missiles."

When Zhao Siyu said this, his face was full of confidence.

Fly high enough so that you can see it but can’t hit it!

It is definitely something worth looking forward to.

“When will this drone be able to complete all aspects of testing and be officially delivered to the relevant departments?”

Cao Yang personally participated in setting the early development indicators of the Wuzhen-7 UAV, and even part of the design was personally involved.

Therefore, Cao Yang is very familiar with the performance of relevant indicators.

What he cares most about is when it can be mass-produced.

After all, the situation is changing rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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