Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 938: Venus is going to cause trouble, a tough test plan

Chapter 938: Venus is going to cause trouble, a tough test plan
"Mr. Cao, I think the testing work of Wujian-7 can be done in a different way from other previous models."

“Nothing can validate an aircraft better than actual combat scenarios.”

"So I think we can directly simulate the actual environment and test it for a few months, and then make some targeted improvements. We can start equipping relevant departments early next year."

Zhao Siyu knew that Cao Yang was not the kind of leader who sticks to rules.

If he was still in his original unit, there would be procedures to follow for how each step of the testing work should be done.

If adjustments are to be made, continuous meetings are required to discuss and determine.

Some very special plans have no chance to be put on the table at all.

But it’s different here at Daystar Technology. Everything is based on speed, efficiency and cost.

As long as it does not affect the performance of the product, it can be done as conveniently and quickly as possible.

Therefore, everyone’s brains are more flexible and courageous.

This situation is definitely not comparable to other military industrial companies.

Of course, that doesn't mean that this method is necessarily the best.

Sometimes there’s nothing wrong with being a little more stable, but it’s just not suitable for Daystar Technology.

"What kind of test method do you want?"

After hearing what Zhao Siyu said, Cao Yang was not angry as expected, but continued to ask questions with interest.

The Wujian-7 drone and the supersonic drone under development are two of the more extreme plans that Venus Technology has taken on the drone road.

One pursues height, the other pursues speed, and the final effect definitely needs to be tested.

"We took off directly from Yangcheng, then headed northeast, flew all the way to Japan and then turned back."

"On this journey, whether it is the relevant departments of China, or the air defense forces of Japan, the United States and other regions, they will definitely pay attention to the situation of the No-detection-7."

"Of our two test models, one is coated with stealth material and the other is not painted."

"It will be a good time to see the reactions of all parties."

"I think Pan Jun would also like to know the true strength of Wuzhen-7."

When Zhao Siyu said this, Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

As for whether this would cause any trouble, he wasn't very worried.

Venus Technology is just a private enterprise in China. Its products are tested in the air. What's wrong?
At most, it means that the test aircraft made some mistakes and flew to the wrong place.

"Then make arrangements as soon as possible. Let Representative Pan help us handle the relevant domestic route applications as soon as possible."

"We don't need to rush to announce the situation of Wujian-7 to the outside world. We will wait until the test is completed to see the situation."

Following Cao Yang's decision, Daystar Technology immediately took action.

Since it was just a test of a drone, Daystar Technology did not report too many specifics, so the Air Traffic Control Bureau reviewed it and found that there were no problems, and immediately approved it.

After all, the green channel of Venus Technology is very effective.


The test preparations for Wujian-7 are not complicated at all.

After applying for the relevant routes, the two planes took off directly from the runway of Venus Technology at 12 o'clock in the evening and quickly took off in the night.

As Daystar Technology becomes more and more famous, whether it is America, Polar Bear, or some other forces, there must be some eyes and ears around.

During the day, people have various ways to take photos of airplanes taking off.

Although No Investigation = 7 does not require special confidentiality, it will be officially announced soon.

However, in order to reflect the effect of the test, Cao Yang still asked people to arrange the test at night.

Of course, taking off from Yangcheng and heading towards Japan, the flight is not short at all.

In order to test the effect to the greatest extent, Daystar Technology is planning to fly directly to Hokkaido and then turn back.

The total flight distance is more than 6000 kilometers.

Although a relatively high speed will be used to fly during the test phase, it is impossible to test at the highest speed all the time, otherwise the engine will be scrapped soon.

As a result, it will take almost ten hours to return.

If we make a slight turn or something and go around Goryeo, it would be normal for us to come back more than ten hours later.

Fortunately, the Wujian-7 has a battery life of more than 48 hours, which is even higher than the Global Hawk.

In this case, there is no need to worry about not being able to fly back.

The two Wujian-7s headed northeast and soon left the airspace of Lingnan Province.

Although it was night, the airspace where Wujian-7 flew was considered a relatively busy area in East Asia.

Various radars monitor the status of the air at all times.

At dawn, Wujian-7 has arrived near Okinawa, and several radar stations have discovered its movements one after another.

However, the information collected from various places surprised the personnel of the relevant American departments stationed in Japan.

At one point, it was said that a plane of unknown origin was flying over from an altitude of 25,000 meters.

After a while, another radar station said there were two planes.

In order to clarify the situation, several fighter jets even took off to intercept.

But obviously, it is impossible for a fighter jet to fly to an altitude of more than 20,000 meters.

It was not until seven or eight o'clock in the morning that, by calling various satellites and radars, we finally found out that two reconnaissance aircraft of unknown nationality were flying.

The United States is very clear about the situation in Japan and Korea.

It was obvious that this was not their aircraft.

At first, the United States thought it was a plane from its own country, flying over from other regions.

But after confirming it, I found that there was no relevant information.

As a result, the situation naturally becomes serious.

Reports were made at all levels, various investigations were carried out, and various attempts were made to contact him, but to no avail.

Wujian-7 continued to head towards Hokkaido at its own speed, and then after reaching its destination, it turned around and headed south along the coastline of Japan.

Now, with the target in mind, the American and Japanese radars everywhere were naturally tracking the movements of these two aircraft with all their strength.

The final scene of two Wujian-7s landing on the runway of Venus Technology was also captured by a specially adjusted reconnaissance satellite.

This incident immediately caused an uproar in some departments in Japan, Korea and other countries.

The Chinese plane violated its own airspace.

This kind of thing has never happened before. At most, people just circle around their airspace.

This kind of behavior of flying directly above you is definitely different.

"Mr. Cao, Japan and Korea are protesting, saying that our planes illegally invaded their airspace."

Early in the morning, just as Cao Yang returned to the office, Pan Jun came over happily.

Although there were protests, the situation is different.

In the past, we protested against others, but now others protest against us.

Can the feeling be the same?

This incident was somewhat embarrassing for Japan and Korea, especially after the opponent's fighter jets took off, not to mention driving them away, they didn't even see the back of the WZ-7.

Only with the help of ground-based radar and satellites were some of the photos taken.

These photos were actually taken by American satellites.

So the other party directly found the relevant Chinese departments to protest.

For such a sudden event, the department being protested must definitely contact the counterpart unit for confirmation.

Fortunately, Venusstar Technology had already informed the relevant departments when reporting the matter in advance, so they were not completely clueless.

However, Venusstar Technology was so aggressive that it directly placed the test route over Japan and other countries, which obviously surprised many people.

In the past, when companies developed aircraft, they would test them in the most secretive places without letting others know.

How come Venustech brazenly went into someone else's airspace?

"Let them protest first."

"I guess they'll just protest a few words and the matter will be dropped."

Cao Yang didn't even plan to give the prepared excuse now, he just wanted to test the other party's reaction first.

There is also a supersonic drone coming up, and he is also planning to take a similar testing route.

It can’t be that there’s something wrong with the map again next time, right?
There is no harm in letting everyone see the strength of the WZ-7.

It is a good opportunity to officially release the news about WZ-7.

Although this test did not cause any stir on the Internet, major countries around the world naturally knew about the news.

So when Venustech suddenly released the official pictures of the WZ-7 prototype taking off and landing, many people immediately started discussing this matter.

"Boss Cao, you guys are too fierce."

“They actually developed a drone that can fly at such a high altitude.”

As the general manager of AVIC, Zhao Tianling naturally learned about this matter very quickly.

Venusstar Technology is developing many drones, and he probably knows some information about it.

However, Zhao Tianling definitely knew nothing about the specific situation of the WZ-7.

The fact that he showed up quietly now, and after causing trouble, was definitely beyond Zhao Tianling's expectations.

"Mr. Zhao, the United States developed the Global Hawk in the 1990s, and its flight altitude has reached more than 20,000 meters."

"After more than a decade, it's not too much of an exaggeration that our company, Venusstar Technology, is able to produce the Wuzhen-7 with even better performance."

Although Zhao Tianling's surprise made Cao Yang feel happy, there was no need to pretend at this time.

"That's true, but the Americans developed this product in the 1990s. Now, apart from Venustech, there is no other company in the world that produces similar drones."

"The threshold for high-altitude reconnaissance drones is still relatively high. Not only are the requirements for engines relatively high, but the requirements for various reconnaissance equipment are also very high."

"And it also needs to meet the requirements of long endurance, high speed and other aspects at the same time, otherwise it will not be able to fully exert its combat effectiveness."

Zhao Tianling is an expert in the field, so he naturally knows that the research and development of the WZ-7 is actually quite difficult.

Otherwise, who wouldn’t want to own an advanced reconnaissance aircraft?
This time, with the help of the United States, both WZ-7s were finally discovered.

However, many countries around China do not have the ability to detect the WZ-7, which has a stealth coating.

Especially in the southern waters, the WZ-7 can often replace reconnaissance satellites, which provides greater flexibility.

After all, reconnaissance satellites are in space, and as the earth rotates, they cannot detect a certain area at any time and anywhere.

It is possible that you can only stay over a certain area for a part of the day, unless you specifically control it.

But the WZ-7 is different. Its hovering time exceeds 48 hours, and it can conduct reconnaissance in a certain area for a long time.

"Our domestic industrial strength has improved rapidly in recent years, and many products with advanced technologies are constantly emerging."

"It's not just our Venusstar Technology that's like this, it's actually similar at AVIC."

After Cao Yang said this, Zhao Tianling felt much more comfortable.

To a certain extent, this is a fact.

As the general manager of AVIC, Zhao Tianling naturally knew that the company had launched many new products in recent years.

Some things have not been announced due to confidentiality reasons, but they actually already exist.

"Boss Cao, you now have more and more drone models. In the future, all drone orders from relevant departments will be monopolized by you."

"Why don't we find a time to have the people below discuss the division of labor, so that we don't end up competing viciously on the same type?"

Zhao Tianling had not been too worried about the threat that Venusstar Technologies posed to AVIC before.

But now the situation is slowly changing.

If Venusstar Technology is allowed to continue to develop, many of AVIC's orders will be snatched away in the future.

This is definitely not the situation that Zhao Tianling, the general manager of AVIC, wants to see.

Therefore, it is very necessary for everyone to communicate in advance.

In this regard, Cao Yang was not so stubborn as to ignore the other party completely.

After all, the situation in China is a little different from that in America.

While we are competing, we are also in a cooperative relationship.

Where things can be negotiated, they must be discussed thoroughly.

However, compared to Cao Yang who was happily chatting with Zhao Tianling, the situation in America was completely different.

"Kevlar, these are the photos we took of the Huaxia Wuzhen-7 and the various information collected by the radar along the way."

"Combined with the information about the Wuzhen-7 officially announced by Venusstar Technology, it can be basically confirmed that this drone was developed to target your Global Hawk."

As a representative of the Pentagon, John immediately took the relevant information and found Kevlar, the vice president of Northrop Grumman, to communicate.

The Global Hawk is a high-altitude reconnaissance drone of the United States. Not only the United States itself is equipped with it, but some of its allies are also equipped with it.

Originally, it was the world's top company, and it could be said that it had no rivals in the industry.

But now with the emergence of the WZ-7, the situation is completely different.

Apart from anything else, the flight altitude of the WZ-7 alone reached at least 25000 meters, which is a result that the Global Hawk said it could not achieve.

Besides, the information detected by the radar does not mean that the WZ-7 can only fly that high.

"Venus Technology wants to make all kinds of drones."

"Don't they already have several products like the Twin-Tailed Scorpion UAV and the Skyhawk UAV?"

"Why did you develop another product with a completely different positioning?"

Kefla's face looked bad.

The Global Hawk UAV is one of their flagship products.

The price of a Global Hawk is over $1 million, so the profit is not low.

Now that the United States also allows their companies to sell this product to its allies, the prospects are even more promising.

Originally, they had been discussing the sales of Global Hawk with Korea and Japan.

However, if people feel that the performance of Global Hawk is not as good as that of WZ-7, this order may be cancelled.

Compared with Boeing and Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman is much smaller.

They definitely don't want their Global Hawk to be pulled off the stage.

"Venus Technology is a disaster, with new technology products constantly popping up."

"This made many of our actions a little hesitant, and we didn't know how to judge them."

"Especially in China, the things they bring out are often not the most advanced."

"We are worried that after the emergence of Venusstar Technology's Wuzhen-7, AVIC or other Chinese companies may have even more powerful products that they have yet to release."

"If that's the case, it's going to be very troublesome."

I have to say that John's worry is not without reason.

Over the past few decades, China has always been very careful in promoting its military products.

The equipment used on a large scale is definitely not the most advanced.

This has almost become a global consensus.

Now Venustech is showing off one product after another in such a high-profile manner, which makes everyone very worried.

"Based on the information we have and the information released by Venusstar Technology, the performance of the WZ-7 is already very advanced."

"There's no reason why China would have more advanced drones, right?"

Kefla was a little hesitant when he said this, and even he himself lacked confidence.

After all, John's worries were not entirely unfounded.

"We have tried every possible means to get rid of Venusstar Technology before, and it will become more and more troublesome in the future."

"They don't need to import all kinds of equipment and materials from abroad, and most of their sales happen in China. It's a bit difficult for us to get them."

"From now on, everyone can only compete purely on the basis of technology."

John said rather distressedly.

Chinese companies are different from companies in Persia and other countries. They dare not use some extreme measures easily.

Otherwise, when everyone starts to take revenge on each other, John is worried that he will be physically destroyed one day.

Just like the competition between the polar bears and the United States, many times it was an open competition in technology.

It is relatively rare to directly get rid of the other party's technical personnel.

Especially as the times have developed to this point, it has become even more difficult to eliminate a key figure quietly.

"In terms of technology, I am confident that I can surpass Venustech."

"But if we want to research and produce a more advanced version of the Global Hawk, the production cost will be higher."

Kevlar will definitely seize this opportunity to raise the price of Global Hawk.

Otherwise, if R&D resources are invested but the price of the upgraded product does not increase, wouldn’t that be equivalent to a significant drop in profits?

He definitely wouldn't do such a thing.

However, John certainly didn't want to be easily controlled by Kevlar, so he said, "I will push for the bidding of the new high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft as soon as possible to see which company's product solutions are stronger, General Atomics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc."

The United States has always been doing the superficial bidding work.

After all, some insider trading also requires the support of procedural legality and compliance.


Regardless of what the American side did with the WRN-7, North Korea was very interested after hearing the news.

Compared with reconnaissance satellites, the WZ-7 is definitely much more useful.

The most important thing is that it flies so high that there is no need to worry about being shot down by Goryeo’s missiles.

As for whether others can find out, that is actually a small problem.

The missile can't hit it, so what if you discovered it?
Therefore, North Korea quickly arranged for someone to contact Venustech to discuss the purchase of the WZ-7.

"Mr. Cao, although the performance of the Wuzhen-7 is very advanced, we don't have any special opinions on selling it to Korea. It depends on what your company thinks."

The export of such advanced equipment must obtain permission from relevant departments.

So after Zhao Siyu communicated with Bei Gaoli, he went to find Pan Jun to find out the situation.

Pan Jun has always been very supportive of Venusstar Technology's expansion into overseas markets.

Because he also knows that the profit margin of products sold overseas and the profit margin of products sold to relevant domestic departments are completely different concepts.

If Venusstar could get more export orders, the financial pressure would be much less.

Ultimately, more funds will flow into the field of research and development, which will also benefit relevant domestic departments.

For products like the Sky Eagle stealth drone, relevant departments must be very cautious about the export business.

But for products like the WZ-7, the situation is different.

Not to mention that North Korea definitely didn’t buy this product to use it against China.

Even if this kind of product flies to China, we have a response plan here.

At worst, we can just arrange a UZ-7 to crash into it.

Anyway, the performance of the export version of the product is definitely lower than that used domestically.

There are some restrictions on both flight altitude and speed.

"With your words, we feel relieved."

"However, the price of the WZ-7 is much higher than that of the Scorpion drone and other products."

"I just don't know if North Korea can afford the price."

As for the economic situation in North Korea, both Pan Jun and Cao Yang are well aware of it.

The WZ-7 is not as expensive as the Global Hawk, but its price is at least in the hundreds of millions of yuan.

Otherwise, this kind of transaction with a low order volume would become purely charity.

It is obvious that Cao Yang did not start the company for charity.

"We won't take care of this. You guys can go and discuss it on your own."

"They may not be much better money, but if we barter, they may have what you need."

Although Pan Jun wanted to help, he obviously couldn't do much.

"makes sense."

"However, compared to selling it to North Korea, I would rather sell the WZ-7 to Persia. They have enough oil to pay for the relevant expenses."

Cao Yang started chatting casually with Pan Jun.

However, he has a lot of things to deal with every day, and most of the time when others come to him to discuss something, they have to find ways to do it.

Before Pan Jun could continue to communicate with him about more things, Mi Ying came to inform him that they were about to set off.

(End of this chapter)

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