Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 940: A super big order, help you get on the horse and send you on your way

Chapter 940: A super big order, helping you get on the horse and sending you on your way

Qatar's land area is relatively small, but its natural gas reserves are among the best in the world.

But what is a bit embarrassing is that most of their reserves are actually at sea, and they are still on the sea bordering Persia.

It can be said that their oil and gas fields are actually the same, but they are distributed in Qatar and Persia respectively.

In this case, Qatar definitely needs to consider Persia's views on how to deal with many things.

As the world's most active country in exporting natural gas, much of Qatar's natural gas has been shipped to Japan, Korea and China.

Enterprises from the Nanshan Group helped Wenchong Shipyard produce LNG carriers. Naturally, they cannot always focus on the country, but need to have a good exchange with Qatar, the gas supply king.

"Mr. Cao, our people have been in contact with Qatar in the past two days. They are not interested in our LNG carriers."

"It is also said that there is a problem with the quality of the LNG ships we produce and that uncertified materials and parts such as Invar steel and gas storage tanks are used."

This time, Nanshan Equipment is acting as a representative to find orders for Wenchong Shipyard’s transport ships internationally.

Of course, when Cao Yang asked Nanshan Equipment to do this, he was not just out of kindness to help Wenchong Shipyard.

According to the results of the exchange between Cao Yang and Xiang Jianghui, as long as it is an LNG carrier order obtained by a Nanshan-based company, Wenchong Shipyard will help with OEM production and earn an OEM fee.

Only orders placed by Wenchong Shipyard can make more profits.

As a result, companies in the Nanshan system will naturally have higher enthusiasm to find orders.

This is a win-win solution for both Wenchong Shipyard and Nanshan Equipment.

After all, the two parties have many common interests on LNG carriers.

As the largest equipment manufacturer in China, Nanshan Equipment has operations in many countries.

They are even negotiating with Qatar to build a wind power plant.

So it is very easy to find the person in charge of LNG carrier procurement in Qatar.

It was just a bad start, and the news I got from the first contact was not very good.

"Our LNG carrier has just been launched. Did Qatar get the news so quickly?"

Cao Yang didn't think Qatar's news was that well-informed.

Besides, this statement is obviously full of prejudice.

"I also thought it was a bit strange, so I arranged for someone to investigate and find out more."

"Although I haven't received very accurate information, it is basically certain that the French GTT is behind it."

Pan Jinxing gave his own judgment with certainty.

Cao Yang was not surprised by this situation.

After all, he is doing something to ruin other people's jobs.

Normally, the cost of Yinwa steel is indeed higher than that of ordinary steel, but it is less than 30,000 yuan per ton.

As a result, the price for external sales was more than 100,000 yuan per ton, and no one wanted to give up this huge profit.

Nanshan Special Steel developed Yinwa Steel and successfully used it on LNG carriers.

The various material, welding and other thresholds they originally set have all been met by Nanshan Group companies.

This time, of course they stopped doing it.

Therefore, it is completely normal for people to go to Qatar and make reports.

"The French GTT has nothing to worry about. The so-called certification is the result of them being both referees and athletes."

"As long as all parties that sell, transport, and purchase natural gas can accept our LNG carriers, they can be put into actual use."

"If you arrange for people to contact Qatar, tell them that Persia is arranging specialized personnel to contact us. We hope that Nanshan Equipment can join forces with some domestic companies in China to help them develop oil and gas fields adjacent to Qatar."

"These developed oil and gas fields will be transported using our LNG carriers and sold to various customers in China."

Cao Yang quickly found a way to contain Qatar.

Your oil and gas fields border Persia. In this case, if Nanshan Equipment really cooperates deeply with Persia, it will definitely make Qatar uncomfortable.

Not to mention the addition of a powerful competitor, the oil and gas dug out by Persia, which are actually products of the same oil and gas field.

The Qatari side must be hoping that there will be no movement at all from the Persian side.

Due to the suppression by the United States, Persia's performance in natural gas exports in the past few years was basically negligible.

If other companies threaten Qatar, they may not care much.

But Nanshan's equipment is different.

I have been suppressed by the United States countless times, and I don’t care about the attitude of the United States at all.

The most important thing is that Nanshan Equipment is indeed capable of helping develop oil and gas fields in Persia.

After thinking about this, Pan Jinxing also became interested and said: "Mr. Cao, I will personally fly to Qatar to have a good communication with them."

"It would be great if they could order our LNG carriers directly."

"After all, even if we cooperate with Persia, it will take a long time to produce results."

Not to mention that Persia has not actually approached Nanshan Equipment to discuss cooperation in this area. Even if it is really talking, it will not be possible in a short while.

And even if the negotiations are concluded, it will be several years before such a large project is completed.

Pan Jinxing actually did not want to adopt this solution.

However, although this solution is a bit tasteless for Nanshan Equipment, the situation is different for Qatar.

They are really afraid that Nanshan Equipment will support an opponent for them.

After all, you have to buy LNG carriers. The price of China’s ships is a little cheaper, so who should you buy?
At worst, the LNG carriers purchased from China will only be engaged in China's business.

In this way, there will be no other institutions to criticize.

"By the way, simple threats are not necessarily the best way. You can ask Daystar Technology to arrange for a representative to follow you to Qatar."

"We can provide each other with a package of drone solutions to enhance their military strength."

Blindly squeezing others is definitely a bad idea.

It becomes much softer to come up with something good to seduce people.

The strength of Daystar Technology has been proven, and there are still a large number of Scorpion drones in use by big companies.

Therefore, as long as Daystar Technology is willing to cooperate with Qatar with some military products, the possibility that the other party will agree to purchase LNG carriers in large quantities is definitely very high.

Sure enough, a week later, when Pan Jinxing came back from Qatar again, the situation was completely different.

"Mr. Cao, fortunately you have lived up to your command!"

As soon as Pan Jinxing got off the plane, he went straight to Cao Yang's office.

In order to give Cao Yang a surprise, he did not explain the result to him beforehand.

Cao Yang was not even clear about his schedule for returning home today.

"Has Qatar agreed?"

Although Cao Yang had predicted that the other party would agree, it was still a bit surprising that the result came out so quickly.

After all, the price of an LNG tanker is as high as US$3 million, which is not a small amount.

"The other party will arrange a special purchasing team to come over next week to communicate and confirm, and we will discuss the details."

"The prince who is in charge of purchasing LNG carriers also wants to communicate with you specifically to discuss some things that are inconvenient to write in the agreement."

"After the communication, we can directly sign an order for five LNG carriers, and also order a batch of Scorpion drones and Eagle heavy transport helicopters and other products."

"We can even talk about cooperation on the Chang'e space station first."

Pan Jinxing listed all his achievements for the week in one breath.

It is definitely cause for celebration that so many things have been accomplished in such a short time.

"Then arrange the schedule for next week as soon as possible and formally finalize this order."

Although contracts are meant to be torn up.

However, in business cooperation, the role of contracts is still very important.

Under normal circumstances, no one would break the contract.

Especially when one is not strong, one will not easily do things that break the rules.

Because the other party can easily take various methods to retaliate against you.

"No problem. I've already started making arrangements when I was in Qatar. I'm going to make sure nothing goes wrong along the way."

Pan Jinxing said confidently.

If you have cards in your hand, you don't have to worry about others causing trouble.

Sure enough, the subsequent developments were almost the same as Pan Jinxing reported. The Qatari delegation symbolically visited the Wenchong Shipyard and Nanshan Equipment, and then formally signed an order for 5 LNG tankers with Nanshan Equipment.

At the same time, the other party was also in specific communication with Venusstar Technology regarding various drone procurement plans.

This will take some time and you will have to make a decision after comprehensive consideration.

However, for Cao Yang, his main goal has been achieved.

The order for five LNG carriers has been enough to keep Wenchong Shipyard busy in the past two years.

After all, there was already an order for a Sinopec ship to be completed.

Building six LNG tankers within two years is not a particularly fast speed, but it is definitely not slow either.

When there are more skilled workers in the future, production capacity can be further improved.

The new dock is almost completed.

That was the time when Wenchong Shipyard was dominating the LNG tanker field.

However, even the order for these five LNG carriers has already brought a huge impact on the shipbuilding industry.

"We are currently negotiating orders for LNG carriers with many customers."

Zhao Linyuan was a little unhappy.

After all, we are still in competition.

"If you have new orders, the technicians will get back to you immediately."

Regardless of whether this can be really done, Xiang Jianghui’s current idea is to get the person first.

He also didn't think that Hudong Shipyard would be able to get new orders from Nanshan Equipment in a short period of time.

This market has great potential, but there are not many players in the short term.

For example, polar bears basically export natural gas through pipelines, and there is not much demand for LNG tankers for them for the time being.

Several major shipyards in Korea are also eyeing orders from other customers.

"Okay, we can lend you a batch of people." "But we also hope to arrange for a technical team to come and discuss with you some things related to the use of domestically produced Invar steel and the design of gas tanks."

Everyone has their own needs. Zhao Linyuan has arranged a purchasing team to connect with the sales of Nanshan Special Steel and Nanshan Equipment, but it is definitely not as direct as visiting and communicating at the ship production site.

"No problem, you're always welcome!"

Xiang Jianghui agreed readily.

To him, these things all belong to Nanshan-affiliated companies.

Even if he disagrees, the other party can directly find Nanshan-affiliated companies to cooperate with.

He also felt that given the relationship between Wenchong Shipyard and Nanshan Group of Companies, he didn't need to worry about too many other things.

Unless Nanshan Equipment wins another batch of large orders, it will not be able to complete it on its own.

Then you can't blame others.


Compared to the jubilant Wenchong Shipyard, Samsung Heavy Industries is now really a little anxious.

"Minister Cui, Qatar previously asked us to produce its LNG carriers. Why did they suddenly choose Wenchong Shipyard?"

Zheng Ze's original focus was on production management, hoping to improve Samsung Heavy Industries' production efficiency as much as possible.

Because they still have a lot of LNG tankers and other ships waiting to be delivered.

However, the sudden rise of Wenchong Shipyard disrupted his work arrangements.

He had only heard that the other party's LNG tanker had been launched, so he arranged for Cui Dong to find out the situation.

Unexpectedly, before the next report was heard, news came that Wenchong Shipyard had signed a large order for 5 LNG carriers with Qatar.

The most important thing is that the delivery time of these ships is 2016, which is much earlier than the delivery time of many orders of Samsung Heavy Industries.

This means that the order Qatar placed with Samsung Heavy Industries a year or two ago will be delivered even later.

This will definitely bring about a series of potential impacts.

"I am still investigating. I hardly heard any news before."

Cui Donglai is a little flustered now.

The things that the president had arranged before have not been reported clearly yet, and now new problems have arisen.

How can this be good?

“Didn’t GTT France contact us and tell us that all LNG carriers produced with Invar steel that has not been certified by them will not be recognized by various classification societies in the end?”

“I think the LNG carriers of Wenchong Shipyard will definitely not be able to obtain various certifications from classification societies, right?”

Zheng Ze is very confused now.

He feels that the industry's landscape has been turned upside down.

The market for LNG carriers is not particularly large, with no more than 10 ships delivered each year.

Although the trend is to increase in number in the future, that is still a matter for the future.

Now that Chinese companies have entered the market to disrupt the situation, many things are filled with uncertainty.

This is definitely not a situation he wants to see.

"It should be like this, but I don't know what benefits China promised Qatar to sign a formal order with Wenchong Shipyard."

"I heard that the first contract deposit of US$5 million has been paid."

"This shows that there must be some reasons behind it that we don't know about."

Although Cui Donglai was attacked suddenly, his basic judgment was still correct.

However, Qatar will definitely not publicize the threat posed by Nanshan equipment to itself.

What if Goryeo also adopts a similar threat plan at that time?
Although the possibility is very low, no one wants to cause trouble for themselves.

Therefore, even if Cui Donglai went to inquire, he might not be able to find out much information in the end.

"Minister Cui, China's shipbuilding industry is rising rapidly, which will bring us great pressure."

"In the future, we need to arrange a special team to keep an eye on the movements of various Chinese shipbuilding companies. It would be best if we could collect some intelligence from them."

"We can't afford to be surprised again."

Cui Donglai is Zheng Ze's direct subordinate, so even though there was some trouble this time, Zheng Ze did not blame him too much.

After all, China's actions were indeed a bit sudden.

Even if Samsung Heavy Industries knew some news in advance, what they could do in the end would probably be very limited.

"I'll arrange it right away!"

Cui Donglai nodded without any hesitation, "President, should we also communicate with Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Heavy Industries to discuss how to deal with the rise of China's shipbuilding industry?"

Although in China, competition from Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Heavy Industries is also fierce.

However, as the businesses of several major chaebols within Goryeo, the connections between them are actually very close.

Even if we analyze it carefully, we will find that many people in each family are relatives.

This is very similar to the relationship between the aristocratic families in ancient China.

You are my brother-in-law, but I am also your brother-in-law.

Even though you are my brother-in-law, I am still your uncle.

The interests of the aristocratic families are so tightly bound together through various marriages that it is simply impossible to sort out the situation.

Historically, if the Huang Chao Uprising had not physically eliminated a group of aristocratic families, it would have been difficult for ordinary people to become officials in the Song and Ming dynasties.

“This matter can be put into motion as soon as possible.”

"Please arrange for me to meet with the presidents of the two companies so that we can discuss countermeasures."

Zheng Ze naturally knew that Cui Donglai’s proposal was very necessary.

By joining together, they have basically monopolized 90% of the global LNG tanker market.

Whether it is negotiating with customers or grabbing orders, you can exert strong fighting power.


"Ayang, this time you helped Wenchong Shipyard produce LNG carriers. Not only did you help solve various technical problems, you even helped win back market orders."

"I don't know how many times my cousin has expressed his gratitude to me."

Xiang Changle is Xiang Jianghui's cousin.

As Cao Yang's teacher and the president of Lingnan University of Technology, Xiang Changle has had very close relations with Nanshan-based companies in recent years.

Through cooperation with Nanshan-based companies, Lingnan University of Technology’s overall strength has been raised to a new level.

In the past, everyone in Lingnan always thought that CUHK was the strongest and Lingnan University of Technology could only be ranked second.

But now few people think so.

At most, when talking about specific majors, I feel that CUHK is stronger.

For example, Lingnan University of Technology is still relatively weak in majors such as finance and public administration.

However, in related majors such as semiconductors, materials, automobiles, and equipment, Lingnan University of Technology is also among the best in the country.

The overall ranking has been rising every year, and now many versions of the rankings have ranked Lingnan University of Technology in the top 10.

And all this is thanks to Xiang Changle.

Therefore, his prestige in Lingnan University of Technology is also very high now.

No one would think there is anything wrong with him being too close to Nanshan-affiliated companies.

"Help them get on the horse and send them on their way. This is what we should do."

"Taking the order for LNG carriers is helping Wenchong Shipyard and also helping ourselves."

"The prospects of this industry are still very promising. The three major shipyards in Korea are doing very well thanks to LNG carriers."

"We can definitely grab it."

Cao Yang and Xiang Changle naturally have a special relationship, so no matter what they say, it is relatively direct.

The relationship between Nanshan Group’s companies and Korean companies has always been bad.

Especially those companies headed by Samsung Group, which have a deep relationship with Nanshan Group.

From consumer electronics such as mobile phones and computers to semiconductor components, to the automobile and parts industry, and now the shipbuilding industry.

It can be said that the competition between Nanshan-based companies and Goryeo's entire advantageous industries is extremely fierce.

The contradictions arising from this competition are absolutely irreconcilable.

Although it may not necessarily be a life-and-death situation, it is definitely impossible to coexist peacefully.

After all, no one would like to see their market share taken away by Chinese manufacturers.

"In the advantageous industries of the major developed countries in the world, the competition between Korea and us is indeed quite fierce."

“However, as corporate competition intensifies, perhaps the other party will look for solutions or retaliation plans from a higher level perspective.”

"You also need to be prepared for this aspect."

I have to say that Xiang Changle's judgment is very reasonable.

For those companies in Goryeo, there are conglomerates behind them.

And many things in Goryeo are closely related to the consortium.

Therefore, in the end, Goryeo will directly find the relevant departments of China. Whether it is a protest or a transaction, some cards will definitely be played.

Although Cao Yang is not worried that the relevant departments will or dare to sell out the interests of Nanshan-related companies, he will eventually be disgusted by others.

"As our industry upgrades, the United States is also adjusting some related policies, and they also feel a strong threat."

"And the changes in America will inevitably lead to some changes in Korea and Japan."

"We have actually been preparing for this."

"In the past two years, Venusstar Technology has invested significantly in various military products in order to enhance China's strength in related fields."

"Only when you are strong enough can you speak with confidence. When dealing with various emergencies, you will have something to play if you speak correctly."

It wasn't that Cao Yang was intentionally trying to raise his standards so high.

But as the world's richest man and the boss of China's largest industrial enterprise, his personal interests are indeed closely related to the overall interests of China.

Only when China as a whole becomes stronger can the global interests of Nanshan-based companies be guaranteed.

Otherwise, countless countries will think of various ways to deal with you.

Whether it is a fine or a tax, he is the referee, so isn't it easy for him to deal with an athlete?
(End of this chapter)

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