Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 941: A unique technology display, the robot dog attacks crazily

Chapter 941: A unique technology display, the robot dog attacks crazily

"Not to mention, Daystar Technology has been really impressive in recent years."

"Whether it is the Kunpeng heavy-lift transport helicopter or the Eagle heavy-lift transport helicopter, or the Skyhawk stealth drone and the Wujian-7 high-altitude reconnaissance drone, they are all products that are at the forefront of the world."

"In the second half of this year, I plan to separate the majors related to aircraft design in the school to establish an aerospace college to fully connect with the technological development of Daystar Technology."

Xiang Changle must seize such a good opportunity.

In the past, Lingnan University of Technology did not even have aircraft-related majors.

But in just a few years, its related majors have become one of the top five in the country.

Now Xiang Changle hopes that the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Lingnan University of Technology can lead other universities in the design of helicopters, drones, missiles, rockets, space stations and other products.

If it really comes true, then the comprehensive strength of Lingnan University of Technology may be able to hit the top five.

Xiang Changle can definitely become an indispensable person in the development history of Lingnan University of Technology.

"It is indeed possible to form a separate college. In the future, China will have a very strong demand for aerospace-related talents."

"Now, for example, some students from Western Polytechnic University, as long as they can get their diplomas normally, we at Daystar Technology want them all."

“Various talent training in the country still cannot keep up with our development needs.”

Cao Yang has actually always had some opinions on the talent training methods of domestic universities.

But this kind of thing is not something he can change easily.

It is already a very difficult result to be able to get Lingnan University of Technology and several other universities in Yangcheng to follow their own pace.

If you stretch your hand too long, your fingers may be bitten.

However, for those majoring in aircraft design, the emergence of Venus Technology really gives them a huge opportunity.

Without Daystar Technology, it would have been much more difficult for people in these majors to find jobs after graduation.

Even if you are lucky enough to get into a company such as XAC or Chengdu Aircraft, the salary will not be particularly high.

How is it like now, as soon as you graduate and enter Daystar Technology, the minimum annual salary starts at hundreds of thousands.

This is 2014.

There are really too few graduates of engineering majors, other than computers, who want to earn hundreds of thousands upon graduation.

Almost all people majoring in aircraft related majors have been recruited by Daystar Technology, and even the employment rate of other related majors has been greatly improved.

It can be said that Daystar Technology has changed the development prospects of related majors in China in one fell swoop.

These changes will naturally affect the choices of senior high school students when filling out their application forms.

"Yes, so I think it is necessary to hire technical experts from companies such as Daystar Technology to teach college students so that more students can understand the needs of enterprises and the latest developments in the industry during their college education. ”

"Our school has been able to develop rapidly in recent years, and the contributions of Nanshan-related enterprises are indispensable."

Xiang Changle is also very clear about it. He knows that the rapid progress of Lingnan University of Technology is not mainly due to his own contribution.

I just had better luck, or I made the right choice.

Domestic authorities have regarded Lingnan University of Technology as a demonstration project for higher education reform.

In the future, a further group of universities may be selected for promotion.

"Teacher, speaking of cooperation between the two parties, our group's cooperation with your Mechanical College during this period has really produced a brand new product."

"We plan to invite experts from relevant departments to hold a technical exhibition at that time."

"Will you also come and take a look at it then?"

Nanshan-based companies now have many cooperation projects with Lingnan University of Technology.

Anyway, what the other party wants is fame, and what the Nanshan Clique pursues is profit. There is no essential contradiction between the two parties.

Even a lot of thesis writing work can be handed over to teachers and graduate students at the school. Ultimately, experts from the Nanshan Department of Enterprises can free up more time to engage in research.

This can be said to be an excellent case of industrial research.

"What kind of cooperation is this with the School of Mechanical Engineering?"

Mechanical engineering, a major subject, is the foundation of all industries.

The mechanical design and automation major of Lingnan University of Technology is relatively good.

Whether it is with Venus Technology or Nanshan Automobile Group, there are many cooperative projects developed together.

Xiang Changle was really not sure what project Cao Yang was talking about for a moment.


There's nothing to beat around the bush about this kind of thing.

"Nanshan Robotics has been developing robot-related products over the years. Robot Dog is the first military product launched in line with the latest development needs."

"This robot dog uses the latest robotic technologies, and has also specially cooperated with Nanshan Semiconductor to develop related chips."

"Nanshan Auto Parts has jointly developed many types of sensors, and some domestic military industry companies have assisted in providing some gun-related technologies and products."

"It is expected to become an important weapon on the battlefield for China and even many countries around the world in the future."

The robotics industry has always been an industry that Cao Yang attaches great importance to.

Starting from welding robots, Nanshan Robot is now the world's largest robot company.

Nanshan Robot provides 70% to 80% of the welding robots used by various domestic automobile OEMs.

If you count the newly built factories in recent years, almost 90% of them are products of Nanshan Robot.

Good performance, good quality, not expensive.

Nanshan Robot's unmanned factory is now known to many industrial companies in the industry.

Now, after many years, it has finally launched a new generation of products, which will definitely attract the attention of all parties.

After all, although the robot dog is a product developed for military use, it can also be applied in many other situations with slight modifications.

Even in terms of electronic pets, there is room for application that is worth looking forward to.

"Have you completed the robot dog project?"

Xiang Changle has heard relevant reports on all cooperation projects with Nanshan enterprises.

So when Cao Yang mentioned it, he knew what he was talking about.

Nanshan Robot is not the only one researching the robot dog product. There are also many domestic scientific research institutions and companies researching similar products.

Even the United States, Polar Bear, Germany, Japan and other countries are researching similar products.

Human life is becoming more and more precious. Things that can be done by robots naturally do not require humans.

It's just that although the product concept of robot dogs has been proposed for many years, no one has really come up with a product that makes people shine.

Now Nanshan Robot is going to become a pioneer in the industry, which is naturally very worth looking forward to.

"Yes, this time we launched two types of mechanical dogs, a lightweight type and a powerful type."

"The lightweight model is good at reconnaissance and can perform actions such as lying down, jumping, and backwards, and even shaking hands with soldiers."

"Its main role on the battlefield is not simply to fight, but to effectively replace humans to go to the front line or go deep into the enemy camp to collect intelligence using the multiple sensor systems installed on it."

"And the other one can carry a rifle and move forward quickly and flexibly adjust the direction of the muzzle. According to our tests, the robot dog can perform a variety of practical tasks and can definitely stand out on the battlefield."

"This type of robot dog can then be used as a vanguard on the battlefield, because this type of robot dog alone weighs an astonishing 50 kilograms."

"You can carry a submachine gun or even a light machine gun and mow down infantry on the battlefield."

Cao Yang also participated in the design of this robot.

In fact, with the advancement of various technologies, it has become much easier for various Nanshan-based companies to produce various robots.

After all, many technologies have similar applications in other places, and now they are just being combined in a targeted manner.

Of course, it is because the Nanshan Group’s companies are strong that they can come up with such a combination plan.

If you change to another company, there may be various problems.

For example, the bearing life does not meet the requirements or it is not wear-resistant.

Or maybe the performance of the micromotor is not good enough and it is unable to perform various complex movements.

Even various sensors, you have no way to produce them that meet the requirements.

“Is this robot dog really that powerful?”

Xiang Changle immediately became interested.

He is a professional car enthusiast, but the automotive major itself is also a major under the university subject of mechanical engineering.

Many things are connected.

"Yes, on the battlefield, it can not only perform reconnaissance and surveillance, but also perform the task of transporting supplies."

"Imagine that on a battlefield full of gunfire, there is such a robot dog that can quickly cross the most dangerous areas and safely deliver ammunition and necessities to comrades. This is undoubtedly a huge blessing for frontline soldiers."

"Although its appearance is similar to that of an ordinary military dog, it is equipped with the most advanced technology."

"It can navigate freely in all kinds of complex terrains, whether it is rugged mountains, dense jungles or urban battlefields full of obstacles, and can stably and efficiently complete reconnaissance and delivery tasks."

"All of this is based on the precise sensors and advanced navigation system it carries. By the way, this navigation system is provided by the Starlink satellite system of Venustech."

As Cao Yang explained, Xiang Changle already had an image of a robot dog in his mind.

"How about I come over to Nanshan Robotics and take a look later?"

Xiang Changle was itching to see the real thing.

After all, no matter how good the words are, they are not as impactful as seeing it with your own eyes.

"No problem, I'll go with you to take a look later."

"Call Pan Jun along when the time comes, so he can also see the power of the robot dog in advance."

Cao Yang naturally would not refuse Xiang Changle's visit.

Although it is not yet certain whether this robot dog will be exported, there is definitely no need to keep it secret for Xiang Changle.

...For ordinary Chinese people, things like guns and ammunition are absolutely out of reach.

However, for Venusstar Technology, which produces military products itself, it is inevitable that it will be involved in related ammunition.

Therefore, it is not that difficult for Nanshan Robot, a member of the same group, to apply for a batch of guns and ammunition.

In fact, some companies in the Nanshan Group have security personnel with legal gun-carrying certificates in some special occasions.

There is no way. If the laboratories or production workshops of core enterprises such as Venusstar Technology do not have any strong security, something big will definitely happen.

The United States or other forces can cause quite a stir with just some casual arrangements.

Of course, in addition to the security teams of each Nanshan company, relevant departments also have some special forces in the surrounding areas.

What ordinary people can see most is that there are special police vehicles parked at the gates of companies such as Venusstar Technology all day long.

If any situation occurs, support can be obtained as quickly as possible.

"Mr. Cao, this robot dog is so smart, isn't it? We can actually take it around like walking a dog."

"It can actively follow our steps to adjust its own route, which is really amazing."

Pan Jun and Xiang Changle followed Cao Yang to Nanshan Robot to experience the power of the robot dog in advance.

He had come into contact with some robot products before, but none of them could compare with the current robot dogs.

"In addition to simply following, our robot dogs can also work closely with soldiers in coordinated operations."

"Through an efficient communication system, it can transmit battlefield information in real time and provide commanders with first-hand intelligence support. At critical moments, this robot dog can even provide firepower support and become a powerful assistant to the soldiers."

"This type of intelligent warfare equipment marks a major change in the future form of warfare."

"In the past, we relied on human courage and physical strength. Today, the addition of intelligent machines makes war more dependent on the power of science and technology."

"This not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of combat, but also greatly protects the lives of soldiers."

Cao Yang has witnessed many products of the later AI era and is well aware of many future development directions.

The right direction is sometimes more important than any effort.

"For such an advanced robot dog, I think it is necessary to let the relevant departments experience it in advance."

"In addition to the expert team coming to inspect and confirm, I think it can be used in exercises."

"Boss Cao, I want to give you some feedback and show this robot dog in the latest exercise."

"We can even consider adding a robot dog display to this year's military parade."

As a liaison representative dispatched by relevant departments to Nanshan-affiliated enterprises, Pan Jun naturally hopes that Nanshan-affiliated enterprises can achieve more results.

To a certain extent, this can also be considered his achievement.

The robot dog in front of us is so excellent, there is no reason not to get it out as soon as possible.

"Then I'll trouble Representative Pan."

"It would be best if we could get into actual combat as soon as possible."

"Anyway, our production lines have already been built, and we are just waiting for the relevant departments to place large orders with us."

According to Cao Yang's estimation, if the relevant departments recognize the role of robot dogs, the number of equipment in the future will definitely be considerable.

Not to mention equipping every person with one, it is entirely possible that the national demand will exceed 10.

Moreover, this product can be used not only by a certain team, but also in many fields.

It is even very suitable for patrolling at the border and in cities.

It's nothing more than making targeted adjustments to the things carried on it.

Pan Jun acted quickly. Of course, the main reason was that the performance of the robot dog produced by Nanshan Robot was too amazing.

So soon, a unique display began at a certain exercise site.

Nanshan Robot’s technical staff personally went to assist in the training so that the relevant personnel could use the robot dog quickly.

Not to mention anything else, just the scenes of the robot dogs patrolling, moving quickly on the exercise battlefield, and even shooting quickly, are very impactful.

A few days later, the footage of this exercise was broadcast directly by China TV.

As a result, Nanshan Robot’s robot dog became instantly famous.

"This is too cool!"

"Are you sure this isn't a scene from a movie?"

"It's amazing. I didn't expect we have such advanced products."

"The technological progress of domestic robots is so fast that they are now ahead of many competitors."

"Just imagine the scene of a large army of robot dogs being deployed. It's really worth looking forward to."

"It seems like it would be worth looking forward to if such a robot dog could become a pet dog."

"In the future, when I walk my dog, I can just ask it to help carry things. I can even bring a robot dog with me when I go on a wild trip."


With various comments, this news from Huaxia TV quickly became a hot topic on Weibo.

Many robots in the past looked rather abstract, like a piece of equipment.

But this time, the robot launched by Nanshan Robot uses better simulation technology and looks closer to a real dog.

And a lot of effort has also been put into the appearance design.

While ensuring performance, it also maintains aesthetics.

So not only military fans are interested in it, even some girls think it is cute.

Even if it has a submachine gun on its back.

Robot dogs have become a hot topic in China, so naturally many companies in the robotics industry are paying attention to this matter.

"Director Tanaka, Nanshan Robotics in China has launched a combat robot. It seems to have attracted a lot of attention and it looks very powerful."

“Is there any way we can produce similar products?”

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, as a large Japanese enterprise, is also well-known in the field of robotics.

Some of the robots used by relevant departments in Japan were developed by Kawasaki Heavy Industries.

In this area, they are doing better than FANUC and Fujikoshi.

"The technical threshold for developing a combat robot dog is very high. It involves materials, mechanics, optics, electronic intelligent control, energy, etc., covering almost all new and old technologies. It cannot be developed without the most comprehensive industrial capabilities."

As the person in charge of R&D of robots at Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Masanori Tanaka has a relatively good understanding of various robot products.

For example, regarding the robot dog launched by China, he saw some similar news from Boston Dynamics in the United States last year.

At that time, he did consider designing a similar product, but found that the threshold was a bit high.

The most important thing is that after the design is completed, the relevant departments in Japan may not necessarily purchase it.

The situation in Japan is a little different from that in America and China.

Their relevant departments cannot purchase various equipment according to their own wishes, but need to fully consider the opinions of the United States.

For things like combat robot dogs, Tanaka Masanori believes that Japan will eventually purchase them from America.

That's why he didn't devote too much energy to the development in this area.

"The combat robot dog is much more complicated than a toy. You can see it from some photos and news released by China. In addition to a Type 95-1 assault rifle, it is also equipped with a battlefield perception system that integrates white light, passive infrared, and laser rangefinders. The tail must have a military data link transceiver with strong anti-interference capabilities. The difficulty of integrating these two pieces of equipment alone has prevented more than 200 countries and regions from obtaining equipment."

“We don’t have any advantages in this regard.”

Tanaka Masanori further explained the production threshold of combat robot dogs.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries is very strong, but it cannot handle everything.

“Nanshan Robotics’ research history in robots is not as long as ours.”

"If they can produce this kind of robot dog, I think we can do it too."

As the vice president in charge of sales and concurrently the head of the sales department, Taketake Ishikawa naturally hopes that Kawasaki Heavy Industries' robot product line can be further enriched.

Especially this kind of fighting robot dog that can attract a lot of gimmicks is even more worth looking forward to.

As for the difficulties that Tanaka Masanori just mentioned, he was not very concerned.

That is not something the sales department should worry about. Once the decision is made to conduct research and development, the engineers will naturally find a way to solve it.

In his opinion, Japan's technology in many fields is very advanced, and there is no reason why Chinese companies can produce it. They really can't do it.

It’s just that there are some things that Kawasaki Heavy Industries is not good at, so it can look for other companies.

For example, there are many companies in Japan that specialize in producing sensors, and he doesn't believe that everyone can't produce them.

"The situation of Nanshan Robotics is very different from ours. They are backed by the entire Nanshan Group of companies."

"Both Nanshan Equipment and Venusstar Technology are very powerful. They can even produce heavy transport helicopters and various advanced drones."

"Even the space station has been launched, and many of the communication and perception-related component technologies involved have already been relatively maturely applied."

“These advantages are unmatched by us.”

As the person in charge of research and development, Tanaka Masanori certainly doesn't want to dig a hole for himself.

If we want to research a fighting robot dog, it will definitely be possible to develop one.

But the difference between dogs, like the difference between people, is huge.

It would be embarrassing if manpower and material resources were invested but the result was very bad.

"Just give it a try. How do you know it won't work if you don't try?"

Ishikawa Yutake's words left Tanaka Masanori speechless.

However, his position was half a level higher than his own, so he had no way to object directly and could only go ahead and do it.

(End of this chapter)

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