Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 942: "Drone swarm" deploys "robot dog army", future combat mode?

Chapter 942: "Drone swarm" deploys "robot dog army", future combat mode?

Strike while the iron is hot.

Products like robot dogs have strong social attributes, and many people are very concerned about them and are very interested in them.

Whether it is in the military, in daily life, or in industrial production, many application scenarios can be found.

Therefore, it can be developed into several series of products.

There are already two main versions, and it is completely feasible to extend a series of civilian versions on this basis.

Of course, the first thing to do is to create a military version.

Relevant departments have initially felt the benefits and placed an order for 100 robot dogs.

However, this number is definitely too small for Nanshan Robot.

Even if the price of a robot dog reaches millions, it is still not much money.

Therefore, Cao Yang is ready to work harder to let everyone further feel the benefits.

When orders increase, various costs can be amortized more quickly, and prices can fall further, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

Of course, it is also necessary to put it on the agenda to develop some low-end versions of robot dogs for export.

"Mr. Cao, according to your instructions, we have completed the verification of the mounting stability between the unmanned helicopter and the robot dog, which can fully meet the requirements at various speeds."

"Even in the face of some special maneuvers, it can ensure that the robot dog does not fall off the drone."

Li Shigui and Zhao Siyu reported to Cao Yang on the next arrangements.

A simple robot dog demonstration, no matter how crazy the scene is, its impact is relatively limited.

So Cao Yang is planning to combine it with drones.

Swarm tactics are already relatively mature in the field of drones.

Relevant departments use the Scorpion drone as the mother aircraft, mount DJI drone products, and then mount some bombs or micro-missiles. The combat plan is relatively mature.

Even Goudahu's side has demonstrated the effectiveness of this tactic when dealing with the rebels within its southeastern neighbors.

Now Cao Yang combines the drone swarm combat method with the robot dog.

Use drones to release robot dogs. When the drone swarm releases the robot dog combat army, the scene will definitely be very hot.

Imagine that a group of enemy troops is quickly approaching your own position, and then suddenly a group of drones fly from the sky, quickly dropping a group of robot dogs, and then the robot dogs fight with you.

No matter whether the robot dog uses an assault rifle, a light machine gun, or a micro missile, it is enough to feed you.

This brand-new combat mode is full of futuristic technology and is definitely suitable as a promotional blockbuster.

Even playing it during recruitment work can give everyone a lot of encouragement.

Therefore, Cao Yang attached great importance to this simulation exercise.

He has even arranged for Nanshan Film and Television to deploy a professional filming team to produce a promotional video for Nanshan drones.

In the future, when Nanshan Robot goes out to promote its products, it will definitely be very convincing to show this thing.

Military quality, civilian product price.

Thinking about the scene after those business owners watched it, they can feel that orders are flying towards Nanshan Robot.

"Mr. Cao, Nanshan Film and Television's "The Wandering Earth" this year has received a lot of praise, and many of our related companies' advertising placements have also received rave reviews."

"I think it's better to put the scene you want in a certain movie or TV series."

Mi Ying also actively put forward her own ideas next to her.

Following Cao Yang every day, she grew up very quickly.

Now there is absolutely no problem in releasing her as the person in charge of a certain company.

It's just that she doesn't want to.

"Okay, please contact Zhang Songwen and ask him to make arrangements as soon as possible."

The existence purpose of Nanshan Film and Television is to serve the corporate promotion of Nanshan Group.

So no matter whether someone has a very suitable film, Cao Yang supports Mi Ying's point of view.

Soon, everyone took action.

After the first step of the promotional video was shot, Cao Yang posted it directly on his personal Weibo.

As a big V with more than 5000 million fans, Cao Yang’s Weibo influence is absolutely huge.

The main reason is that the content inside is so sci-fi and exciting, which naturally attracted many people to forward and comment on it.

Even various celebrities have actively forwarded it, saying that they really want a robot dog as a pet dog.

"Brother, I think this pet robot project can be launched. There are many celebrities in our company who are interested in these products."

"It doesn't matter if the price is relatively high at the beginning. These celebrities can afford it."

"Sometimes you should really get a dog. Many people find it a bit troublesome to take care of them."

"But if this dog is a robot dog, these problems will disappear."

Zhang Xin actively called Cao Yang and expressed his attitude towards the robot dog.

She studied abroad and is very concerned about news from Japan, the United States and other countries.

She had noticed before that some companies in Japan were researching pet dogs or other pet robots, and she thought they were very promising.

Of course, there are similar things on the market, but the quality is completely unreliable.

What Zhang Xin wants is definitely a relatively high-end existence.

This kind of product is currently unavailable even with money.

For example, it is not that easy to be able to follow your instructions and perform various actions, even help look after the home and care for the home to a certain extent, and also have emotional communication with the owner.

However, other companies cannot handle it, but Zhang Xin feels that Nanshan Robot still has hope.

"The pet robot dog looks like a toy, but to do it well, the difficulty is not any lower than that of the military robot dog."

"It takes even more effort to do it."

Cao Yang naturally knew that there was indeed a certain market for pet dogs.

By then, it will definitely not be that easy to truly meet market expectations.

Later generations of AI technology must be developed in advance to meet relevant requirements.

Otherwise, if it were just a purely mechanical pet dog, it would not be very competitive at all.

But it was not that difficult to engage in AI in 2014.

Not to mention various software things, there is no product on the market that can meet the requirements for AI chips alone.

This requires specialized development by Nanshan Semiconductor.

The preparation time is definitely longer than that of the combat robot dogs currently developed.

Let alone next year, if the first-generation version can be launched the year after that, it will be considered very good.

Of course, if the requirements are lowered a bit, the situation will be completely different.

Now Nanshan Robot can make a pet dog, and it is much better than the products on the market.

However, it is still very different from what Cao Yang imagined, so it will definitely not be completed so quickly.

Produced by Nanshan, it must be a high-quality product.

This brand cannot be destroyed by a pet dog.

"Whether it's Nanshan Robotics or Nanshan Automobile Group, they both have so much human resources, so we can definitely give it a try."

"Besides, developing pet dogs requires various technologies, but these technologies may also be used in other places."

"For example, it is completely possible to put various conversation software with pet dogs on the car's central control."

“Hasn’t Nanshan Automobile Group always emphasized that it is moving towards intelligence, networking and electrification?”

"I think the technology of pet dogs can actually be perfectly combined with the three development directions of Nanshan Automobile Group."

I have to say that Zhang Xin’s statement makes a lot of sense.

Even this set of conversation software, or AI program, can be used not only on pet dogs and cars, but also on Honor Technology's mobile phones and computers.

If you think about it this way, it seems worthwhile even if you invest a team of several thousand or even tens of thousands of people to develop such a software.

Nanshan-based companies do have this kind of advantage.

Whether it is the collection and analysis of various data, the analysis of some dialogue models, or related chip technology and system architecture, it can be completed within the group.

If it is successfully developed in the future, all Nanshan companies will benefit from it.

This is definitely worth looking forward to.

"Your statement makes sense and has successfully convinced me."

"I will ask Nanshan Robotics to set up a pet dog project and strive to develop the first generation of pet dogs in a year."

Cao Yang made up his mind and would arrange people to start planning AI technology, so that Nanshan-based companies could be the first to use various AI functions in the future.

By then, it is estimated that no company in the world can match the strength of the Nanshan Group.

Cao Yang can now boldly implement more of his ideas.

While Cao Yang and Zhang Xin were enthusiastically discussing pet dogs, over in the United States, the atmosphere inside Boston Power, the world's first manufacturer to release a robot dog, was a bit tense.


"McDonald, your Boston Dynamics robot dog technology is the best. We hope to launch a military version of the robot dog as soon as possible, and the relevant purchase order will be given to you soon."

John personally came to Boston Dynamics to discuss the matter of the robot dog with their president McDonald.

Pictures and videos of various robot dogs participating in military exercises in China have spread around the world.

America has always been the epitome of high technology, but now this label may be thrown away.

I'm sure many people over there won't be able to accept this.

Especially this time's robot dog project, it was obviously released earlier by Boston Dynamics, but it was snatched away by the Chinese, which made many people even more dissatisfied.

Even Boston Dynamics launched an internal investigation to see if anyone had leaked company secrets.

Otherwise, how could the functions of Nanshan Robotics' robot dog be so close to those of Boston Power, and then be further upgraded.

This is simply not giving them a way to survive.

"John, it's not easy to develop a robot dog with actual combat capabilities. We want it to be done sooner rather than later."

McDonald is a typical academic figure. Under his management, Boston Dynamics is more of a scientific research institution than a company.

As early as 2013, Boston Dynamics received funding from key U.S. departments to develop quadruped or flea robots for military surveys or terrain testing.

For example, the iterative LS3 quadruped robot is resistant to cold and high temperatures, and can be used as an all-terrain vehicle to traverse 80% of the terrain, but it has not been actually put into use.

So McDonald is very familiar with military robot dogs.

The more you understand, the more you realize how difficult it is.

"I certainly understand the difficulty in developing combat robots, otherwise we wouldn't have been unable to develop qualified products for large-scale deployment until now."

"But the video that China has produced now of a 'swarm of drones' dropping a 'army of robot dogs' is really shocking."

"In future local conflicts, if the other side uses such tactics, it will be very difficult for us to defend against them."

"The most important thing is that the cost of this kind of attack is very low, and there is no need to worry about casualties."

"They can even bypass radar monitoring by making ultra-low-altitude penetrations. Then, a large army of robot dogs will suddenly appear around our team, which will be hard to defend against."

John knows something about military affairs, otherwise he would not have been assigned to liaise with various military-industrial enterprises.

The size of the drone itself is relatively small, so it is difficult for the radar to detect it.

If there is another ultra-low-altitude penetration, it will be really difficult to defend.

Even if their radar has discovered them and even launched missiles to intercept them, the other side can first release the robot dog and then find a way to escape.

In the worst case scenario, they are hit by a missile, but the cost of the missile is likely to exceed the cost of their drone.

In this way, their swarm tactics will definitely be more or less effective.

After all, you can launch dozens or even hundreds of missiles to intercept other people's drones.

But you can't possibly have thousands of missiles to use, right?
It's not a large-scale conflict on the frontal battlefield, so it's unlikely that thousands of missiles would be launched at the same time.

Unless there is a Third World War, but such a scenario is obviously impossible to happen.

After all, major countries all have nuclear weapons, and if that time really comes, the Earth will probably be gone.

That is certainly not a situation that any country wants to see.

Thinking of this, John also felt a little overwhelmed.

"General Atomics has put a lot of effort into drones over the years. We can cooperate with them to launch a combat plan similar to that of Venustech and Nanshan Robotics to ease the pressure on all parties."

"But there is no way to mass-produce robot dogs that can actually be used on the battlefield so quickly."

"You should probably tell this to the people in the relevant departments."

McDonald also understands the pressure John is under now.

As the world's richest man, the short videos Cao Yang posted on his social media account have a very wide range of dissemination.

Not only in China, there are a large number of people forwarding and discussing this, but America is no exception.

If the relevant American departments cannot come up with any countermeasures, their prestige will definitely be damaged.

This was not the situation John wanted to see.

"Since we can't come up with similar products so quickly, is it possible for us to import some robot dog-related parts from China and then use them after appropriate modifications?"

Although the United States has tried its best to suppress Nanshan-affiliated companies, various situations naturally arise when it comes to implementation.

For example, John bought a batch of drones through his own white gloves, and then made a lot of money by reselling and leasing them.

If a robot dog can do this, it seems possible to give it a try.

As long as Boston Dynamics is willing to cooperate, or even without Boston Dynamics' cooperation, he thinks it's worth a try.

"If we want to develop new products, we will definitely buy similar products on the market and disassemble and analyze them for comparison."

“Even some of the parts are purchased from outside.”

“But if we buy finished products directly from Nanshan Robotics on a large scale, I don’t think it’s appropriate.”

McDonald is an academic after all, and he feels that he cannot do that kind of labeling work himself.

That's insulting yourself.

If you just buy a few to study, then there will definitely be no problem.

But that's obviously not what John meant.

"Okay, I got it. If there is any new progress from Boston Dynamics, please let me know in time."

John didn't bother with McDonald anymore, he had more important things to do.


"Mr. Cao, the relevant departments want to use robot dogs to patrol the northwest border, but the current battery life is not enough to support long-term patrols. Do you have any good solutions?"

The video released by Cao Yang attracted so much attention that the relevant departments are naturally discussing how to maximize the use of robot dogs.

Battlefield combat is one kind, but opportunities for actual combat are certainly not always available.

Border patrols are something that need to be done every day.

The climate and environment in the northwestern plateau are relatively harsh. Relying on manpower for patrolling is not only tiring, but also somewhat dangerous.

But if it can be handed over to a robot dog and the controller can command directly at the outpost, the meaning will be very different.

You can even deploy robot dogs at different locations to greatly improve patrol efforts.

"Of course there are ways. We can provide different power modes according to different needs."

"There are versions with diesel engines, gasoline engines and lithium battery power."

"But if we want to solve the problem of long battery life, the best way is to install a foldable solar panel on the back of the robot dog."

"When there are no special combat missions, we open the solar panels. The solar energy on the plateau is very abundant."

"We directly applied the solar panel technology used on the Chang'e space station to the robot dog, which can basically meet the daily energy needs."

Cao Yang quickly came up with a solution.

Although carrying a solar panel on a robot dog will reduce its flexibility, it depends on what the robot dog is used for and whether it can meet the usage requirements.

As long as the various functions can meet the needs, it is a good solution.

"Boss Cao, if you carry a solar panel on your back, once an enemy appears, it will be easy for the solar panel to be attacked and destroyed, right?"

Pan Jun imagined the scene of a robot dog carrying an unfolded solar panel, and he didn't think it was a good scene at all.

However, Cao Yang had his own opinion. He said, "If the solar panels are damaged, there are still lithium batteries inside that can support the use needs for about an hour."

"And if we can detect the enemy in advance and fold up the solar panels, it will be much more difficult for the enemy to destroy them."

"Besides, our solar panels were designed to be used in the event of partial damage."

"So as long as no key parts are damaged, the solar panels can still be used."

After hearing Cao Yang's explanation, Pan Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

From this point of view, it seems feasible to use robot dogs to patrol the northwest border.

"Boss Cao, is it possible for us to make the robot dog bigger so that its power can be multiplied?"

Pan Jun proposed another idea.

“There is no problem with nature, but when it comes to scale, it becomes more difficult to combine it with drones.”

"The size of the robot dog may need to be determined based on different usage requirements."

It is difficult to do small things, but isn’t it easy to do big things?
Based on the current two versions of robot dogs, Nanshan Robot can fully extend a series of products.

However, the relevant departments are apparently still exploring the usage scenarios and related functions of robot dogs, and large-scale applications will probably still take time.

Although Cao Yang was a little dissatisfied with this, he understood it.

“That’s a problem.”

Pan Jun has also seen the video of the exercise in which a swarm of drones cooperated with an army of robot dogs.

It would be a pity if there is no way to implement this function.

"Another way is to have a drone drop the robot dog onto a designated patrol route, and then after the battery or fuel is used up, arrange for the drone to pick it up again."

“This way there’s no need to make any modifications to it.”

Cao Yang proposed a new plan.

This plan can be tested immediately, and the results of whether it is good or not will be known quickly.

Pan Jun obviously understood this, so he started to make arrangements immediately.

However, unlike the relevant departments in China who are still struggling with how to use robot dogs efficiently, some customers acted very quickly.

Zhao Siyu and Li Shigui soon received a group of special visiting customers, who proposed a very bold purchasing plan.

Neither Zhao Siyu nor Li Shigui dared to make a decision immediately, so they came together to report to Cao Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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