Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 943 I am rich and willful, I am not afraid of being slaughtered by you

Chapter 943 I am rich and willful, I am not afraid of being slaughtered by you
"Mr. Cao, the big dog owner has arranged for someone to come over for inspection and wants to purchase our unmanned helicopters and robot dogs on a large scale."

"And they hope to start deliveries within this year."

"It feels like they were attracted by the content in the promotional videos you posted, and want to use the plan of drone swarms to drop combat robots in actual combat."

Li Shigui directly expressed the thoughts of the big dog owner.

Normally, all military-related products must give priority to meeting domestic demand.

It is even necessary to consider the opinions of relevant departments before determining whether it can be exported.

The solution of drone plus robot dog is obviously used in military situations, so the final export must be confirmed by the relevant departments.

But at least Daystar Technology and Nanshan Robotics must have the internal willingness to export, and then apply for relevant approvals.

"The civil strife in the southeastern neighbor of Goudahu is getting more and more serious, and the opposition is getting stronger and stronger."

"Although the big dog owners have used Scorpion drones and missiles to continuously attack each other in the past two years, they have also achieved some results."

"But since there is no participation of ground forces, the actual strike effect still needs to be improved."

"But everyone knows about those people in the big dog family. If you expect them to attack from the ground, they may be defeated."

"Now that I see our plan of using drones and robot dogs to fight, I'm probably excited."

Zhao Siyu had been in contact with the big dog owners before, and he had a relatively good understanding of the situation there.

For these rich people who are not short of money, as long as it can be solved with money, it is not a big deal.

When thousands of robot dogs are dispatched together, they will definitely cause heavy losses to the opponent.

"It seems that Gu Yuesai's armed forces have put a lot of pressure on the big dogs. They can't wait to enter the opponent's territory from the ground."

Cao Yang knew that the southeastern neighbors of the big dog family would eventually fall into complete chaos, and there would be no way to completely improve it for many years to come.

So it is normal that the big dog owners are more anxious now.

After all, the opposition armed forces wearing slippers, even though their equipment is rubbish, their combat effectiveness is definitely impressive.

It is impossible for you to completely eliminate them simply by relying on air strikes.

The United States was so powerful back then that it was impossible to rely solely on gaps during the "Desert Storm" operation, let alone the big dogs now dealing with the Gu Yuesai armed organization.

"Yes, so this time when the other party's people came over, they didn't talk about the price from beginning to end. They acted like I have money, and as long as you are willing to sell, the price is whatever you want."

"Mr. Cao, it would be a pity if we didn't earn a lot of money from him because he is so rich and willful and ready to be slaughtered by you."

Li Shigui can’t wait to see Nanshan Robot’s robot dogs being mass-produced and sold.

This kind of product, in terms of technological content, naturally has it.

But after all, it is a small ground equipment, and its sensitivity is not at the same level as products such as fighter jets, bombers, and missiles.

In the 1980s, even strategic missiles could be sold to big dog owners. Now there is no problem selling some robot dogs.

As for whether this would lead to the leakage of Nanshan Robot's confidential information, Li Shigui was not very worried.

On the one hand, some parts are just samples handed to you. Without specific drawing information, you cannot produce them.

On the other hand, if you want to gain volume, you can't worry too much about this aspect.

"I also think this business can be done, and the relevant departments should be able to convince them to approve the export of robot dogs."

Zhao Siyu naturally supported Li Shigui's proposal.

After all, every export of a robot dog will be matched with the export business of an unmanned helicopter.

Although some unmanned helicopters have been sold to big dog owners before, the number is not particularly large.

Looking at the big dog owners now, the number of robot dogs they want to buy must be in the thousands.

This means that the sales of unmanned helicopters can exceed one thousand.

No matter which company it is, it is reluctant to give up such a large order.

After all, selling airplanes is not like selling cars, which can easily cost tens or hundreds of thousands.

It is already a big deal to have a large order of more than a thousand aircraft.

"If we want to sell, do you have any special considerations in terms of price?"

The export of this special military product is definitely not priced based on cost.

Otherwise, the missiles back then would not have been sold for billions of dollars.

Nanshan Robot's robot dog currently does not have large-scale equipment even in China, and it has not yet been exported.

This kind of high-tech advanced equipment installed in mass production for the first time in the world is a huge blow to big investors, and it is completely sorry for the research and development efforts in the past few years.

Both Li Shigui and Zhao Siyu obviously understand this truth.

"For us, the biggest cost of these products is the various early research and development costs and the investment in equipment for the corresponding production lines."

"I think we can take this opportunity to recover all R&D costs, equipment investment, molds and other related investments at once."

"If we continue to sell robot dogs in the future, the cost will only be pure material costs, which can be only tens of thousands of yuan."

"At that time, even if we sell them to relevant domestic departments for 10 yuan each, we will still be able to make more than 100% profit."

Zhao Siyu first expressed his attitude.

If you are stupid, money will come quickly.

Even at this time, they were so merciful, which was really too polite.

There is oil under the ground, so there is no shortage of money.

Billions of dollars in arms procurement without any pressure at all.

Therefore, Venus Technology and Nanshan Robot can definitely do a good job.

"What Mr. Zhao said makes sense. I also think that all the expenses should be amortized into the selling price, and then a profit should be added to it."

"However, unmanned helicopters have been sold to big investors before, so it may not be appropriate for us to directly increase the price."

"I think we can combine the robot dog and the unmanned helicopter and sell them as one product. If one set of products sells for $200 million, dog owners will buy at least 1000 sets, which means sales of $20 billion."

"At this price, all our investment will be recovered at once, and we can even make at least several hundred million dollars in profit."

"If the big dog buys more than 1000 units, the profit will be even higher."

Li Shigui came directly with an offer that made a lion's mouth open.

Although Cao Yang knew that this was a bit deceptive, the export of military products was inherently special.

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

There is absolutely no need to be polite to others.

So he agreed to Li Shigui's proposal without any hesitation, and asked them to continue negotiating with the rich man Gou.


"Mr. Cao, the relevant departments have agreed to Nanshan Robot's robot dog becoming a major exporter of dog robots."

"But they have a request, which is that when your technical team goes to the big dog owners to instruct them on how to use the dog, you must arrange for a few of their technical staff to go with them."

"The dog owners will definitely deploy these robot dogs in the battle against the Gu Yue Sai armed forces. This is the first time that drone swarm tactics and robot dogs have been combined on the battlefield."

"It was also the first time that robot dogs appeared on the battlefield on a large scale."

"So a lot of battlefield data is very instructive."

Pan Jun is very efficient in his work.

Before Li Shigui and Zhao Siyu finalized the contract with Gou Da Hu, he had already brought a reply from the relevant department.

Obviously, the relevant Chinese departments are very eager to know the actual combat effect of this new equipment.

Otherwise, if huge amounts of money are spent on large-scale equipment, it will likely lead to waste, and may even cause problems at critical moments.

Now the big dog owners have the direct opportunity to use the robot dogs on the battlefield, and they also have the combat experience of deploying large-scale robot dogs on the battlefield as a reference. The relevant departments will definitely want to witness it in person.

"No problem. As long as there aren't too many people, everyone can go along and give instructions."

"And each of our robot dogs has a camera, and their control systems are connected to the Starlink satellite system."

"If necessary, we can also transmit all the photos taken by the robot dog back through the Starlink satellite system."

"Then we can analyze the video information carefully."

In front of Pan Jun, there was naturally nothing to hide about this backdoor.

The big dog owners might also know that these robot dogs have backdoors.

However, China has maintained a high credibility in relevant areas over the past few decades, so people are not too worried.

Anyway, the big dogs themselves know that the equipment they have, especially the equipment purchased from the United States, basically have backdoors.

“It would be great if we could have that information to analyze.”

"At that time, we can also arrange for some reconnaissance satellites to take some overall pictures, so that everyone can have a more direct understanding of the combat scenes and combat effects."

Pan Jun enthusiastically discussed the follow-up arrangements with Cao Yang.

With these things in hand, Nanshan-based companies will have a higher chance of getting approval when they want to export various military products in the future.

After all, there is a severe lack of opportunities for actual combat in China. Nanshan-based companies can quickly accumulate actual combat experience by selling relevant equipment overseas.

By then, we will launch some improved versions that will definitely be more in line with actual combat needs.

This situation is definitely beneficial to the relevant departments in China.


The man is affectionate, and the concubine is interested.

The overall progress of Nanshan Robot's negotiations with major dog manufacturers is naturally very fast.

As a representative, Li Shigui quickly signed a formal purchase order for robot dogs with the representative of a large dog owner.

The dog owner did not raise any special objections to the price, and sold the robot dog and unmanned helicopter at a price of 200 million US dollars per set, equipped with a basic amount of ammunition. Nanshan Robotics will arrange a special technical team to go to the dog owner to assist them in operating the drone and robot.

Even in the first six months after the equipment arrives, the technicians at Nanshan Robotics will actually help operate these robot dogs.

This is definitely a condition that is of great concern to big dog owners.

Because the matter of attacking the Gu Yue Sai armed forces has become an imminent matter for them.

According to past experience, it would take at least a year for the dog owner’s own team to master the operation of these drones and robot dogs.

That efficiency is definitely unacceptable.

But with the hands-on assistance of Nanshan Robot’s technical staff, the situation would be completely different.

It can be said that this time it was the technical staff of Nanshan Robot who directly helped everyone in the battle.

This is also the reason why the other party can accept a high price.

In terms of purchasing quantity, the dog owner is even richer than Cao Yang imagined.

They purchased 2000 sets of robot dog equipment at one time, requiring the first 200 sets to be delivered within a month, and all the remaining equipment to be delivered as soon as possible within a year.

This is not a big problem for Nanshan Robot.

When we received the contract deposit, we started arranging the production of the first batch of products, and once it was completed, we immediately prepared to ship them to Riyadh by air.

At the same time, relevant Chinese departments and technical personnel from Nanshan Robotics and Venusstar Technology will also fly to Riyadh at the same time.

Although neither party publicized such a large arms order worth $40 billion on a large scale, it is impossible that no news about it had leaked out.

For example, China Airlines received the relevant information very quickly.

Zhao Tianling couldn't wait to call Cao Yang to confirm the authenticity of the transaction.

"Boss Cao, you guys are really making people jealous."

"Just one set of equipment was sold for $200 million. The key is that the big dog buyer purchased 2000 sets at one time."

"You are so happy."

As an insider in the industry, Zhao Tianling definitely understands costs.

Although AVIC does not produce robot dogs, they have many drones.

In his opinion, Nanshan Robot's profit from this arms sales contract is at least over US$20 billion.

This is more than China Airlines’ annual profit.

No wonder he is really envious.

"Our group has spent a huge amount of money on research and development over the years. If we really take into account the investment in research and development over the past few years, we actually haven't made any money."

"As you know, the research and development of products like robot dogs and drones is actually very time-consuming and labor-intensive."

"Venus Technology alone now has more than 100 professional R&D personnel, and their annual salary and benefits expenses exceed billion yuan."

"Add to that the various R&D investments of related companies such as Nanshan Robotics and Nanshan Semiconductor, and these are bottomless pits."

Once you make money, there is definitely no need to show off.

Although you know the sales volume, we will definitely not let them know the profit.

Anyway, if you want to ask, I’m not making any money and my costs are very high.

Similar rhetoric can actually be applied to big dog owners.

This way people will be more willing to pay.

"A $40 billion order. Apart from anything else, at least all your investments in robot dogs and unmanned helicopters have been earned back. The rest is pure profit."

"Boss Cao, how about we discuss this next time and see if there is any equipment that we can jointly sell to the dog owner?"

Zhao Tianling obviously also wanted AVIC to make some quick money.

Otherwise, if we had to rely on grants every year, life would not be easy.

He also wants more funds to improve the treatment of his employees.

Otherwise, many technical personnel at AVIC would be thinking of switching to Venusstar Technology.

This is definitely not the situation Zhao Tianling wants to see.

"We naturally support deepening cooperation, and we can arrange for special personnel to connect with each other to see if there are more opportunities for cooperation."

AVIC has many factories under its jurisdiction, some of which are also suppliers of Venusstar Technology.

There are definitely opportunities for cooperation here.

Of course, the specific content will not be finalized now, we will wait and see later.

However, Nanshan Robotics has made such a big fuss, AVIC can wait and see, but America cannot slow down.

"Chelsea, Nanshan Robotics has signed an export order for 2000 robot dogs, with a value of up to $40 billion."

"I think we need to consider speeding up our research and development."

McDonald knew that even if John hadn't come to urge him yet, he would definitely come to him later.

China has already started exporting combat robots, but America has yet to produce any decent products.

In recent years, many robot companies have launched various combat robots one after another, but no mature product has been put into use.

Even now, there is no clear agenda for the future.

This situation certainly cannot meet the requirements of relevant departments.

"If we want to speed up research and development, we need to continue recruiting people."

"The company has now been acquired by Google, and they would like us to focus our R&D efforts on commercial products. They don't seem to be very optimistic about the R&D of military products."

Boston Dynamics has been around for many years, but has never fully developed.

Although it is relatively well-known in the industry, it is burning money every year but has not mass-produced any product.

It really is like a research institute.

Google, as a shareholder, would definitely not accept this model.

"Military products and civilian products have many similar functions. Even in robot dogs, the threshold for military products is lower than that for civilian products."

"Because a good civilian product must provide a very good human-computer experience, which requires a very large data model to carry out various dialogue simulations and the development of artificial intelligence technologies."

"We don't see any hope of winning at all now."

McDonald is also a robotics expert, so he knows what kind of commercial robot Google wants.

Whether it is a humanoid robot that looks like a real person or a robot dog that looks like a dog, appearance is not the point.

The most critical thing is the communication technology of various artificial intelligences and the movement and control between various parts.

If you want a robot to walk and talk like a real person, McDonald feels there is no hope of achieving this function without an investment of billions of dollars.

That's why he was not very supportive of Google's plan and hoped to work with John to develop a combat robot.

Of course, if it weren't for the pressure from John, he wouldn't be so active in promoting the combat robot project now.

He wanted to develop robot products according to his own ideas and let everyone see one new product after another.

We will start large-scale production only when the technology is fully mature in the future.

At that time, Boston Dynamics was about to become a blockbuster.

“Although the research on the kind of civilian humanoid robots that Google wants is very difficult, I wonder if we can throw some of the problems to Google?”

"For example, when it comes to artificial intelligence, Google's technical background is definitely higher than ours."

"If the other party can develop a good human-computer interaction interface and functions, then I will just focus on hardware development."

"In this way, the difficulty of the project is naturally greatly reduced."

Chelsea is also very smart and knows that he cannot offend shareholders on everything.

Otherwise, the board of directors might replace them next time.

This is certainly not the situation that Chelsea and McDonald want to see.

"That's a good idea. We can give it a try."

"If Google can't fix it, then shareholders won't be able to blame us in the future."

Although McDonald is an academic figure, he is not stupid after working for so many years.

Why not do something that can reduce your stress?
However, compared to their discussion on how to deal with the situation, the situation at Boeing and Lockheed Martin is a little different.

The market on the other side of the dog farm has always been their traditional market.

Almost all the fighter jets there are purchased from Boeing or Lockheed Martin.

But starting with the twin-tailed scorpion drone, this situation was slowly broken.

Now, Nanshan Robot has sold $40 billion worth of military products to big dog owners in one go.

This naturally made people at Boeing and Lockheed Martin very unhappy.

"Mulenberg, Robert, I think we need to deepen our cooperation and jointly face the new situation of Chinese military products in the international market."

John knew that there was a deep conflict between Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

So this time he personally invited the presidents of both sides to discuss plans to cooperate in the international market to cope with the rise of China.

Arms export is a very important export item for the United States every year and cannot be missed.

As an ally of the United States, most of the military expenditure of the United States is used to purchase equipment from the United States.

Now this situation has been disrupted again and again by Nanshan Group's companies, and America certainly can't stand it.

After all, this involves real money.

(End of this chapter)

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