Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 944: Special Transfer, Eagle Shows Its Power

Chapter 944: Special Transfer, Eagle Shows Its Power
"The video of the 'drone swarm' launched by the 'robot dog army' produced by China this time is full of gimmicks and fully satisfies the people of Dashi (the ancient country name of Dashi will be used in the future to replace the big dog owners) Suppress the needs of Gu Yuesai’s armed forces.”

"That's why we easily signed a huge purchase contract worth up to 40 billion US dollars."

"I heard that the first batch of robot dogs and unmanned helicopters will be officially shipped to Dashi next week, and then officially put into combat."

Muilenburg has obviously already done some research on the intelligence information from Dashi.

In the international arms market, there are not many large orders exceeding US$40 billion a year.

Therefore, any order will be carefully studied under a magnifying glass.

Nanshan Robot’s robot dog has attracted a lot of attention during this time, and Boeing is also considering launching a similar solution.

"The Nanshan robot is indeed lucky this time. This combat plan just meets the needs of the cannibal."

"The strength of their ground forces looks very good on paper, but in reality it is completely inadequate."

"We have tried to unite multiple countries before to attack Gu Yuesai's armed forces from the ground, but all parties were not optimistic."

"Now that they can use robot dogs to hit opponents from the ground for just money, their motivation must be very high."

"So even if Nanshan Robot's robot dog products haven't gone through complicated verification, they still spent a lot of money to introduce them."

Robert is obviously quite clear about the deal between Dashi and Nanshan Robot.

Unfortunately, by the time they learned the news, both parties had already officially signed the contract.

Otherwise, they will definitely stir up trouble and mess up the deal.

"The influence of Nanshan Group companies in the international arms market is rising rapidly, and we must pay attention to it."

"Otherwise, in addition to polar bears, a new important competitor will come out to compete with us for orders."

John's purpose this time is to persuade Boeing and Lockheed Martin to join forces to suppress Nanshan Group companies in the international arms market.

This kind of suppression requires each company to exert its own special influence.

Some of the connections we have had in the past will be put to use.

To some extent, this kind of suppression has a greater impact than the official policies.

After all, actual transactions are still completed through people.

As the world's leading arms companies, Boeing and Lockheed Martin have accumulated a lot of contacts in many countries over the past few years.

These connections can definitely come in handy at critical moments.

Of course, it costs money to maintain and leverage these connections.

That's why John has some work to do.

After all, sometimes the direct competitors of products sold by companies in the Nanshan Group may be just one of Boeing or Lockheed Martin.

In this case, the other company may just sit back and watch.

In the end, companies from the Nanshan Group won orders.

This is certainly not a situation John wants to see.

Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to unite to sabotage the Nanshan Group's military export orders.

"Our company is now considering launching research and development projects for unmanned helicopters and combat robot dogs."

"We will strive to produce test samples within the next year and officially launch them on the market the year after next."

"It would be great if Lockheed Martin could provide assistance in obtaining domestic and foreign orders."

Muilenburg first pitched an idea from Boeing.

The implication is that I have taken a liking to this cake.

I hope Lockheed Martin will not compete with me.

Although Lockheed Martin also has drone products, they obviously do not meet the needs of robot dogs.

So at present, there is no competition between the two parties in this field.

This can also be regarded as a test by Muilenburg to see if Lockheed Martin is sincerely cooperating with him.

"No problem, this market can be given to Boeing."

"Our main focus now is on fighter jets, missiles, satellites and other fields, and we also hope that Boeing can provide some convenience in this regard."

Everyone divides the cake in private to minimize the degree of involution.

This is something many companies are doing.

Why have Japanese auto parts companies been fined antitrust fines by countries such as the United States and China?

It’s not because they divide the market privately and want to make more profits.

Essentially, what Boeing and Lockheed Martin are doing now is similar.

In the past, when international competition was relatively small, it was more competition within the United States.

There have been a lot of conflicts between Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

Nowadays, everyone's attention is shifting more to the international market, and there are relatively few new domestic product launches, and more sales of traditional products.

In this case, it becomes possible to resume cooperation in some areas.

Lockheed Martin is currently a major weapons supplier to the U.S. defense, producing, developing and manufacturing fighter jets, military satellites and missile attack and defense systems.

Annual revenue exceeds $450 billion, making it one of the most profitable arms dealers in the world.


In addition, they also manufacture Trident missiles, Hercules intercontinental missiles, Martin series satellites and other products.

Obviously, Robert now wants to let Lockheed Martin further exert its influence on traditional products.

"No problem. As long as our products are not in direct competition, we can cooperate."

Muilenburg naturally didn't say anything.

After all, the two companies have been competing for so many years, and there must be some products with similar positioning.

"The top priority is to arrange for people to contact Dashi so that they should not continue to purchase robot dogs from Nanshan Robot."

"Of course, through these contacts, it would be best if we could obtain various information about Nanshan Robot's robot dog products."

Muilenburg still approved of John's proposal.

The military orders from Dashi are the meat in the pot of American arms dealers.

Now, no one is happy to be eaten up by Chinese companies.

"I heard news that Daystar Technology is developing anti-aircraft missiles, and it is likely that they will eventually compete with us in the Patriot 3 market."

"This is definitely something that will harm the interests of the entire United States."

"I think all parties should find ways to gather as much information as possible about Venus Technology and other Nanshan-based companies, and then share the information on a regular basis."

Taking this opportunity, Robert expressed one of his concerns.

Sharing intelligence is beneficial to both parties.

Venus Technology comes out with some new equipment every now and then, which puts them in a very passive situation.

Robert certainly doesn't want to see this kind of thing.

"This is a good suggestion. Not only can Boeing and Lockheed Martin share this kind of information, I think all military industrial enterprises can share the Nanshan Group's corporate intelligence."

"We want to suppress the survival space of Nanshan-affiliated companies in the international arms market to the greatest extent possible."

John communicated with Robert and Muilenburg for a long time and finally achieved some results.

However, it is a matter of distant water not being able to quench immediate thirst.


Kabash is a border city located a few hundred kilometers south of Riyadh.

The Tang Dynasty chose to attack the ground command center of the Gu Yuesai armed forces, which is now located here.

After Nanshan Robot's robot dog and unmanned helicopter were airlifted in, they were immediately transferred to a base in Kabash.

After China's technical experts gave some simple training to the relevant personnel from the Arab Empire, they started the first actual attack at the other party's request.

Hab-wa-Ash-Shaf is a city newly controlled by the Ancient Moon Sai armed forces.

Since this city is close to the Arab Empire, it is also close to the capital of the country where the Gu Yue Sai armed forces are located.

Therefore, the Arabs were very wary and hated the Gu Yue Sai armed forces stationed in this city.

It can be said that he wants to get rid of it as soon as possible.

In the past month, the number of sorties of the Twin-Tailed Scorpion drones alone has exceeded 1000, and more than 5000 various micro-missiles have been released.

But they still failed to drive out the Gu Yuesai armed forces.

Even with Persia's support for the Gu Yue Sai armed forces, they already have a certain air defense capability.

They are capable of shooting down the low-flying Twin-Tailed Scorpion drones.

In the past month, the Arabs have lost dozens of Twin-Tailed Scorpion drones.

However, the number of fighters of the Gu Yue Sai armed forces in Hab-Wa-Ash-Shaf has exceeded 10,000.

These people were apparently making final preparations for the attack on the capital.

Although the influence of the Gu Yue Sai armed forces is already very great, there are still local official forces joining forces with the Arabs to suppress it.

If they had taken over the capital, the impact would have been completely different.

This is definitely not what the Arabs want to see.

That's why he couldn't wait to attack Gu Yue Sai's armed forces from the ground.

At daybreak, accompanied by personnel from relevant departments of the Arab Empire, technical personnel from Venusstar Technology and Nanshan Robotics began to operate the unmanned helicopter in accordance with the combat plan discussed in advance.

The flying speed of the unmanned helicopter is not particularly fast.

Especially since the flight altitude is relatively low, it is basically moving at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

Normally, the Gu Yue Sai armed forces do not have much radar monitoring capabilities, but they cannot resist Persia’s help from behind.

So to be on the safe side, the technicians from Venusstar Technology operated the drone and flew it at an ultra-low altitude to quickly approach the target base.

There were only 200 robot dogs this time, so it was impossible to expect these robot dogs to take down the city directly. When the Arabs chose their targets, they only wanted to test the combat effectiveness of the robot dogs first, so they chose a small military camp of about to people.

With the dawn light, the unmanned helicopter quickly headed towards the target military camp.

An unmanned helicopter dropped the robot dog behind a building one kilometer away from the military camp.

Then these unmanned helicopters temporarily parked on the roof of a building complex, waiting for the robot dogs to complete their mission and then quickly pick them up.

Of course, there was also a group of five robot dogs left behind to assist with protection.

To prevent the unmanned helicopter from being attacked.

Although the unmanned helicopter is equipped with various cameras to monitor the surrounding situation at any time, it never hurts to be more conservative.

A distance of one kilometer obviously does not pose any particular obstacle for the robot dog.

Of course, the sudden appearance of such a large army of robot dogs will definitely arouse the curiosity of some residents.

But no one knows what these robot dogs want to do.

Before the Gu Yuesai armed forces could react, these robot dogs were already at the gate of the target military camp.

At this time, the technicians of Nanshan Robotics at the Kabash base began to move.

These robot dogs all have the function of automatically locking onto and attacking targets, and the priority targets for attack are already set in advance in the program.

It is obviously not difficult for the robot dog equipped with infrared device to find the armed personnel of Gu Yuesai.

Soon, these robot dogs formed teams of five and took rapid action.

Before the other party could react, they had killed the defensive forces at the entrance of the military camp and then quickly rushed into the camp.

There is no need to worry about identifying friend or foe. As long as they are human, they are enemies.

Therefore, the initial attack efficiency is definitely very high.

In just less than a minute, at least 100 Gu Yue Sai armed men fell in a pool of blood.

Those who had relatively rich combat experience also began to react at this time.

Relying on various tools, their counterattack began.

But how can the shooting accuracy in chaos be compared with that of a robot dog?

In less than five minutes, the entire military camp was in complete chaos.

In the military camp of five or six hundred people, more than half of them have fallen.

The entire army's morale was completely defeated.

Everyone was thinking about how to escape, and only a small number of people relied on vehicles to resist.

Of course, the opponent has various weapons such as heavy machine guns and rocket launchers. If they hit some key parts of the robot dog, it will still cause some functions of the robot dog to be damaged or even directly damaged.

However, the technical staff in Kabash quickly intervened in the command of the robot dog in a targeted manner.

The armored vehicles converted from pickup trucks were the main targets of attack.

In addition to carrying machine guns, assault rifles and other weapons, some robot dogs are also responsible for carrying micro missiles.

At this time, if you need to attack a vehicle, micro-missiles are naturally the best weapon.

Accompanied by bursts of rumbling sounds, the few vehicles were almost all knocked down.

The entire military camp became even more chaotic.

After eliminating the main targets, the robot dog began its search and attack mission.

The combat goal of the Arabs was to completely defeat the enemy in this military camp.

Therefore, any target that is still moving basically has no chance of survival.

On the contrary, some injured or dead people may have a chance to escape.

In less than fifteen minutes, there was no sound of any counterattack gunfire in the entire military camp.

At this time, the unmanned helicopter also flew over in time.

Without the need for manual matching, each drone and robot dog found its partner on its own, quickly completed the mounting, and headed towards the direction of the Arab world.

At this time, the reinforcements of the Gu Yuesai armed forces had just arrived at the gate of the military camp.

It only takes fifteen minutes to get here, which is not slow.

But what was left to them was a messy military camp and a drone that slowly disappeared from sight.

Naturally, these results were transmitted back to the Arab Empire as quickly as possible.

200 robot dogs were dispatched, and in the end only nine of them completely lost their functions, more than twenty had some damage and needed repairs, and the others could continue to be used normally.

This result definitely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Of course, it also had a lot to do with the fact that the Gu Yue Sai armed forces were not strong enough and the attack was sudden enough.

But at least it proves the feasibility of this combat plan.


"Boss Cao, this battle was like a massacre. The combat efficiency was too high."

Pan Jun looked at the video in front of him with surprise on his face.

The information on those robot dogs of Dashi is linked to the Starlink satellite system.

While the Arabs were watching this battle, Venustech saw the same scene almost at the same time.

Even in space, reconnaissance satellites continuously take various photos above the target camp to provide reference opinions for subsequent combat analysis.

Of course, these photos will not be available in the Arab world for the time being.

"The air defense capabilities of the Gu Yue Sai armed forces were too weak, and they didn't have any heavy equipment. Coupled with the surprise attack, the combat effect this time was very good."

"If it was another opponent, a batch of robot dogs might have been shot down in mid-air before they even started to move."

"And we'll lose a group of them when we attack, and even when we evacuate the battlefield."

"Even when it encounters a really strong opponent, the robot dog has no way of appearing in the opponent's field of vision."

Although Cao Yang was very satisfied with the actual combat effect this time, he did not really think that the robot dog was invincible and that he could rely on the robot dog in future battles.

That is simply impossible.

If they encounter equipment specifically designed to deal with drones, they might be able to blow up 200 unmanned helicopters in mid-air with a single shot.

Venusstar Technology is researching weapons in this area.

After all, Venustech needs both spear and shield.

As to whether the spear is more powerful or the shield is stronger, it depends on who holds the spear and the shield.

"That's true, but for the Arabs, this is enough."

"This is the combat effect they want. When more robot dogs are in place, we can deploy thousands of robot dogs at a time. We can completely rely on robot dogs to take down some cities controlled by Hu Yuesai's armed forces."

"Although these cities may not be under control in the end if the Arabs do not actually enter the battlefield, it is enough to strike at the Ancient Moon Armed Forces."

Pan Jun feels that the current performance of Nanshan Robot's robot dog is sufficient.

It has proven its significance in actual combat.

The relevant departments in China will definitely be more interested in purchasing more robot dogs.

Even more countries will want to find Nanshan Robot to purchase combat robot dogs in the next step.

Although we don’t expect every country to be as rich as the Arabs, but if you sell for 100 and I sell for 200, the final sales volume will definitely be very impressive.

The key point is that in this way, Nanshan Robot's robot dog will become completely famous.

This is very important.

You have to become famous as early as possible. If you want to sell arms on the international market, fame is a crucial factor.

Otherwise, if you keep talking about technical parameters to those illiterate buyers, they may not understand you.

If the video of this attack were released, it would definitely be more convincing than any other explanation.

"You're not wrong to say that."

"It seems that we can import the products from Nanshan Robotics to increase production."

"We should make some money before other competitors' products are released."

Cao Yang naturally would not miss such a good opportunity.

As for Dashi, after seeing the results reported by the technicians of Nanshan Robotics, they were also very satisfied.

With a wave of his hand, he gave a reward of $10 to all technical personnel.

This is definitely a windfall.

At the same time, Dashi specially arranged a team to fly to Nanshan Robot to urge Nanshan Robot to deliver the next robot dog as soon as possible.

They can't wait to use the robot dogs to launch a large-scale attack.

Before the Gu Yue Sai armed forces master an effective method to counterattack the robot dogs, strike them to the greatest extent possible.

Since he had achieved such a great result, it was natural for the Arab side to publicize it well.

That evening, Al Jazeera and other media reported that the Arabs attacked a Gu Yuesai armed camp and wiped out more than 500 armed opposition members.

Although the footage of the robot dog attack was not directly released in the news, some pictures of the military camp taken by the drone when it evacuated were released.

Therefore, there is no doubt about the outcome of this battle of the Arabs.

"McDonald, I have arranged for the middleman to find Nanshan Robotics to order their robot dogs, but they said the minimum order quantity is ten."

"Each robot dog is priced at $200 million, and we won't talk to you about lowering the price."

Now that Nanshan Robot's robot dog has begun to demonstrate its power in actual combat, more and more companies have become interested in researching robot dogs.

The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is to study Nanshan Robot’s products and see how they are produced.

Nanshan Robot naturally has a response plan for this situation.

(End of this chapter)

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