Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 946: Eagle shows its power and acquires Sikorsky?

Chapter 946: Eagle shows its power and acquires Sikorsky?
The export of arms is a common thing for the United States and the polar bears.

For China, this is not particularly surprising.

However, the import of weapons from polar bears and China's export of weapons to polar bears are relatively rare.

China has always imported weapons from polar bears.

Whether it is Sukhoi's various fighter jets, the "Modern-class" missile destroyers that were once used as main battleships, or products such as the S-300 air defense missiles.

It can be said that the shadow of the polar bear can be found in every aspect of China’s military products.

Now Nanshan Robotics and Venusstar Technology have begun to export weapons and equipment to polar bears on a large scale, which is definitely a landmark event.

It can be said that Nanshan Group’s companies are going further and further down the path of the military-industrial complex.

While everyone was still discussing robot dogs, a test project prepared by Venusstar Technology and relevant departments also began.

The Eagle heavy transport helicopter directly lifted a J-15 fighter jet, took off from Shengjing, flew to the Bohai Bay, and smoothly transferred the aircraft to the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Long distance, heavy weight, and special equipment such as carrier-based aircraft.

The test video was reported on the China Television News Broadcast for more than a minute that evening.

On the one hand, it demonstrated the powerful endurance and load-bearing capacity of the Eagle heavy-duty transport helicopter, and on the other hand, it also demonstrated some aircraft carrier-related technologies.

This test is definitely meaningful.

The flying cost of a fighter jet is definitely higher than that of a helicopter, and its takeoff and landing are not as flexible.

Now with the Eagle heavy transport helicopter, no matter where the fighter hangar is built, it can be quickly transferred to the target airport or aircraft carrier.

This has a very different meaning in wartime.

It also has a very different meaning in confusing opponents such as the United States to inquire about the number of various types of aircraft in China.

In the future, no matter where it is, there is a possibility that there will be some aircraft hangars.

Today, the J-15 can be transported from Shengjing to the aircraft carrier, and tomorrow the J-10 can naturally be transported from Chang'an to the plateau.

The flexibility of this operation has increased a lot.

To exaggerate a little, in some places where there are no airports, the Eagle heavy transport helicopters can be used to transport fighter jets directly to the highway, and then take off directly on the highway to participate in some battles.

This also has different meanings in certain special circumstances.

Many people are able to realize the significance of this.

"Boss Cao, the Eagle heavy transport helicopter is now on the hot search list. It's very popular."

"I think we can add more fuel to the fire and let everyone see its super transportation capacity."

Zhao Siyu felt that he could find a way to further increase the sales of Eagle.

The relevant departments have fully witnessed its level and have placed an additional order.

However, the production lines of Venusstar Technology's products are all moving towards the highest possible level of automation, so the production efficiency is relatively high.

Even if production is carried out in a single shift, the production capacity is not 100% utilized, which is naturally a waste.

So Zhao Siyu began to think about starting from the market demand of the civilian market or other local departments.

"How do you want to add fuel to the fire?"

The people below are motivated at work, and Cao Yang will definitely support them.

For products like heavy transport helicopters, the industrial chain involved is relatively long.

Although most of the parts are produced by Venusstar Technology itself, many of the lower-level components are purchased from external factories such as AVIC.

The industrial chain that an eagle can drive is not small at all.

The most important thing is that these industrial chains belong to the aerospace industry, which is closely related to the military industry, and can play a significant role at critical moments.

If these industries simply rely on funding or orders from relevant departments to survive, they may not have an easy time.

But you can't help but maintain the normal operation of this industry.

Now with some products from Venusstar Technology, the healthy development of this industry will be greatly promoted.

It is naturally worth encouraging to help products sell better.

"We can change the mounted equipment, such as mounting an excavator from one place and transporting it to another."

"This should be of great significance during disaster rescue."

"For example, we transported ultra-high voltage transmission equipment from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, which made power companies also interested in our eagles."

"We can even cooperate with scenic spots such as Mount Tai, Mount Hua, and Mount Heng to transport some biological materials from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain."

"After everyone has fully experienced the unique charm of the eagle, there will definitely be companies interested."

"Even if you can't own an eagle yourself, you can consider renting it from a leasing company."

"For example, power companies can set up their own helicopter leasing companies to provide various construction services for themselves, and occasionally lease them to others. They can also play a role in disaster relief at critical moments."

"This should also be a market worth looking forward to. The key is that after this domestic market is developed, it can have a better advertising effect."

“When we promote our products to foreign clients, we may get unexpected surprises.”

Zhao Siyu spoke out his thoughts in one breath.

It has to be said that his plan is still very feasible.

And it won't consume too much manpower and material resources of Venusstar Technology, so we can do it well.

"No problem. Remember to keep good records during the process. We can even ask Nanshan Film and Television to work with you."

"We can carry out tests based on their needs. Who knows, these test images may become useful shots in one of their TV series or movies."

Cao Yang agreed to Zhao Siyu's plan without any hesitation.

There is no need to worry about this kind of thing. Once you have an idea, just start working on it.

Soon, various videos and pictures of the Eagle heavy transport helicopter hanging various equipment appeared on the Chinese Internet.

In particular, a mudslide occurred in a certain place due to heavy rain, which washed away a road.

After urgent coordination, Venusstar Technology arranged 20 Eagle heavy transport helicopters at once, which appeared at the dredging site with excavators hanging on them, and also sent the excavator drivers and some supplies over.

Because the speed is fast enough, the risk is eliminated before the landslide lake is fully formed.

Naturally, these contents and videos were also reported.

Eventually, emergency departments from many provinces came to Venustech to discuss the purchase of the Eagle heavy-duty transport helicopter.

Although each province only purchased one or two aircraft, and the maximum number did not exceed the number put on the shelves, the total number is still a very considerable number.

The most important thing is that this is a good start, and the future prospects are worth looking forward to.

Even Annan, which has a complicated relationship with China, has arranged personnel to negotiate the purchase of Eagle heavy transport helicopters, hoping to buy 10 aircraft at once.

It can be said that after a series of special transfer tests and actual combat, the Eagle's popularity has reached a new level.

This further stimulated Tianzhu, and they eventually signed a contract with Sikorsky to purchase CH-53 heavy transport helicopters.

It is not known whether it was to obtain a lower price or because of greater stimulation from China, but this time Tianzhu directly purchased 6000 CH-50s from Sikorsky at a price of US$53 million, and the purchase amount reached US$30 billion.

For Tianzhu, this is definitely a very large order.

Of course, such a large order will not be delivered immediately.

Sikorsky will deliver these transport aircraft in batches over the next two years.

However, Sikorsky was happy, but Boeing was very unhappy.

"David, we can't let Sikorsky mess things up there."

Muilenburg felt that Boeing had to do something, otherwise their CH-47 would become increasingly difficult to sell in the future.

This is absolutely unacceptable.

A product that has been a classic for decades must continue to be a classic.

How could it be overshadowed by Sikorsky's CH-53?
"Sikorsky has directly lowered the price of the CH-53 to $6000 million this time, ruining the price sales system of heavy transport helicopters."

"From now on, our CH-47 will never be sold for more than $1 million."

"But the problem is that Sikorsky's sales price should still have a good profit. In the future, they may sell the product at a lower price."

After David said this, Muilenburg became even more unhappy.

Sikorsky is a company founded by polar bear immigrants and is a relatively special company among American military-industrial enterprises.

In other words, Sikorsky has always been a bit out of place in the American military-industrial system.

If their products were not advanced enough and had advantages in the helicopter field that no other company could match, they would have gone bankrupt long ago.

However, after entering the 21st century, the demand for military products in the United States is not as strong as it was in the 1980s and 1990s. The pressure on various military enterprises has also increased, and they have increased their enthusiasm for expanding overseas markets.

Now Sikorsky is competing with Boeing for market share in India, which will definitely make Boeing very unhappy.

"Find a professional team to estimate how much it would cost to acquire Sikorsky."

Muilenburg made a very surprising decision out of nowhere.

Although corporate mergers and acquisitions are commonplace in the United States, there is nothing to be surprised about.

Boeing also acquired McDonnell Douglas.

Compared to this acquisition, Sikorsky is completely inadequate.

"This type of enterprise is so unique that the valuations given by different companies will probably vary greatly."

"Some people agree that it is worth $100 billion."

“If you say it’s worth $200 billion, I think some people would agree.”

No matter what, Sikorsky is not a small company. It can even be said to be the most professional helicopter company in the world.

They also have many flagship products such as the Black Hawk and CH-53, and their business is relatively stable. Under such circumstances, it is obviously not that easy to acquire them.

David felt it necessary to make this matter clear, otherwise all the pressure would be on him, which would be a headache.

"200 billion US dollars? You think too much!"

"Sikorsky is not worth the money we spent to acquire it."

"My budget is $50 billion. Many of their products overlap with ours. For us, acquiring Sikorsky is more about reducing a competitor than gaining new technology from the acquisition."

Muilenburg sneered, obviously not intending to pay a high price.

When many American companies acquire competitors, they often make various small moves.

Boeing is no exception.

Soon, both Muilenburg and David took action.

Various negative news about Sikorsky began to spread in some media.

Even this large purchase order from Tianzhu was interpreted with a lot of unfavorable content.

Boeing's influence in the United States has begun to show.

Naturally, these actions cannot be hidden from those who are interested.

"Robert, I did some research. The negative news about Sikorsky was created by Boeing. It seems that they are planning to acquire Sikorsky."

As the vice president of Lockheed Martin, Walensky is naturally familiar with the working style of his competitor Boeing.

Coupled with Lockheed Martin's huge influence in the United States, it is naturally not particularly difficult to investigate some things.

Boeing wants to acquire Sikorsky. In addition to some actions in the field of publicity, it is also arranging people to conduct some assessments on Sikorsky's situation.

In this way, it is impossible that no traces are left.

"Sikorsky just snatched a large order from Boeing in the heavy transport helicopter field. I guess Muilenburg must be furious."

"But the acquisition of Sikorsky is not of great significance to Boeing."

Robert naturally also knew about the big order between Tianzhu and Sikorsky.

He even knew that Boeing and Sikorsky had been arguing over this Indian order for a long time.

I didn't expect that now that the matter has come to an end, new situations are about to arise.

"From the perspective of technological and product complementarity, there is really no need for Boeing to acquire Sikorsky."

"But from the perspective of eliminating competitors, the situation is different."

"As long as Boeing successfully acquires Sikorsky, no one will be able to compete with Boeing in the helicopter field."

"Whether it's the Black Hawk, CH-47, CH-53, or some other helicopters, there is still a good market."

"In particular, the demand for heavy transport helicopters seems likely to increase in the next few years."

"Robert, I think the company could also consider joining the acquisition of Sikorsky."

“First, work with Boeing to suppress Sikorsky’s image and lower its valuation.”

“And then before Boeing could react, it bought Sikorsky.”

After Vronsky put forward this idea, Robert immediately became interested.

Lockheed Martin has strong technical capabilities in various fighter jets, missiles and satellites, but has not made any achievements in the field of helicopters.

If Sikorsky can be acquired, Lockheed Martin will be able to fill an important part of its territory in the aerospace field.

It can be said that Sikorsky means even more to Lockheed Martin.

"We can consider giving it a try, but if both of us want to acquire Sikorsky, the other party will probably raise the price."

If the price is very high, it is obviously not cost-effective.

After all, although Sikorsky has a strong complementary significance to Lockheed Martin, it is not indispensable.

The purpose of acquisition is to make more money. If the cost is too high, it will be meaningless.

"Sikorsky's position in America has always been rather awkward."

"If we work with Boeing to spread negative news about it, it will definitely lower their expectations."

"Besides, I think Boeing certainly doesn't want to spend too much money to acquire Sikorsky, so price gouging is unlikely to happen."

This kind of acquisition of competitors and thus killing them is quite common in the history of business development.

The most obvious example is that when foreign beverage giants such as Coca-Cola entered China, they wiped out a large number of Chinese beverage companies through various acquisitions.

Similar cases in other industries are also very common in China.

"In that case, then you can make some arrangements and convene relevant departments in the company to evaluate the feasibility of this acquisition, and then see what is the most appropriate course of action."

Robert thought about it for a moment and agreed with Vronsky's idea.

If Lockheed Martin could acquire Sikorsky at a relatively low price, it would definitely be a very meaningful thing for it.

So he had no reason to object.

Besides, Lockheed Martin will definitely pay close attention to what Boeing wants to do in the United States.

While everyone maintains cooperation, the competitive relationship has not actually changed.


Boeing and Lockheed Martin made such a big fuss, it is impossible that Sikorsky did not get any news about it.

Although neither of them has arranged personnel to formally contact Sikorsky about the acquisition, the reasons behind and response plans for this round of storm are already being discussed within Sikorsky.

"Stephens, is Boeing behind this incident?"

"The overall performance of our CH-53 is better than that of the CH-47, and the sales price is also lower than that of the CH-47. It is normal for the Indians to choose to purchase the CH-53."

"Boeing lost the order and now they are throwing mud at us. Isn't that too much?"

There is no need for investigation. Just based on some recent developments, Ivanchuk knows that all the negative news about Sikorsky in the media this time was created by Boeing.

Some old stories from more than a decade ago were dug up and reported in order to show that there were problems with Sikorsky's product quality.

Is this kind of thing something that ordinary people would do?
"Ivanchuk, this matter is indeed being pushed forward by people from Boeing, but I heard that Lockheed Martin seems to be involved as well."

When Stephens said this, Ivanchuk was stunned.

Lockheed Martin?

Naturally, he was quite familiar with this American military-industrial giant.

But according to his understanding, there is not much overlap between Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin.

There is basically no competition between our products, and naturally there have been no conflicts in the past.

Why did they suddenly appear to deal with Sikorsky this time?
As if sensing Ivanchuk's confusion, Stephens further said, "Boeing and Lockheed Martin seem to have joined forces in the past year to deal with the rise of Venus Technologies."

"So they have some cooperation in many areas. If Boeing asks them to help suppress us, it is still possible."

Stephens' statement is basically just his own guess.

But later he would definitely know that his guess was wrong.

After all, since Lockheed Martin wants to acquire Sikorsky, it will arrange someone to contact it sooner or later.

Otherwise, how can we complete the acquisition negotiations?

For acquisitions like this between large companies, no matter what the final acquisition price is, the negotiation cycle is often relatively long.

Of course, Lockheed Martin's strength and status in the United States are quite special, so it is entirely possible that they will use some unconventional tactics to speed up the process.

Maybe they can convince the relevant departments in the United States to support this acquisition.

After all, to a certain extent, if Lockheed Martin acquires Sikorsky, it can invest more funds in the research and development of new models of helicopters.

Faced with some situations in the future, a new model of aircraft will cause several companies to submit bidding proposals at the same time, and the final selection of a model may not be appropriate.

At that time, it was more likely that several companies would work together to produce a project with the goal of achieving the final design parameters.

This situation is also beneficial for rapidly promoting the research and development of new products.

No matter what the reason is, as long as the referee wants to leave the field, there must be a way to achieve his goal.

"That shouldn't be the case. Even if Boeing's relationship with Lockheed Martin has improved and they have started to cooperate in some areas, it is unlikely that they will take a consistent stance on suppressing us."

"After all, we are also an American military-industrial enterprise. Lockheed Martin will not come against us just to help Boeing for no reason."

"Stephens, do you think Lockheed Martin has any other purpose?"

After Ivanchuk said this, Stephens couldn't help but frowned and thought about it seriously.

"If Lockheed Martin is suppressing us not because of Boeing, then it's for itself."

"We have never had any conflicts with them in the past. Now they want to suppress us. Could it be that Lockheed Martin wants to swallow us up?"

After Stephens made this guess, Ivanchuk was immediately shocked.

Lockheed Martin to acquire Sikorsky?

This is definitely breaking news.

But he obviously didn't want this to happen.

Sikorsky is a large company that has been established for nearly a hundred years.

The company cannot disappear in your hands.

Thinking of this, Ivanchuk became a little anxious and said, "Arrange someone to investigate as soon as possible to see what the other party's purpose is."

"Then take a good look at our financial statements to see if there are any problems."

(End of this chapter)

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