Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 947 Who threatens whom? Changes in the industry structure

Chapter 947 Who threatens whom? Changes in the industry structure
To acquire or deal with a company, you must have a comprehensive understanding of the other party's situation, and it would be best to find some good entry points to start things.

Since Sikorsky is already worried about being acquired by Boeing or Lockheed Martin, if they don't want to be acquired, they will definitely have to check whether they have any financial difficulties.

Has your company been caught in any secret?

Only when you have a clear idea in mind can you plan the next step.

However, after confirming it, Ivanchuk did not find any problems with his own company.

Under such circumstances, we certainly cannot allow Boeing and Lockheed Martin to continue to spread all kinds of true and false news to affect the company's reputation.

So he went directly to the other party and took the initiative to express that Sikorsky had no intention of selling.

Through this incident, both Boeing and Lockheed Martin knew that the other party wanted to acquire Sikorsky.

As a result, both sides immediately took new actions.

The fact that the two giants wanted to acquire Sikorsky was officially exposed by the media.

After this information spread, it naturally attracted considerable attention among the American military industry.

Another company that is also very concerned about this matter is AVIC.

As early as 1984, China introduced 24 Black Hawk helicopters from Sikorsky.

Some Black Hawks are still in use today.

"Mr. Cao, do you think Boeing and Lockheed Martin will really acquire Sikorsky?"

For this kind of thing, Zhao Tianling thought it would be better to talk to Cao Yang, maybe he would get something out of it.

Although China can actually do nothing and can only watch the final result.

However, on some strategic issues, Zhao Tianling was still willing to listen to Cao Yang's opinions.

"Boeing wants to acquire Sikorsky because it wants to bring this frequent competitor under its wing, solve a competition problem, and also enrich its own product line."

"As for Lockheed Martin, it is probably more about enriching its own product line, after all, they themselves have not been involved in this field much."

"As for who will win in the end, it is hard to say now. But relatively speaking, Lockheed Martin should be more active in acquiring Sikorsky and more willing to pay a price."

Cao Yang knew that Lockheed Martin had acquired Sikorsky in 2015.

But the current situation has changed a lot, and he cannot guarantee what the final situation will be.

For example, this time Sikorsky won the CH-53 order from India, which he had no impression of happening in history.

"If Sikorsky is acquired by Lockheed Martin, it will be difficult to order spare parts for the Black Hawk helicopters we are still using."

The relationship between Lockheed Martin and AVIC is definitely not as good as that between Sikorsky and other companies whose military attributes are not as strong.

Although 30 years have passed, the Black Hawk helicopters purchased by AVIC are still the best-performing general-purpose helicopters on the plateau.

The Black Hawk helicopter is known as a "jack of all trades". It can not only transport and attack, but also conduct anti-submarine operations and perform special missions. It has spawned nearly 20 models, demonstrating its near-perfect versatility.

The Black Hawk helicopter is 19.76 meters long, 4.05 meters high, and has a rotor diameter of 16.36 meters. Among general-purpose helicopters, it is a very big guy.

The empty weight of the Black Hawk helicopter is 4819 kg, but its maximum take-off weight reaches 9 kg.

This means that, if necessary, a Black Hawk helicopter can even transport cargo heavier than itself.

What's even more outrageous is that the Black Hawk helicopter is equipped with two General Electric T700-GE-701 turboshaft engines, and the horsepower of a single engine reaches 1165 kilowatts.

With the support of super power, the maximum flight speed of the Black Hawk helicopter reaches 357 kilometers per hour.

Even so, its range can still reach 2220 kilometers, far exceeding other helicopters of the same type.

It is no exaggeration to say that judging from performance alone, the Black Hawk helicopter has almost no shortcomings and can be called perfect.

Moreover, over the past few decades, the Black Hawk helicopter has been continuously upgraded and modified, including avionics systems, gearboxes, engines and tail rotors, which has continuously improved its performance.

In order to avoid being copied, Sikorsky installed a self-destruct device in a key part of the export-oriented Black Hawk helicopter. If anyone dares to dismantle it without authorization, the self-destruct system will be activated and the helicopter will basically be scrapped.

It has been 30 years since AVIC introduced the Black Hawk helicopter, but it has not yet developed a domestically produced version.

This is also the reason why Cao Yang previously wanted Venusstar Technology to benchmark the Black Hawk helicopter and develop a medium-sized general-purpose helicopter of its own.

"Mr. Zhao, I don't think you need to worry too much about this aspect."

“Let’s not talk about whether Lockheed Martin or Boeing’s acquisition of Sikorsky will affect the after-sales maintenance business of Black Hawk helicopters.”

"Even if there is an impact, we can hand over the relevant business to Venusstar Technology. The helicopter we developed based on the Black Hawk is basically already undergoing prototype testing and will be finalized soon."

Cao Yang's words made Zhao Tianling feel relieved.

If anyone else said this to him, he would definitely just ignore it.

Can you successfully complete the repair without using original parts?

You easily accomplished something that AVIC has been working on for 30 years but still hasn’t figured out?
Well, if it is Venustech, then it is still possible.

"The Black Hawk helicopters should have sold at least 5000 units worldwide. If the performance of the helicopters you produce is comparable to that of the Black Hawk, or even better, then the sales volume is worth looking forward to."

"The domestic market demand alone exceeds 2000 aircraft."

Compared with heavy-duty transport aircraft, the market demand for general-purpose medium-sized transport aircraft is obviously much greater.

There will be more areas where they can be applied. China is so big that the demand for 2000 aircraft is not too exaggerated.

The most important thing is that after being localized, the price will definitely be cheaper than the imported Black Hawk.

This result will take sales to a higher level.

"Then I'll take your good words and hope that our helicopters will sell well by then."

Cao Yang was not being humble there.

After all, the market for helicopters of the Black Hawk type is indeed very worth looking forward to.

Whether at home or abroad, you can find a lot of demand.

After finishing the call with Zhao Tianling, Zhao Siyu also came over to discuss the same topic.

Even though China can only passively accept the result of this matter, in Zhao Siyu's opinion, taking advantage of the popularity of Sikorsky's acquisition, the same type of helicopter produced by Venusstar Technology can also become a hot topic.

After all, this is a medium-sized general-purpose helicopter developed to compete with the Black Hawk helicopter, and many things can be discussed.

"Mr. Cao, this is the promotional video we made for the Wukong general-purpose helicopter. It makes a comprehensive comparison between its performance parameters and those of the Black Hawk helicopter."

"Whether in terms of power, range, or general performance, we are no worse than the Black Hawk."

The plane is about to start being promoted, so it must be given a more resounding name.

Since this general-purpose helicopter is expected to launch many models, it can be said to be a versatile helicopter.

So Venusstar Technology finally proposed the Chinese name "Wukong".

Sun Wukong has seventy-two transformations.

This helicopter can be said to be able to meet this positioning.

"After this video is released, I guess Sikorsky will be depressed."

"They were already facing joint suppression from Boeing and Lockheed Martin, and now we are stabbing them in the back."

As Cao Yang clicked on the video, he was thinking about the possible impact it might have.

While he had no interest in helping Boeing or Lockheed Martin, he also had no interest in helping Sikorsky.

In his opinion, these American companies are essentially the same and there is nothing worthy of his mercy.

“It would seem like a Boeing or Lockheed Martin acquisition of Sikorsky would make them even more powerful.”

“But if a company has many products, it may not have enough energy to develop all of them.”

"So in the end, the helicopter technology in the United States is likely to regress."

"It won't hurt for us to take advantage of the situation and put a dent in Sikorsky."

Zhao Siyu doesn't care about the life and death of the military-industrial enterprises in the United States.

As long as it is beneficial to Venustech, he thinks he can do it.

Cao Yang also agrees with this attitude.

"You are right. As a professional helicopter company, Sikorsky has accumulated a lot of technology and conducted in-depth research in this area."

“After the acquisition, shareholders cannot attach more importance to it than they do now.”

Propaganda is something Cao Yang has always attached great importance to.

Now that Zhao Siyu wanted to take advantage of the popularity to promote the Wukong Helicopter, he naturally had no reason to object.

As for whether this would make Sikorsky unhappy, that was not something he needed to consider.

The most important thing is to feel happy.


Sun Wukong is definitely very famous in China.

The TV series "Journey to the West" is basically broadcast repeatedly by TV stations during the winter and summer vacations every year, warming the holidays of generations of young people.

After the promotional video of Venustech's Wukong helicopter was released, it naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Although it does not look as majestic as the Kunpeng or Xiongying heavy transport helicopters, it still has a stronger sense of modern technology compared to the Black Hawk helicopter.

Coupled with the fact that the description of some performance parameters had a significant impact on people, the video went viral immediately after it was released.

For Sikorsky, this incident was like a double whammy.

"First, Venustech copied our CH-53, and now it copied our Black Hawk helicopter. Do they have no shame at all?"

Ivanchuk had been in a bad mood these days, and after seeing the promotional video of the Wukong helicopter from China early in the morning, his mood became even worse. Not only did Boeing and Lockheed Martin bully him, but Venustech also bullied him.

It's true that people always pick on the weak.

After all, Sikorsky is a helicopter company with a long history and is not so easy to bully.

"It is not surprising that they can produce such difficult heavy transport helicopters as the CH-47 and CH-53, and now they can produce general-purpose helicopters such as the Black Hawk."

"However, China bought 24 Black Hawks and has not produced the same product in the past 30 years. I didn't expect that this situation would be broken by Venusstar Technology so quickly."

"Sure enough, Boeing and Lockheed Martin jointly suppressing Venustech is very reasonable."

Stephens naturally had no good feelings towards Venusstar Technologies.

After all, the opponent's Eagle heavy transport helicopter is basically going to destroy their CH-53's international market.

This is something that cannot be forgiven no matter what.

"Venus Technology's current strength is evolving very rapidly, and we really need to pay attention to it."

"But now we don't have that much energy to pay attention to them."

"Boeing and Lockheed Martin both have strong intentions to acquire us, and now shareholders' attitudes have also loosened up."

“We have to find a way to deal with this.”

Although Ivanchuk is the president of Sikorsky, he also has to listen to the shareholders.

"Boeing's own helicopter business is doing very well, and it competes with us in many products."

"If we were acquired by Boeing, they would definitely not pay much attention to us."

“It’s even possible that some projects will be cut.”

"So if we have to acquire it, I think it would be better to sell it to Lockheed Martin, which would be better for us."

Although Stephens does not have the power to make the final decision, he also hopes that his life will be better in the future.

Otherwise, it is entirely possible that after being acquired, he would be thrown into a sinecure or directly fired.

Having enjoyed the benefits of power, he certainly doesn't want to live a hard life.

So if it must be acquired, he would definitely support Lockheed Martin's acquisition of Sikorsky.

After all, the other party has very little business in this area, and after acquiring Sikorsky, they must hope to make bigger moves in the helicopter field.

At least these people still have relatively high utilization value.

In the workplace, you are not afraid of others taking advantage of you, but you are afraid that you have no value.

"What you said makes sense. Judging from the current situation, Boeing will not offer a very high price. They actively suppress us in the media, probably because they want to acquire us at a low price."

"The best thing would be to use some past accidents to put us directly into business difficulties, so that they can acquire us at a very low price."

"On the contrary, Lockheed Martin, since they want to expand their business, is willing to invest some real money."

Ivanchuk was not stupid, and he naturally understood what Stephens said.

Normally speaking, it would be best if you could avoid being acquired.

It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

But he has no say in this matter. If he continues to resist or cause trouble, Boeing and Lockheed Martin may work together to deal with him.

In this circle, Ivanchuk is still very clear about the capabilities of these two giants.

Even though you are the general manager of a company, no one knows whether you will suddenly die in a car accident one day.

Normally, people would not use such means easily, but it is hard to say if you are not sensible enough.

"So I think why not just take the initiative to contact Lockheed Martin and negotiate the terms as soon as possible to finalize this matter."

"Otherwise, if it takes too long, it may not be good for us."

Now the two giants are trying to suppress Sikorsky, which puts Stephens under a lot of pressure.

If it can be acquired by Lockheed Martin, at least the situation in this regard will change a lot.

Even if Boeing wants to deal with Sikorsky in the future, it will have to consider Lockheed Martin's attitude.

As for Lockheed Martin, he is already their son, how could they continue to suppress him?
"You're right. I'll take the initiative to contact Lockheed Martin and get the matter settled as soon as possible."

Indecisiveness leads to disaster.

When it comes to people of this level, few of them are simple.

Since Ivanchuk saw the current situation clearly, he simply took action as quickly as possible.

As a result, the acquisition speed became much faster.

In less than a week, the two parties signed a letter of intent and would formally sign the relevant documents once the specific details were agreed upon.

At this point, Lockheed Martin's acquisition of Sikorsky is basically a done deal.

No company would be so tactless as to pick a fight with Lockheed Martin at this time.

Even Boeing doesn't want to continue to struggle at this time.

Of course, they must be very unhappy, thinking that they were the ones who started the trouble, but how come Lockheed Martin ended up reaping the benefits?

"David, Sikorsky has been acquired by Lockheed Martin. When that happens, the competition between us will only become more intense. We won't be able to have the final say."

"We have Venustech competing against us in the international market, and we have Lockheed Martin competing with us internally."

"We need to discuss carefully how to develop better in the future."

Muilenburg is also having a headache now.

Although the helicopter business is not the core business for Boeing, it cannot help but have this project being messed with by others.

If things continue to develop in this way, Boeing will completely go downhill in a few years.

This is definitely unacceptable.

"There is some communication between us and Lockheed Martin, and the relationship between the two sides has been eased."

"Now they have acquired Sikorsky, which shows that they still want to compete with us in essence."

"However, Sikorsky's current flagship products, whether CH-53 or Black Hawk, have been copied by Venustech and replaced with better performance."

"The days ahead will probably not be easy, so I don't think there's any need to worry too much."

At this time, David could only find some reasons to comfort Muilenburg.

After all, things have developed to this point. If he continues to complain, it will only add to the depression and will not have any better results.

Obviously, he didn't want to add more depressing thoughts to his leader.

"That being said, Venustech can only influence a portion of the international market. In the end, many of our allies will still have to purchase military products from the United States."

"Faced with these orders, Lockheed Martin will be our main competitor."

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with what Muilenburg said.

But David had no good solution for this.

After all, Boeing and Lockheed Martin have had quite a bit of competition over the past few decades.

Although the situation has improved a bit in recent years, the fundamental situation has not changed.


As an emerging military giant, Venustech is naturally very concerned about Lockheed Martin's acquisition of Sikorsky.

"Mr. Cao, I think we will face greater pressure to expand our business in the helicopter field in the future."

"Boeing and Lockheed Martin are competing with us together. I think many countries may be defeated by them."

In Zhao Siyu's opinion, Lockheed Martin's acquisition of Sikorsky is definitely not a good thing for Venustech.

But this kind of thing is not something they can decide.

As for corporate mergers and acquisitions within America, they can only do what goes with the flow, but they cannot change their fate.

“Although the opponent has become stronger, the impact is limited.”

"For traditional American military markets like Japan and Korea, no matter how hard we try, we will never have any share."

"So whether you're facing Sikorsky or Lockheed Martin, the results don't change at all."

"As for the Southeast Asian markets, they mainly consider comprehensive performance in terms of cost performance and other aspects, so what Lockheed Martin can do is relatively limited."

"Besides, it's not like we haven't fought against Lockheed Martin and Boeing before. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Cao Yang really doesn't care that much about this matter.

Venusstar Technology's share in the military market has begun to rise.

It can be said that the trend is already set and it cannot be influenced by a simple merger and acquisition.

Even some mergers and acquisitions in the United States may have been influenced by the development of Venusstar Technologies.

If anyone is worried at this time, it is definitely Lockheed Martin and Boeing. They are more worried that the rise of Venus Technologies will have a greater impact on themselves.

The days when they could make money without doing anything are probably gone forever.

No wonder those people are so dissatisfied with Venustech.

After all, no one wants to stand when they can make money while lying down.

(End of this chapter)

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