Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 952: Open the book! The industry structure changes ahead of time

Chapter 952: Open the book! The industry structure changes ahead of time
"Since everyone has an idea, let's get started!"

Since the discussion had already come to this point, Cao Yang naturally stopped worrying about it.

It's just electromagnetic catapult.

Get started!

Cao Yang is confident that Hudong Shipyard can produce aircraft carriers.

In the future, the various bottleneck problems that need to be solved on this aircraft carrier will be left to Nanshan-based companies to tackle.

If it really doesn't work, Cao Yang will have to take action himself.

"Mr. Cao, I have a bold idea. I wonder if Nanshan Equipment is interested."

Seeing that his main goal had been achieved, Zhao Linyuan decided to expand his thinking and take this opportunity to discuss some possible future cooperative projects.

"Nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are definitely a future development trend, but domestic research in this area is still relatively backward."

"Nuclear power will be used in many places in the future."

"For example, if a space station or a lunar base is to be built by Venusstar Technology in the future, it is possible that nuclear power will be needed."

"Even some large aircraft may use nuclear power."

"Is Nanshan Equipment interested in participating in the research and development of nuclear power systems?"

In the past, private enterprises in China were not allowed to get involved in anything related to "nuclear power".

However, Nanshan-affiliated companies obviously cannot be treated with the same attitude as ordinary private enterprises.

After all, they have even launched a space station into space. Which private enterprise can do that?

Therefore, regarding the matter of "nuclear power", even though Zhao Linyuan felt that Nanshan Equipment had not been involved in it in the past, there was still some hope.

The key is whether people are interested.

With Nanshan Equipment's current team of technical talent, it is not impossible for them to make some breakthroughs in nuclear power plants.

The key is that they are not short of money and can easily poach talent from countries like the polar bears.

If $10 a year isn’t enough, then try $100.

If that’s not enough, just ask for what you want!
As long as they are talented, everything can be negotiated.

When Nanshan-based companies are poaching people, they are so arrogant.

In this regard, state-owned enterprises such as Hudong Shipyard cannot compare.

After all, their rules and regulations are relatively strict, and there is not much room for maneuver.

Even if you really want to move, the procedures are very complicated.

It is not easy to change this situation.

To a certain extent, it is actually better not to change.

Because after the modification, it is easy for others to find loopholes, and then the losses will be huge.

"Nuclear power system?"

Pan Jinxing was stunned for a moment, looked at Zhao Linyuan, then at Cao Yang, and for a moment he didn't dare to respond.

After all, this is a field that Nanshan Equipment and other Nanshan-affiliated companies have never touched upon before.

Whether to go this route requires careful consideration.

"Yes, I think the nuclear power plant-related technologies that have been developed in China are quite good, and the significance of Nanshan's equipment involvement may not be that great."

"But in terms of nuclear power, although we have experience in using it on nuclear submarines, we still have a big gap with the polar bears and the United States in terms of nuclear power systems. Even France has more advanced technology in this regard than us."

"If Nanshan equipment can achieve a breakthrough in this area, the application prospects in the future will be very bright."

"Not only nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, but even nuclear-powered destroyers are possible."

Zhao Linyuan continued to persuade there.

Although there are domestic institutions developing related nuclear power technologies, Zhao Linyuan is clearly more confident in Nanshan's equipment.

After all, they can easily handle high-end equipment such as photolithography machines, and the technologies of various machine tools and other equipment are also the best in the country and leading the world.

As long as Nanshan Equipment is willing to develop nuclear power technology, there will definitely be some results.

Zhao Linyuan even felt that the higher-ups should also support Nanshan Equipment in developing technology in this area.

After all, no matter what technology it is, if there is only one institution in the country to develop it, sometimes it will definitely not be enough.

If two institutions conduct research and development at the same time, it will be beneficial both from the perspective of competition and from the perspective of different technical solutions.

Otherwise, America would not come up with two models of the same level of product.

The stealth fighters include F22 and F35, and the heavy transport helicopters include CH-47 and CH-53.

Similar situations exist for many other products.

Different solutions may have different advantages at different times.

As long as your strength allows, it will definitely be more stable to take two paths than one.

"Nuclear power technology is indeed very important, but how to develop it next is something we need to study carefully internally."

This is like opening a whole new map. Cao Yang must think carefully about how to proceed.

There is no need to give a direct affirmative answer now.

Zhao Linyuan was fully aware of this.

In fact, as long as Cao Yang doesn't object, it would be a very good result.

After all, projects like nuclear power technology are large projects and are definitely no less difficult than developing a new aircraft or rocket.

The most crucial thing is that nuclear power technology is still relatively sensitive, so there is nothing wrong with being cautious.

Of course, even if we want to conduct research, it would not be appropriate to do it in Guangzhou.

After all, it is a technology related to nuclear radiation, which will make people somewhat sensitive and worried.


After meeting Zhao Linyuan, Cao Yang followed Zeng Tingting to the Pazhou Convention and Exhibition Center.

The day after tomorrow is the official opening day of the Guangzhou Auto Show. Naturally, Cao Yang, as the host, will come here in advance to take a look at the exhibition layout of Nanshan Automotive Group.

The Chinese automobile market in 2014 is completely different from the same period in history.

Due to the decline in sales of some domestic brands today, the entire automobile market has become more volatile.

Joint venture automakers are doing everything they can to avoid a decline in their market share.

Domestic brands are also preparing to launch various new products in an effort to take themselves a step further.

The new car-making forces that have begun to emerge are also bringing their own products, hoping to make a good appearance at the Guangzhou Auto Show.

Whether it is Qiantu Motors or Xiaopeng Motors, or the new car-making forces that have been established in the past two years.

Those who have products will bring their products, and those who have products that have not yet been mass-produced will bring their concept cars.

If there isn't even a concept car yet, people can still find a way to come up with something special.

Even some real estate companies are now preparing to enter the car manufacturing industry.

It can be said that China's automobile industry has never been as lively as it is now.

"Mr. Cao, according to the statistics of the organizer, this year's auto show has set a new record in terms of the number of companies participating, the number of new products on display, and the number of global debut models."

"All the well-known car brands in the world have come to the Guangzhou Auto Show."

"It is expected that the number of overseas visitors who will visit this auto show will also set a record high."

"According to Autohome, whether it is Volkswagen, Toyota, or Hyundai Kia, they will arrange special teams from their headquarters to visit the Guangzhou Auto Show."

"On the one hand, it is to understand the changes in the Chinese market, and on the other hand, it is to see the various electric vehicles we have here."

"According to the data from the first three quarters of this year, the number of electric vehicles produced by Huaxia has accounted for more than 70% of the world's total."

"Many overseas media have been reporting on this situation this year."

"Even Volkswagen and BMW are now preparing to produce electric vehicles in China and then transport them to Europe for sale."

Zeng Tingting and others accompanied Cao Yang in visiting the exhibition hall, and the first thing they had to introduce was definitely the overall situation.

As for the situation of Nanshan Automobile Group, Cao Yang came here more to confirm in advance whether there were any flaws in the overall exhibition layout. As for the various products, there was no need for Zeng Tingting to introduce them specifically, as Cao Yang knew it very clearly in his mind.

After more than ten years of development, Nanshan Automobile Group is now a completely different company.

In one of the exhibition halls, half of the space was occupied by Nanshan Automobile Group.

The remaining half of the space is reserved for Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche.

It can be imagined that this exhibition hall will definitely be the most attractive by then.

"It is right for us to seize the overseas market as soon as possible while other countries do not have any major objections to our automobile exports."

"Otherwise, when the relationship between people deteriorates, it will be much more difficult to expand overseas markets."

"If we just keep competing domestically, the industry structure will be ruined."

"We at Nanshan Automotive Group should try our best to avoid price wars with others for our products."

"Otherwise, once the price system collapses, it will be difficult to re-establish a high-end brand image."

Although Cao Yang knew that the market environment in the automotive industry had become much worse, he did not expect that the competition would be so fierce.

This is definitely the market that would have existed ten years ago but has arrived now.

If things continue to develop at this pace, it is very likely that some companies will go out of business before their new products are launched into the market.

After all, not every new car-making force has strong capital support behind it.

"As people in the traditional automotive industry, we are naturally aware of this."

"But for some outside investors, their views may not be the same as ours."

"After all, in their view, China's auto market is so large, and it is still growing every year."

"If we support some new forces to enter the market, as long as we can get a piece of the pie, we will have a very good prospect."

"For example, Tesla's annual sales are only about 100,000 vehicles, but its market value has reached 20 billion yuan."

"This will give a lot of investors an illusion that if they invest billions, they will get tens of billions in returns."

Zeng Tingting is definitely more aware of the overall changes in the automotive industry than Cao Yang.

After all, she focuses on these places every day, and she is very familiar with the situation both at home and abroad. She may even spend one-third of her time on business trips abroad every month.

The overseas sales business of each brand of Nanshan Automotive Group is very important and deserves to be treated well.

"Let new car manufacturers enter the market. They mainly produce various new energy vehicles, which are more in line with the policy direction."

“So even if we tell people now that the industry prospects are not that good, few investors will listen.”

"In fact, the next few years will be the peak period for capital to enter the automotive industry."

But Cao Yang knew that the years after 2014 were years of extremely rapid development of China's Internet.

Many Internet funds and the capital behind them want to find some promising projects for the large funds in their hands.

New energy vehicles are unsurprisingly a promising project.

In this case, it is almost inevitable that many people will rush forward in a swarm.

"I heard that this time Lamborghini, Maserati and Rolls-Royce will release their own SUV concept cars and prepare to launch their own high-end luxury SUV models in the next few years."

"These cars will definitely have a certain impact on the SUV models of Xingchen Automobile and Jaguar Land Rover."

"It is estimated that in the future, competition among luxury cars in the SUV field will become more intense."

Zeng Tingting felt it necessary to give Cao Yang a heads-up in advance to let him know that the competition in the luxury car market is now very fierce.

SUV models have been growing faster than sedans in the past decade, and almost all mainstream car companies have launched SUV models of various levels.

Even some car companies that never produced SUV models before have started producing SUVs.

Not to mention the Cullinan of Jaguar, which is owned by Nanshan Automobile Group, it directly became the first SUV in Jaguar's history.

Now we mention Lamborghini, Maserati and Rolls-Royce, none of them have produced SUV models in the past.

It is conceivable how popular SUV models are, as they can force them all to come out, or rather, attract them to come out.


Audi is similar, from Q1 to Q7, basically all levels of SUVs are available.

As for General Motors, Volkswagen and Toyota, which are striving to become the world's number one, that goes without saying.

In the past two years, various SUV models have been launched one after another, and now the sales volume of SUVs is no lower than that of sedans.

The rapid expansion of the market share of China's independent brands is closely related to the layout of SUV models.

Regardless of whether it is Nanshan Hongqi and Changan Automobile, whose sales are still increasing, or Great Wall Motors, Chery Automobile and BYD, which are now in development difficulties, they all have several popular SUV models.

Even new car manufacturers often choose SUV models as their first launch models.

Under such circumstances, Zeng Tingting, as the sales manager of Nanshan Automobile Group, is naturally under a lot of pressure.

After all, compared with competitors such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche, Nanshan Automobile Group's foundation is still a little lacking.

Especially for Xingchen Automobile, which rose very quickly in the beginning, it is no longer so easy for it to continue to expand its market quickly.

Basically all kinds of car models that can sell in large quantities have been launched.

In the future, we will focus more on expanding the market without making major changes to the product line.

This is naturally more difficult.

"We have all enjoyed the benefits of SUVs for so many years. It's a bit late for traditional luxury brands like Maserati to react now."

"I think their influence on us is relatively limited. On the contrary, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Porsche, which have already vigorously developed SUVs, have a greater impact on us."

When Cao Yang said this, Zeng Tingting couldn't help but nodded.

From a broad perspective, this is definitely the case.

After all, although the reputations of models such as Maserati and Rolls-Royce are very loud, their sales are too low. Even if new products are produced, it is impossible to have a particularly big explosion.

Even they themselves didn't expect any particularly big explosion.

For these so-called super luxury brands, more sales may not necessarily be a good thing.

Just like Ferrari, even though they had orders scheduled for several years into the future, they just refused to expand their production capacity.

Even at this time, the working day was adjusted from five days to four days.

Different brands position themselves differently, which naturally leads to different competitive landscapes.

"Mercedes-Benz and BMW have invested a lot of resources in China in recent years. Whether it is the establishment of a Chinese R&D center or the launch of various new products, it is completely different now than it was ten years ago."

"In the future, their sales may even reach the new threshold of 50,000 per month."

Zeng Tingting also agrees that Mercedes-Benz and BMW are Nanshan Automobile Group's biggest competitors.

"BMW also arranged for me to meet during the auto show to discuss future cooperation."

"I guess they want to reduce the risk we pose to them by strengthening cooperation in electric vehicles and traditional parts."

"In the past few years, we have mainly worked together with our own brand car companies to suppress joint venture car companies such as GM, Volkswagen, and Toyota that produce mid-range models."

"The crackdown on luxury cars has not been as intense in recent years."

"It seems that BMW also has a sense of crisis."

When Cao Yang said this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

The fact that Nanshan Automobile Group has such a great influence is a reflection of everyone's hard work.

After all, if you are not strong enough, how can others be afraid of you?
Being able to force BMW, a globally powerful car company, to bow its head is definitely a brilliant achievement.

"Compared with other international auto giants, BMW is relatively fast in its deployment of electric vehicles."

"At this year's Guangzhou Auto Show, their BMW 5 Series and 3 Series will launch plug-in versions, and the plug-in versions of the X and X will also be launched next year."

"At the same time, the two electric vehicles they have specially developed will also be officially launched next year."

"Compared to Mercedes-Benz and Audi, this speed is already quite fast."

Zeng Tingting is now a little unsure about Cao Yang's attitude towards BMW cars.

So let me explain the situation first and see what instructions Cao Yang has.

Anyway, with so many competitors, we will definitely use some means to suppress them.

However, which company to focus on is negotiable.

Although Nanshan Automobile Group has a relatively large influence in China, it is impossible for it to challenge all its competitors at the same time.

"The batteries and power control units used in their plug-in hybrids are purchased from us, right?"

"Yes, not only do we supply the battery and power control unit, but the E-CVT on their 3 Series is also purchased from Nanshan Transmission."

"This is also the first time that a luxury car from Germany uses our E-CVT, which is a big breakthrough."

Obviously, BMW China has now chosen to cooperate comprehensively with Nanshan Automobile Group.

As BMW's sales grow, Nanshan Automobile Group can also gain certain profits, which may greatly reduce Nanshan Automobile Group's enthusiasm for suppressing BMW.

Relatively speaking, Mercedes-Benz and Audi have made much less effort in this regard.

As for Japanese car companies such as Lexus and Infiniti, there is no need to say more.

"Since BMW is more sensible, let's not target them for now."

"When the time comes, you can communicate with Autohome and focus on Mercedes-Benz and Porsche."

"As for Lexus, it goes without saying that we should work hard on it."

With the current development of the automobile market, it is impossible to have a very large overall growth in the future.

Cao Yang is quite certain about this.

Therefore, it is inevitable that various conflicts with competitors will intensify.

Nanshan Automobile Group is also prepared in this regard.

While Nanshan Automobile Group was thinking about its future actions, other automakers were also busy.

Bigwigs from all walks of life have flown to Guangzhou one after another to make the best preparations for this year's Guangzhou Auto Show.

For example, on the night before the opening ceremony, several exhibition halls were still busy until very late.

Many company bosses were busy rehearsing until late at night.

When the auto show officially opened, executives from each company took turns to promote their new products.

This is a very good thing for all media.

Because they don’t need to worry about running out of materials.

"Editor Fang, all the available staff on our channel have been assigned to the auto show."

"There are many more corporate executives willing to take the initiative to accept our interviews than in previous years."

“Everyone’s attitude towards the media is friendlier than before.”

Lin Jiayan accompanied Fang Dawen around the auto show.

There is definitely no need for the two of them to write the article themselves.

Most of the time, I just check the general direction of the publicity and review the manuscripts written by my subordinates.

"Competition in the auto industry has become more intense, so automakers have naturally become more friendly to us."

“But I don’t know how long this situation will last.”

Fang Dawen is naturally happy to see the current situation.

It can be said that this is the most comfortable period for him since he became the editor-in-chief of NetEase Auto Channel.

This year alone, he has accepted invitations from car companies to go overseas for inspections and tours five times, but he did not attend two of them because he was unable to spare the time.

This frequency was very rare a few years ago.

"I feel that this situation will not change in the short term, and may even become more intense."

"When we report, we can also make some targeted comparisons and stimulate more competition among companies."

After Lin Jiayan said this, Fang Dawen immediately smiled and nodded.

It’s better to have more intense competition.

Only in this way can they live a comfortable life.

(End of this chapter)

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