Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 955: Morningstar 777 makes his debut and scares two opponents at once

Chapter 955: Morningstar 777 makes his debut and scares both opponents
Various news emerged in an endless stream at the Guangzhou Auto Show, attracting attention from all parties.

The Internet is naturally bustling with activity.

However, Cao Yang appeared at the auto show only on the first media day and has not appeared since then.

After being silent for a month, Venustech has made a big move again.

This speed has definitely overturned the cognition of many people.

"Mr. Cao, the first test prototype of our Venus 777 will be assembled this week."

"However, the main purpose of this prototype is to conduct various static tests. After making some targeted improvements based on the test results, the second prototype will be assembled."

“Once all ground tests on the first prototype are confirmed, the first flight test will begin on the third prototype.”

"If everything goes well, we will be able to complete the first phase of testing in 2016, then produce five more prototypes on a small scale to conduct various technical verifications on a larger scale, and finally officially deliver them for use before 2017."

"Of course, if it is in the freight market, we can consider putting it into commercial use in 2016."

Zhao Siyu is also full of expectations for Venusstar 777.

Whether Venusstar Technology can make commercial passenger aircraft as big and powerful as Boeing in the future depends on the performance of Venusstar 777.

As long as Venus 777 can break the deadlock, the commercial aviation market will be completely open to Venus Technology.

This is definitely a matter of extraordinary significance for China.

As a large passenger aircraft, Venus 777 will drive the rapid development of the entire Chinese related industrial chain.

Thereby providing significant impetus for the development of strategic transport aircraft.

"There were no problems with our design in various simulations on the software."

"Now that we are producing the prototypes step by step, can we speed up the various tests?"

Although the development speed of Venusstar 777 is already very fast compared with the industry.

However, Cao Yang was still a little dissatisfied.

This is a product that I personally participated in designing, and I used mature design solutions.

However, it will take until 2017 for large-scale mass production to begin, assuming that no major problems arise in the tests.

Otherwise, there will be further delays, which is quite different from what I had hoped for, which is a small-scale trial run by the end of next year.

"If it is used as a passenger plane for cargo transportation, there is still a possibility of further advancement."

"But I guess it can only fly within China. It will definitely not be so fast to get an airworthiness certificate outside of China."

This was not the first time a similar question had been discussed today, so Zhao Siyu was able to give a response quickly.

Although he is a rocket expert, he is not an aircraft design expert.

However, as the general manager of Venusstar Technology, he must be aware of all the major projects.

"How is the progress of the C919 at Shanghai Commercial Aircraft Corporation?"

"Are there any problems with the various tests we provide for the aircraft engines?"

Cao Yang did not continue to force Zhao Siyu, but took one step at a time.

However, he also attaches great importance to the C919 project, in which Venustech is also deeply involved.

Whether China's future passenger aircraft market can be self-sufficient depends crucially on the two products, C919 and Venus 777.

As long as these two products can be successfully launched into the market, the entire landscape of China's aviation industry will undergo a complete change.

"All tests have been completed. When the C919 is put into mass production, it will definitely be equipped with our engines. However, it has not yet been finalized whether the proportion will be 100% or another proportion."

"Their C919 will officially make its maiden flight next year, and its final mass production time may be faster than our Venus 777."

With the full involvement of Venusstar Technology, the speed of C919 is obviously much faster than the same period in history.

What was originally going to take a decade to be put into large-scale commercial use can now basically be put into use in two years.

This change will be very helpful in alleviating China's pressure in the aviation field.

Cao Yang is very clear that in a few years, the international environment facing China will be even worse than it is now, and the situation in many aspects will change greatly.

In particular, the situation in America will also undergo great changes.

In the past, various suppression actions were only targeted at Nanshan-related companies, but will later be extended to many companies.

The whole situation has changed completely.

It would definitely be a good thing if China's dependence on American products could be minimized at this time.

"The speed of civilian products is still too slow. Unlike military products, as long as the performance of all aspects meets the standards, they can be put into use immediately."

"It is also necessary to speed up the development of our military transport aircraft project."

"It's possible that before the large-scale production of the Venus 777, our military transport aircraft will be equipped to relevant departments first."

Cao Yang is now becoming more and more interested in developing military products.

Venustech has many new technologies that can be used in new products.

For the relevant departments, as long as those things that have not been able to be developed domestically have no obvious flaws after they are developed, they will be eager to start equipping them.

All kinds of verification can be improved slowly, so let's solve the urgent problems first.

This approach is obviously very suitable for Venusstar Technology.

"Well, this is indeed possible. Many features of the H-20 project of AVIC are similar to those of the Venus 777, and can also be deployed horizontally onto our military transport aircraft."

"After a few years, when all these projects are launched, it will be necessary to build new factories."

"For military-related projects, the relevant departments prefer to build factories in Chang'an City."

Venusstar Technology now has a presence in both Yangcheng and Chang'an, but all aspects of its content are basically focused on Yangcheng.

Calculating the time, if Changan wants to build a factory, it is obvious that preparations must begin.

"Liu Tianwu has communicated with me before. You can lead the team to Chang'an City to discuss the details of building the factory."

An airplane is so big that the factory that assembles it occupies a very large area.

Although there is land available in Yangcheng, Chang'an is indeed more suitable.

In particular, when we were communicating with AVIC about the H-20 project, it had already been decided to build a factory in Chang'an City.

"No problem. Chang'an City will definitely welcome us to invest."

"In particular, the production of several of our products is expected to be relatively high, and the output value contributed by then will be relatively high."

Zhao Siyu did not feel any pressure at all about the task assigned by Cao Yang.

"By the way, Mr. Cao, do we need to publicize our prototype now that it's off the production line?"

Zhao Siyu knew that Cao Yang always attached great importance to publicity work.

The confidentiality requirements of Venusstar Technology are completely different from those of AVIC and CASIC, and are more like the style of the United States.

The product wasn't even fully developed yet, but I started promoting it on a large scale, eager to let everyone know how powerful my technology was.

"Take a picture that is not so clear, take it inside the factory, so that everyone can see that the Venus 777 has been officially produced."

"There's no need to reveal the rest of the details, just let everyone guess."

Cao Yang thought about it for a moment and gave his answer.

It was just such a simple picture, but after it was posted on the official Weibo account of Venustech, the response it caused was far beyond Cao Yang's imagination.

The first person to call Cao Yang was Zhao Tianling from Air China.

The two sides now have many cooperative projects. Not to mention that the C919 is also related to AVIC, the H-20 project alone is worthy of AVIC's high attention.

As the first large passenger aircraft of Venusstar Technology, Venusstar 777 has attracted the attention of many people at home and abroad.

Zhao Tianling was no exception.

"Mr. Cao, your prototype rolled off the production line so quickly. When will it make its first flight?"

Zhao Tianling really wanted to know what was going on with Venus 777. AVIC had been working on it for so many years without producing anything of note, yet Venus Technology was making some moves so quickly.

This obviously still brought him some pressure.

At that time, the leaders of the relevant departments will definitely compare the two together.

Everything is afraid of comparison, as the gap can be easily seen once compared.

"The time of the first flight cannot be finalized yet. It depends on the previous test results."

"After all, the first flight also requires a pilot to operate. If we cannot guarantee the safety of the pilot, we will definitely not conduct the first flight."

What Cao Yang said was not a lie.

Although there are plans internally, plans are bound to change.

Until the specific schedule is determined, it is not confirmed yet.

"I went to a meeting last week, and the relevant departments were urging us to make progress on the H-20."

"According to the progress of the Venus 777, will our H-20 also have a prototype next year?"

The importance of strategic bombers is beyond doubt.

I can do without it, but I can't live without it.

Otherwise, the opponent's attitude would be completely different.

"It shouldn't be a problem to produce a prototype next year. If the speed is fast enough, it's possible to conduct the first flight test at the end of next year."

The technical requirements for military product development are higher, but the requirements for other tests are sometimes lower than those for civilian products.

At least people are more receptive to new technologies and don’t need to verify them over and over again.

"That's great. I think everyone will be speechless at this speed."

"But I think that since you guys are developing the Venus 777 so fast, you should be careful of Boeing and Airbus causing trouble."

Zhao Tianling's mood suddenly became a little better, and he couldn't help but remind Cao Yang.

After all, a product like the Venus 777 is meant to compete with the two oligarchs, Boeing and Airbus, for market share.

Even if we only seize the Chinese market in the initial stage, we will definitely offend others.

However, Nanshan-affiliated companies have offended numerous international giants over the years, so this one won’t be a big deal.

So Cao Yang didn't take it too seriously.

On the Boeing side, just as Zhao Tianling said, they were discussing how to deal with the rapid development of the Venus 777.

"David, the speed of R&D of passenger aircraft by Venusstar Technology seems to be much faster than we thought." "Now Airbus's A350 and other new projects are also being rapidly developed, while our Boeing 777 is now in an unfavorable situation."

"The development progress of the Boeing 737MAX needs to be further improved."

Muilenburg has been under a lot of pressure recently.

As a core enterprise in the United States, Boeing's development this year has not been particularly smooth.

On the one hand, they face various competitions in the international market from companies such as Airbus and Venusstar Technologies.

On the other hand, the disappearance of the Boeing 777 has not yet been concluded, which has had a great impact on their reputation.

Especially since some negative news popped up every now and then, this made Muilenburg more worried.

"The development of the Boeing 737MAX is currently progressing smoothly and is expected to be delivered before the Airbus A350 goes into mass production."

"Although our product has many technological innovations, for pilots, the operation method is not much different from that of a Boeing 737, which can greatly save time in commercial use."

David naturally knew why Muilenburg suddenly asked him to speed up the development of Boeing 737MAX.

Of course, he also knew that Venusstar Technology had released the actual photos of the Venusstar 777 prototype.

With a competitor that is making rapid technological advances and launching new products at a fast pace, it is difficult for Boeing to remain calm.

Looking around the world, only Venustech can bring them this kind of pressure.

“We should save as much time as possible and omit as many processes as possible.”

"We must come up with products that better meet market demand as soon as possible to compete with our competitors for orders."

The Boeing 737MAX is a project that Muilenburg is fully committed to and he has high expectations for it.

So he naturally hopes to put it on the market as soon as possible.

"I understand. I will arrange another meeting for the project team tomorrow and rearrange the relevant schedule."

Since the boss has spoken, David naturally has to act as soon as possible.

"Then, we should try our best to prevent Chinese engineers in the company from getting in touch with core technologies."

"The passenger aircraft project of Venusstar Technology is developing so fast. I suspect that some of our engineers have sold our technical information."

Although Muilenburg had no evidence to support his point of view, he subconsciously felt that this was the fact.

After all, the development speed of many products from Venusstar Technology has exceeded the general public's cognition.

This is obviously not very reasonable.

But if someone provided Boeing's confidential information to the other party for reference, combined with Venusstar Technology's own technology, it would make sense.

"Many of our engineers are of Chinese descent. If we don't allow them to participate in some projects, it may affect the progress."

David hesitated for a moment, then felt it necessary to give a reminder.

From a purely employment perspective, he feels that Chinese engineers are actually more useful.

However, Muilenburg's perspective on the issue is not exactly the same as his. "Isn't the company also recruiting a lot of Indian engineers?"

"Even part of the business is outsourced to the Tianzhu team for development. I think we can make full use of Tianzhu's human resources advantages."

"Let them take charge of more of our tasks."

Muilenburg quickly offered his solution.

In his opinion, Boeing has no shortage of engineers.

Kick out some people, which is equivalent to kick out some risks.

Otherwise, if the relevant technical information appeared in Venustech before the Boeing 737MAX was successfully developed, he would definitely not be able to accept it.

With this decision made by Muilenburg, the voice of Indian engineers within Boeing increased significantly.

I guess Muilenburg can't foresee this consequence now.


"Chen, what do you think of the pictures officially released by Venusstar Technology?"

As the president of Airbus Commercial Aircraft, Fabrice is naturally very concerned about the developments of Venusstar Technologies.

From a global perspective, apart from its old rival Boeing, only Venus Technologies can bring pressure to Airbus' development.

So the first thing I did when I saw the news was to call Airbus China General Manager Chen Jumin.

He had to figure this out, otherwise he felt like he wouldn't be able to sleep.

"From past experience, even if the news released by Venusstar Technology was incredible, it was eventually proven to be true."

“Although the actual picture of Venus 777 looks a little blurry, judging from the background, it should have been taken at the production site.”

"I think it's a model or first prototype in their development phase."

Chen Jumin was naturally also wondering what the picture released by Venusstar Technology meant, so as soon as Fabrice asked, he was able to give his opinion.

But Fabrice was not satisfied with his reply.

According to Fabrice's understanding, this picture should be a fake, and this is the answer he wants.

"Venus Technology produced a prototype so quickly? This is too much."

“Normally, in just these two years, they might not even have finalized the design.”

"If we produce the prototype without a complete solution, we will definitely encounter a series of problems, and the cost of development will be very high."

Fabrice spoke from his own experience.

However, Chen Jumin did not agree with this.

Of course, he would not be so stubborn as to refute directly, but said tactfully: "Fabris, Venusstar Technology is the company with the highest technological level in China. Every year, they are listed in China's National Science and Technology Awards."

“I think the company needs to take it seriously regardless of whether it’s true or not.”

I reminded Fabrice but he didn't listen. So if any new developments happen in the end, it's not Chen Jumin's responsibility.

But if he said nothing, Fabrice might blame him in the future.

"Do you have any way to find out the specific information about Venusstar Technology?"

"It is definitely not enough to rely solely on the content published on their official website for everything."

"We probably have some employees who have been poached by Venusstar Technology. Can you think of some solutions from them?"

Fabrice felt that he was in a passive position now.

It is impossible not to believe the information released by the opponent, but if you do believe it, it feels impossible to believe it.

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"I'll try my best, but Venusstar Technology now produces a lot of military products, so they should be doing a good job of keeping secrets."

"Even if we contact former employees, we may not be able to get any information."

Chen Jumin sighed inwardly, actually she didn't want to take this task.

But it seems that not answering the call is not an option.



It is impossible for Venustech to be completely unaware of the various small moves made by Airbus and Boeing.

As a representative of relevant departments, Pan Jun maintained close communication with the security team of Venusstar Technology. He even helped coordinate and arrange some of these teams.

So he can know any situation first.

"Boss Cao, it seems that Boeing and Airbus are getting a little anxious now, and they are trying every possible way to get our intelligence."

"In the past few days, the security team has received information from several employees who said that someone from outside contacted them and wanted to inquire about the company's confidential information."

Based on the communication with the security team of Venustech Technology over the past two days, Pan Jun went to Cao Yang's office to discuss this matter with him.

"These two companies have been making money for many years without doing anything. Now they find that they have to stand up to make money, so they are naturally unhappy."

"The C919 project of Shanghai Commercial Aircraft Corporation did not progress very smoothly before, and they must have had some influence on it."

"The fact that the Japanese aircraft project has not produced any results is also closely related to Boeing."

"Now our Venus 777 is progressing smoothly and will soon pose a real threat to Boeing and Airbus. The other side must be nervous."

"But no matter how hard they tried, the most they could get was some information about the schedule."

"It's impossible to find out all the specific technical details."

The Nanshan Group’s companies have been able to develop to this point, and naturally they have their own internal operating mechanisms.

If the core secrets were easily stolen by others, the company would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Besides, there are relevant departments helping to keep it confidential, so it is obviously very difficult for Boeing and Airbus to make a major breakthrough.

The opponent's actions only show that Venusstar Technology is very strong and has attracted their attention.

"That's true. These international giants just can't stand seeing us doing well."

"Over the years, Mr. Cao, you have promoted the 100% localization of various equipment and products. This is really necessary."

"Otherwise, if America wants to deal with our companies now, they can make things very difficult for us by just using any tricks on our equipment and chips."

"It's all right now. Even if the other party wants to use any means, it won't be very effective."

"Even these methods of suppression will promote the development of related industries in our country, but they dare not use them easily."

When Pan Jun said this, his expression was quite emotional.

Over the years, he has been serving as a contact window for Nanshan-affiliated companies and has witnessed the development of each company with his own eyes.

That feeling is still very strange.

"Although America has fewer means to use, as we become stronger, the other side's reaction will definitely become more intense."

"There may be some unexpected things that may happen in the future."

Cao Yang would not simply think that America would stop and allow China to develop.

This is impossible.

Throughout history, any boss cannot stand anyone threatening his position.

No matter how much the second brother emphasizes that he has no intention of threatening the eldest brother, it is useless.

(End of this chapter)

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