Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 970: Kill the whole world in seconds, produce missiles on the assembly line, and produce mis

Chapter 970: Kill the whole world in seconds, produce missiles on the assembly line, and produce missiles a day

All the planned test targets were successfully achieved!

There was naturally jubilation inside Venusstar Technology.

However, although Venus was happy, some people were unhappy.

The people from Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon, who were watching the test the entire time, were not in a good mood at all.

"Robert, what do you think of the technical level of the anti-missile system developed by Venusstar Technology?"

John looked at the images fed back by the satellite with a gloomy face, feeling very heavy.

The fact that America can dominate the world has a lot to do with its very complete air defense missile system.

Whether it is the Patriot 3 air defense missile system located in bases around the world, the THAAD air defense missile system, or the Aegis and other maritime air defense forces, they all provide the United States with very complete protection.

However, now that China's air defense missile system is catching up rapidly, the situation is immediately a little different.

"We currently have relatively little information and cannot make a final assessment."

"But now the other side dares to intercept drone and missile attacks with a single shot, and it is 100% successful, which shows that the other side's system should be relatively advanced."

"At least it won't be much worse than our export version of the Patriot 3."

Robert is not the kind of person who talks nonsense.

The air defense system of Venusstar Technology is very good. Even if what he said is nothing, someone has to believe it.

What if the various indicators released by others are exaggerated? Wouldn’t he be humiliated?
He is not stupid and doesn't want to be slapped in the face.

"China has been importing air defense missiles from the Polar Bear before, especially the S300. There should be a lot of them in various parts of China."

“Even for the S400, it seems that a battalion has been purchased, and discussions are still ongoing to purchase more.”

"This shows that the performance of the air defense missile system developed by China itself does not meet the level they want."

"But now the situation has completely changed. If China equips itself with this series of air defense missiles on a large scale in the future, it will definitely greatly enhance China's military strength."

John still cares a lot about this.

China's military strength has increased rapidly in recent years, bringing tremendous pressure to the United States.

"How this matter will end depends on the performance of the other side's air defense missile system."

"I think we should ask the intelligence department to act as soon as possible and provide us with more reference information, otherwise we won't know what response plan to take."

Robert's attitude towards the improvement of China's air defense missile system is rather complicated.

On the one hand, if the opponent is too weak, the United States will not be very motivated to continue investing in the development of a new generation of air defense missile systems, and will also not be very motivated to continue purchasing related systems on a large scale.

This is not in line with Lockheed Martin's use.

After all, they are arms dealers, and they cannot survive without business.

However, if China becomes too strong, it will not be in their interests.

Because that would highlight the lack of technological advancement of their technology, which would then put them under great pressure.


Not only America but also polar bears are also worried about this test of Venusstar Technology.

China is a major customer of the Polar Bear air defense missile. If they develop their own system, wouldn’t that mean they lose a major customer?

"Grogin, the people from Diamond-Ante have contacted us and want us to help confirm the details of the anti-aircraft missile that Venusstar Technology just tested."

"China is negotiating with them about the purchase of S-400 air defense missiles, but with what Venusstar Technology did, it is estimated that Diamond-Antey's S-400 air defense missiles will be difficult to sell."

After the integration, Polar Bear United Rocket and Space Corporation is nominally the holding company of Diamond-Ante, but the other party's actual business is not actually under their management.

Even when it was displayed to the outside world, all the work was carried out under the name of Diamond-Antai.

As a world-renowned air defense missile manufacturer, their S-300 air defense missiles have been equipped in many countries.

Even the most advanced S-400 missiles have begun to be sold to some customers in order to obtain high profits for the development of S-500 air defense missiles.

As a traditional major customer of the Polar Bears' high-end weapons, China has made a significant contribution to their military exports in the past decade or so.

But in recent years, the situation has slowly changed.

The Polar Bear's weapons are gradually not selling well in China.

Some weapons, once a batch is sold, there will never be a second batch.

Because China directly copied it, or found that these weapons were not as good as they imagined and were not as good as those produced by themselves.

Obviously, Diamond-Ante is also worried that the air defense missile system developed by Venustech will surpass the S-400 air defense system.

As for the S-300, they no longer have high expectations.

Because China is no longer particularly interested in this system.

"Although we have cooperated quite a lot with Venustech, it is probably not that easy to find out their confidential information."

Grogin is not stupid. Shouldn't this kind of task be assigned to a special department?
How to let them find out the news?

If it were really that easy to find out information about China, wouldn't the relevant Chinese departments be very embarrassed?
"That's what I told them, but judging from some official information released by Venustech, the enemy's air defense missile system may not be worse than the S-400."

"So now they are a little desperate."

Demetrius could actually understand Diamond-Antetus's concerns.

Demetrius knew very well what was going on with Venusstar Technology.

The products developed by the other party are at least developed in line with world-class standards, and some have even surpassed the world-class standards and become the leaders in the industry.

The images of those missile launchers speeding on the highway and the missiles accurately intercepting the Twin-tailed Scorpion drones and incoming missiles can all be used to infer that the level of this system is not low.

Combined with the technological level that Venusstar Technology has demonstrated in the past, such as advanced active phased array radar technology and various rocket and micro-missile technologies, it is hard not to worry.

"As for the previous S-300, as far as I know, China has already developed a similar substitute, so they stopped purchasing it."

"Although a battalion of S400s have been purchased, it is not surprising that the other side will upgrade its anti-missile system on this basis."

"What Diamond-Antai needs to worry about now is not losing China as a major customer, but whether Venusstar Technology or other Chinese manufacturers will compete with them in the international market."

"After all, no matter what product it is, once it reaches the hands of the Chinese, the price can be made very low."

When Grotin said this, Dmitri couldn't help but nodded.

This is indeed the truth.

It is estimated that the situation faced by Diamond-Antai is more serious than they imagined.

However, faced with this situation, there is very little they can do.


"Sharma, the relevant departments are now asking us if we can work with other domestic companies to develop an air defense missile system. Can we do it?"

In China, most people usually pay little attention to what is happening in India.

But in India, it can be said that all kinds of media are filled with news related to China all day long.

They are very interested in any movement in China, especially those products that may pose a threat to them, which attracts a lot of attention.

This time, Venusstar Technology conducted a high-profile test of the air defense missile system, and Tianzhu naturally knew about it.

The relevant departments in India, which have always wanted to avenge their past humiliation and completely surpass China, will definitely take some action.

What the Chinese can do, we can do too!
This is true for nuclear weapons and the same goes for air defense missile systems!
Therefore, the Indian Space Research Organization, an institution that has mastered the most advanced rocket technology and some missile technology in the country, was required to participate in the research and development of the air defense missile system.

After all, if only one institution in India were to rely on itself, it would take a long time for it to handle air defense missiles.

They are self-aware of this.

However, Rahal himself was well aware of the difficulty of developing an air defense missile system and had little confidence.

In this case, we could only call Sharma, the technical director, over to discuss the matter.

If Sharma is confident, then go for it.

If you don't have confidence, then it depends on how you respond to the relevant departments.

"The air defense missile system involves a lot of products, and it's not enough to just produce missiles."

"In other words, for advanced air defense missile systems, the most difficult part is not producing various types of missiles, but how to make a complete set of system integration solutions."

"For example, the S-400 air defense missile system that we are currently in contact with the polar bears in China contains a lot of things in one system."


“30K6E战斗管理系统包括1个车载55K6E指挥所和1部车载91N6E S波段监视和跟踪雷达。”

“每个火力单元包括一个 92N6E相控阵雷达,每个火力单元最多有12辆导弹发射车,每个发射车最多装备四枚导弹。如果携带9M96E2导弹每辆发射车能搭载16枚。”

"At most, we can participate in the research and development of missiles. We can't do much about other things such as various battle management systems, logistics support systems, and phased array radars."

Sharma knew this was not the time to brag.

Otherwise, you will really be held responsible at that time.

"If we can't contribute to these systems, it's unlikely that other institutions will be able to perform well."

As an institution in India that is very familiar with rocket and missile technology, the technical level of the Indian Space Research Organization is still acceptable.

At least it is quite acceptable in India.

But according to Sharma, there is only so much they can do in the research and development of air defense missiles.

Then this project is a bit troublesome.

"Lahar, I think if the relevant departments want to improve our domestic air defense and anti-missile capabilities in a short period of time, the best way is to speed up the procurement negotiations with the Polar Bear for the S-400 air defense missiles."

"This way we will be able to form combat effectiveness within the next three years."

"With the Polar Bear's S-400, it may be relatively easier for us to develop with reference to it."

When Sharma said this, Lahar's face darkened.

However, the technical director had no confidence at all, and he didn't want to act pretentious.

Otherwise, it will be completely impossible to finish it. …

"Boss Cao, the relevant departments have already reviewed the complete set of information on your air defense missile system."

"They also compared all the surveillance videos and data of the test process with the S-400 and S-300 air defense missile systems."

"Now everyone is very interested in your system and wants to get involved directly to conduct some tests, and even operate it directly in exercises."

Pan Jun came early in the morning and brought Cao Yang good news.

Whether a weapon has a future and whether the relevant departments are interested in it is a very important criterion for judging whether it has a future.

If no one is interested, then it is impossible to sell well.

Although its own products are developed directly against the future S-500 air defense system of the Polar Bear, the technology is definitely much more advanced than the S-300 and S-400 currently purchased by China.

In particular, this system fully utilizes Venustech's capabilities in phased array radar and system integration, and its overall level is more advanced than the later Polar Bear's S-500.

To put it bluntly, this air defense missile system is the most advanced system in the world.

Naturally, there were people in the relevant departments who knew what it was, and they quickly felt its charm.

Therefore, they couldn't wait to get involved without waiting for Venusstar Technology to complete all the testing work.

Because this is related to the arrangement of China's next stage of air defense and anti-missile tasks, and whether to continue to discuss the purchase of more S-400 air defense missiles with the Polar Bear.

"No problem. We can arrange for technicians to cooperate with the personnel of relevant departments to directly place the tests in their designated areas and carry out various designated testing tasks."

This is obviously a good thing for Venusstar Technology.

So Cao Yang agreed without any hesitation.

They will cooperate with Venustech in whatever way the relevant departments hope it will.

The sooner you get all the testing done, the better.

Venusstar Technology has high expectations for this air defense and anti-missile system.

To this end, they have specially built a highly efficient automated missile production line.

Several types of missiles that can be used in the anti-missile system can be produced on this production line.

Even some other similar missiles can be produced on this production line.

This is actually a very important thing.

Because the production efficiency of missiles has been improved, the cost can be reduced.

Otherwise, China cannot afford a missile worth tens of millions of RMB.

Even if the anti-missile system is very advanced, it may not be equipped in large quantities in the end.

But if the price of air defense missiles can be reduced to less than one million RMB, it would be a completely different story.

In fact, as long as the production volume is large enough, the cost of a missile can be made very low.

After all, the structure of a missile is actually no more complicated than that of a car.

The reason why prices were high in the past was simply because of high R&D costs, but the amount of amortization was very small, so it was naturally very expensive.

For example, if Nanshan Automobile Group only produces a few hundred S9s a year, the production cost of each car will soar from or yuan to several million yuan.

This is why large-scale industrialization is important.

"Mr. Cao, the relevant department has something else to discuss with you."

When Pan Jun saw that Cao Yang agreed to various requests so readily, he couldn't help but reveal a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"As you know, these anti-missile systems are still assets of Venusstar Technology, and the relevant departments do not have additional budget to pay for various expenses."

"But during various tests, there may be a large number of missiles that need to be launched."

"I made a preliminary estimate that if we want to complete all the tests in the full cycle and even conduct live-fire verification of some extreme situations, the number of missiles that need to be consumed may be more than 50, or even more."

"This cost should not be very low. Can Venusstar Technology absorb it first?"

After Pan Jun finished speaking, he looked at Cao Yang a little nervously.

Obviously, he already had some understanding of the relevant departments' thoughts.

They just wanted to take advantage of the test opportunity to practice their skills and at the same time test the strength of China's other air defense and anti-missile systems.

It is even possible that S300 or S400 will be arranged to carry out offensive and defensive operations with Venusstar Technology's products.

Although it costs money for Venusstar Technology to conduct its own testing, the number of missiles launched is most likely not that large.

This is also the reason why Pan Jun felt a little embarrassed.

The relevant departments are really taking advantage of the situation this time.

Of course, he also knew that in the end, the wool would come from the sheep.

As long as the system developed by Venusstar Technology is truly excellent, the relevant Chinese departments will definitely purchase it in large quantities.

The various testing costs incurred previously must also be amortized into the sales price.

But even so, certainly not every company is willing to do this.

After all, there is no sign of the order yet.

"No problem. It's just a matter of launching a few more missiles. Our production capacity is fully sufficient and we can absorb all the costs ourselves."

It is reluctant that the child cannot catch the wolf.

The more thorough the testing by the relevant departments, the more they can feel the advanced nature of Venusstar Technology's system.

By then, the S300 and S400 purchased previously may not be worth buying.

Not to mention the products of the Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation that imitate the S-300.

In the future, it is possible that most of China’s air defense and anti-missile systems will be purchased from Venusstar Technology.

This is definitely a good thing.

"Thank you Mr. Cao for your understanding."

"Although a lot of information has not been finalized yet, the relevant departments are so interested in this system that they will definitely purchase some in the end."

Pan Jun breathed a sigh of relief, but still said a few empty words out of habit.

But Cao Yang really ate this cake!
"It just so happens that you are here today. Let's go visit the first automated missile production line of Venusstar Technology. I would also like to trouble you to recommend it to the relevant departments. Whether it is air defense missiles, various ship-to-air missiles, or air-to-air missiles, we can produce them all."

"And the production efficiency of our production line is very high, which can fully meet the various requirements of relevant departments."

Taking this opportunity, Cao Yang plans to promote his own missiles to the relevant departments.

Since Venustech has identified military products as its key future development products, it has to produce missiles, which are used in large quantities in modern warfare.

In order to ensure the safety of his own missile factory, Cao Yang even plans to communicate with relevant departments in the future to deploy an air defense missile battalion directly next to the factory.

"Okay, I've also heard about your missile production factory. Today I finally have the opportunity to see it in person."

Venusstar Technology's headquarters is in Panyu District, but with the development of various businesses, its factories are now spread across all districts of Guangzhou.

For example, the missile production base is located in a remote mountain area in the north.

After all, the production of this thing is still somewhat dangerous.

It is definitely not suitable for urban areas.

Besides, if a conflict really happens, this factory will be the primary target of attack.

It would definitely be inappropriate to build it in a downtown area.

Venusstar Technology will gradually transfer some of its factories to Chang'an City, also considering this aspect.

Although it is far, Venusstar Technology can use a helicopter to fly there directly and arrive very quickly.

For ordinary companies, if they want to use helicopters, the various route approvals and the like are enough to scare them away.

But given the relationship between Venusstar Technology and relevant departments, this is naturally not a problem.

Just report to the relevant department before taking off.

This can be considered a special treatment enjoyed by Venustech.

Soon, Cao Yang, Pan Jun and others appeared at the gate of the missile factory.

Although this production line has not yet been fully put into operation, it has basically been completed.

After entering the factory, Pan Jun immediately felt the difference between it and other missile factories.

Although other companies’ missiles also apply some assembly line production techniques, most of the time they are still based on traditional manual work, and the production efficiency is not high.

If we can launch several missiles in a day, the speed is pretty good.

But looking at the production line of Venusstar Technology, the situation is obviously not like this.

Occasionally, you can see a few missiles flowing on the production line, and the stay time in each process is very short.

"Boss Cao, the production line of your missile factory seems to have a very high production efficiency."

Pan Jun is also a connoisseur and can tell the difference at a glance.

"Our factory usually only has one shift of employees working, but if there is a special need, we can arrange three shifts and process every day."

"If we continue to produce at this pace, our daily output can reach an incredible 1000 pieces!"

"Of course, it is the theoretical output if the same type of missile is produced, all equipment does not stop for one minute, and no problems occur!"

As soon as Cao Yang said this, Pan Jun's eyes widened immediately.

Thousands of missiles produced per day?

This is definitely a global achievement!

Even with various prerequisites, it is still an absolutely terrifying statistic.

(End of this chapter)

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