Rebirth 99 to become a car giant.

Chapter 971: Sudden crisis, defeat them!

Chapter 971: Sudden crisis, defeat them!

The impact of the Venusstar Technology Missile Factory is greater than Cao Yang imagined.

After Pan Jun reported the relevant information, several waves of inspection teams immediately came from the relevant departments.

We are not stupid. If the efficiency of missile production can be greatly improved, then the cost will inevitably drop significantly.

In the end, it is possible that a missile that originally cost tens of millions of yuan could be manufactured for just a few hundred thousand yuan.

Of course, in the early stages, Venustech would definitely not set the price so low.

After all, this factory has invested tens of billions of yuan in equipment costs, so they must first recover the money.

The relevant departments did not expect to use missiles that are cheaper than long-range rockets at the beginning.

As long as there is a need in the future, we can purchase on a large scale.

After all, the situation around China is quite special. Without sufficient air defense and missile attack capabilities, some forces will not feel the pressure.

"Boss Cao, you guys are launching a satellite every now and then."

"This factory produces a thousand missiles a day. Just hearing about it is enough to scare people to death."

"You have produced in just one day what many large missile factories produce in a year."

Qian Junfeng visited the missile factory of Venusstar Technology with mixed feelings.

As the leader in the domestic aerospace field, Aerospace Science and Technology naturally also develops various missiles.

However, the production capacity of any of their missile factories cannot be compared with that of Venusstar.

He even felt that if it were not for the relevant departments' strategic considerations, the missile factory under Aerospace Science and Technology would lose orders in the future.

After all, such a large difference in production efficiency will inevitably lead to huge differences in production costs.

The relevant departments naturally hope to purchase more weapons and equipment with limited funds.

"It is impossible for our factory to operate at full capacity normally."

“There’s never even a chance of full production.”

"It is for this reason that we use a large amount of automated production equipment."

"Otherwise, the arrangement of workers will be awkward."

"If there is only one shift of workers, it will be difficult to increase production."

"We can't just keep three shifts of workers idle."

"However, after the large-scale adoption of automated production equipment, this impact is very small."

"Most of the processes are done by machines. As long as we add more staff reserves appropriately, we can quickly expand production at critical moments."

Cao Yang had witnessed the situation of insufficient production capacity of various artillery shells when Da Mao and Er Mao fought in the future.

If it is placed on a missile, there will actually be similar problems.

Don’t think that the relevant departments may be equipped with thousands or even more missiles in normal times.

But when the fight really starts, all the time is used up in a few days.

In this case, the missile production capacity is very important.

Venusstar Technology has the capability to produce 1,000 missiles per day, which is definitely a number greater than the missile production capacity of all other countries in the world combined.

If there is a need in the future, we can attack the enemy with an intensity of launching thousands of missiles every day.

At that time, missiles could not be used to fire at the enemy even if their anti-missile system was very advanced.

Because you simply don't have that many air defense missiles to launch and intercept, not to mention that even if you launch them, you may not be able to intercept them.

This is definitely a very meaningful thing for China.

"The relevant departments are now considering asking our Aerospace Science and Technology to build a high-efficiency missile factory somewhere else."

"Of course, we don't need to produce 1000 missiles a day. A few hundred missiles a day is enough."

"In this way, we can also disperse the risks to the greatest extent. When the time comes to purchase related equipment, we hope that Nanshan Equipment can provide more support."

Qian Junfeng directly expressed his thoughts.

Although everyone produces missiles, there is a certain degree of competition between them.

However, there are some products that Venusstar Technology is not involved in for the time being.

Besides, the considerations of the relevant departments are not unreasonable.

Dispersing factories can help avoid being passive at special times.

Otherwise, if an accident happens at the Venustech factory and the Chinese teams are left without missiles to use, it would be disastrous.

Of course, there must be some missiles in stock in the arsenal, so the situation cannot be that critical.

However, for the relevant departments, any potential risks cannot be ignored.

"No problem. No matter what equipment you want to purchase, Nanshan Equipment can sell it to you."

The order for missiles has not yet been received, but a large order for equipment has been received.

That's not bad.

Anyway, Cao Yang didn't expect that after this factory was built, all kinds of Chinese missiles would be produced here.

That is simply impossible.

Not to mention that the flexibility of this missile factory has not yet been that high, there are many types of missiles that Venustech has not even researched at all.

There is no need for them to produce all types of products.

Cao Yang would definitely not assign anyone to do such a thankless task.

As the largest military-industrial complex in China, many forces are trying to find out the various secrets of Venusstar Technology.

The testing of air defense missiles during this period has already attracted a lot of attention, and then so many people went to visit the factory in the mountains.

With just a little inquiry and combined with some satellite images, some forces can guess what the factory is used for.

Just looking at the size of the factory, one can infer that its output will not be low.

"Robert, we heard that China's Qixing Technology has built a missile factory with a very large production capacity, which specializes in producing missiles for various products such as air defense missile systems and bombers."

John came to Lockheed Martin with a heavy heart and discussed some future countermeasures with Robert.

During this period, there have been various actions within the United States, and the strategic shift to the Asia-Pacific region has also received a lot of support.

However, this year is a critical year for the start of their general election, and some things will not be concluded immediately.

However, the situation is changing very quickly, and how to deal with it is something that needs to be carefully considered.

"Is Venusstar Technology so radical in its approach?"

"They have just started testing their air defense missiles, yet they have built such a large missile factory."

Robert is a little overwhelmed because this opponent always plays by his own rules.

This will put them in a more passive situation.

It would be troublesome if the relevant departments in the United States also asked them to maintain a similar scale of missile production capacity.

Sales volume has not increased, but production capacity requires further improvement, which means that capacity utilization is declining.

This was definitely not what he wanted to see.

"Venus Technology's approach also indirectly proves that they are very confident in the air defense missile system they developed."

"If the relevant Chinese departments really equip on a large scale, it will be at least dozens of battalions, or even hundreds of battalions."

"With such a huge procurement scale, the number of missiles required is naturally very large."

John's guess is quite consistent with the facts.

But even if you guess some things, what can you do?

"I will visit some people in a couple of days to see if we can push for our anti-missile system to be deployed closer to China."

"Otherwise, China has deployed anti-missile systems on a large scale, and its missile strike capability is constantly improving, which is a major threat to the United States."

Robert certainly hopes to boost sales of his own products.

If the relevant US departments are to deploy various air defense missile systems in more places, they will naturally need to purchase more products.

This is good for Lockheed Martin.

"We are also discussing this matter internally."

"We originally planned to deploy some related equipment in Korea and other places in two years, but now it seems that we can consider moving the time forward to this year or next year."

When John said this, Robert immediately said, "I think it would be best if we could do it this year. The later we wait, the more passive we will be."


America acted quickly this time.

They quickly reached an agreement with Goryeo on the site selection for the new anti-missile system base, and then officially began to arrange personnel to start construction.

Naturally, this news was soon exposed.

First, there was controversy within Goryeo itself about this matter.

After all, some people are not stupid. Deploying such an anti-missile system so close to China will definitely cause trouble.

Sure enough, after China received the information, the relevant departments immediately expressed strong dissatisfaction and opposition one after another.

However, this time America's attitude is very firm. In recent years, the competition with China in many economic fields has become very fierce in Korea, and there are also a group of people in Korea who firmly stand on the side of America.

So since this incident broke out, there has been no sign of easing for more than a week.

As a result, the Chinese Internet naturally exploded.

Naturally, all kinds of dissatisfaction with Goryeo and negative news broke out.

Some Chinese companies will naturally not miss such a good opportunity to squeeze the market share of Korean companies.

"Tao Wen, arrange for your personnel to follow up on the whole process of suppressing Didu Hyundai and Yueda Kia. It would be best if we could take away all of their market share."

This is not the first time Zhu Zhengfeng has done this.

So now that he saw a similar opportunity for public opinion, he naturally began to arrange personnel to take action immediately.

Nanshan Hongqi, which is positioned relatively high-end among domestic brands, is the easiest to seize market share from joint venture automakers.

Although the sales of Didu Hyundai and Yueda Kia have plummeted due to previous suppression, their desire to survive is still very strong.

In recent years, many new products have been launched and sales have rebounded.

Last year, the two companies had a combined annual sales volume of nearly 500,000 vehicles. Zhu Zhengfeng was obviously eyeing these sales volumes.

As long as they can grab half of them, Nanshan Hongqi’s goal of breaking one million sales this year can be achieved.

"Boss Zhu, the advertising company and the sales department have already taken action."

"Public opinion is very favorable to us now. Didu Modern is definitely in big trouble this time."

Tao Wen is quite excited now.

This year is an important year for Nanshan Hongqi to achieve sales of 100 million. If I have made a great contribution to this, the meaning will be even more different.

"Other brands will not miss this opportunity. On the one hand, we need to cooperate with them, and on the other hand, we need to avoid losing all our market share to other competitors."

Although Nanshan Hongqi is consistent with other Chinese independent brands in its stance of suppressing Hyundai and Kia Motors.

But when it comes to grabbing market share, everyone is a competitor.

So this relationship is quite subtle.

Especially in the past two years, market competition has become much more intense, and the situation has become even more special.

Fortunately, Tao Wen is an experienced veteran, so Zhu Zhengfeng is not too worried that he will mess things up.


Nanshan Hongqi has made so many moves, and in the field of consumer electronics, which is also Korea's advantageous industry, Honor Technology is naturally not idle either.

"Mr. Cao, Samsung Electronics' mobile phone sales in China have never been significant. This time, we can directly drive them out of the Chinese market."

"For other businesses such as computers, televisions and washing machines, the market share is expected to drop significantly after this incident."

As the general manager of Honor Technology, Xia Qingqing was naturally personally involved in the deployment of measures to deal with Samsung.

For them, the threat from Samsung is always there.

Now let’s first destroy Samsung’s presence in China.

"I didn't expect that Goryeo would actually do something like this with America at this time. They are trying to cut themselves off from society."

Cao Yang knew that the deployment of air defense missile systems had happened in his previous life, but it should not have happened so early.

Unexpectedly, facing the pressure from China, America actually took this action ahead of schedule.

This is a crisis for China, but an opportunity for Nanshan Group's companies.

As long as it is grasped well, industries in all aspects can achieve a substantial improvement.

In particular, Samsung, Hyundai and other companies originally from Korea are in competition with Nanshan-based companies in many fields.

Now that Goryeo has done something like this, Chinese consumers will definitely be disgusted with Goryeo's products.

This is a great opportunity to seize the market.

We can even go a step further and pick out some Korean products that didn't receive much attention before, and use the anger of consumers to reduce their influence.

In the end, even if Goryeo tried hard to recover, it would be unlikely to return to its peak level.

"This incident is indeed a bit sudden. There was no news about it before."

"But if you think about it carefully, many things actually have signs."

"In the past, Korea was relatively close to us because many of their products had broad market prospects in China."

"Now their products have been almost completely taken over by our domestic manufacturers, and their presence has greatly decreased."

"And we are also competing with them for orders in the international market, which in their view is undermining their interests."

"As a result, resentment towards us naturally increased a lot."

"Plus, they naturally stand with America, so this decision is not surprising."

Xia Qingqing actually has a very thorough understanding of the problem.

Although the outbreak of this incident was a bit sudden, there is a reason for everything.

"That's true. When domestic car brands were not competitive, Korean cars enjoyed a good few years thanks to their better quality than domestic brands and cheaper prices than Japanese cars."

"Now the price is lower than domestic brands, but the quality is not as good as that of Japanese car manufacturers, so they are not selling well at all."

"Adding to this incident, it is basically impossible for Korean car companies to rise again after this incident."

If domestic brands do not perform up to the mark, it is estimated that Korean brands may still have the possibility of making a comeback after overcoming this crisis.

But now all the domestic brands are sharpening their knives to grab other people's market share, and if they encounter something like this, needless to say, they are doomed.

Cao Yang is also happy to see this happen.

Fortunately, none of the Nanshan-affiliated companies have had much cooperation with Korean companies. Even if Korean companies completely withdraw from the Chinese market, it will not have any impact.

"This time Gao Li brought disaster upon himself and blocked the way out for related companies."

"But I feel that this incident is likely to be an important sign of the changing situation in the international market."

"In the future, there may be more actions from the United States, whether it is to cause trouble with Korea or to join forces with Japan."

"Or they could create some trouble in the Strait or the southern waters. That's all possible."

It has to be said that as the most famous female entrepreneur in China, Xia Qingqing's vision is really well-trained.

I guess many people haven't seen this kind of thing at this stage.

It was not until many years later, when some experts with hindsight summarized the situation, that everyone realized that this was the case.

For the development of large enterprises, this strategic vision is actually very important.

This determines whether the company will make directional errors in some of its future layouts.

Once a directional error occurs, it is very likely that all the money earned in the past few years will be lost in one go.

"Your analysis makes a lot of sense. The election-related activities in the United States are also in full swing."

"Many things in the future will continue to refresh everyone's cognition."

"The international competition environment faced by our companies will also worsen. When Honor Technology expands into the international market, it must also be aware of the risks in this regard."

It is impossible for Cao Yang to allow his companies to develop in the country just because of these potential risks. That would only bring disaster to a number of his peers.

Continuing to stir up the international market is what must be done.

However, risk control cannot be ignored either.

For example, in the Tianzhu market, many people within Honor Technology are proposing to build a factory there to produce various electronic products in order to avoid high tariffs and gain local support.

But Cao Yang never agreed.

There is no problem in going to Tianzhu to sell products.

But building a factory there is absolutely not allowed.

Even when selling things, most of the time they cooperate with local dealers and transfer all the risks of after-sales and other aspects to them.

By then, even if Tianzhu wants to cause trouble, it will not be able to cause any substantial losses to Glory Technology.

Even for sales companies registered locally, the shareholders' situation is very special.

Even if these companies make huge mistakes, Honor Technology will not be implicated in the end.

At most, Honor Technology’s brand influence in India will be destroyed.

If that day really comes, there will be nothing more to say.


While various Chinese companies were discussing how to take advantage of this opportunity to encircle and suppress Korean companies, Samsung, as the flagship of the Korean business circle, was naturally also quickly summarizing the various changes in China.

"President, the sales of our various consumer-oriented products in China, such as mobile phones, computers, refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, etc., have all plummeted."

"The Chinese Internet is full of negative news about Goryeo. The current public opinion is very unfavorable to us."

Li Zailin felt that his life was so miserable.

The situation of the Huaxia branch is getting worse every year.

At the beginning of this year, he was thinking about whether he could re-develop and expand Samsung's influence in China by introducing some new products this year.

Now it seems that this hope has been completely shattered.

Not to mention growing and becoming stronger, it is extremely difficult to maintain the original market share.

Especially this time he clearly felt that all of China's independent brands, and even some other competitors, were taking advantage of his misfortune.

Especially in the field of home appliances, Japanese companies are moving faster than Chinese companies, and everyone is jumping out to grab a piece of the pie.

The key point is that some dealers have begun to lose confidence in Samsung's future in China and are preparing to withdraw from the network.

Once this situation is formed, it will be extremely difficult to reverse it in the future.

So after Li Zairin simply collected and sorted out the relevant information, he immediately reported to the headquarters.

To a certain extent, what he did was also a way of protecting himself.

After all, when sales drop significantly, there will definitely be accountability.

"There is no other way around this. America has made strong demands, and some people in China also support these decisions."

"Although we have some concerns, we will definitely support the decision of the relevant departments."

Li Zairong did not lose his temper with Li Zairin at this time.

As the pillar of Goryeo's economy, Samsung was like an emperor.

Li Zairong actually knew about Goryeo's actions a long time ago.

Although he anticipated that this incident would have a certain impact on the development of Korean companies in China and that the Chinese side would definitely protest, he did not expect the response to be so great.

Things have come to this point, and there is not much room for retreat.

At that time, we can only let the relevant departments of Goryeo communicate with China and put the blame on America.

"Although we have lost a lot of market share in China over the years, China is still our second largest overseas market given its size."

"It would be a shame to throw it away like this."

Li Zairin personally certainly does not want the headquarters to abandon the Chinese branch.

That wouldn't do him any good.

But at this time his personal opinion no longer had much effect.

(End of this chapter)

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