Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?.

Chapter 265 The eyes on the missile exploded into fireworks

Chapter 265 The eyes on the missile exploded into fireworks

Jiufengling is quite famous throughout the four Florida states.

This place is located in Changshi City in the east of Sifu State, but it is also on the border, and a small part is under the jurisdiction of another city.

There was once a legend spread in Jiufengling:
It is said that in the early years, people entered this place and could not find their way out when they were in the deep mountains. They were lost and had no choice but to sleep in the mountains.

It was late at night when he fell into a dream. He dreamed that a strange bird with nine heads wanted to eat him. He woke up from his dream, panicked and found his way down the mountain.

But when he went down the mountain and returned to the village, he found that the strange bird with nine heads in his dream had appeared in front of him, swallowed up everyone in the village, and then flew away into the mountains, which is where he came out. .

Jiufengling got its name from this.

Of course, the legend is just a legend. Listening to the name of this place, Yang Yu felt something was wrong.

This is obviously a case of demons causing harm to mortals, and this place is also known as Jiufengling.

Obviously this so-called legend comes from the memory of the demon and is also a subjective filter.

Just like human beings will not say that they are beasts, except for those who are real beasts.

However, Yang Yu found that he had indeed found the right place, and the place of immortality should be here.

As far as a hundred miles away from Jiufeng Ridge, he had already sensed the scent of demons, and the familiar stench was wafting in the breeze.

In addition, he also sensed the auras of other cultivators, and many cultivators were approaching Jiufeng Ridge.

Those who can find this place are not ordinary people. Although Dade Temple has jurisdiction over 64 states, in addition to Dade Temple, there are many other cultivation forces in these states.

Yang Gu was hiding on a hilltop, waiting for an opportunity to move. He was wondering why he didn't notice the people in Dade Temple, when he was suddenly shocked.


Monks from these sects can all find this place. If Dade Temple cannot be found, it would not be called Dade Temple.

Yang Yu tried his best to cover up his own aura with magic, and was not prepared to reveal his head at this time, otherwise he would be able to sense others, and others would naturally be able to sense him.

There were also quite a few people coming to Dade Temple, and the leader was Qingxin. After all, Qingxin had received the decree of Haishu Bodhisattva.

In addition to Qing Xin, there are several Zen masters with Zhanshen cultivation, who are probably transferred from other states to support.

The group of people all wore reflective heads, recited scriptures, and entered Jiufeng Ridge in such a grand and undisguised manner, completely ignoring the other monks and demons.

The aura of the Zombie God Demon has long been invisible in Jiufeng Ridge, and it is unknown where it has gone.

The demons who are still in Jiufeng Ridge seem to have been specially arranged to guard this place.

In an instant, a chaotic aura erupted from Jiufeng Ridge, causing a monstrous movement. Sanskrit sounds also sounded from time to time. A large number of demons were killed on the spot, and the rest fled, unable to stop the people of Dade Temple. .

Yang Eucalyptus waited secretly, and personally felt that the auras of the Zen masters at Dade Temple disappeared one by one, just like the disappearing zombie gods and monsters.

This so-called Immortal Land has obviously been opened to the public for a long time.

Not long after, all the visitors to Dade Temple disappeared without a trace.

After they all disappeared, many monks who came here dared to get close to Jiufeng Ridge and acted upon the news.

Yang Gu also walked out of the darkness and chased after the monks' auras.

Entering Jiufeng Ridge, you immediately feel an eerie feeling.

The trees here are so tall that they seem to block out the sky and the sun, so the light coming through is not bright and it is very dark and humid.

There is still thick fog gathering among the trees, making it impossible to tell the direction with the naked eye and visibility is very low.

But these are not obstacles to the monks, and they feel like walking on flat ground.

Yang Gu quietly followed these monks and at the same time listened to their voices.

"The demon has entered, and Dade Temple has also entered. Why should we go in?"

I don’t know which guy is complaining, but he is obviously not very interested in entering the Land of Immortals.

"Idiot! This is the Land of Immortal Source. It is said that the Land of Immortal Source is the birthplace of the Forbidden Weapon. Naturally, we cannot compete with those old monsters for the Forbidden Weapon. But if we can drink soup and get something, it is rare to leave it outside. My dear, if there is a chance to get the forbidden weapon fragments, the good day I have been waiting for will come."

Not all of these monks came from the same sect, many of them did not even know each other, and they were all wary of each other, but they did not deliberately hide these words.

Who can come here doesn't know the land of Immortal Source, there is no need to hide.

"Wait a minute, all of you follow me closely. If the power of the rules in the Land of Immortal Source is touched, no one will be able to survive."

someone warned.

It is true that treasures are hidden in a good place, but such a good place is also full of dangers. If you are not careful, you will die.

As the figures quickly shuttled through the forest, Yang Gu followed closely behind, and soon arrived at the depths of Jiufeng Ridge, under a cliff.

Looking up, the cliff seemed to be covered with a large number of spider webs, filled with countless large and small gaps.

Just among those gaps, vines stretched out from them, hanging upside down on the cliff, and they were still twisting and turning, and they turned out to be living creatures.

When these monks approached the cliff, the vines intertwined together and soon formed a huge crawling cave.

"Is this where you enter the Land of Immortality?"

Someone said in fear, this entry does not look serious at all, but very weird.

The crawling cave was so dark that even the real eyes couldn't see through what was in the cave.

No one present has ever seen what the Immortal Source looks like, so naturally there is no way to tell the truth from the false.

However, both demons and people from Dade Temple disappeared at this location before, so it should be here.

Someone picked up a stone and threw it into the cave.

The huge stone disappeared after passing through the cave, and no sound of landing came back. It was obvious that it had entered some special place.

"right here!"

Some people excitedly prepared to go in first, but no one else tried to dissuade them. They quickly flew into the cave and disappeared.

With the first there will be a second and a third.

In just a few breaths, most of the monks entered, and the remaining people followed closely, although they were still hesitant.

Yang Yu waited for all these guys to disappear before revealing his figure. Now he is the only one left here.

He originally wanted to follow him in, but suddenly he felt it was inappropriate.

Although there must be good things in this fairyland, otherwise it would not attract so many people, but it is not safe here.

There are no other entrances and exits except the one in front of you.

If someone had the idea to destroy this entrance, wouldn't those who enter the Immortal Source be trapped inside and unable to get out?
Just looking at this place and thinking about so many people inside, he had the urge to destroy the entrance.

He can't even trust himself, how can he trust others.

Thinking of this, Yang Yu did not hesitate too much and turned into a black shadow and quickly moved away in the blink of an eye.

There is no one here anymore, and the cave made of countless vines has returned to its original state, turning into upside-down vines.

The wind was still blowing constantly in the cold depths of Jiufeng Ridge, blowing the grass and trees, but it could not disperse the thick fog.

Another cup of tea passed as time passed, and a figure suddenly fell into the void on the horizon.

The figure was dressed in black clothes, with a hood on his head and a mask on his face. Above the mask was a crane head with a halo of light.Yang Gu fell to the ground, moved the container body a little, and was very satisfied.

He just found a relatively safe place and hid his true body. Contact Fang took the initiative to use the container's ability to teleport, possessing the container, and then entered the depths of Jiufeng Ridge again.

It has to be said that the ability of the container to teleport is very convenient. He does not need to put his true body in danger. The container body can also conceal his true identity so that no one can see through it.

Even if he encounters danger when entering the Land of Immortal Source, or if someone destroys the entrance and exit as he thinks, he doesn't have to worry at all.

And after being transformed by the boss, the container body can still exert all his abilities, just like the real body, adapting perfectly, allowing him to have nothing to worry about.

However, although container transfer is convenient, it also has shortcomings.

The first is that this container cannot support it for too long. Once it enters it for too long, it will collapse forcefully.

In addition, if it is destroyed by someone and the container dies, most of the damage will be returned to the real body.

The best way is to commit suicide before others kill the container. This can also prevent the damage returned from being too large and unbearable.

This is not a price and cannot be purified. If Yang Gu wants to enter the land of immortality and ensure his own safety, he must use it.

He did not bring the bow girl with him, and the bow lady could not be accommodated. His identity would probably be exposed in front of the people at Dade Temple, and he would have to go alone.

As Eucalyptus poplar approached, the vines quickly formed a cave again, and Eucalyptus poplar entered it without hesitation this time.

What came into view was darkness that was so blinding that even the real eyes and senses could not see the real scene inside the cave.

Yang Yu came up with a plan, and suddenly several golden lights appeared around him, faintly illuminating the surrounding area.

Light spells can actually dispel the darkness in the cave.

But when she saw the environment in the cave, Yang Gu couldn't help but speed up her pace.

It was as if he had entered the intestines of some huge creature. Everything around him was obviously squirming, but the places he stepped on were very hard and not soft.

The walls of these intestinal-like holes are black, with countless soft tissue-like things hanging on them.

On both sides of the cave wall, there are still many corpses embedded in it. Some have long since rotted and only bones remain, some are covered with maggots, and some seem to have been dead not long ago.

The clothes on these corpses do not appear to be from the same era, they are all different, but their facial expressions all look very ferocious.

Yang Gu kept walking forward until after burning an incense stick, he finally saw the light and walked out of the cave.

The wind blowing in the face was mixed with the strong scent of blood. The people who had entered here before could no longer sense it and disappeared without a trace.

Yang Yu looked around cautiously.

Is this the land of immortality?
Different from the Qiyuan land he had seen, this place was very normal.

It felt to him as if he had simply passed through Jiufeng Ridge. The mountains were still the same, the trees were still the same, nothing had changed.

Compared with the gray scale of Qiyuan Land, this place is nothing short of normal.

However, Yang Yu is becoming more and more vigilant about this. Too normal means the most abnormal, so it is better to be careful.

The most important thing right now is to find traces of other people and get information about the Immortal Source.

Yang Eucalyptus looked up at the sky, and immediately flew upwards, intending to overlook the surrounding environment from a high place.

But when he just flew above a hundred meters, he suddenly heard a roar.

The sky was originally clear, but thunder suddenly sounded. In an instant, Yang Yu felt that all the hair on his body stood on end, and a sense of crisis filled his heart.


Shocked in his heart, Yang Yu didn't dare to fly up anymore and quickly fell to the ground. At the same time, he activated the Baoguang Glazed Purification Technique, and his whole body was enveloped in a green light.

But when Yang Gu fell to the ground, he heard countless thunders just now but suddenly disappeared without a trace, and there was no abnormality in himself.

It seems like it can't fly too high.

Yang Gu had no choice but to fly at a low altitude and choose a direction at will.

But before he could fly very far, only a few hundred meters, the ground suddenly shook, and a huge long worm suddenly emerged from the ground, opened its ferocious mouthparts, and rushed towards him.

This long insect doesn't have any aura of cultivation, it's not a demon, it's just an ordinary monster.

But Eucalyptus poplar did not show any contempt, and with a wave of his hand, countless golden lights appeared, twisting the long worm into pulp that filled the sky, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

Just when Yang Gu thought nothing was going on, the pieces of meat that fell on the ground turned into gorgeous butterflies, flying in groups into the distance.

This scene immediately made Yang Yu a little surprised. He didn't understand what was going on. Several huge worms emerged from the ground and attacked him.

This time, Eucalyptus poplar did not make a move. With a slight acceleration, it directly avoided the attack of these long insects.

The long insect pounced in the air, and quickly burrowed into the ground without making any movement.


Yang Yu muttered and didn't intend to pay attention to it anymore, but when he turned around, his eyes suddenly froze, and he couldn't believe his own eyes.

A huge...missile flew from the distant horizon? ! ! !

Trailing a long tail flame, the missile appeared in front of Yang Yu in an instant, so much so that he couldn't even react when he saw it.

Why are there missiles in this place?Damn it! !
There was no time to dodge, and a black light burst out from Yang Yu's body.

Secret spell!

The black light suddenly froze everything within a hundred meters around him. Even the missile froze in mid-air, only a few feet away from him, as if time had stopped.

Really a missile?
With strong curiosity, Yang Yu approached the missile and wanted to take a closer look.

But when he looked closely, countless eyes suddenly opened in the missile, and red rays bloomed from the eyes, rapidly cutting through everything around them in a 360-degree rotation, and also penetrated It passed Yang Yu's body and suddenly split his body into two parts.

Countless pieces of flesh and blood shot out of Yang Yu's body, which was chopped in half, but then quickly returned to Yang Yu's body as if being absorbed, and recovered in the blink of an eye.

These rays did not cause much harm to him, but Yang Gu was no longer calm at this time.

He flew away quickly, and at the same time countless golden lights destroyed the missile in an instant, and the broken parts scattered from the sky and fell to the ground.

What the hell is this?

Yang Yu became more and more confused, looking at the fallen parts, they were indeed modern products.

Does this fairyland have any connection with modern society?
As soon as this idea flashed through my mind, the next moment, the parts that fell on the ground suddenly erupted into a series of sparks.

call out--

call out--

call out--

There was a sound of breaking through the air, and with the blue smoke streaking through the air, these things suddenly shot into the sky, exploding into blossoming...fireworks!
Under the bright clear sky, fireworks are flying. This scene is very strange, but what is even stranger is yet to come.

These exploding fireworks actually formed strange patterns.

Those are... pixel-like smiling faces!

Just when these smiling faces appeared, they suddenly turned into flesh and blood and turned into grimaces. They fell towards Yang Gu one after another, as if they wanted to swallow him up.

At this moment, Yang Yu, who saw this scene, was completely confused.

 I'll take the high-speed train at 7:5 tomorrow morning, arrive at the station at 6pm, and get home at [-]pm. I'm finally relieved.
(End of this chapter)

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