Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?.

Chapter 266 Outrageous!What a big deal!

Chapter 266 Outrageous!What a big deal!

Insects... butterflies... missiles... rays... fireworks... grimaces...

Are all the species in the Land of Immortals so wonderful?
Yang Yu's heart was in confusion, and she still hadn't figured out why such an unimaginable thing appeared. As soon as she raised her hand, the Red Wheel Infinite Body was activated and punched out.

The strength combined with the light of the spell, dozens of meters away, the golden light flashed, directly beating the ghost face into smoke.

There's no way it's going to happen again, right?
He hesitated and took a few steps back until nothing new appeared, then he calmed down.

strangeness!too weird!

He must first find other people to verify whether he is the only one who has encountered these things, or whether others have also encountered them.

This is critical!

If it is the former, then the source of these things is related to him.

If it is the latter, it means that this so-called fairyland is related to modern society.

Yang Yu couldn't tell which possibility it was, he could only find someone first.

But when he turned around, his expression was stagnant again.

On the ground ahead, dry white skeleton hands emerged from the ground, as if hundreds of white flowers were blooming on the ground.

Skeletons crawled out of the ground.

If it were just an ordinary skeleton, it wouldn't be something that would surprise Yang Yu.

But after these skeletons emerged from the ground, the whiteness on their bodies suddenly turned into cold light, and their bones turned into steel in an instant.

These skeletons turned into...mechas in the blink of an eye!
The originally empty eyes lit up with red electronic light, and their bodies looked extremely hard and full of technology. They all rushed towards Yang Yu.

Okay, okay, you’re still playing like this, right?

Yang Yu's body suddenly lit up with dark red flames all over the sky. With the ability to light up the magical spiritual platform, he was most likely sure that this was not an illusion, but a real thing.

These mechas have no aura of cultivation and are completely ordinary objects, which makes them even more weird.

But that's all. No matter what, these mortal objects can't cause any harm to him.

With the flames filling the sky, Yang Yu instantly turned into a long line and passed through hundreds of mechas. In the blink of an eye, he appeared behind these mechas.

When others appeared, the fire exploded, engulfing all the mechas and melting them into iron lumps in an instant.

Yang Yu didn't continue to see what would happen next. He was afraid that even the Transformers would appear later.

After all, these things that appear now are all in a mess, and there is no guarantee that this will not be possible.

He turned into a black shadow and quickly left in the distance without looking back.

After Yang Gu left, these places quickly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

There were some strange movements constantly coming from his ears, but Yang Yu didn't pay any attention to it and quickly shuttled between the mountains and forests.

Once stopped, those things are like tarsal maggots.

After walking for a stick of incense and not knowing how far he had run, Yang Yu suddenly heard screams coming from not far away.

Someone is nearby!

Yang Gu immediately went in the direction of the noise, and finally landed on a big tree.

Below, several monks were fleeing in a panic. Two of them, half of their bodies were rotten, were left at the very back, unable to keep up with the others.

The screams came from the mouths of the two monks. Their eyes were full of fear, as if they were looking at something very scary, but they were unable to escape quickly.

Following the gazes of the two people, Yang Yu saw a man holding a long sword slowly walking towards them. He raised his hand and struck the two men who fell to the ground with a sword.

The sword slashed across the necks of the two men at the same time. In an instant, the two men who fell to the ground began to rot all over their bodies. They quickly turned into two skeletons and scattered all over the ground, losing the breath of life.

After killing these two people, although Yang Gu was standing on a tree in the distance, the man holding the sword seemed not to have seen him. His face was expressionless and he was still chasing the monks who had just escaped.

After witnessing this scene, Yang Yu frowned.

The two monks who were killed were only at the early stage of flesh death, and the man holding the sword was also at the early stage of flesh death.

They are both meat and potatoes, but they are as powerful as chopping melons and vegetables.
Screams soon came from the distance. It was obvious that the fleeing monks were caught up. The movement continued for several breaths and became completely silent.

In Yang Yu's perception, the auras of those people disappeared one after another, and they had obviously been killed.

Those monks are all Rouqi, and many of them are in the middle and late stages of Rouqi.

A single Roushai in the early stage could take care of everyone so quickly. This fighting power is really outrageous!
But what's even more outrageous is yet to come.

Rumbling, the earth trembled, countless trees collapsed, the ground collapsed, and a huge mechanical monster emerged from the ground and quickly came towards the poplar.

At the same time, the man with the sword who left earlier also returned the same way.

Under Yang Yu's gaze, the huge mechanical monster suddenly changed its direction and headed towards the man holding the sword, and then...

Kaka bang bang——

In a burst of mechanical chiming sounds, the man holding the sword actually merged with the mechanical monster, forming a giant creature over five feet tall, covered in mechanical armor, and holding a mechanical sword as wide as a door panel and as long as two feet. Robot!
Yang Gu was dumbfounded even when he was standing on the tree.

I saw the robot raising its long sword. Amidst the clattering noise, the long sword quickly transformed into the mechanical monster that burrowed into the ground just now.

The mouthparts formed by countless gears and sharp blades were pointed at Yang Gu, and a huge suction force came, and at the same time, the mouthparts began to be filled with a fiery red light.

Under this huge suction force, everything around Yang Gu moved towards the mouthparts of the mechanical monster. The trees under his feet could not withstand this suction force and were uprooted.

Without thinking, he wanted to fly away from here quickly as soon as he stepped down, but the suction force hindered him, and he couldn't fly out for a while.

There was a sudden explosion behind him, and a fiery red energy beam shot out from the mouthparts of the mechanical monster, heading towards Eucalyptus poplar, swallowing Eucalyptus poplar in an instant.

But the next moment, a burst of dazzling light burst out from the energy beam, and the golden light turned into an energy barrier in front of Yang Yu, blocking all the energy beams.

At the same time, a large amount of golden light condensed into a long sword, which appeared on top of the giant robot's head, fell vertically, and directly penetrated the robot.

A large number of sparks exploded from the robot's body, parts fell off one after another, and was cut in half by the sword. The suction force and energy beam also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Outrageous!What a big deal!

Yang Yu recalled that she had previously thought about whether there might even be Transformers, but she didn't expect that there really were.

Isn't this place of immortality just what you want?

Thinking of this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Yang Yu's mind.

and many more!

Before this mechanical monster appeared, although he thought about Transformers, he never thought about the missiles and mechas before.

And the man with the sword who was obviously targeting the group of monks just now, after dealing with those guys, immediately turned around and locked onto him, and merged with the mechanical monster...

Yang Yu suddenly felt that he had noticed something fishy.

What he saw was getting more and more outrageous. The reason why it was outrageous was that logically speaking, these things should not appear in this world.

But for him, this outrageous degree was within his knowledge.

Is it possible that in this place, anything that is thought to be impossible will happen?
The huge robot that was cut in half made a crackling sound on the ground, as if it was trying to reassemble itself. At the same time, countless micro-missiles were launched from those machines, all aimed at Yang Yu.

The golden light barrier dissipated, and the black light suddenly covered hundreds of meters in radius, locking all these micro-missiles in mid-air. Yang Yu turned around and left quickly.

Just after he flew away, countless golden lights fell like raindrops, detonating all the micro-missiles.

Suddenly, the mountains shook and the ground shook. Amidst the huge explosion, a burst of fire shot into the sky...

At this moment, Yang Yu was thousands of meters away, and he was going to find more people as a reference to verify his guess.


In the endless mountains, there was a sudden loud noise, and a huge Buddha descended from the sky.

The Buddha was wearing cassocks, with his hands clasped together, and a black dragon wrapped around his body. He slowly opened his eyes and stared at the group of monks in front of him.

On the other side dozens of miles away, an ugly monster dozens of feet tall and full of demonic aura also slowly opened its eyes and stared at the group of monsters below.

next moment.

The dragon penetrated the Buddha's chest, and the Buddha's whole body became extremely dark. A huge palm suddenly struck at the monk below.

Under the giant palm, the expressions of all the Zen masters led by Qing Xin changed.

Two tall Buddha statues with golden bodies appeared, trying to resist the palm of the dragon Buddha. At the same time, countless scriptures and mantras emerged to form another majestic statue, and they took action at the same time.

But in just an instant, a group of Zen masters spit out blood and flew upside down. They were all hit into the mountains by the dragon Buddha's palm, causing the rocks to collapse and most of a mountain to be destroyed in an instant.

The devilish monster on the other side also took action and disappeared. When it reappeared, the devilish energy all over its body formed a large number of tentacles, which entangled all the surrounding monsters, pulled them back into the body, and swallowed them forcefully.

These monsters are not the same enemy at all. A large amount of flesh and blood was forcibly torn off and sent into the monster's body, barely resisting the monster's attack.

A giant palm blasted away the collapsed rocks, and Qingxin and the other Zen masters flew out.

But what greeted them was a huge dragon head. The ferocious dragon head spit out a large amount of acid water. Everything that touched the acid water was corroded and reduced to nothing in an instant.


Seeing this, Qing Xin immediately shouted, shaking his cassock to block the acid water spitting at them, and they all flew away, not daring to delay any longer.

The monsters on the other side also dragged their remaining bodies, and when they worked together to repel the monster, they turned into several streaks of blood and fled away.

A blackened Buddha, a huge monster, quickly turned into two pools of pus after the monks and demons fled, seeping into the ground and disappearing.

dozens of miles away.

Qing Xin led the Zen masters to stop and take a breather. With one palm of his hand, he smashed the wooden Buddha formed by intertwining a large number of trees into debris, and then looked at the crowd.

"The power of the rules here is extremely strong, at least it is a middle-grade forbidden weapon fragment. We cannot use the power of the rules in the land of Immortal Source. If we continue like this, we will not be able to enter the central altar. What good ideas do you have?"

"The rules of the Fairyland here are really weird. They are beyond common sense. The more unreasonable things are, the more likely they are to happen. The closer to the center, the stronger the rules. With our strength, it is difficult for the rules to appear. Get in."

"I have a way!"

A Zen master suddenly said, and everyone looked at him.

"We will find some casual cultivators and control them. The weaker the cultivators are, the greater the possibility of being able to enter the altar. We can just use their physical bodies to enter."

"Amitabha, this move is against the harmony of heaven, but...it's wonderful!"

"Wonderful! Just do it! Go quickly!"

Qing Xin agreed with this very much, he nodded, and everyone accepted it happily.

The group of people quickly disappeared in search of the target that could complete the plan.


Somewhere in a leafy mountain forest.

Yang Yu watched helplessly as several monks were hit by a meteorite falling from the sky. He watched the flesh and blood flying across the dark red ground, with a look of regret on his face.

Still a step too late.

He wanted to find some monks who were still alive to verify his guess, but the guys he met along the way died before he could get close, which was too tragic to look at.

However, although he did not have time to communicate with these guys, seeing this scene has further verified his guess.The more you think something is impossible, the more it will happen!

Maybe that's the rule for these weird things here.

Yang Yu remembered the information about Jiufeng Ridge that she got from Gong Niang before entering Jiufeng Ridge.

Villagers who entered the mountains had a strange dream about a strange bird with nine heads. They thought it was just a dream, but unexpectedly the strange bird appeared and swallowed up everyone in the village.

This already coincides with the rules in the Immortal Source Land here.

Thinking about it this way, in his cognition, even if missiles and Transformers appeared here, it was precisely because he thought it was impossible that they would appear, so they appeared.

Moreover, Yang Yu also has an intuition that he is approaching a very important place. The closer he is to this place, the stronger the power of the rules will be.

If these monks could still resist the things that appeared before, as he went deeper, these monks died faster, with almost no power to fight back.

So, where is this important place?What can you get if you enter there?Is it a forbidden weapon fragment?

His current true cultivation level is only one step away from the Zombie God. Once he is promoted to the Zombie God, the forbidden weapon fragments are indispensable.

Now that he has entered here, no matter what, he has to find out.

The poplars look out into the distance between the mountains, and the only sound is the wind blowing through the jungle.

Just as he was meditating, the meteorite that just fell to the ground began to rumble and vibrate again, and the whole earth was shaking.

Yang Yu looked away and saw that the meteorite was adsorbed with a large number of surrounding rocks, forming a monster of tens of feet. The earth and rocks began to turn into flesh and blood.

It was a dinosaur-like creature with a thick body and a long tail, a head with spikes and spines, and a huge dorsal fin on its back.

Oh shit!Godzilla!

Yang Yu's expression changed. Sure enough, the appearance of these ghosts was getting stronger and stronger.

First there were missiles, then mechas, then Transformers, and now Godzilla is here. Will space battleships appear next?That's a slap in the face!

Fortunately, what he entered here was a container, not the real body.

Otherwise, I would stop playing with Yang Gu and sneak out of here early.

Godzilla's formation only took a moment, and his fierce eyes locked on Yang Gu at the first time, coming specifically for him.

A thunderous roar came, and Godzilla's dorsal fin turned red, and red light emerged from his body. In one breath, he sprayed a red energy beam towards the poplar, and the scorching high temperature ignited everything around him. Burn.

Yang Yu's reaction speed was very fast. He took action almost at the moment when Godzilla looked up to the sky and roared. He quickly flew towards the distance, and at the same time activated the light technique to enter the light-collecting form.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Yang Yu was already a thousand meters away.

It was only then that the energy beam poured out, and it passed by Eucalyptus poplar in just an instant, drawing a huge ravine on the ground and almost hitting Eucalyptus poplar accurately.

A sense of pain came instantly, and Yang Yu's left arm turned into fly ash in an instant. This attack was really terrifying, and it was already equivalent to a light spell. Fortunately, it did not hit his entire body, otherwise he might have turned into ashes in an instant. For fly ash.

The flesh and blood surged wildly in the severed arm, and new limbs quickly grew. Taking this opportunity, Yang Yu had completely run away.

With a roar that shook the sky, the tall Godzilla disintegrated into countless stones and fell to the ground.

And just when Yang Yu ran to a deserted place again and approached the so-called core place based on intuition, a figure appeared out of thin air and stopped him.

"The benefactor stays behind!"

That was a monk wearing monk's robes and cassocks, a Zen master, and someone Yang Yu knew.


Looking at Zen Master Qingxin in front of him, Yang Yu's figure suddenly stopped, and his way forward was blocked by Qingxin.

"Which sect is the donor a monk from?"

Qing Xin looked at Yang Yu in front of him strangely, and saw that Yang Yu had a mask on his face. He couldn't see the person's face behind the mask, but he could sense the person's cultivation level, which was only in the early stage of physical death.


At this time, Yang Yu, who was facing Qing Xin, was also muttering in his heart, why is this guy here?
If he answered, his voice would probably be recognized by Qing Xin, so he simply pointed at his mouth and waved his hand.

Qing Xin frowned immediately, but soon relaxed.

There are many mutilated and mute monks among them. Generally, this situation is caused by the price, and it is not uncommon.

It doesn't matter if you can't speak. There are no other monks still alive at the moment. It's not easy to find one. You must not let it go.

"Donor, don't be afraid. The poor monk just has a deal that he wants to discuss with the benefactor. How about asking the benefactor to go with the poor monk?"


Qing Xin didn't mean to be polite. It was a deal, but her tone was an order, and she didn't give any chance to refuse at all.

Yang Yu knew very well the nature of these guys.

She didn't recognize his identity and regarded him as an ordinary monk. She wanted to take him away. It was obvious that there was nothing good going on. Moreover, in a place like this, Yang Yu guessed what Qing Xin wanted to do almost instantly.

I must want to use him as a pathfinder!
Naturally, it is impossible to refuse, because right now...the only option is to run!

A huge bright light flashed past Yang Yu's body, and he instantly escaped a thousand meters using the light and shadow escape method.

In front of Qing Xin, he could not show any means related to the identity of the Buddha, including means related to Buddhism such as the Buddha's Light Wheel and the Great Light Buddha's Golden Zen Mantra.

Once these methods are used, there is a chance that they can be associated with him, but there is no need to worry about other methods.

Relying on the light and shadow escape method, Yang Yu quickly distanced herself from Qing Xin, and in the blink of an eye she could no longer see Qing Xin.

But thousands of meters away, Buddhist scriptures and mantras filled the sky, and instantly turned into a huge palm falling from the sky, locking Yang Gu.

Qing Xin's figure appeared in front of him in an instant.

"Amitabha! The donor should just go with the poor monk honestly!"

Yang Yu was speechless, and the giant palm fell suddenly, but Yang Yu had once again changed its direction with the help of light and shadow escape, and reappeared a thousand meters away.

But at this moment, a mysterious Sanskrit text suddenly appeared on his body, and Qingxin appeared behind him in the blink of an eye.

"No self, nothing to hear, great compassionate palm!"

Mantras and mantras appeared all over the sky.

Yang Yu's body suddenly erupted with a dazzling light, white light, green light and golden light fused together and erupted in an instant.

The light engulfed Qing Xin in an instant, and also annihilated countless scriptures and mantras around him.

A thousand meters away, Yang Yu's figure flashed again, looked back at the light that had not dissipated, and then quickly disappeared.

He knew that this blow should not be able to kill Qing Xin, so it was better to leave early.

On the other side, Qing Xin's figure flashed hundreds of meters away at the same time. His whole body was scorched black, his monk's clothes and cassocks had turned into fly ash, and most of the flesh and blood on his body had melted in just a moment, revealing his white bones.

Watching the large amount of light like the sun destroy everything it touches, and then quickly dissipate.

"Light type... forbidden technique!"

Qing Xin could not express any expression on her blackened face, but she was extremely shocked in her heart.

Unexpectedly, I finally met a guy who practiced forbidden light arts. Unlucky!

Once the forbidden light technique is used, as expected, the person will die from the backlash in a short time, but there is no need to pursue it.

The melted flesh and blood quickly recovered and returned to its original state in just one breath. Qing Xin's face became ugly.

Those monks who entered the Land of Immortal Source can be concluded that they are basically dead. Even those who are not dead may have left the Land of Immortal Source.

Under the power of such strange rules, if you want to survive, you have to be on the edge.

Because the power of rules is the weakest in the fringe areas.

He had been searching for a long time, but could not find a monk who was still alive. Finally, he met one, a guy who practiced forbidden light arts and sought death.

It's hard to do now.

If they can't find anyone, the plan won't be implemented, and they won't be able to enter the deep altar and get the forbidden weapon fragments in the altar.

Thinking of this, Qing Xin felt heartbroken.

Since the forbidden weapon fragments cannot be obtained, no one should be given the opportunity to obtain them.

He raised his hand, and the flesh of his five fingers was broken open one after another, and bloody phalanges flew out.

"We can no longer find anyone who can implement the plan. Quickly exit the land of Immortal Source and destroy the entrance!"

A word was passed among these finger bones, and sutras and mantras emerged to wrap the finger bones. The finger bones immediately flew from his hand in different directions, notifying other Zen masters.

After doing all this, Qingxin headed towards the entrance and exit of the edge zone without hesitation.

Even if there is no way to get the forbidden weapon fragments, there are many zombie monsters coming into the land of immortality. If these monsters can be trapped here before the next entrance is opened, it will also be a great achievement.

Let these demons slowly consume the power of the rules here.

These big demons are trapped here. The demons in the four Florida states outside are leaderless and can be defeated with one blow!

Yang Yu continued to use the light and shadow escape method to escape for nearly a hundred miles before finally stopping. He didn't see anyone chasing him, so he breathed slightly.

That old bald donkey Qing Xin didn't come after him, which was beyond Yang Yu's expectation.

It didn't matter that he wasn't chasing him, the concealment seal on him hadn't been completely lifted yet, and Gong Niang wasn't around, so it would be troublesome if he really got into a fight with Qing Xin.

Moreover, Qingxin was not the only one who entered the land of immortality, there were also many Zen masters. If others were attracted, it would be difficult to escape under the siege of many zombie gods.

It's safe now, but...

He glanced around, where is this place?
I slipped away too fast just now, without deliberately choosing a direction, and I don't know where I am in the Land of Immortal Source.

There was silence all around, and there was no breath of any living beings. Yang Yu suddenly felt terrified. He turned around and looked down, only to see a very huge altar at his feet.

There were eight thick pillars erected around the altar. A large amount of blood continued to flow from each pillar, and the blood fell into the gaps on the altar.

Right in the center of the altar is an irregular-shaped object the size of a palm, which looks like an ordinary piece of iron.

Forbidden fragments! !
Yang Eucalyptus recognized this object at a glance, and her heart was shocked.

But when he saw this thing, alarm bells rang in his heart, and a sense of danger surged into his heart.

There are fragments of forbidden weapons here. Doesn't that mean that he accidentally came to the core of this place...


call out!
Yang Yu's figure flashed a thousand meters away in an instant. Just as he used the light and shadow escape method to leave the place, a shocking sound suddenly came, and at the same time a huge shadow fell from the sky, like covering the sky and blocking the sun.

It is covered with thick armor and is hundreds of feet tall. Its two huge arms are as intimidating as mountains. Behind it is a pair of long steel wings, which are loaded with two giant turbines.

"Shit! Isn't this a Titan?!"

Looking at the huge steel figure, just falling down was like stirring up a thousand waves, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked.

A trace of cold sweat suddenly broke out on Yang Yu's body, and his expression was extremely exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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