Chapter 142 The Accident Before Leaving
At night, with a gentle sea breeze, the top of the Sea God Tower, the house that Clay had set ablaze to incubate Galesos, had been thoroughly cleaned by Earl Wyman and restored to its original appearance.

At the dinner table in the evening, Uncle Willis didn't show too much surprise that Clay was going to Essos, although he didn't know what Clay had arranged on Eldest Sister Island.

In his opinion, his nephew has become the pillar of the family that can be his own. To some extent, he understands the old man's thoughts better than himself, and Willis himself has his own considerations.

Although the old man will kick his legs to see the Seven Gods one day, and the title of Earl of White Harbor will temporarily fall on his head, Willis, but he knows that his body cannot support such a big man no matter what. Mandalay family.

Therefore, including himself, his younger brother Wendell, and the old man, they all acquiesced, skipped Willis, and provided all the resources of the family to the third generation heir Clay.

Willis himself has no objection to this arrangement. In his opinion, the Seven Gods have already given him two daughters. No boy is his destiny. There is no need to compete with such a dazzling nephew.

Whatever he wants to do, on the premise of ensuring the interests and safety of the family, he can do whatever he wants, and he will fully support it.

Under this premise, Clay's trip to Essos has not been hindered at all. However, before he actually leaves Westeros, Clay still has to make some arrangements to be at ease.

"Looking at it this way, White Harbor is really beautiful. I've been in Westeros for so long, but I haven't looked at the port carefully. Now, I'm leaving again. Tsk, I, Master White Harbor, really It’s not worthy of the name.”

At night, besides the dots of lights, the lighthouse outside the port is still shining tenaciously in Bai Harbor at night, leading several captains who dared to enter the port at night to the pier for unloading.

Now, from the south to the north of the Seven Kingdoms, except for the northernmost northern border and the southernmost Dorne, all of them are caught in the flames of war. Now bandits are rampant, and civilians are crying everywhere.

The Iron Fleet of the Iron Islands was busy trying to capture a few more fortresses along the coast of the western region before Duke Tywin's reinforcements arrived in the western region. Anyway, the adults in the western region had a lot of golden dragons in their warehouses.

The fleet in the Reach was transferred to the vicinity of Storm's End by their king, Renly, to prevent his good brother Stannis from raiding the empty main castle of the Baratheon family from the sea.

As for Stannis himself, under the persuasion of the Onion Knight, he decided to put Melisandre, the witch who had been persuading him not to land rashly, on Dragonstone Island, and he summoned the entire fleet to rush towards King's Landing.

As a result, on the entire east coast of Westeros, there is actually no fleet that can move freely, except for the Mandalay family fleet in White Harbor.

Therefore, the trade in White Harbor became more and more prosperous when the Seven Kingdoms were at war. At least, the business in King's Landing and Stormlands could not be done. There was only Seagull Town, and they could still face Stan Surrounded by the Royal Fleet of Nice.

Don't think that Stannis' temper is as stubborn as a stinky stone in a latrine, he will remain rigid and unchanged. Although he regards the law as important, under the current environment, if you come to Westeros on a ship, as long as it is loaded It is useful materials such as food, Stannis, you did not discuss.

Therefore, the trade between the trade city gang and the east coast of Westeros was almost cut off, and merchant ships came to White Harbor one after another. White Harbor earned a lot of money just by collecting taxes.

It can be said that the longer the war drags on, the better it will be for White Harbor, but now, Clay has to leave here.

Before leaving, he has a few things to do.

First, he had to sort out an outline of the demon hunter potion and training methods. The potion needs to be collected by the family. Dare to rob the caravan of the Mandalay family.

Second, Clay needs to handle the affairs of the White Sea Guard. These people were useful before the war, but they are useless after the war. Clay decided to adjust their methods, and the objects of surveillance also changed. changed.

Third, he, the de facto commander-in-chief of the White Harbor Army, has to organize the army and hand it over to his father Wendell, who is busy chasing pirates all over the world. The old man of Twin Rivers took away 1000 people, which is not enough .

Clay must ensure that in the event of a surprise attack in the south, White Harbor can quickly pass through the Bite Bay and project 2000 troops in the direction of the Twins.

Being in that unlucky place in the Riverland, all these preparations and plans must be done. Again, there is no shortage of food in White Harbor, which is why Clay dared to do this thing so boldly.

After finishing these things, Clay can't delay. He has to set off for Elder Sister Island immediately. According to the old man, Gelesos has reached the point where he can ride. If this is the case, Clay doesn't have to take it by boat. South.

Moving a chair and sitting on the highest place in the entire White Harbor, Clay imagined what Gelesos would look like when he grew up. To be honest, this giant dragon that has never appeared in history, how big it is when it grows up? Majestic look?

Clay felt that the blue scales of Gelesos, which had just hatched, were dotted with gold stripes, and they should look better than Daenerys' three dragons.

To be honest, although I have some inherent impressions of Daenerys in my heart, who knows what kind of mother of dragons Clay will see on this trip to Essos.

Regardless of whether she is as beautiful as the rumors say, in fact, with Clay's current status, to some extent, he is a great nobleman of the same magnitude as Edmure Tully and Robb Stark heir.

Moreover, he doesn't have any marriage contract, and he doesn't have any historical burden to bear. Now he just needs to let the wind out and say that he wants to find a beautiful wife. Don't worry, anyone in the Seven Kingdoms who thinks his daughter can make a move will come. White Harbor give it a try.

Just kidding, the current Mandalay is not what it used to be. The Mandalay family, which owns the White Harbor and the Twin Rivers, together occupy two-thirds of the land of the Riverland, is one of the Seven Kingdoms. One of the most powerful nobles.

Moreover, there is Clay, a young heir who is accustomed to fighting. Who would not want to win over such a family? If he can marry a daughter to be the mistress of the future, it will be a huge improvement in the strength of his family. .

Therefore, as long as Clay thinks, he will never be short of women, but the problem is that none of these women can provide enough help for him to realize his ambition.

Throughout the Seven Kingdoms, Asha Greyjoy, who had met once, gave Clay the impression that she was a female pirate. Moreover, the degree of openness in her private life was a bit too much for Clay.

As for the Riverlands, Horst Tully is Edmure's precious son, and his two daughters are Rob's mother, Mrs. Catelyn, and the other is the mistress of the Eagle's Nest City. She is devoted to Littlefinger's Lysa Tully Leigh, Clay doesn't have much sexual interest in women his age.

As for the Reach, oh, our Rose of Highgarden, Miss Margaery Tyrell, is probably looking at her husband in name at this time, and her brother Loras, the Knight of Flowers, is inseparable every day. Staying alone in an empty house and a widow.

Besides Dorne, I heard that those Sand Snakes look good, but none of them are descendants. As for Arianne, the daughter of Prince Doran, he is a lord in the north and wants a daughter of Dorne. The didn't help.

When the war started, let’s talk about a practical problem. How to coordinate the command of the armies of both sides? It takes more than a month for the ravens to come and go. Law fight.

Finally, there is the Stark family, Duke Ed's two precious daughters, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark, not to mention the younger one, Clay doesn't even know where she is now .

It's not that Clay never thought about being Duke Ed's son-in-law, but this idea was completely dismissed after the old man took his sister Wilfield away to Duke Ed.

He understands the helplessness of the old man. In this sensitive period, the Manderly family must hand over a hostage like the Stark family. Clay certainly can't, so it can only be the turn of sister Wilfried.

As for whether she will be a maid in the Stark family, or become Rob Stark's woman, no matter what, with the Clay and Mandalay families, no one dares to bully her.

Duke Ed is not stupid, let Wilfield be bullied, once Clay finds out, it will create trouble for the sensitive relationship between the two parties.

There are rumors circulating among the princes in the North that the reason why Clay used such cruel methods against the Frey family is because a certain child of the Frey family has no eyesight and wants to marry Wilfried or Vera.

It must have been said something that made this Clay Manderly's short-tempered temper explode, and he personally killed the Frey family. A big fire completely burned a prosperous family into a doomed torrent in history. ash.

After thinking about it, it's really ridiculous that Clay couldn't find a suitable marriage partner in Westeros.

The sea breeze lifted his forehead hair, and the moonlight stretched his shadow on the slate floor for a long time. It was rare for him to find a trace of peace after arguing for so long.

However, this silence was soon broken by the sound of footsteps coming from the spiraling stairs. The witcher's hearing was very keen. The sound was still far away from the top floor, but Clay could hear it clearly Chu.

Clay didn't recognize the footsteps, but he wasn't nervous either. First, his sword was at hand, which was a habit left behind after all the battles.Second, this is the Sea God Tower, the core of the entire Mandalay family, who would dare to plot evil here?

Clay sat securely in his chair, his eyes still fixed on the erratic port in the night under his feet, and he was looking forward to who this visitor was.

"Come on, it's okay."

Clay said something to the door of the circular ladder. He heard something interesting from the footsteps of the visitor, because the closer the footsteps got to him, the more hesitant they seemed. In the end, he stopped altogether. It seems that this last step is extremely heavy.

"My lord... sorry to disturb you so late."

The voice in the darkness was very young, somewhat familiar, with unconcealable panic, as if he was very afraid of meeting Clay.

"It's okay, you come here and get a chair by yourself. It's an interesting thing that someone can't sleep at night like me. Besides, standing in the dark all the time is not convenient for others to see you clearly, isn't it?"

Clay smiled, and pointed to his side. No matter who the visitor is, there must be something coming to him in the middle of the night, and most of this matter can't be said during the day.

The icy moonlight finally shone on the visitor's face. Clay glanced sideways, and suddenly understood why he came to the Sea God Tower, and no one stopped him all the way to him.

This person is the guard that Clay met at the door of the old man's study before he left. He once talked to him about the token of love from his fiancée, and promised him to be his witness.

He came to find himself. At this time, Clay absolutely did not believe that he was looking for himself to fulfill his promise to officiate the wedding for him. Although Clay would definitely complete this matter, he believed that this guard would not be stupid until midnight because This one comes to yourself.

"Sit down, don't be restrained, you know what I look like in the family, there is no need to be so nervous, right?"

This Clay did not remember wrongly, the guard named Juventus, did not relax much because of the young master's words, with a stiff smile on his face, moved a chair, and gently placed it beside Clay, only Half of his butt rests in the chair.

He knew that in the family, especially in normal times, Clay didn't have the pretensions of a noble young master, and there was no need to be too polite when dealing with him, as that would only arouse the disgust of the young master.

"Come on, come to me if you have anything to do. I think your fiancée shouldn't be in such a hurry. Come to me to preside over your wedding, right? If you're too anxious, it's okay. I can go tomorrow, but ah, you have to Give me a charter."

Clay smiled and tapped his fingers back and forth on the armrest of the chair, waiting for the other party's answer. He was really curious about what answer the Juventus guard would give him.

"My are joking, Mana, no, don't worry..."

Juventus explained awkwardly, the corners of his mouth twitching. Obviously, it was a very painful thing for him to say the purpose of tonight.

Clay waited patiently and didn't want to look at him. Tonight he was supposed to take a good look at the night view of White Harbor, and he had plenty of time.

"My lord, are you saying that a kinslayer will really be rejected by the gods, and can't be integrated into their embrace after death?"

Juventus was silent for a long time, his face constantly changing in the night sky, and finally spoke, asking Clay a very strange question.


Clay frowned at this question. He looked at Juventus sideways and replied:

"People, it's best to live in the present moment. It's meaningless to think so much about things after death. If you don't know how to live, how can you talk about death?"

There was another long, suffocating silence, and Clay didn't know what kind of help or hindrance his answer would bring to Juventus, because he didn't know what Juventus was thinking at all.

"My lord, I... report to you, my brother Eli, he... he is the eyes of the southerners, doing things for them!"

As soon as the tapping fingers stopped, Clay twitched the corners of his mouth.

This is interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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