Chapter 143 The most difficult thing is the choice

Juve's brother is a spy?No wonder Juventus chose to come to him at night, and Clay became interested in this matter.

Although the White Sea Guard has repeatedly assured him that White Harbor is relatively clean, the spies of the southerners were caught by them in White Harbor and sent to the dungeon of Wolf's Den for interrogation, and finally dragged out to find a tree to hang It's over.

Clay has always remained silent on this statement, noncommittal. He does not think that the gentlemen in the south are fools, and the former White Harbor was not a place too small to be worthy of attention.

Now, as the core of the Mandalay family straddling the two rivers in the north, it is strange that White Harbor cannot be infiltrated.

It's just that he didn't expect that after only one day of returning to White Harbor, he heard the news of the southern spies from Juwen, a guard who could enter and exit the Sea God Tower at any time.

"Tell me, how did you determine that your younger brother is the eyes of the southerners? This is a crime enough for him to be dragged out and beheaded without repentance."

Clay restrained the expression on his face, and calmly told Juventus the consequences of this matter. He must explain this matter clearly to Juventus. As the lord, this is his responsibility.

"I know my lord, my brother Eli, because he is tall and good at swordsmanship, when you went south this time, he and I were both recruited. You know that we are in White Harbor, no one will refuse, otherwise we will just mess around here. I can't go down."

Clay nodded, "White Harbor" or rather, the whole northern border is like this, if the lord recruits you, if you are not disabled, or old and unable to move, refusing to recruit will make everyone look down on you.

"Eri was conscripted and made an infantry soldier. He went south with Lord Robb to fight against Duke Tywin. The sword had no eyes on the battlefield. When I returned, he had broken two legs and was lying on the bed. He was always taken care of by his neighbors. .”

"When I was packing his things, I accidentally lifted a dirty carpet, and there was a basement underneath, and I found some things in it."

"I found a key, which is exactly the same as the one on my waist that can enter the Sea God Tower. I still found a box, which contains some...some information about you, my lord, and members of the Mandalay family."

"I didn't touch his things before. If I didn't have to take care of him this time and pack his things, and I couldn't find these things, he... I'm afraid he has been doing it for a long time."

Juwen finished speaking in one breath, and let out a long breath. These words were held in his heart, and he finally said them out, which made him extremely comfortable, even though Eli was his younger brother.

Clay thought about it carefully. I'm afraid it's not that simple. He asked:
"Juven, does your brother Eli usually live with you?"

"No, we separated a long time ago. He has a bad personality. When we meet, we can't say a few words, and we will quarrel over which is better between the north and the south. He always yearns for life in the south."

You Wen replied a little lonely, before he didn't understand why his younger brother was so stubborn, but now it seems that his younger brother has long since left his heart in the south.

"Okay, assuming what you said is correct, your brother Eli is really the eyes of the southerners, then this raises two questions, first, why did he do this, and who asked him to do it? Second , How did he spread the news?"

For the first question, it is impossible for Clay to get an answer now, only from Eli's mouth, but for the second question, Clay probably has a guess in his heart.

Because the traffic conditions are extremely backward, there is no other possibility for long-distance message transmission, especially in the state of long-distance mountains and rivers between the north and the south, in order to communicate in a timely manner, except for ravens.

Here comes the question again, in the entire White Harbor, besides the old man who can effectively use the raven, who else is there?
In Clay's mind, he thought of a figure in a gray robe with a jingling chain hanging around his neck. That's right, it must be him. However, Clay was a little curious. Who did this under the nose?

If it is really him, then Eli is definitely not alone. How much can he find out by himself?
Clay regretted it a bit. When he was in the Sea God Tower, why didn't Clay give the blond bachelor a seal of Axis? Maybe he would gain something at that time.

Interesting, this time when I came back, I encountered this incident. Clay really wanted to know, who on earth drove such a big nail into his own territory?

Although this is a Lannister, he may not necessarily send the news to Lannister. It is really interesting who is behind him.

I am leaving soon, this matter must be resolved, otherwise, if the news of my departure is leaked and the old man is not in Baigang, the family will be in a very delicate position.

Clay looked at the city wall of White Harbor. This thick white wall could block the frontal attack of [-] troops, but it couldn't stop the infiltration of people with ulterior motives from all directions.

Clay once again felt that this city wall could not give him any sense of security. Think about the tunnels extending in all directions under the Red Castle in King's Landing, where octopus spiders entrenched their webs.

As the king of a country, the voice of communicating with his queen can be heard by others through a thin wall. Isn't this creepy?

Even if King's Landing is like this, how can you expect that other places will be so strong that needles can't be inserted, and water can't be poured in?
Juventus answered Clay's question very painfully. To be honest, he thought that the mysterious box would contain a letter from his younger brother, a bachelor, who missed a certain girl. When he saw the contents, He really wished he had never seen these papers, never opened this box.

However, as the senior guard of the Mandalay family, he hesitated again and again, and he couldn't accept that he didn't know these things at all. What his younger brother did was completely detrimental to White Harbor, detrimental to the Mandalay family, and detrimental to the Mandalay family. The young master is disadvantaged.

He didn't know who to talk about this to. After spending what might be the longest afternoon in his life, he couldn't eat a bite of food at night. He finally stayed up late at night and came to Sea God Tower to meet Clay. master.

He didn't want to, and didn't know how to face his younger brother, so he left the decision to Clay, and he would do whatever the young master said, so that he could alleviate his inner pain a little.

"Master, I don't know... I really don't know. He is disabled now. As for who he contacted in the past, I didn't ask him. He doesn't know that I already know about him."

Juventus shook his head bitterly. After he found the key and the box in the corner, although he was shocked and flustered, his strong psychology on the battlefield quickly calmed him down, and he recovered as if nothing had happened. s things.

So, until now, his younger brother Eli didn't know that his identity had been exposed. It was no wonder that he was recruited in such a hurry that he didn't have time to pack up the things in his hands.

Moreover, he has a withdrawn personality, a character that no one likes, and no one will come to his house.

Who knew, after this trip, when he came back, he left his two legs on the battlefield, and he could only lie on the bed and look helplessly at the dusty roof.

"What do you want me to do? You know that, based on my identity, my position, Juventus, your brother Eli, will definitely be punished by him. You know very well that we northerners are very important to traitors." What attitude."

Clay looked at Juventus' eyes, those eyes that kept dodging, there was pain, anger, sadness, but more, deep helplessness, Clay could see it.

"Master, I want to beg you to give Eli a face. No matter what he did in the past, he at least sacrificed his two legs for the northern border on the battlefield..."

Clay raised a hand to stop Juventus from what he wanted to say next. He could guess what Juventus, a brother, would do in the future, because he was able to come to him today, and he had already made a choice in his heart. up.

He would say that after Eli told everything he knew, Juventus himself would personally send his younger brother into the arms of the Seven Gods, and he would not allow himself to ignore what his younger brother had done in the past.

But he is Eli's elder brother after all, and he wants his younger brother to leave this world with dignity as a soldier, instead of being a traitor who was cast aside by everyone and left in the wilderness to be eaten by wild beasts.

Clay suddenly understood why Eddard Stark took honor so seriously. Feelings were not an isolated phenomenon. Throughout the northern border, many people put the honor of themselves and their families or relatives on an unbearable damaged position.

Just like Juventus came to find him today, and if he were replaced by Clay, he would definitely not do this. In his opinion, family members must be much more important than illusory so-called honor.

However, in any case, he has to thank Juventus for his discovery. The old man has always wanted to find a chance to clean up this Lannister right under his nose. Now, he gave himself a good reason.

Moreover, if you deal with this Ellie yourself, you definitely can't just pull him out of the bed, and then hold a public trial to make him confide in the so-called crime of colluding with the southerners. This place is Hong Kong.

"Okay, I know what you mean, don't mention this matter to anyone, you don't have to do anything on your brother Eli's side, by the way, when will the wedding between you and your fiancée be held? "

Juwen opened his mouth slightly, obviously not keeping up with his master's brain circuit, he replied dryly:
"Master, it's all agreed, we'll get married as soon as I come back, but who knows what happened, I don't know how to tell Mana."

"Needless to say, the wedding will go on as usual. I will give you one day tomorrow to prepare and send the charter to me. The day after tomorrow, I will preside over your wedding. By the way, I will meet your poor-minded hapless brother."

"Master, this..."

"This is my will, you just do it. Whether Eli can have a good ending for everyone depends on him. Be careful with Juventus. Although I am very grateful to you for what you said to me today, but , I want to remind you, just because the key to the Sea God Tower was secretly copied by others, even if you grow another head, it will not be enough for me to cut it off."

You Wen froze in place. This afternoon, in his heart, the sense of justice and responsibility to his younger brother had been at war with heaven and man. He completely forgot that he also had a huge responsibility in this matter.

After a long time, he answered in a dazed voice:
"Understood, Master Clay." He didn't call Master Clay again.

"Leave, Juventus guard."

Clay said something lightly, as if he had just mentioned the plan to interrogate someone else's brother at someone else's wedding banquet, and it had nothing to do with him.

The stopped fingers tapped on the armrest again. Clay knew that it must be very unreasonable for him to do so, but why didn't Clay do it?

Who knows what information this Eli stole from the family through the key copied from Juventus?
To put it bluntly, if this matter were changed to any other lord, Juventus and his brother Eli would all be hanged immediately, and none of them could escape. Clay could let Juventus leave, and he would deal with the matter himself It is already considered kindness.

But Clay's kindness only ends here. He is a lord, the young master of the Mandalay family, and he has no extra kindness for a small guard, even if this guard just proved his loyalty. .

Clay has no extra time to waste on them. He promised to be their wedding witness, so he will do it, but other things, they don't deserve Clay's more attention.

He has more things to do, to give the White Sea Guard the latest mission, to hand over his army, and to make arrangements for his demon hunter team during his absence.

A spy, once Axifa is printed, everything is explained, and after that, this Eli is of little value to Clay.

It is impossible for a person who lost his legs in the war and completely crippled his athletic ability to carry out so-called espionage activities. Clay doesn't mind whether such a person dies or not, but the big net behind him, Clay has to uproot and leave nothing behind, that's his style.

At the wedding banquet, Clay will finish the two matters of being Juventus as a witness and dealing with Eli. He doesn't have so much time, so he runs back and forth to the house of an ordinary guard in the port area.

After that, he has to greet our Maester Theomo kindly, and see what kind of tricks this taciturn and trembling maester is playing for himself.

Clay kindly felt that there is no position on what is called learning, but a bachelor does. For the first time, the idea of ​​abolishing the bachelor system arose in his heart.

Let such a group of people go deep into the fortress of the nobles and be directly responsible for the lives and health of the nobles and the sending and receiving of letters. Even if most of them can abide by the bachelor's oath, there will always be restlessness. There is such a thought.

 This paragraph will end soon. After all, it is definitely inappropriate to ride a dragon and leave immediately without doing anything. For this, I have to get a bachelor. Then, let me tell you, I have been attending classes for a month , While working, I was still typing, and my whole body was numb. The update is guaranteed to be available every day, but I have to wait until next month to adjust to the double update.

(End of this chapter)

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