Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 168 Letter in the Flowing Garden

Chapter 168 Letter in the Flowing Garden

Donne is a very interesting place.

This land is not rich in products and has a small population, but it has stubbornly endured for more than 100 years in the face of the Targaryen family that owns the dragon. It was not until the end that the marriage with the Targaryen family completed the entire land. Integration of the Seven Kingdoms.

Until now, the title of the leader of Dorne is still a prince who is theoretically one level higher than all guardian dukes, which is the respect of the entire Seven Kingdoms for their achievements.

Just as their ethnic language "indomitable" said, outsiders can invade Dorne and kill the people of Dorne, but it is extremely difficult to make the Dorne people submit.

In fact, in the last 100 years, the Martell family of Dorne and the Targaryen family of the Iron Throne have always maintained a fairly close relationship, marrying each other's daughters and marrying each other, and the blood of both parties merged with each other.

In terms of who is the most loyal to the Targaryen family in the entire Seven Kingdoms, the other families have to stand aside, and Dorne is the absolute No.1.

This is why, when Rhaegar took Lyanna Stark as a mistress, and then ran to the south to make a villain, in fact, he put a colored hat on the princess Illya who stayed in King's Landing, Dorne During the war, he still supported Targaryen.

If the marriage of the past hundred years is regarded as a long-term investment, Dorne's investment can be considered as a return only if the Targaryen family sits on the Iron Throne, because this is the common blood of both parties.

You see, when Robert Baratheon came to the throne, was there a Martell in his council?The whole of Dorne immediately fell into a complete passive politically.

In terms of strength, they are definitely inferior to the other six kingdoms headed by the Iron Throne. Without the support of the Iron Throne, the Dornish people will suffer in some minor issues.

For example, in the borderlands where there are constant conflicts, it is common for the two sides to have bloody frictions, and because the Stormland itself is the king's home, how can you say that Dorne can get support in such conflicts.

Politics cannot be done with swords alone. If only violence is advocated, it will inevitably be swallowed by violence in the end.

Therefore, in theory, anyone of these big families could attack Clay and Daenerys, but Dorne would not. Their interests are deeply tied to Targaryen, and now they can't wait for the king to go ashore immediately.

Based on this, in Clay's future layout, the Martell family is a very important link. If they can get their support, this chess game will be completely alive.

Clay doesn't know what's going on with King's Landing's offensive and defensive battles, but the three peak players on the gambling table are basically stud in this game. No matter who loses, it is unacceptable.

If you are unlucky, you will move your head directly, and you will completely lose the qualification to continue playing. If you are less fortunate, you will hide from a distance, lick your wounds in the dark, and accumulate strength in order to fight again.

Anyway, no matter what, one or two must be abolished in this battle, anyway, Clay thinks so.

The three parties participating in the war have their own advantages, and all of them are good people. Clay really can't say who will be the final winner.

Now, the previous memories are useless, and Clay himself has bowed into the game and personally joined this bloody game.

After he sent away the messenger of the Iron Bank, Techu Nestos, a letter, in the name of Daenerys, was sent by Barristan, the know-it-all in Westeros, within half a month. Delivered to Sunspear City.

The well-crafted letter paper went around, followed Sir Barristan, and came to the ruling center of Dorne, the water garden of the Martell family.


Prince Doran Martell, the ruler of Dorne who has always been known for his prudence and calmness, held the letter in his hand that surprised him.

"Sir Barristan, I know you, Robert's former captain of the Kingsguard, it's really interesting that this letter was sent by you. Things in this world are really unexpected. "

Maintaining the same posture as before, Prince Doran smiled and turned the conversation to Ser Barristan. He wanted to obtain more information through this unexpected Targaryen messenger.

This letter is composed of very beautiful words, with the delicate roundness unique to women. According to Barristan Selmy, it was written by Her Majesty Daenerys Targaryen herself.

Prince Doran generally believed this statement, but there was one thing that made him a little doubtful. For some reason, he felt a strong sense of killing from behind the beautiful words in this letter.

Having stayed in the prince's position for decades, he has seen many letters of all kinds, big and small, and he thinks he can't feel wrong.

He felt that if it was written by a man who had been on the battlefield, it would be the most in line with his expectations.

"Yeah, all of us can't see the future clearly, so I'm here trying to figure out for myself a future that makes as much sense as possible."

"It's true that you didn't use those disgusting words to prevaricate me."

Prince Doran nodded, pointed to the letter paper, and asked slowly:
"As written in the letter, you invited my younger brother Oberon to Slaver's Bay. I am very curious about how the girl Daenerys conquered a city in Slaver's Bay without the help of outsiders, and effectively What governs?"

The story of Daenerys having a dragon has been spread in Essos, but it has not yet spread to Westeros. With the outbreak of the war, each family transferred back all the spies placed in Essos, and made every effort to attack the country. .

This is also equivalent to buying time for Clay and Daenerys in disguise.

In this letter, which was actually mostly dictated by Clay, Clay and Daenerys did not mention the matter of the dragon. year ship.

Some things, written in a letter, are far less convincing than people seeing them with their own eyes, which is why Clay insisted on focusing on Oberon Martell.

It's not that he has any affection for the red poisonous snake, but because he knows the physical condition of Prince Lang, it's impossible to invite him.

This No.1 in Dorne has suffered from gout for a long time, and his actions have been affected by it. Moreover, he is too cautious, so he is not a good choice.

Ser Barristan had already had a draft of the Prince's question.

"Your Majesty has her own charm, countless people follow her, and ruling Astapor is just the beginning of her career."

Clay specifically told him not to reveal his existence, not because he was worried that the Martell family would not support him, but because he was afraid that this strange name would cause obstacles to Oberon's arrival.

From the moment Gelesos fluttered its wings in the blue sky, the name Clay Manderly was completely detached from any family in Westeros. The Dragon King is the Dragon King, which cannot be underestimated by anyone.

"Really? Then Her Majesty Daenerys is not to be underestimated by a prince like me."

Doran Martell nodded, and was noncommittal to Barristan's answer. He knew that all charms were prevarications. No matter how beautiful a woman is, if she has no strength, she can only be a favor on a man's bed.

And now, the last princess of Targaryen has conquered a city without saying a word. She wouldn't believe it if she didn't have any troops to kill Doran Martell.

He immediately realized that there must be other people around Daenerys helping her, otherwise, how could a wandering woman alone do this.

After figuring this out, Prince Doran immediately became vigilant. Daenerys is a very important figure in the core plan of the Martell family who has been committed to helping Targaryen restore the country and avenging Lannister's blood hatred. important point.

With Viserys gone, there is only Daenerys, the last true Targaryen, and she is a woman, and women need men.

Even if they can't let their heirs become the Queen's pillow, the Martell family must join the Queen's command as soon as possible.

Doran Martell has already sensed the crisis. He doesn't know which force is helping Daenerys. If this force takes shape around the Queen, then even if Targaryen is restored in the future, Dorne's expectations will also be fulfilled. will mostly fail.

And the most important Lannister blood feud may also change due to the influence of this force, but this is the only thing that the Martell family can't stand.

So, this means that Oberon Martell's trip to Slaver's Bay has become a must!

(End of this chapter)

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