Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 169 The Shock of Oberon

Chapter 169 The Shock of Oberon
The wind was favorable when he came, but the wind was against the wind when he returned. After wandering in the sea for more than a month, Oberon Martell stood on the deck of the big ship with the flag of spear piercing the sun, and finally entered the waters of Slaver's Bay.

He was accompanied by Barristan Selmy, the old lord who once suggested to Oberon to change the sails to ordinary colorless sails. After all, the Martell family appeared in Slaver's Bay so ostentatiously. Stroll's eyes are naturally bad.

But the red poisonous snake with eyes as dark as the eternal night laughed. According to him, he was here to find Daenerys Targaryen. He was a family at all, and he never cared about these things.

Moreover, the great Oberon Martell will use the point of his gun to pierce the ass of anyone who dares to target him.

Regarding this, Sir Barristan could only shake his head. This Prince of Dorne has such an insolent personality, and it has never changed. He came this time and brought his mistress Ellaria Sand with him.

Along the way, Oberon Martell asked Barristan about Daenerys many times. In his opinion, if his cousin had the ability, he could just take someone back to Sunspear with him.

Now the Iron Throne and the two brothers of the Deer family are fighting together. According to the latest news, Renly, who had been outing on the Rose Avenue before, marched quickly, rushed to the city of King's Landing first, and immediately launched an attack on the city of King's Landing.

But because of the proximity, more than 2 Tywin Lannisters have returned to the army ahead of schedule after talking with the northerners, and completed the addition of the defense of King's Landing. Therefore, Renly paid some casualties, but the effect little.

As for his good brother, the King Stannis Baratheon, the confirmed news is that he summoned his vassals on Dragonstone Island and has now left Dragonstone Island, but where will he attack, Oberon Martel didn't know.

Approaching Astapor, Prince Oberon once again saw a warship with sails of the red dragon flag on a black background after a lapse of more than ten years, and it was not one.

Squinting his eyes, the Prince of Dorne, who had traveled all over the world in the early years, could tell at a glance that besides the sailors, there were some soldiers with black helmets and black armor standing on board.

Thinking of the name Astapor, Prince Oberon immediately reflected. He fixed his eyes on Ser Barristan, and said in a strange tone:
"Barristan, you won't tell me that these Unsullied are all under the orders of Your Majesty the Queen?"

Barristan Selmy, who was sitting on the sidelines in a daze, felt a little joy when he heard Oberon's question. He understood that the Prince of Dorne was taken aback.

It's not that Oberyn Martell is a child without a city. People who know what the Unsullied are, probably will ask this question. The reputation of these guys is not limited to the place of Slaver's Bay.

After thinking about it, these Unsullied really don't listen to Daenerys in theory. Now, they recognize His Majesty Clay who holds the commanding scepter of the Unsullied. However, think about His Majesty Clay and Dany Liz's relationship, it's not wrong to say that they obey Daenerys.

"Yes, these Unsullied fought for the Targaryen banner."

As soon as these words came out, Oberon's heart became active. He had stayed in Essos when he was young, so he knew exactly what the price of the Unsullied was.

What if the Unsullied were snatched by Daenerys?Oberon thought to himself, but he quickly dismissed the idea.

Because the scepter had always been in the hands of the slave traders before the Unsullied sold it, and if they could snatch these things from them, they would have to take them all at once.

And to have the ability to take them all at once, what is the difference from directly defeating Astapor?
Just as he was thinking about it, Oberon suddenly noticed something. On the left side of his ship, a long Braavos fleet appeared. If he read it correctly, the sign on it was... Iron vault!

Turning his head suddenly, Oberon Martell stared straight at Barristan, and said word by word:

"Could it be that these guys also came to see your queen as a guest?"

The Iron Bank appeared with great fanfare, not a single ship, but an entire fleet. There was only one explanation for this. The Targaryen ruler had already negotiated a price with the Iron Bank, and Auberton didn't even need to guess. What is on it, apart from some gold, must be a large number of weapons, food, and even war horses.

He grabbed Barristan's breastplate. The prince's hand was so strong that the iron creaked.

"Tell me, Barristan, what the hell did you queen do? Who is helping her? Don't take me for a fool. This is the Unsullied and the Iron Bank. How can she have such great power?!"

Barristan Selmy frowned and just wanted to explain something, and then he saw the sky behind Prince Oberon, and then he let go of the palm of Oberon's arm.

"His Royal Highness, I think you should go and see for yourself..."

Oberon Martelton was on fire, you old bastard has been a riddler all the way, now you're at your place, and you're still here playing riddles with me, I...

Then, he heard the screams and noises erupting from the surrounding fleet, and a strange sound of air vibration came from behind Oberon. The experienced warrior turned instinctively and looked at the source of the sound. .


He just froze there...

He saw a blue-gold giant dragon swooping down from the sky, heading towards Iron Bank's fleet.

The roar of the dragon echoed on the sea, directly causing the prince's brain to crash. Beside him, the beautiful Ellaria Sand opened her red lips like a sculpture.

The giant dragon descended, circled around the Iron Bank fleet, and then took off in a circle. Oberon had excellent eyesight, and he saw very clearly that there were people on the dragon's back, two people!

The cynical Prince of Dorne, under Ser Barristan's gaze, made a gesture that almost made him laugh:
He rubbed his eyes hard!

Behind the long tail of the big blue-gold guy, three smaller dragons also flapped their wings to follow, and let out bursts of relatively immature roars at the fleet under their feet.

Oberyn Martell's Adam's Apple twitched violently, and he didn't know how he managed to calm himself down, because Ser Barristan had come to him.

"Welcome to Astapor. I hope that the welcoming ceremony of the two Majesties to His Royal Highness just now did not scare you."

This is actually pure nonsense, because Daenerys and Clay on Gelesos's back have no idea that Oberon will come to Astapor today, and they are coming for the Iron Treasury fleet.

Sometimes it is stupid to dismount, but sometimes it is the only way to win respect.

Directly drive a strategic bomber like the Dragon, which has almost unlimited battery life, over the head of the Iron Bank fleet, and show them a little shock from the Dragon King.

Barristan didn't know what the Iron Bank's reaction was. Anyway, the Prince of Dorne from Sunspear City was blinking his eyes hard, trying to organize his words and wanted to say something, but there were too many things to ask. Can't say a word.

Oberon roared wildly in his heart, he actually saw a giant dragon, not one, but four, and most importantly, that blue-gold one, how could it be so big?

And, who is the man on the dragon's back?How can there be other people who can control dragons besides Daenerys in this world?

In an instant, countless possibilities flashed through the Prince of Dorne's mind, but no matter what, this was a mixed news.

The advantage lies in the return of the dragon. The Targaryen family has a dragon again after a hundred years. The status of the heir to the Iron Throne is now certain. As long as the softies of the Seven Kingdoms see the dragon, they will sacrifice their castle. , kneel down please surrender.

What makes Oberon uneasy is that according to Oberon's intuition, the man on the dragon's back may be the real master of the dragon. The queen is hard to say.

Oberon is a relatively pure person. In his worldview, family feuds always come first. If the Dragon King promises him revenge on Lannister, Oberon doesn't want to argue with him.

But after that, he must be responsible for the surname of Martell. The family will inevitably support Targaryen, but correspondingly, they must get enough returns in this future kingdom.

Originally, Oberon Martell was full of confidence in his trip, but now, he suddenly became worried.

Looking at Barristan Selmy's old smiling face, Oberon Martell finally understood why Daenerys, a troubled princess, had earned such a huge fortune.

Good guy, this dragon is riding directly on the face, as long as the good lords of Astapor are not stupid, they must open the city gate and swear allegiance to Daenerys.

"Barristan, can you...can you tell me, a fool who doesn't know anything, about the identity of that person just now?"

Barristan could hear Prince Oberon grinding his teeth.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is waiting for you in the city. Now I can tell you that it is His Majesty's intention to invite you this time. You, Donne, are extremely important on His Majesty's chessboard."


Oberon Martell was dissatisfied with Barristan calling his family a pawn on someone's chessboard, but from the bottom of his heart, he had to admit that the Dragon King and his giant dragon really had the qualifications .

When the battleship docked, the Unsullied were already waiting on the shore in a neat line. It wasn't that they knew the meaning of the spear piercing the sun flag, but they recognized the ship that Barristan left on.

After getting off the boat, Barristan pointed to the Oberons who followed them off the boat, and said to an Unsullied officer:
"Recognize me, please go and tell His Majesty about the arrival of distinguished guests from Sunspear City. I hope His Majesty will make preparations early in the palace."

It stands to reason that the Unsullied only obeys Clay alone, but the Unsullied in front of him is also a person, and his mind can still turn. He knows that this old man is His Majesty's bodyguard, and the two people behind him don't look like ordinary people, so , he hesitated a little, nodded and said:

"Yes, but before that, these two people are not allowed to approach His Majesty's palace."

"Alright, I will arrange for them to stay temporarily in the city, waiting for His Majesty's order."

Barristan was well aware of the behavior style of this group of Unsullied, so he didn't say much at the moment, leading the frowning and thinking Oberons into the city.

(End of this chapter)

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