Game of Thrones: I loaded the witcher system.

Chapter 170 The king is in a high position, the prince has an audience

Chapter 170 The king is in a high position, the prince has an audience

Clay really didn't know that Oberon would arrive today, but it didn't matter. In the current situation, it is true that the supplies and food promised by the Iron Bank are in place. The Martell family is the future ally, not the present.

He took Daenerys and flew over the Iron Bank fleet on a dragon, implying deterrence. Only by letting the real dragon appear in front of these people can they kill their arrogance and let them let go of what they shouldn't have. thought.

Sure enough, when Clay saw the envoy of the Iron Bank Fleet, the latter's attitude towards him was much better than that of Techu Nestors last time. Although it was not so easy to speak, Clay felt for the first time that, These guys take themselves seriously.

There's no way, most people in this world are essentially... ah, no, they all belong to the type of people who are immediately cowarded when they are powerful. Obviously, the guy in front of him is like this.

The fleet docked without any resistance, and the Unsullied, who was as cold as ice, immediately rushed aboard and took control of the entire fleet.

Originally, Iron Bank meant that the things had been delivered, but they needed to talk to Clay again. The proud bankers of Braavos generally agreed with the conditions that Taichu Nestors took back last time.

But they couldn't tolerate a little guy who seemed to them a beggar to dare to defy the charity of these generous gentlemen, which was detrimental to the dignity of gentlemen.

Therefore, deliberately embarrassing Clay this time was actually an action to protect the face of the gentlemen, but these real executors were directly frightened by the figure of Gelesos.

Between the decency of the distinguished bankers and their own lives, these guys chose the latter very conscientiously. Anyway, the well-dressed big shots would not really ask themselves how they finished.

After eating all the supplies in one gulp, a wave of fat Clay entertained the leaders of the Iron Treasury Fleet contentedly. These people who ate a meal trembled and tasted like chewing wax.

The reason is very simple. Daenerys, who doesn't talk about martial arts, brought her three children, the smaller Drogon, to the banquet scene, and directly performed a dragon-feeding scene in front of these envoys. .

Well, how should I say it?It can only be evaluated as an outstanding effect, because when these guys left, the speed at which they left could catch up with the speed of Kleinan's charge when he went down to attack the Lannister army.

When the matter was over, the Unsullied finally saw that the master was free, so he walked to the gate of the main hall and passed the news to Clay through Missandei who was passing by.

After Clay understood what Missandei meant, he immediately raised his eyebrows, patted Daenerys who was a little drunk, and said softly:

"Wake up, clean yourself up, the Martell family is here."

Daenerys probably drank a few more glasses because she was happy. Since she was a child, she has been restricted by Viserys from drinking, and she has been displaced. Before meeting Clay, she had no money to buy good wine.

Now, Daenerys has been well developed by Clay, and she has also become a master of wine country with Clay in terms of wine. However, the little queen's drinking capacity is not good, so after hearing Clay's words, she became red. A look of obvious doubt appeared on his face.

The long eyelashes fluttered, which meant very clearly, who is the Martell family?
Clay glanced helplessly at the drunkard. There was a quick way to deal with this situation, so he raised his hand...


The voice was not loud, because there were still maids shuttled back and forth to tidy up at this banquet, but Clay's control over his hand muscles had already been extremely good. This slap did not attract anyone's attention, but it... well, it hurt a little .

Immediately, Daenerys reached down with one hand, instinctively wanting to cover the pain, but fortunately, she was not completely drunk, and immediately realized how embarrassing it would be to be seen by others.

Glaring at Clay with her face flushed, Daenerys didn't want to understand why she was beaten, but immediately, her brain, which was affected by alcohol's network connection, finally turned, and she remembered what the Martell family was.

"Clay... You just said that the Martell family is here? The Martell family of Sunspear City?"

"Yes, we didn't invite anyone after all, did we?"

Daenerys immediately understood the seriousness of this matter. This is an important negotiation between the three families and cannot be sloppy.

The fire of shame and anger that had just risen in her was extinguished in an instant, and after holding it in for a long time, she said sullenly:
"Next time, don't hit me without telling me!"

"It's a must. Whether I tell you or not depends on my mood."


When Oberon, who had just galloped on his mistress Ellaria Sand and entered the time of the sage, was notified by Barristan that he could meet, Oberon immediately became energetic. This is why he came here Top priority.

No matter how cynical, Oberon still gave the Targaryen who owns the dragon enough face. He put on the most status-defining costume of the Prince of Dorne, and Ellaria Sand, who was also wearing a gorgeous long dress, walked away. Into the palace of Clay and Daenerys.

Fortunately, Westeros didn't hold the marriage partner too deadly, otherwise, Ellaria, whose surname is Shad, would not be qualified to come to the audience with Oberon at all.

Walking into the palace, Oberon told himself with a keen nose that there must have been a banquet held here not long ago, and he reckoned that it was for the Iron Treasury fleet he saw.

He didn't have any dissatisfaction with this matter, because obviously, he represented the future, and the money of the Iron Bank was urgently needed at the moment, so it was nothing strange to see them first.

However, when Oberon cast his eyes on the two figures that were very close to the throne, his breathing still paused severely.

He saw that three small dragons were entangled around the couple.

The woman with silver hair and purple eyes, no need to guess, must be Daenerys Targaryen, but the question is, who is the man who is stroking the slender neck of the green dragon.

"Welcome, guests from afar, I'm sorry I wasn't able to entertain you in time, presumably, you two don't care about the shabby food here."

"Take a seat. I still have two bottles of good wine here, which can be regarded as an apology for the poor hospitality of His Royal Highness."

Clay didn't have to apologize to Oberon Martell, he didn't have to.

Missandei, who was standing on the sidelines, seated the two of Oberon, and then poured two glasses of fragrant wine for them.

Oberon sniffled and glanced at the wine glass, the unknown person was right, this is indeed a good bottle of wine.

However, compared to these, he wanted to know the identity of this person, so he asked:
"As the host, can you introduce yourself to us guests?"

"Of course, Your Royal Highness, you may have heard of my name."

Clay smiled, exchanged glances with Daenerys, and then said slowly:

"My name is Clay Manderly."

The slender eyebrows were tightly curled together, and Oberyn Martell racked his brains to think, he had indeed heard of this name, but he really couldn't remember where it was for a while.

However, when he thought of Clay's surname, suddenly, the memory of the briefing about the North and the Lannister War immediately resurfaced in his mind.

Suddenly startled, he stood up and shouted in disbelief:
"Clay Manderly? Is that you?"

 The unit worked overtime very late today, a little less, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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